Donald Trump says Don McGhan wont comply with your subpoenas blow me

.Trump was cleared of all wrong doing

Uh-huh, except for the part where he wasn't or as the report said, not exonerated.

Do you know what exonerated means?
Apparently neither you nor Mueller know what exonerate means. Only a court can exonerate someone after a trial. In Mueller's grandiose vision of himself, he imagines he can exonerate the President, but all he did was fail to find any actionable evidence.

1. to show or state that someone or something is not guilty of something.


Something Mueller felt compelled to say the investigation didn't do with regards to Trumpybear.

Isn't that Mueller saying he's not not guilty?
lol Only in your imagination. Mueller can charge or not but he cannot exonerate him under any circumstances; only a court can after a trial. All Mueller did was fail to find any actionable evidence.

Right, so by saying he is not exonerated ya'll think Mueller is actually clearing him of all wrong doing?

Thanks for clearing that up.

Dumb Donald is going to get his ass handed to him on a plate. McGahn is ready and willing to testify. Trump can't do shit about it.

Trump is going to find out that refusal House requests on oversight is unconstitutional, and is actually an impeacable offense.

You're an idiot. Holder showed you exactly how much power the House has. He simply ignored them

Dumb Donald is going to get his ass handed to him on a plate. McGahn is ready and willing to testify. Trump can't do shit about it.

Trump is going to find out that refusal House requests on oversight is unconstitutional, and is actually an impeacable offense.

You're an idiot. Holder showed you exactly how much power the House has. He simply ignored them

They got the documents they sought from the WH.

Dumb Donald is going to get his ass handed to him on a plate. McGahn is ready and willing to testify. Trump can't do shit about it.

Trump is going to find out that refusal House requests on oversight is unconstitutional, and is actually an impeacable offense.

You're an idiot. Holder showed you exactly how much power the House has. He simply ignored them

They got the documents they sought from the WH.

My point stands. BTW Rump has cooperated all the way along with this hoax.
Trump is doing just what he should do. On one side investigate the hell out of how this hoax got started. On the other side don't comply with a single subpoena. Make the democrats get a court order for each one.
.Trump was cleared of all wrong doing

Uh-huh, except for the part where he wasn't or as the report said, not exonerated.

Do you know what exonerated means?
Apparently neither you nor Mueller know what exonerate means. Only a court can exonerate someone after a trial. In Mueller's grandiose vision of himself, he imagines he can exonerate the President, but all he did was fail to find any actionable evidence.

1. to show or state that someone or something is not guilty of something.


Something Mueller felt compelled to say the investigation didn't do with regards to Trumpybear.

Isn't that Mueller saying he's not not guilty?
lol Only in your imagination. Mueller can charge or not but he cannot exonerate him under any circumstances; only a court can after a trial. All Mueller did was fail to find any actionable evidence.

Right, so by saying he is not exonerated ya'll think Mueller is actually clearing him of all wrong doing?

Thanks for clearing that up.
lol Grow a brain. Mueller has no power to exonerate anyone. He can either file charges or not, but that's all.

Dumb Donald is going to get his ass handed to him on a plate. McGahn is ready and willing to testify. Trump can't do shit about it.

Trump is going to find out that refusal House requests on oversight is unconstitutional, and is actually an impeacable offense.

You're an idiot. Holder showed you exactly how much power the House has. He simply ignored them

They got the documents they sought from the WH.

My point stands. BTW Rump has cooperated all the way along with this hoax.
He refused to testify under oath and his written answers were insufficient
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Dumb Donald is going to get his ass handed to him on a plate. McGahn is ready and willing to testify. Trump can't do shit about it.

Trump is going to find out that refusal House requests on oversight is unconstitutional, and is actually an impeacable offense.

You're an idiot. Holder showed you exactly how much power the House has. He simply ignored them

They got the documents they sought from the WH.

My point stands. BTW Rump has cooperated all the way along with this hoax.

He refused to testify under oath and his written answers were inefficient.
I don't recall 37 times from an asshole that said he had a great memory ,the best memory

Dumb Donald is going to get his ass handed to him on a plate. McGahn is ready and willing to testify. Trump can't do shit about it.

Trump is going to find out that refusal House requests on oversight is unconstitutional, and is actually an impeacable offense.

You're an idiot. Holder showed you exactly how much power the House has. He simply ignored them

They got the documents they sought from the WH.

My point stands. BTW Rump has cooperated all the way along with this hoax.
He refused to testify under oath and his written answers were insufficient

Sorry, was he required to do so? How many pages has he turned over? You lost son.

Executive confidentiality.

Nadler is a lawyer.....he knows this stuff.
But trump has nothing to hide, so he will allow him to comply.

I think we've clearly established that the Democrats are just trying to harass him and break the 4th Amendment.
So all they deserve is a big "KISS MY ASS"!!!
Executive confidentiality.

Nadler is a lawyer.....he knows this stuff.
But trump has nothing to hide, so he will allow him to comply.

I think we've clearly established that the Democrats are just trying to harass him and break the 4th Amendment.
So all they deserve is a big "KISS MY ASS"!!!
Right...because he is completely innocwnt and has nothing to hide.

Executive confidentiality.

Nadler is a lawyer.....he knows this stuff.
But trump has nothing to hide, so he will allow him to comply.

I think we've clearly established that the Democrats are just trying to harass him and break the 4th Amendment.
So all they deserve is a big "KISS MY ASS"!!!
Right...because he is completely innocwnt and has nothing to hide.

Enough is enough.
90% of America thinks it's time to move on and get to work.
Democrats just want to attack Trump and not do anything to fix the problems they've caused.


Uh-huh, except for the part where he wasn't or as the report said, not exonerated.

Do you know what exonerated means?
So you find his guilt where?.....

McGahn's testimony, as summarized in Mueller's report, is potentially devastating to Trump on the matter of obstruction of justice. According to Mueller, in March 2017, Trump told McGahn to prevent then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions from recusing himself from the Russia investigation; Trump "expressed anger at the decision and told advisers that he should have an attorney general who would protect him." McGahn later advised Trump not to have contact with FBI Director James Comey and others at the Department of Justice about the Russia probe.
Most sensationally, in June 2017, when the media reported that Mueller had begun to investigate obstruction of justice, Trump called McGahn at home and directed him to have Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein fire Mueller. McGahn did not carry out Trump's order, "deciding that he would resign rather than trigger what he regarded as a potential Saturday Night Massacre." Compounding the matter, in early 2018, when the media reported on Trump's attempt to have McGahn fire Mueller, Trump pressured McGahn -- indirectly, through other White House officials, and directly, in the Oval Office -- to falsely deny the media reports. McGahn refused.

Here's how it will go:

Chairman Nadler: Mr. McGhan, did the President direct you to order Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein To fire Director Comey?

McGhan: Yes.

Chairman Nadler: Did the President order you directly, or indirectly to falsely deny media reports that you were directed to order Deputy Attorney General Rosentein to fire Dorector Comey?

McGhan: Yes.

And that is all it will take to prove obstruction of justice.
Cool, whatever generates the most chaos. Whatever chaps Nadler’s fat ass the most. I’m good with it
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Enough is enough. now Trump obstructs because "enough is enough". But he obstructed for the last 2 years for a totally different reason that ALSO has nothing to do with him having something to hide. Sure pal. ;) Bleachbit his server.....destroyed his cell phones.....erased 33,000 emails????

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