Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

For liberals, this is an insult

"Trump has never understood anything about government, so he doesn’t know what the C.D.C. versus the F.D.A. versus FEMA should do." - NYT's Maureen Dowd

Being ignorant of the thing you are on charge of is not a good thing to most people
Trump takes office...national debt at 19,947,304,555,212
Today the national debt is at 23,514,534,990,918
Oh snowflake...

MaObama takes office - national debt stands at $10 trillion and some change
MaObama leaves office - national debt stands at $20 trillion and some change

Doesn't take a Harvard mathematician on this one. MaObama added as much to the national debt in 8 years as all presidents in U.S. history combined did in the 233 years before him.
Being ignorant of the thing you are on charge of is not a good thing to most people
A lesson the American people learned after electing MaObama. That's why we turned the nation over to President Trump. We've never seen such affective and efficient leadership in the federal government as we have seen with President Trump. Took him just a couple of years to completely undo the dumpster fire that MaObama and the Dumbocrats created.
Oh snowflake...

MaObama takes office - national debt stands at $10 trillion and some change
MaObama leaves office - national debt stands at $20 trillion and some change

Doesn't take a Harvard mathematician on this one. MaObama added as much to the national debt in 8 years as all presidents in U.S. history combined did in the 233 years before him.

Let's do some real math....

The first day of Obama's first full FY the debt stood at $11,920,519,164,319
The last day of Obama's final FY budget the debt stood at $20,244,900,016,053

So, not more than all U.S. history combined did in the 233 years before him did, but close.

Do you know who did add more than U.S. history combined did in the 212 years before him....Ronnie did.

Back to Obama....we added $2,782,212,852 per day under Obama budgets.

Since 1 Oct 2017, Trump's first budget year we have added $3,605,184,095 per day....and that does not include anything that will be added to it after today's 2 trillion was put on the credit card.

At this rate Trump will blow Obama's record for debt out the window
It's hardly fair that Trump follows the kenyan lawn jockey which, to date, is widely regarded as THE.WORST.FUCKING.PRESIDENT.EVER™

It just makes him look that much better.... it's like a hot chick going to the club with her chubby BFF.

The first day of Obama's first full FY the debt stood at $11,920,519,164,319
It is really something watching Gulping Gayturd lie every time she posts. The National Debt was nowhere near $12 trillion the day MaObama took office.
When Obama was sworn in on Jan. 20, 2009, the debt was $10.626 trillion
$10 trillion and change - exactly as I stated. An indisputable fact.

Let's do some real math....
Snowflake, the only thing you are doing is real meth.
Do you know who did add more than U.S. history combined did in the 212 years before him....Ronnie did.
Snowflake, Ronald Reagan added $2 trillion to the national debt. MaObama added 5x’s what Reagan did. Dumb ass. :laugh:
Thank you, President Trump...
Prior to the COVID-19 epidemic, the U.S. economy was incredibly strong. We had record-low unemployment, more jobs available than Americans looking for work, and strong income growth, with the lowest-income workers experiencing the largest gains.
The left will do what they always do - attempt to rewrite history. But it’s documented and the internet is forever.

Thank you, President Trump. Once again, you are vindicated by history. And once again, the indisputable facts expose the left for liars and sufferers of Trump Derangement Syndrome...
The Trump administration’s decision to ban most foreign nationals who had been to China in the last two weeks from traveling to the United States amid an accelerating outbreak of a novel coronavirus there was preceded by calls for similar policies from conservative lawmakers and far-right supporters of the president. Public health experts, however, warn that the move could do more harm than good.
History will forever remember that it was the policies of the (and I quote) “far-right” that saved millions and millions of lives. And that the so-called “health experts” placed their own feelings of hatred for Trump over the lives of people.

Health experts warn China travel ban would hinder coronavirus response
Do you know who did add more than U.S. history combined did in the 212 years before him....Ronnie did.
Snowflake, Ronald Reagan added $2 trillion to the national debt. MaObama added 5x’s what Reagan did. Dumb ass. :laugh:
And Reagan, not Obama, was still the last president to add more debt than all other presidents before him combined. Are you ever not a buttplug? Ever??
Do you know who did add more than U.S. history combined did in the 212 years before him....Ronnie did.
Snowflake, Ronald Reagan added $2 trillion to the national debt. MaObama added 5x’s what Reagan did. Dumb ass. :laugh:
And Reagan, not Obama, was still the last president to add more debt than all other presidents before him combined. Are you ever not a buttplug? Ever??
Well, actually if you go by budget years starting with their first budget, then Bush II did as well.
Are you ever not a buttplug?
Are you ever not focused on all things homosexual and male-anal? You make normal people want to throw up.

I can't believe you're still using that extremely gay term 5 years after it started with you getting caught posting a screen shot that showed browser tabs open to really, really homosexual shit.

That fact is - MaObama added 5x's what Ronald Reagan did (500 fucking percent) and added as much in 8 years as all presidents in U.S. history combined did in the previous 233 years.

Stick with your disturbing homosexual browsing, Faun over Men. You're way out of your league trying to discuss American politics and history. I'm too well versed. And you're too ignorant due to spending so much time on queer surfing.
...added as much in 8 years as all presidents in U.S. history combined did in the previous 233 years.

Why do you keep repeating this lie after it has been prove to be false?

And why do you not care that Reagan added more in 8 years as all presidents in U.S. history combined did in the previous 212 years?
And why do you not care that Reagan added more in 8 years as all presidents in U.S. history combined did in the previous 212 years?
  1. Reagan took over the second worst economy in U.S. history (behind only the Great Depression and far worse than what Obama inherited) and had to completely rebuild the military (as we do every time a Dumbocrat leaves office)
  2. $10 trillion is a shit-ton more than $2 trillion (5x's as much). Only a jack-hole would be worried about significantly less from 40 years ago and ignore significantly more from the previous administration.
And why do you not care that Reagan added more in 8 years as all presidents in U.S. history combined did in the previous 212 years?
  1. Reagan took over the second worst economy in U.S. history (behind only the Great Depression and far worse than what Obama inherited) and had to completely rebuild the military (as we do every time a Dumbocrat leaves office)
  2. $10 trillion is a shit-ton more than $2 trillion (5x's as much). Only a jack-hole would be worried about significantly less from 40 years ago and ignore significantly more from the previous administration.

1. This is why we have 23 trillion in debt and growing faster than ever, mindless sheep like you always make excuses for why your party does it....when you do it is is very different.

2. I worry about it from all sides, Obama's debt is one of the reasons I rank him the 2nd worst POTUS ever. You on the other hand eat the peanuts out of the shit from a man adding debt faster than Obama did...even before the COVID crisis.
Why did American capitalists outsource our manufacturing/production capacity/capability to communists?

So American capitalists would not have to hire americans. Fweedumb.
Why were they paid by the gubmit the move the plants to Communist countries?

Because big government types didn't want them hiring Americans. TaxTheRichDumb

Son, you have no idea how capital has become your big govt, get current, it happened decades ago now. Bipartisanly by the way.

You can stomp your feet and whine, but you can't change facts.
1. This is why we have 23 trillion in debt and growing faster than ever, mindless sheep like you always make excuses for why your party does it....when you do it is is very different.
Snowflake...I'm not mindless. You asked, I answered. We're $23 trillion in debt because of the unconstitutional communist bullshit programs people like you mooch off of.

We're $23 trillion in debt because of Social Security, SNAP, welfare, Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, government subsidized housing, and grants to study shrimp running on underwater treadmills.

Guess what - Ronald Reagan had 0 to do with any of that. Every single program I just listed, the Republican Party tried to stop. Every. Single. One.

But ignorant parasites like yourself don't give a damn. All you care about is keeping that gravy train flowing in your direction.
Snowflake...I'm not mindless. You asked, I answered. We're $23 trillion in debt because of the unconstitutional communist bullshit programs people like you mooch off of.

We're $23 trillion in debt because of Social Security, SNAP, welfare, Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, government subsidized housing, and grants to study shrimp running on underwater treadmills.

Guess what - Ronald Reagan had 0 to do with any of that. Every single program I just listed, the Republican Party tried to stop. Every. Single. One.

But ignorant parasites like yourself don't give a damn. All you care about is keeping that gravy train flowing in your direction.

you are one of the most mindless people on this forum, and that is saying a lot.

We are $23 trillion in debt because both parties spend like drunken sailors on shore leave and people like you will never hold their own party accountable so there is no reason for them to stop doing so.

Reagan added more to the debt than all 39 president that came before him..and you worship him as a demigod, second only to the main god Trump.

Before this virus broke out, Trump was adding debt faster than anyone in our nation's history and you literally worship the ground he walks on. By the time Trump leaves the white house, assuming he wins in Nov, he will blow Obama's record for adding to the debt out of the water...but you do not give a shit.

Fucks like you do not give a fuck about the debt except when the wrong party is sitting in the White House.

You all me a parasite yet I proudly served this country while you hid in your mommy's basement. You are such a low status person you did not even know that some of us have to send the government a check every year to cover the difference in what we owe that is not paid by payroll deductions. So, do not talk to me about being a parasite till you have to actually pay the government some money instead of getting it all back and then some.

Take your mindless head and shove it back up Trump's ass and wait for your next talking points email to tell you what to post.

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