Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

Trump might go down?

Believe me -- if I was married to Melania, I might go down, too.

Naw, you never go down on a hooker, who knows what you'd catch.

If she was all that, he wouldn't be out fucking porn stars.
Joe your refusal to go down on Melania, proves you’re gay. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

As I recall, you did like the idea of going down on Ears.

To each his own dude.
In their infinite ignorance, the left thinks this is all about President Trump’s “ego”. In reality, this is one of the shrewdest political moves in history. Just months before the election, every single U.S. citizen is going to see his name. That’s tens of millions in campaign advertising for free. And...every single voter is reminded of who lead the effort to get that money into their bank account. Fucking masterful. Absolutely masterful. While the low IQ left is playing checkers, President Trump is playing chess. No wonder he keeps winning.

In unprecedented move, Treasury orders Trump’s name printed on stimulus checks
It's not about Trump. It's about those who follow him, enable his worst impulses, grasp at what they personally want, and ignore everything else.

History has shown us this many times. And now we have another one of these men. We need to examine why we refuse to learn from history.
It's not about Trump. It's about those who follow him, enable his worst impulses, focus on what they personally want, and ignore everything else.

History has shown us this many times. And now we have another one of these men. We need to look at why we refuse to learn from history.
It's about keeping leftists out of Washington. They are anti-American and morally deficient. They want to dump this country into a cesspool of third world sewage. Anybody who can keep these turds out is a great American. Therefore, Trump is a great American and a great president.
In their infinite ignorance, the left thinks this is all about President Trump’s “ego”. In reality, this is one of the shrewdest political moves in history. Just months before the election, every single U.S. citizen is going to see his name. That’s tens of millions in campaign advertising for free. And...every single voter is reminded of who lead the effort to get that money into their bank account. Fucking masterful. Absolutely masterful. While the low IQ left is playing checkers, President Trump is playing chess. No wonder he keeps winning.

In unprecedented move, Treasury orders Trump’s name printed on stimulus checks

Do you really think this is a good thing? You’re OK with a candidate getting taxpayer funded campaign advertising

You’ve admitted the motivation for this move, which is more than most Trombie morons will do. So there’s that.

Are you also OK that he lied about it yesterday? He claims to be out of the loop on the decision to make sure his name is on the check.

And....he didn’t lead ( correct usage ) the effort to get this money to citizens.
It's not about Trump. It's about those who follow him, enable his worst impulses, focus on what they personally want, and ignore everything else.

History has shown us this many times. And now we have another one of these men. We need to look at why we refuse to learn from history.
It's about keeping leftists out of Washington. They are anti-American and morally deficient. They want to dump this country into a cesspool of third world sewage. Anybody who can keep these turds out is a great American. Therefore, Trump is a great American and a great president.
"They are anti-American and morally deficient."

Yeah they should emulate Impeached Trump and hire illegal aliens, do a lot of their business outside of the U.S., and cheat on every wife they upgrade to.
In their infinite ignorance, the left thinks this is all about President Trump’s “ego”. In reality, this is one of the shrewdest political moves in history. Just months before the election, every single U.S. citizen is going to see his name. That’s tens of millions in campaign advertising for free. And...every single voter is reminded of who lead the effort to get that money into their bank account. Fucking masterful. Absolutely masterful. While the low IQ left is playing checkers, President Trump is playing chess. No wonder he keeps winning.

In unprecedented move, Treasury orders Trump’s name printed on stimulus checks

Do you really think this is a good thing? You’re OK with a candidate getting taxpayer funded campaign advertising

You’ve admitted the motivation for this move, which is more than most Trombie morons will do. So there’s that.

Are you also OK that he lied about it yesterday? He claims to be out of the loop on the decision to make sure his name is on the check.

And....he didn’t lead ( correct usage ) the effort to get this money to citizens.
In their infinite ignorance, the left thinks this is all about President Trump’s “ego”. In reality, this is one of the shrewdest political moves in history. Just months before the election, every single U.S. citizen is going to see his name. That’s tens of millions in campaign advertising for free. And...every single voter is reminded of who lead the effort to get that money into their bank account. Fucking masterful. Absolutely masterful. While the low IQ left is playing checkers, President Trump is playing chess. No wonder he keeps winning.

In unprecedented move, Treasury orders Trump’s name printed on stimulus checks
In an expected move, Buttplug unwittingly admits Impeached trump lied when he said it wasn't his idea to put his name on the stimulus checks.

His own link says it was.

It's not about Trump. It's about those who follow him, enable his worst impulses, focus on what they personally want, and ignore everything else.

History has shown us this many times. And now we have another one of these men. We need to look at why we refuse to learn from history.
It's about keeping leftists out of Washington. They are anti-American and morally deficient. They want to dump this country into a cesspool of third world sewage. Anybody who can keep these turds out is a great American. Therefore, Trump is a great American and a great president.
"They are anti-American and morally deficient."

Yeah they should emulate Impeached Trump and hire illegal aliens, do a lot of their business outside of the U.S., and cheat on every wife they upgrade to.
Nah. They should just leave the country. I hear Argentina and Venezuela are nice this time of year.
In their infinite ignorance, the left thinks this is all about President Trump’s “ego”. In reality, this is one of the shrewdest political moves in history. Just months before the election, every single U.S. citizen is going to see his name. That’s tens of millions in campaign advertising for free. And...every single voter is reminded of who lead the effort to get that money into their bank account. Fucking masterful. Absolutely masterful. While the low IQ left is playing checkers, President Trump is playing chess. No wonder he keeps winning.

In unprecedented move, Treasury orders Trump’s name printed on stimulus checks
So he’s making this pandemic political. Guess he owns the shutdown.
Dr. Fauci on working with Trump: "He asks a lot of questions. That's his nature. He's constantly asking questions. And I never, in the multiple times I've done that, where I said, 'For scientific reasons we really should do this,' that he hasn't said, 'Let's do it.'"
Coronavirus has guaranteed Trump will win in November.
but maybe we should have a third world war just to make sure?
Dr. Fauci on working with Trump: "He asks a lot of questions. That's his nature. He's constantly asking questions. And I never, in the multiple times I've done that, where I said, 'For scientific reasons we really should do this,' that he hasn't said, 'Let's do it.'"
Coronavirus has guaranteed Trump will win in November.
Repubs love a complete shutdown of the country? Wow
In their infinite ignorance, the left thinks this is all about President Trump’s “ego”. In reality, this is one of the shrewdest political moves in history. Just months before the election, every single U.S. citizen is going to see his name. That’s tens of millions in campaign advertising for free. And...every single voter is reminded of who lead the effort to get that money into their bank account. Fucking masterful. Absolutely masterful. While the low IQ left is playing checkers, President Trump is playing chess. No wonder he keeps winning.

Only Poodle would think that millions of people losing their jobs and getting taunted by Trump's name on the relief check is a winner for him.

Of course, most people will get that check deposited electronically... and will never see his name.
Do you really think this is a good thing?
Nope. But man was it politically shrewd.
You’re OK with a candidate getting taxpayer funded campaign advertising
Nope. But Mulatto MaObama did far worse. Aside from abusing the office for his campaigns, he even weaponized the IRS to suppress conservative organizations.
Are you also OK that he lied about it yesterday? He claims to be out of the loop on the decision to make sure his name is on the check.
If that’s true (that he said it and yet he is in the loop), then it is the most benign, irrelevant lie in the history of Washington D.C.

Truly remarkable something that trivial has you upset about it enough to go to a website and write about, yet you worshipped Mulatto MaObama who told some of the most egregious lies to ever come out of the White House.
So he’s making this pandemic political.
Oh snowflake...when you’re an elected official in Washington D.C...everything is political.

What did your god, Rahm Emanuel say? “Never let a crisis go to waste”. Funny how you loved that but find Trump’s masterful political move so “upsetting”.
Guess he owns the shutdown.
What the fuck does that even mean? :lmao:

“Owns” the “shutdown”? Like, he bought it? I know he’s a wealthy billionaire, but can you buy a “shutdown”? :laugh:
Of course, most people will get that check deposited electronically... and will never see his name.
The controversy (and subsequent article) is exclusively about the printed checks with President Trump’s name on them. :lmao:

Nobody does stupid quite like Joe Blow.
Only Poodle would think that millions of people losing their jobs and getting taunted by Trump's name on the relief check is a winner for him.
Folks, allow me to break down Joe’s actual posts here on USMB...

China (communist nation which murders, oppresses, and is responsible for the world-wide pandemic) is the gold standard that all nations should aspire to

U.S. (which has eliminated dictators and tyranny around the world) is “evil”

Mulatto MaObama (who passed trillions of dollars in 4 separate rounds of “stimulus”) is a “savior” despite being responsible for tanking the economy in the first place.

President Trump (responding to a pandemic caused by China) is “taunting the American people with the same “stimulus” as Mulatto MaObama
Of course, most people will get that check deposited electronically... and will never see his name.
The controversy (and subsequent article) is exclusively about the printed checks with President Trump’s name on them. :lmao:

Nobody does stupid quite like Joe Blow.

He has a flair for saying exactly the wrong things.
He's not the least intelligent, though. Probably RealDave is.
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