Donald Trump: "Romney Shouldn't Disclose Tax Returns Until Obama Proves Identity"


Jun 20, 2012
He's right. The founders designed the presidential clause in Article 2 Section1 as a national security blanket to prevent foreign influence in a Commander N Chief in order to have 'Sole Allegiance' to the Constitution. It's apparent that Barack Obama was born with British Citizenship which gave him split allegiance to the United States due to his father being a British Subject at his birth. Romney would be wise to sit back and not release any records until Obama releases his college admissions to prove he didn't receive foreign loans as a student. Obama won't release anything and tomorrow at 2:30 pm Phoenix time in Arizona, Sheriff Arpaio will hold a live press conference to the major media revealing what his investigators found in Hawaii wrapping up a 12 month investigation on Obama's background. It should be interesting.

Donald Trump Unleashed: Romney Shouldn't Disclose Records Until Obama Proves Identity | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records
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Trump is back! Yeeeee-haw! Let's get some SPICE back in this thing!

He's right. The founders designed the presidential clause in Article 2 Section1 as a national security blanket to prevent foreign influence in a Commander N'Chief in order to have 'Sole Allegiance' to the Constitution. It's apparent that Barack Obama was born with British Citizenship which gave him split allegiance to the United States due to his father being a British Subject at his birth. Romney would be wise to sit back and not release any records until Obama releases his college admissions to prove he didn't recieve foreign loans as a student. Obama won't release anything and tomorrow at 2:30 pm Pheonix time in Arizona, Sheriff Arpaio will hold a live press conference to the major media revealing what his investigators found in Hawaii wrapping up a 12 month invesigation on Obama's background. It should be interesting.

Donald Trump Unleashed: Romney Shouldn't Disclose Records Until Obama Proves Identity | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

When is the good sheriff going public. Have I missed the nationwide scandal? Was he boycotted by the corrupt MSM?

He's right. The founders designed the presidential clause in Article 2 Section1 as a national security blanket to prevent foreign influence in a Commander N'Chief in order to have 'Sole Allegiance' to the Constitution. It's apparent that Barack Obama was born with British Citizenship which gave him split allegiance to the United States due to his father being a British Subject at his birth. Romney would be wise to sit back and not release any records until Obama releases his college admissions to prove he didn't recieve foreign loans as a student. Obama won't release anything and tomorrow at 2:30 pm Pheonix time in Arizona, Sheriff Arpaio will hold a live press conference to the major media revealing what his investigators found in Hawaii wrapping up a 12 month invesigation on Obama's background. It should be interesting.

Donald Trump Unleashed: Romney Shouldn't Disclose Records Until Obama Proves Identity | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

When is the good sheriff going public.
At 2:30pm Phoenix time tomorrow. It will be live and I guarantee this is not a laughing matter in the White House.
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Trump, in my opinion, is carrying the water for Obama. When Obama released his last questionable BC it was Trump providing Obama with the sounding board. Most conservatives could care less in consideration to the damage that Obama was doing. So Trump made it an issue and allowed Obama to slither out. Same with this story, Trump is providing Obama a foil to get this out this story hidden out in the open. I must say it is a cleaver strategy. I don't trust Trump, he has one foot on both sides of the line and leans whichever way helps him the most.
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Obama has already proved citizenship and it is backed by the state of Hawaii.
Now let Mitt Romney release his tax returns. His Dad had no problem doing it when running for office.
He's right. The founders designed the presidential clause in Article 2 Section1 as a national security blanket to prevent foreign influence in a Commander N Chief in order to have 'Sole Allegiance' to the Constitution. It's apparent that Barack Obama was born with British Citizenship which gave him split allegiance to the United States due to his father being a British Subject at his birth. Romney would be wise to sit back and not release any records until Obama releases his college admissions to prove he didn't receive foreign loans as a student. Obama won't release anything and tomorrow at 2:30 pm Phoenix time in Arizona, Sheriff Arpaio will hold a live press conference to the major media revealing what his investigators found in Hawaii wrapping up a 12 month investigation on Obama's background. It should be interesting.

Donald Trump Unleashed: Romney Shouldn't Disclose Records Until Obama Proves Identity | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

Trump certainly studied his P.T. Barnum.
Romney needs to step up and show that he is taking advice from Donald Trump

Come on your birther roots!
Obama has already proved citizenship and it is backed by the state of Hawaii.
He's proved 'citizenship' but he hasn't proved 'natural born Citizenship' that Article 2 Section 1 specifically asks for.

Sure he has.

And re-read the Constitution..ace.

It doesn't provide for any method as how to prove your a citizen. Meaning..a simple affirmation is probably sufficient.
Obama has already proved citizenship and it is backed by the state of Hawaii.
Now let Mitt Romney release his tax returns. His Dad had no problem doing it when running for office.

Again... He already did release his Tax returns. Sorry if you didn't find anything incriminating the first time he released them.
Obama has already proved citizenship and it is backed by the state of Hawaii.
Now let Mitt Romney release his tax returns. His Dad had no problem doing it when running for office.

Again... He already did release his Tax returns. Sorry if you didn't find anything incriminating the first time he released them.

I would say if Obama is following the law in hiding his funding for his education then Romney is also following the law. But to the left there is only one standard to live by, one for the left and one for the right.
He's proved 'citizenship' but he hasn't proved 'natural born Citizenship' that Article 2 Section 1 specifically asks for.

Sure he has.

And re-read the Constitution..ace.

No he hasn't and I have read the Constitution.

You cut my post in half. Generally that's done when a point can't be addressed.'s the challenge. Find the clause in the Constitution that provides a method for proving citizenship.

By the addition to being the first Black President..Obama's the first President to show his birth certificate to the public.

Kind of a disgusting history.
Now you know Romney's hiding something, because nothing's going to be good enough for Trump and the birthers, meaning he'll never have to come clean. Bain, taxes, overseas accounts, he needs cover and Trump is a willing foil.
Sure he has.

And re-read the Constitution..ace.

No he hasn't and I have read the Constitution.

You cut my post in half. Generally that's done when a point can't be addressed.'s the challenge. Find the clause in the Constitution that provides a method for proving citizenship.

By the addition to being the first Black President..Obama's the first President to show his birth certificate to the public.

Kind of a disgusting history.
There is no 'clause' in the Constitution that provides a method proving citizenship!!!!

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