Donald Trump says Don McGhan wont comply with your subpoenas blow me

Dumb Donald is going to get his ass handed to him on a plate. McGahn is ready and willing to testify. Trump can't do shit about it.

Trump is going to find out that refusal House requests on oversight is unconstitutional, and is actually an impeacable offense.

Do you know what PROBABLE CAUSE is?

Try reading the 4th Amendment a few times. Trump is dealing with a partisan witch hunt. Nadler is fishing for something.
The probable cause is the Mueller report -- or are you still idiotic enough to believe the report exonerated him?

Yea, you probably are that stupid...

You failed to realize that Mueller posted THREE DECLINATIONS on the Russian/Trump conspiracy, saying that Trump and his campaign team didn't conspire, and violated the Special Counsels rule in his failure to answer the Obstruction charge, which is why AG Barr and his DOJ team had to make a decision for him on it, which they ruled NO on the Obstruction charge.

Mueller= No to Russian/Trump Collusion charge
Barr= No to Obstruction charge

This means the case is closed and no charges are pending as they were all given DECLINATIONS on them.

Yeah you are that ignorant and stupid.
But hillary and Obama are about to be arrested anyday now because why?
I don't expect that to happen but if it did it would be because they are traitor scum.
So when you idiots make post after post about how Obama and Hillary are going to be arrested soon -- that is just masturbation talk to make you morons feel better? Got it....
Sure I can, but as with most people like you it's a waste of time. The fact you replied as you have says you know it's true and you are soiling yourself to deflect and spin it off. Now, like most stooges, quickly type "SO YOU GOT NOTHING!"
No, you can't -- because the minute you go into your pathetic "it's the Deep State, they won't let Trump do anything" sissy fit -- all you will really be doing is proving me right….which is, Obama and Hillary are more powerful than your cult leader...

How do I know this? Because Trump is the one under 17 different investigations by his own FBI, DOJ, you name it -- and Obama isn't...

The end
So you answer your own question of who is protecting them! I knew you would. lol. Then you lie about what I said (totally expected, as you are all liars), when I don't think I have ever mentioned the deep state. Now that you know who is protecting those two traitors you can spin on another smokefest.
I am going to say it again....

Obama and Hillary are more powerful than Trump ...but at least he is powerful enough to be your cult leader -- but then again, that isn't saying much….at one time Sarah Palin was your cult leader....and before that, George Bush was your cult its clear for folks like you, it doesn't take much......I hear this guy is next in progression to be your next cult leader..
Blah blah blah...Your spinning so fast you might reverse the way your toilet water swirls.
On this very post -- your circle jerk team-mates have been saying "Barr needs to arrest Hillary" -- "Barr needs to arrest Obama" -- "Barr needs to arrest Maxine Waters"

All of these power won't be arrested because they are all more powerful than with it, your cult leader is a cuck
There's the problem.....a US Congressional Representative and a former president, along with his former Sec of STATE, should not have more power than the current POTUS.
If you think this situation is right that makes you out to be a fool. Obama and Hillary are co-conspirators in illegal arms trafficking to ISIS members, and Mad Maxine is a corrupt asshole who's over inflated opinion of her importance is way out of wack with reality. The shit she's said would be grounds for a lawsuit under normal circumstance. None of it is based in reality.
Do you know what PROBABLE CAUSE is?

Try reading the 4th Amendment a few times. Trump is dealing with a partisan witch hunt. Nadler is fishing for something.
The probable cause is the Mueller report -- or are you still idiotic enough to believe the report exonerated him?

Yea, you probably are that stupid...

You failed to realize that Mueller posted THREE DECLINATIONS on the Russian/Trump conspiracy, saying that Trump and his campaign team didn't conspire, and violated the Special Counsels rule in his failure to answer the Obstruction charge, which is why AG Barr and his DOJ team had to make a decision for him on it, which they ruled NO on the Obstruction charge.

Mueller= No to Russian/Trump Collusion charge
Barr= No to Obstruction charge

This means the case is closed and no charges are pending as they were all given DECLINATIONS on them.

Yeah you are that ignorant and stupid.

Charges against a sitting president were never pending. But due to the Mueller investigation and subsequent report, He's "Fucked".
Yup.....he's finally toast.
*Just cuz the Dummycraps think wasting time and money on it will sooth the butthurt of their base*

Yep.....he's toast.

Hahaha haha........ Sure thing, Skippy!!!

It was the "Dirty" Dons' own prediction.
Just like your typical Democrat.
As with elections, if the result isn't to your satisfaction then keep looking for ways to change the results.
Obama and Hillary are co-conspirators in illegal arms trafficking to ISIS members

It only make sense, because of course Obama is their founder.

I wouldn't be a bit surprised if we don'r find out soon that O and H just gave them the weapons,....... to increase the violence,............. so Americans would support gun confiscation here at home.

You'll see, any day now, Trumpybears gonna get um.

The probable cause is the Mueller report -- or are you still idiotic enough to believe the report exonerated him?

Yea, you probably are that stupid...

You failed to realize that Mueller posted THREE DECLINATIONS on the Russian/Trump conspiracy, saying that Trump and his campaign team didn't conspire, and violated the Special Counsels rule in his failure to answer the Obstruction charge, which is why AG Barr and his DOJ team had to make a decision for him on it, which they ruled NO on the Obstruction charge.

Mueller= No to Russian/Trump Collusion charge
Barr= No to Obstruction charge

This means the case is closed and no charges are pending as they were all given DECLINATIONS on them.

Yeah you are that ignorant and stupid.

Charges against a sitting president were never pending. But due to the Mueller investigation and subsequent report, He's "Fucked".
Yup.....he's finally toast.
*Just cuz the Dummycraps think wasting time and money on it will sooth the butthurt of their base*

Yep.....he's toast.

Hahaha haha........ Sure thing, Skippy!!!

It was the "Dirty" Dons' own prediction.
Just like your typical Democrat.
As with elections, if the result isn't to your satisfaction then keep looking for ways to change the results.

Poor Dirty Don and the Trumpublicans who just don't like the taste of their own medicine.

Dumb Donald is going to get his ass handed to him on a plate. McGahn is ready and willing to testify. Trump can't do shit about it.

Trump is going to find out that refusal House requests on oversight is unconstitutional, and is actually an impeacable offense.

Do you know what PROBABLE CAUSE is?

Try reading the 4th Amendment a few times. Trump is dealing with a partisan witch hunt. Nadler is fishing for something.
The probable cause is the Mueller report -- or are you still idiotic enough to believe the report exonerated him?

Yea, you probably are that stupid...

You failed to realize that Mueller posted THREE DECLINATIONS on the Russian/Trump conspiracy, saying that Trump and his campaign team didn't conspire, and violated the Special Counsels rule in his failure to answer the Obstruction charge, which is why AG Barr and his DOJ team had to make a decision for him on it, which they ruled NO on the Obstruction charge.

Mueller= No to Russian/Trump Collusion charge
Barr= No to Obstruction charge

This means the case is closed and no charges are pending as they were all given DECLINATIONS on them.

Yeah you are that ignorant and stupid.
But hillary and Obama are about to be arrested anyday now because why?
I don't expect that to happen but if it did it would be because they are traitor scum.

Your interpretation of Mueller's conclusions, or rather those of Donald Trump and William Barr, is laughable if you read the actual report. Mueller says clear that there was collusion, and that Trump's family and staff embraced it, but there was no evidence that they knew the Russians they were dealing with were Russian government officials, and there WASN'T SUFFICIENT EVIDENCE to charge anyone with Conspiracy. Mueller was very clear - there was evidence of conspiracy, but not enough evidence that the Trump campaign knew they were dealing with agents of the Russian government to convict beyond a reasonable doubt.

As for Obstruction of Justice, William Barr was not charged with making a finding on Obstruction, MUELLER LEFT THAT TO CONGRESS, because Barr couldn't indict Trump either. The decision is up to the Democrats in the House. Mueller gave them a roadmap to impeachment. Trump is doing everything he possibly can to force them to impeach him because Trump think that makes him look like a victim. Pelosi is refusing, because she's a whole lot smarter than you give her credit for being.

Everywhere I look, I see Republicans demanding that the House do its duty and impeach Trump. Trump's refusal of House subpoenas and his claims of executive privilege are intended to goad the House into an impeachment trial, which Trump desperately wants to help his re-election chances.

Trump has never been less popular. Decent Americans are ashamed of him and that entire group of mysogynistic entitled rich assholes he hangs around with. Especially the women. Lying, cheating and treating women as disposable is an unwise strategy when there are 8 million more women voting than men.
Do you know what PROBABLE CAUSE is?

Try reading the 4th Amendment a few times. Trump is dealing with a partisan witch hunt. Nadler is fishing for something.
The probable cause is the Mueller report -- or are you still idiotic enough to believe the report exonerated him?

Yea, you probably are that stupid...

You failed to realize that Mueller posted THREE DECLINATIONS on the Russian/Trump conspiracy, saying that Trump and his campaign team didn't conspire, and violated the Special Counsels rule in his failure to answer the Obstruction charge, which is why AG Barr and his DOJ team had to make a decision for him on it, which they ruled NO on the Obstruction charge.

Mueller= No to Russian/Trump Collusion charge
Barr= No to Obstruction charge

This means the case is closed and no charges are pending as they were all given DECLINATIONS on them.

Yeah you are that ignorant and stupid.
But hillary and Obama are about to be arrested anyday now because why?
I don't expect that to happen but if it did it would be because they are traitor scum.

Your interpretation of Mueller's conclusions, or rather those of Donald Trump and William Barr, is laughable if you read the actual report. Mueller says clear that there was collusion, and that Trump's family and staff embraced it, but there was no evidence that they knew the Russians they were dealing with were Russian government officials, and there WASN'T SUFFICIENT EVIDENCE to charge anyone with Conspiracy. Mueller was very clear - there was evidence of conspiracy, but not enough evidence that the Trump campaign knew they were dealing with agents of the Russian government to convict beyond a reasonable doubt.

As for Obstruction of Justice, William Barr was not charged with making a finding on Obstruction, MUELLER LEFT THAT TO CONGRESS, because Barr couldn't indict Trump either. The decision is up to the Democrats in the House. Mueller gave them a roadmap to impeachment. Trump is doing everything he possibly can to force them to impeach him because Trump think that makes him look like a victim. Pelosi is refusing, because she's a whole lot smarter than you give her credit for being.

Everywhere I look, I see Republicans demanding that the House do its duty and impeach Trump. Trump's refusal of House subpoenas and his claims of executive privilege are intended to goad the House into an impeachment trial, which Trump desperately wants to help his re-election chances.

Trump has never been less popular. Decent Americans are ashamed of him and that entire group of mysogynistic entitled rich assholes he hangs around with. Especially the women. Lying, cheating and treating women as disposable is an unwise strategy when there are 8 million more women voting than men.
I have not interpreted anything Mueller said because I have not read the report. There is no point to reading it because no matter what it says, you trolls are going to lie.
Wanna place bets on that? Obama and the Clintons are sleeping very well at night because they're not the ones facing calls from Republicans for impeachment. They're not the ones who's associates are all going to jail. They're not the ones the Special Prosecutor told Congress should be impeached and here's how you do it.

Trump is going full bore idiot, fighting Congressional oversight. Fighting 17 investigations at once. Getting exposed for his criminal behaviour, his incompetence, and his corruption on a daily basis.
You must have been on vacation....Trump was cleared of all wrong doing....all that is happening now are the screams from the dems......clowns asking for impeachment for no reason....
Do you know what PROBABLE CAUSE is?

Try reading the 4th Amendment a few times. Trump is dealing with a partisan witch hunt. Nadler is fishing for something.
The probable cause is the Mueller report -- or are you still idiotic enough to believe the report exonerated him?

Yea, you probably are that stupid...

You failed to realize that Mueller posted THREE DECLINATIONS on the Russian/Trump conspiracy, saying that Trump and his campaign team didn't conspire, and violated the Special Counsels rule in his failure to answer the Obstruction charge, which is why AG Barr and his DOJ team had to make a decision for him on it, which they ruled NO on the Obstruction charge.

Mueller= No to Russian/Trump Collusion charge
Barr= No to Obstruction charge

This means the case is closed and no charges are pending as they were all given DECLINATIONS on them.

Yeah you are that ignorant and stupid.
But hillary and Obama are about to be arrested anyday now because why?
I don't expect that to happen but if it did it would be because they are traitor scum.
So when you idiots make post after post about how Obama and Hillary are going to be arrested soon -- that is just masturbation talk to make you morons feel better? Got it....
June. Barr said his investigation will end in June.
Democrats need to have a few people arrested for not following the law. We know Republicans are a lawless political party. In fact the most violent party the country is probably seen for decades.
Impeach Barr Put Scumpt jr in jail
You never answered my question yesterday. You mentioned something about "Bush's war". Tell me what war was "Bush's war"?
Filter are you trying to pull my pecker ? Bush's Iraq war that he was 100% responsible for Disregarded all info from many countries that they had no WOMD Relied on false info and also from his AH buddy in England
Almost 40% of democrats voted for the resolution. Bush didn't gather the intelligence. Everyone used the same intelligence. You democrats need to grow a backbone and have the courage to stand by your vote, right or wrong.
BS this is to let you know that not ALL republicans are dummies
Iowa’s longest-serving republican legislator, state Rep. Andy McKean, ditched the GOP on Tuesday as he offered a searing renunciation of president tRump, saying he could no longer support tRump as the party’s standard-bearer because of its “unacceptable behavior” and “reckless spending."

McKean revealed he would join the Democratic Party, a decision he described as “very difficult” after spending nearly a half-century as a registered republican and 26 years in the legislature. But ultimately, he said, “I feel as a republican that I need to be able to support the standard-bearer of our party.”

About this website


‘If this is the new normal, I want no part of it’: Citing Trump, Iowa’s longest-serving Republican leaves party
McKean, who has been a registered Republican for nearly a half century, joins a small cohort of state lawmakers across the country who have fled the GOP.
.Trump was cleared of all wrong doing

Uh-huh, except for the part where he wasn't or as the report said, not exonerated.

Do you know what exonerated means?
Apparently neither you nor Mueller know what exonerate means. Only a court can exonerate someone after a trial. In Mueller's grandiose vision of himself, he imagines he can exonerate the President, but all he did was fail to find any actionable evidence.
Democrats need to have a few people arrested for not following the law. We know Republicans are a lawless political party. In fact the most violent party the country is probably seen for decades.
Impeach Barr Put Scumpt jr in jail
You never answered my question yesterday. You mentioned something about "Bush's war". Tell me what war was "Bush's war"?
Filter are you trying to pull my pecker ? Bush's Iraq war that he was 100% responsible for Disregarded all info from many countries that they had no WOMD Relied on false info and also from his AH buddy in England
Almost 40% of democrats voted for the resolution. Bush didn't gather the intelligence. Everyone used the same intelligence. You democrats need to grow a backbone and have the courage to stand by your vote, right or wrong.
BS this is to let you know that not ALL republicans are dummies
Iowa’s longest-serving republican legislator, state Rep. Andy McKean, ditched the GOP on Tuesday as he offered a searing renunciation of president tRump, saying he could no longer support tRump as the party’s standard-bearer because of its “unacceptable behavior” and “reckless spending."

McKean revealed he would join the Democratic Party, a decision he described as “very difficult” after spending nearly a half-century as a registered republican and 26 years in the legislature. But ultimately, he said, “I feel as a republican that I need to be able to support the standard-bearer of our party.”

About this website


‘If this is the new normal, I want no part of it’: Citing Trump, Iowa’s longest-serving Republican leaves party
McKean, who has been a registered Republican for nearly a half century, joins a small cohort of state lawmakers across the country who have fled the GOP.
State legislator. He's about as important as the foreskin that was chopped off your weenie after your birth.
.Trump was cleared of all wrong doing

Uh-huh, except for the part where he wasn't or as the report said, not exonerated.

Do you know what exonerated means?
Apparently neither you nor Mueller know what exonerate means. Only a court can exonerate someone after a trial. In Mueller's grandiose vision of himself, he imagines he can exonerate the President, but all he did was fail to find any actionable evidence.

1. to show or state that someone or something is not guilty of something.


Something Mueller felt compelled to say the investigation didn't do with regards to Trumpybear.

Isn't that Mueller saying he's not not guilty?
.Trump was cleared of all wrong doing

Uh-huh, except for the part where he wasn't or as the report said, not exonerated.

Do you know what exonerated means?
Apparently neither you nor Mueller know what exonerate means. Only a court can exonerate someone after a trial. In Mueller's grandiose vision of himself, he imagines he can exonerate the President, but all he did was fail to find any actionable evidence.

1. to show or state that someone or something is not guilty of something.


Something Mueller felt compelled to say the investigation didn't do with regards to Trumpybear.

Isn't that Mueller saying he's not not guilty?
lol Only in your imagination. Mueller can charge or not but he cannot exonerate him under any circumstances; only a court can after a trial. All Mueller did was fail to find any actionable evidence.
Impeach Barr Put Scumpt jr in jail
You never answered my question yesterday. You mentioned something about "Bush's war". Tell me what war was "Bush's war"?
Filter are you trying to pull my pecker ? Bush's Iraq war that he was 100% responsible for Disregarded all info from many countries that they had no WOMD Relied on false info and also from his AH buddy in England
Almost 40% of democrats voted for the resolution. Bush didn't gather the intelligence. Everyone used the same intelligence. You democrats need to grow a backbone and have the courage to stand by your vote, right or wrong.
BS this is to let you know that not ALL republicans are dummies
Iowa’s longest-serving republican legislator, state Rep. Andy McKean, ditched the GOP on Tuesday as he offered a searing renunciation of president tRump, saying he could no longer support tRump as the party’s standard-bearer because of its “unacceptable behavior” and “reckless spending."

McKean revealed he would join the Democratic Party, a decision he described as “very difficult” after spending nearly a half-century as a registered republican and 26 years in the legislature. But ultimately, he said, “I feel as a republican that I need to be able to support the standard-bearer of our party.”

About this website


‘If this is the new normal, I want no part of it’: Citing Trump, Iowa’s longest-serving Republican leaves party
McKean, who has been a registered Republican for nearly a half century, joins a small cohort of state lawmakers across the country who have fled the GOP.
State legislator. He's about as important as the foreskin that was chopped off your weenie after your birth.
The rabbi said it won't be long My folks thought it was the time of the procedure

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