Donald Trump: Nukes on the table to stop ISIL. Your thoughts?

In 1964 the nation turned its back on another gung ho Republican. Of course Barry Goldwater's target also had thermonuclear weapons and the exchange would have made our lives in 2016 non existent.

Such was the nation's disdain for haphazard nuclear engagement.

What might the target be? Are we really talking about a war on Islam? If so, why? Why would we abandon our moral principles? How could we stand before North Korea or Iran and demand they give up any nuclear ambitions?

If Trump said this, and there is yet to be any evidence he did, can we trust him with command of our military? And if Trump supporters endorse this madness, has our nation developed a plurality of stooges, idiots and brutes cast in the mold of their political hero?

Abandon our moral principles?????

The first one is, and always will be, to protect those that can't, on their own, protect themselves.

Ya know, like those on a train or standing in line to check in at airports.
And do you the no unleashing nuclear weapons is the way to protect ourselves? What is the target? What of collateral damage? How can we then work to eliminate nuclear weapons? How do we respond when ISSUES S uses a nuke on one of our allies?

Do you think nuclear weapons are just another arrow and n our quiver, or must nuclear weapons be used only in the most dire circumstances? What is our ultimate responsibility where nuclear weapons are concerned?

Let's see, nukes vs Spit balls???

You are neither cogent nor mature enough to be taken seriously.
And you are niether informed enough nor rational enough to debate the topic with, commie.
If responsibility and reluctance to throw nuclear weapons around is the mark of a Communist, call me comrade.

Please don't imply that Capitalists want to use nuclear weapons.
That idiot in North Korea must be happy and all smiles to finally get someone to agree with him that it is OK to put the threat of a nuke on the table.
Trump did not say that, moron.

Do you ever get a god damned thing correct?
Close enough. He can scam his suckers but the rest of the world doesn't fall for his crap.

Not even close, you dumb shit. I don't support Trump, yet I won't lie about what he says like you.
I provided links to confirm what he said. They are in post #192, just a few post back from this one.
ABC News just reported that Donald Trump said that if he were President nuclear weapons would be a last resort against ISIL. What do you think about using nukes on them?
Using nukes on ISIL is utterly ridiculous, moronic, thoughtless immature mumbo jumbo, and Trump seems to be vying for the biblical label of, 'The man of lawlessness'.... I think that's about it, on my thoughts on it! :D
he said last resort. So if they aren't defeated by air and ground troops, what then? Just let them kill everyone?
ABC News just reported that Donald Trump said that if he were President nuclear weapons would be a last resort against ISIL. What do you think about using nukes on them?

Everything has to be on the table. Trump isn't going to nuke innocent people that might be near ISIS, but they have to believe he will. This is why Trump holds the advantage over Hillary when fighting ISIS. ISIS has to believe the new Commander In Chief would do it.
ABC News just reported that Donald Trump said that if he were President nuclear weapons would be a last resort against ISIL. What do you think about using nukes on them?
so instead of being a last resort you would prefer a candidate that said the nuclear retaliation would be a first choice?
What world leader with nukes has indicated they would be used for other than a retaliation for a nuclear attack on themselves other than North Korean Kim Jong-un ? Why shouldn't Trump be viewed as insane and irrational as the North Korean fool?
ABC News just reported that Donald Trump said that if he were President nuclear weapons would be a last resort against ISIL. What do you think about using nukes on them?

We shouldn't use nukes against them.

He said " a last resort", when is a last resort necessary, when they've overrun 49 states and only have Rhode Island to go?
No he didn't.

Stop lying, Leftists!
ABC News just reported that Donald Trump said that if he were President nuclear weapons would be a last resort against ISIL. What do you think about using nukes on them?

maybe he said it maybe the news stretched what he said a little who knows who cares

but it is reasonable to think that

nuclear weapons are an option

considering that is why we have nuclear weapons

--LOL Trump fan but advising enemies of anything that's off the table is a bit naive.
You are correct. But I do not think Trump is going to be that kind of a president, if he becomes the one.

Incidentally, that was Obama's specialty. Not only did he advise his enemies constantly of what he plans to do, the rare occasion where he said he would act if they crossed "this line" he folded up his tent and ran away. Islamic terrorists have no better friend than the man currently in the white house.
There are no "good ones". The book says they must kill or convert. All there is are those already at battle and those waiting to join the fight. Their goal is worldwide conversion of death if you don't submit. No amount of talk or phony assimilation will change that. How many hundreds of years do people need to see?

The problem is that some of us actually know Muslims, and we know your hysteria is nonsense.

We're there good Nazis, during WW2?
Reality - Isis vs The World

JV, right?

You're asceared! They can do minor painful things, but they can't win. Ever. They have lost 1/4 of the territory they captured this past year.

Cons seem to need some demon they can point to and say "RUN AWAY, IT'S COMING". It used to be the Soviet Union. Then Russia, then Russia became their buddy. Then China. Then 'libruls'.

You're afraid of life. I feel sorry for you, but you're abject fear of the world leaves you and your leaders unable to see real threats and how to deal with them properly. i.e. you elect Bush who lies about WMD's to get the world to invade Iraq.

And look how that has turned out.

Conservatives YOU are the JV team.

You'd feel a bit different kneeling in the sand with the cameras rolling, a knife at your throat while these asses yell Allah Akbar

You're an emotional little fella aren't you.

The Japanese tortured, beheaded people, and strapped bombs to themselves and crawled under tanks and blew them up. The current extremists aren't doing anything new.

It's only new to you because you don't read history and fear drives your entire life.
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We're not going to do this. Relax. Stop the fear mongering. Were going keep fiddle fucking around, absorbing attacks for years.

Fear mongering? I think you mean quoting;

saintmichaeldefendthem said:
When we nuke Mecca, which is in Saudi Arabia, not Syria, we will time it for favorable prevailing winds so the fallout goes where we want it and kills more Muslims.

Post #70

Donald Trump: Nukes on the table to stop ISIL. Your thoughts?

I'm the guy saying what a stupid fucking idea that would be.

Quoting, who?

The guy I just quoted.....

Oh, and Buc90.

There are plenty of conservatives that have a total hard on for nuking mecca. They don't really bother to think much farther than that.

The guys you just quoted are just two random dudes in the internet. I doubt either of them have access to the launch codes.

I'm quoting the people advocating the nuking of mecca. Proudly, repeatedly and 'owning it'. I'm attributing to them the positions they've actually taken.

I don't think 'fear mongering' means what you think it means.

You're quoting people who DO NOT have access to the launch codes.
ABC News just reported that Donald Trump said that if he were President nuclear weapons would be a last resort against ISIL. What do you think about using nukes on them?

More reason why we shouldn't allow Trump near the trigger
Fear mongering? I think you mean quoting;

I'm the guy saying what a stupid fucking idea that would be.

Quoting, who?

The guy I just quoted.....

Oh, and Buc90.

There are plenty of conservatives that have a total hard on for nuking mecca. They don't really bother to think much farther than that.

The guys you just quoted are just two random dudes in the internet. I doubt either of them have access to the launch codes.

I'm quoting the people advocating the nuking of mecca. Proudly, repeatedly and 'owning it'. I'm attributing to them the positions they've actually taken.

I don't think 'fear mongering' means what you think it means.

You're quoting people who DO NOT have access to the launch codes.
We don't know. Maybe Clinton tossed those codes back and forth through private email servers.

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