Donald Trump on the stand

Will Donald Trump testify in his espionage trial?

  • He'll testify he declassified the documents, which will lead to a not guilty verdict

  • He'll testify and lie his ass off

  • He's too chicken shit to testify under oath

  • His lawyers won't let him even though they should, because they're secretly commie Dem deep staters

  • He can't testify because his divine voice will make mortals' heads explode.

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Yeah cuz that's never happened before.

Honest question:

IF he beats this, will you finally start to doubt the media that keeps telling you they "GOT HIM THIS TIME"?

Or will you immediately fall for the very next BS play they throw at you, just as you surely have consistently for the last seven odd years?

I think we both already know the answer.
That is a pretty big if. His best bet is to find some settlement for reduction in charges and no time,
If his lawyers play the politics instead of the law, like the Republican lawyers did after 2020 with "The Big Lie", people my age will not be alive by the time he gets out.

And therein lies the rub. I have a hunch that the lawyers will want to focus on the law, but Donald will want to play the politics game, and will keep trying to push crazy shit. I think that's likely to be the biggest variable in the outcome of this case.
That is a pretty big if. His best bet is to find some settlement for reduction in charges and no time,

You would have said the same thing if I asked you during "Russia Russia Russia".

He was goin' down! Mueller had him dead to rights. THE WALLS AS CLOSING IN I TELL YA!



But, of course, you didn't actually answer the question. ;)

Please Lord, please let the FPOTUS take to the stand so he can have his say.

Pretty please.

Do you think he'll testify in his own defense? Do you think he should?

*Fuck* no.

The man lies like he breaths, isn't particularly bright, is easily baited and provoked, is fantastically unlikable under pressure, is easily flustered, and even with a lawyer holding his hand in a deposition, can't stop digging himself into a hole.

His defense attorneys will tackle the man before they let him within 10 paces of the witness stand.
Yeah, that wouldn't happen. A defendant has an absolute right to testify in her defense. The lawyer can't prohibit it.
Sometimes it is not a good idea, depending on the charges and the client. If Donny starts talking on the stand, he'll go down and probably some of his lawyers, possibly even ones that have quit or been let go already, might be wearing jumpsuits also. It would not surprise me if lawyers quit him for irreconcilable difference, if he even discusses testifying personally testifying.
Please Lord, please let the FPOTUS take to the stand so he can have his say.

Pretty please.


I love how you initial your post as if anyone gives a shit haha

"EW look! Another brilliant take from Wordle Wonder!"

Or something.
You would have said the same thing if I asked you during "Russia Russia Russia".

He was goin' down! Mueller had him dead to rights. THE WALLS AS CLOSING IN I TELL YA!



But, of course, you didn't actually answer the question. ;)
Did you notice the dodge by the NY DA? They knew there would be no conviction and this was the convenient way out. But these leftist morons refuse to see the writing on the wall. How many times will they attempt this crap before they admit that it is--like the bad orange man says, "A political witch hunt."
And therein lies the rub. I have a hunch that the lawyers will want to focus on the law, but Donald will want to play the politics game, and will keep trying to push crazy shit. I think that's likely to be the biggest variable in the outcome of this case.
Unfortunately for him, that may be quite true.

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