Donald Trump relies on idiotic 'logic' to the malign Ben Carson


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
I just heard Donald say, "You hit your mother in the head with a hammer...and your poll numbers go up! What kind of election is this?" Where did he get his sense of logic?

The question is, "Why does Trump think he has to depend on smearing and ridiculing the opposition to make himself look better to the voters?"

I think Trump has some god ideas! (sic)
Republicans smearing each other is par for the course ... Trump ? You ain't seen nothing yet. Let the self destruction begin.
That's Trump's style. Screw the rules. When threatened, put lead weights in your gloves and start throwing punches to the kidneys.
Hes serious. Ben Carson, a candidate for President of the US is desperately trying to convince people *snicker* that he attacked his mother with a hammer *lol* and hit someone in the head with a padlock *lolz* AND tried to stab someone *ROFL*

This is what the GOP race has devolved too. Mother abuse and stabbings are a virtue.
Hes serious. Ben Carson, a candidate for President of the US is desperately trying to convince people *snicker* that he attacked his mother with a hammer *lol* and hit someone in the head with a padlock *lolz* AND tried to stab someone *ROFL*

This is what the GOP race has devolved too. Mother abuse and stabbings are a virtue.

Sounds like Carson will get the Black thug vote.
Hes serious. Ben Carson, a candidate for President of the US is desperately trying to convince people *snicker* that he attacked his mother with a hammer *lol* and hit someone in the head with a padlock *lolz* AND tried to stab someone *ROFL*

This is what the GOP race has devolved too. Mother abuse and stabbings are a virtue.

Sounds like Carson will get the Black thug vote.

He's leading in the GOP polls. Very Few blacks in that group...Bunch of thugs tho
Hes serious. Ben Carson, a candidate for President of the US is desperately trying to convince people *snicker* that he attacked his mother with a hammer *lol* and hit someone in the head with a padlock *lolz* AND tried to stab someone *ROFL*

This is what the GOP race has devolved too. Mother abuse and stabbings are a virtue.

Sounds like Carson will get the Black thug vote.

dun got him sum street creds YO !
Hes serious. Ben Carson, a candidate for President of the US is desperately trying to convince people *snicker* that he attacked his mother with a hammer *lol* and hit someone in the head with a padlock *lolz* AND tried to stab someone *ROFL*

This is what the GOP race has devolved too. Mother abuse and stabbings are a virtue.

Sounds like Carson will get the Black thug vote.

He's leading in the GOP polls. Very Few blacks in that group...Bunch of thugs tho

Well, that's what you Black folks do isn't it. Hit people over the head with hammers, knife them, shoot them, etc.
Hes serious. Ben Carson, a candidate for President of the US is desperately trying to convince people *snicker* that he attacked his mother with a hammer *lol* and hit someone in the head with a padlock *lolz* AND tried to stab someone *ROFL*

This is what the GOP race has devolved too. Mother abuse and stabbings are a virtue.

Sounds like Carson will get the Black thug vote.

He's leading in the GOP polls. Very Few blacks in that group...Bunch of thugs tho

Well, that's what you Black folks do isn't it. Hit people over the head with hammers, knife them, shoot them, etc.

No, just Ben, but its good to see white people support it.
Carson says things unflattering about himself and the media calls him a liar. Go figure.
Hes serious. Ben Carson, a candidate for President of the US is desperately trying to convince people *snicker* that he attacked his mother with a hammer *lol* and hit someone in the head with a padlock *lolz* AND tried to stab someone *ROFL*

This is what the GOP race has devolved too. Mother abuse and stabbings are a virtue.

Sounds like Carson will get the Black thug vote.

He's leading in the GOP polls. Very Few blacks in that group...Bunch of thugs tho

Well, that's what you Black folks do isn't it. Hit people over the head with hammers, knife them, shoot them, etc.

No, just Ben, but its good to see white people support it.

Well, I do realize most of you prefer attacking the elderly, the homeless, and others you deem easy prey.
Hes serious. Ben Carson, a candidate for President of the US is desperately trying to convince people *snicker* that he attacked his mother with a hammer *lol* and hit someone in the head with a padlock *lolz* AND tried to stab someone *ROFL*

This is what the GOP race has devolved too. Mother abuse and stabbings are a virtue.

Sounds like Carson will get the Black thug vote.

He's leading in the GOP polls. Very Few blacks in that group...Bunch of thugs tho

Well, that's what you Black folks do isn't it. Hit people over the head with hammers, knife them, shoot them, etc.

No, just Ben, but its good to see white people support it.

Well, I do realize most of you prefer attacking the elderly, the homeless, and others you deem easy prey.

With the support of whites anything is possible. Even attacking your own mother. Which is probably why whites like him so, they treat their mothers like shit most of the time.
Sounds like Carson will get the Black thug vote.

He's leading in the GOP polls. Very Few blacks in that group...Bunch of thugs tho

Well, that's what you Black folks do isn't it. Hit people over the head with hammers, knife them, shoot them, etc.

No, just Ben, but its good to see white people support it.

Well, I do realize most of you prefer attacking the elderly, the homeless, and others you deem easy prey.

With the support of whites anything is possible. Even attacking your own mother. Which is probably why whites like him so, they treat their mothers like shit most of the time.

Well, the Whites do have Moms and most often Dads too. Do you know what a Dad is?
Sounds like Carson will get the Black thug vote.

He's leading in the GOP polls. Very Few blacks in that group...Bunch of thugs tho

Well, that's what you Black folks do isn't it. Hit people over the head with hammers, knife them, shoot them, etc.

No, just Ben, but its good to see white people support it.

Well, I do realize most of you prefer attacking the elderly, the homeless, and others you deem easy prey.

With the support of whites anything is possible. Even attacking your own mother. Which is probably why whites like him so, they treat their mothers like shit most of the time.
Nah. His story fits the stereotype. Black male = danger. But, now he's really nice, so you can trust him.

The story of race (and racism) in America is based on myth. The black man is also the trickster. With no economic or political power, he had to trick his way through life. Slavery was justified because without a master to feed and house him he'd perish. Post-slavery, he shucked and jived, taking enough for low skill and effort labor. And now, he's the tool of the democratic party, which pays him welfare for his loyal vote.

Dr. Carson don't need no welfare.

The truth is blacks are no more victims, or tricksters, than are whites. All people are individuals.
Trump doesn't have to say a word~
Its quite evident that Ben Carson has a deep seeded anger character flaw, and is bringing it out himself ~ sad to say.
He's leading in the GOP polls. Very Few blacks in that group...Bunch of thugs tho

Well, that's what you Black folks do isn't it. Hit people over the head with hammers, knife them, shoot them, etc.

No, just Ben, but its good to see white people support it.

Well, I do realize most of you prefer attacking the elderly, the homeless, and others you deem easy prey.

With the support of whites anything is possible. Even attacking your own mother. Which is probably why whites like him so, they treat their mothers like shit most of the time.

Well, the Whites do have Moms and most often Dads too. Do you know what a Dad is?

Yeah, but I'm referring to being pro-mom beating in a quality befitting a President. I dont see it but republicans do, congrats...I think
Trump doesn't have to say a word~
Its quite evident that Ben Carson has a deep seeded anger character flaw, and is bringing it out himself ~ sad to say.
He's got something for sure. All pols embellish their narrative. "The Man from Hope." And all overclaim, "I was under sniper fire." "I've made a lot of money." But, Carson seems to have created an entire persona. Maybe he was an angry young man, but if he was seriously dangerous, I'm Tupac.
My, my! How you useful idiots expand and promulgate the bullshit that the liberal media comes up with to smear conservatives.

Here's what really happened. Ben Carson wrote a book about himself. This occurred after he had established himself as a prominent, if not the pinnacle of success as a brain surgeon. He related stories of his past in which he described himself as an angry young black male. He gave examples of his displays of anger, almost hitting his mother with a hammer, stabbing a peer, hitting another with a padlock in his hand....all examples to demonstrate his youthful anger. He went on to say that his life was changed, significantly by his participation in ROTC where he excelled and was subsequently offered a chance to go to West Point....for free.

The liberal media, in a lame attempt to discredit Carson, tried to present these claims as LIES, saying that he never did any of them because they couldn't find any childhood witnesses to back up his stories.

He has debunked their ridiculous claims. His mother debunked one of them. His record in the ROTC debunked one. Politico has ADMITTED that their story was fabricated.

Yet you numbnuts continue to demean him with snide remarks and puerile behavior concerning his credentials and sense of morality. How typically liberal of you that you would do this to a conservative black man yet give a free pass and accolades to the epitome of a LYING BITCH, one that expects a coronation despite her blatant dishonesty, totally untrustworthy character, her criminal activities that jeopardized the security of this country (even as she was the Secretary of State) and lives as if SHE doesn't have to obey our laws because she is a fucking CLINTON.

Useful idiots indeed! All of you!
The fact is both Trump and Carson are equally ridiculous, equally unqualified to be president, and equally responsible for making the republican election campaign a joke.

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