Donald Trump: Nukes on the table to stop ISIL. Your thoughts?

I think one way way to deal with ISIS is with an international force of specially trained, well-funded, heavily armed, air-supported storm troopers empowered by the threat of all-out unified invasion of any nation which resists incursion for the exclusive purpose of wiping out ISIS. If necessary, chase them all over the Middle East until the last one is summarily killed.

Every nation which has experienced terrorist action should contribute troops and funding; U.S., U.K., France, Germany, Russia, Denmark, Sweden and Spain. (Who did I miss?)
Or we can stop expending American lives and instead send unmanned MIRVs. Make glass, not war.
Close enough.
No, not close enough. IT is either true or it is not.

You fucktard liberals are just so wuick to lie when it suits you. You know no one with any sense believes your bullshit any more, right? Only naive college students and then they drop the bullshit once they get a job and pay their own damned bills.
Does Daesh even care about Mecca?
I thought their brand of Islam rejected all shrines etc.
Mecca is not just a shrine. It has the black meteor that they place some kind of significance in, I cant remember, it has been awhile. But when they do a haj they walk to it from some spot and then do circles around it.


Makkah Images‎ ¦ Makkah Pictures ¦ Makkah Photos‎ ¦ Hajj Umrah
They got A/C tents for 3mil plus and they not take one refugee. That makes me angry too! Trump is right. We run by stupid people. We get bad deals. We lose at everything. We have idiots in charge. Yes all of them. Boner, McConnell, Pelsoi, Reid ALL of them but some small group of ~30 true patriots. The rest don't seem to care if the country collapses as long as they get paid in advance. Fools. Anger. Hate!
Now these yahoos are calling them Dash. Like the old laundry detergent or some Kardashian store. First it was ISIS then BHO started his ISIL crap, then they start they really on top of things. "we" so stupid we don't even know who "they" genius are going after. Fork them. Fork them running. Not worth one honorable American Soldier to be hurt under this bozo regime chasing down animals to read them rights! Damn Damn Damn.
Now these yahoos are calling them Dash. Like the old laundry detergent or some Kardashian store. First it was ISIS then BHO started his ISIL crap, then they start they really on top of things. "we" so stupid we don't even know who "they" genius are going after. Fork them. Fork them running. Not worth one honorable American Soldier to be hurt under this bozo regime chasing down animals to read them rights! Damn Damn Damn.
It's 'Daesh'.
I use it because I don't want to give them the dignity of describing them as a state - and apparently they hate it, having threatened to cut out the tongue of anyone using it.
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It's 'Daesh'.
I use it because I don't want to give them the dignity of describing them as a state.

Sorry. I heard Ketchup Kerry or somebody on radio using Daesh recently (this week). I did not mean you were yahoo. "they" started it. LOL. We need a "sorry" button.
Reality - Isis vs The World


They ain't burning lizards in those cages, not lizards in airports.

Do you enjoy innocent women and children dying in the name of Islam?

Can't have a conversation with you, you do not understand metaphor, analogy, or scale. You rely on emotional images of very rare but horrific incidents. You know very well no one here is arguing "oh who cares about those people, blah blah blah." It just makes you feel like you are holding high ground by using emotional fallacies to argue with. Constructed lies.

The US helping its allies in WW2 defeated Japan and Germany, two of the most modern, powerful nations on Earth. With tens of millions of soliders equipped with the best military equipment in the world. Two nations with massive economies, massive industries, and massive standing armies.

Isis has 25,000 soldiers with few heavy weapons, no nation, no economy, no industry, and no allies.

Go read about scale, and then come back. You are a chicken with it's head cut off running around screaming how the world is about to end.

We will defeat them, it may take 50 years, but they can't win. And these small attacks may continue for decades, even if we invade the entire middle east. But they can't win. Ever. And it won't matter who is president, or whether we have space lasers, or who is scared of their own shadow and wants to hide in their basement. Reality is hard sometimes, you need to grow up and face it.
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Does Daesh even care about Mecca?
I thought their brand of Islam rejected all shrines etc.
Mecca is not just a shrine. It has the black meteor that they place some kind of significance in, I cant remember, it has been awhile. But when they do a haj they walk to it from some spot and then do circles around it.


Makkah Images‎ ¦ Makkah Pictures ¦ Makkah Photos‎ ¦ Hajj Umrah

Holy shit....that thing looks so fucking bombable.
Reality - Isis vs The World


They ain't burning lizards in those cages, not lizards in airports.

Do you enjoy innocent women and children dying in the name of Islam?

Can't have a conversation with you, you do not understand metaphor, analogy, or scale. You rely on emotional images of very rare but horrific incidents. You know very well no one here is arguing "oh who cares about those people, blah blah blah." It just makes you feel like you are holding high ground by using emotional fallacies to argue with. Constructed lies.

The US helping its allies in WW2 defeated Japan and Germany, two of the most modern, powerful nations on Earth. With tens of millions of soliders equipped with the best military equipment in the world. Two nations with massive economies, massive industries, and massive standing armies.

Isis has 25,000 soldiers with few heavy weapons, no nation, no economy, no industry, and no allies.

Go read about scale, and then come back. You are a chicken with it's head cut off running around screaming how the world is about to end.

We will defeat them, it may take 50 years, but they can't win. And these small attacks may continue for decades, even if we invade the entire middle east But they can't win. Ever. And it won't matter who is president, or whether we have space lasers, or who is scared of their own shadow and wants to hide in their basement. Reality is hard sometimes, you need to grow up and face it.
Top rant!!!!
Close enough.
No, not close enough. IT is either true or it is not.

You fucktard liberals are just so wuick to lie when it suits you. You know no one with any sense believes your bullshit any more, right? Only naive college students and then they drop the bullshit once they get a job and pay their own damned bills.

Insane Trump said he would nuke ISIS as far back as last August. The interview on Meet The Press on Sunday was a confirmation that he still considered a nuke as an option.

His ego will not allow him to admit his comments last August were wrong and stupid. Instead, he is doubling down on stupid.
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Trump talked about going after the families of terrorist and then his son was threatened. The guy hasn't learned that his words have ramifications and I really don't have any more faith in him keeping America safe than I do in Obama.
That idiot in North Korea must be happy and all smiles to finally get someone to agree with him that it is OK to put the threat of a nuke on the table.
Trump did not say that, moron.

Do you ever get a god damned thing correct?
Close enough. He can scam his suckers but the rest of the world doesn't fall for his crap.

Not even close, you dumb shit. I don't support Trump, yet I won't lie about what he says like you.
ABC News just reported that Donald Trump said that if he were President nuclear weapons would be a last resort against ISIL. What do you think about using nukes on them?

We shouldn't use nukes against them.

He said " a last resort", when is a last resort necessary, when they've overrun 49 states and only have Rhode Island to go?
ABC News just reported that Donald Trump said that if he were President nuclear weapons would be a last resort against ISIL. What do you think about using nukes on them?

We shouldn't use nukes against them.

He said " a last resort", when is a last resort necessary, when they've overrun 49 states and only have Rhode Island to go?
Probably when they tweet something insulting about his hair at 3am.
Another stupid, idiotic RWNJ fallacy in which they honestly believe all terrorists reside in the same nation.
Reality - Isis vs The World

JV, right?

You're asceared! They can do minor painful things, but they can't win. Ever. They have lost 1/4 of the territory they captured this past year.

Cons seem to need some demon they can point to and say "RUN AWAY, IT'S COMING". It used to be the Soviet Union. Then Russia, then Russia became their buddy. Then China. Then 'libruls'.

You're afraid of life. I feel sorry for you, but you're abject fear of the world leaves you and your leaders unable to see real threats and how to deal with them properly. i.e. you elect Bush who lies about WMD's to get the world to invade Iraq.

And look how that has turned out.

Conservatives YOU are the JV team.

You'd feel a bit different kneeling in the sand with the cameras rolling, a knife at your throat while these asses yell Allah Akbar
Reality - Isis vs The World


They ain't burning lizards in those cages, not lizards in airports.

Do you enjoy innocent women and children dying in the name of Islam?

Can't have a conversation with you, you do not understand metaphor, analogy, or scale. You rely on emotional images of very rare but horrific incidents. You know very well no one here is arguing "oh who cares about those people, blah blah blah." It just makes you feel like you are holding high ground by using emotional fallacies to argue with. Constructed lies.

The US helping its allies in WW2 defeated Japan and Germany, two of the most modern, powerful nations on Earth. With tens of millions of soliders equipped with the best military equipment in the world. Two nations with massive economies, massive industries, and massive standing armies.

Isis has 25,000 soldiers with few heavy weapons, no nation, no economy, no industry, and no allies.

Go read about scale, and then come back. You are a chicken with it's head cut off running around screaming how the world is about to end.

We will defeat them, it may take 50 years, but they can't win. And these small attacks may continue for decades, even if we invade the entire middle east. But they can't win. Ever. And it won't matter who is president, or whether we have space lasers, or who is scared of their own shadow and wants to hide in their basement. Reality is hard sometimes, you need to grow up and face it.

Then we really should do something about them, HUH?

Or are we waiting for the seventh inning stretch?
Japan isn't a religion. Its a country. It can surrender. 'Islam' isn't a country.There'scentral authority. So....who would surrender?

You're not thinking this through. Worse, Saudi Arabia is our closest regional ally. If we nuked our closest regional ally, who would trust us?
They just stop, no formal surrender needed.

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