Donald Trump shows that Obama is neither transparent or charitable or legitimate

Why he even gets a spot eludes me. He is rich, so what? If I need advice about real estate, I’ll listen to every word that falls from his mouth like it is gold, because it is. If its political, he has as much weight as the monkey in the video earlier. Possibly even less.

Why are Americans so enthralled with the rich that they need to listen to the crap that comes out of their mouths? I don’t care what he has t say. Go away already.

Why do you pretend that Trump's money makes his inquiry any less valid?

How did you so epically fail to understand what I wrote. Where did I say anything about his money making his inquiry less valid? Fact is, I didn’t.

His money does not make his inquiry less valid BUT it does not make it more valid either. Plain and simple. I don’t value Donald Trump’s asinine remarks any more than I do Bill Maher or the homeless man on the street corner.

You see, here we are with videos and ‘announcements’ from a person that has no weight in politics whatsoever and he is there simply because of his money. That money makes his opinion and counsel concerning business and real estate (because he earned his money that way) very important and valuable. His opinion on the president and his status is another story altogether. He is no expert in any of these things. He has no more information or expertise in this matter than my neighbor.

The REAL question here is why do you seem to think that his money (the one thing that differentiates him from the thousands of others) makes his point MORE important. My guess is that is only so because you are buying onto his bullshit. That is likely why Mayer has no pull with you but Trump does.

Face it, birther nonsense is stupid and complete bullshit. These school records demands are no different than Romney’s tax record demands: bullshit. All I need is Obamas record to vote on and his statements about his vision for America. Not his school records from decades ago.
Why do you pretend that Trump's money makes his inquiry any less valid?

You mean....his race-baiting, xenophobic tinged attempt at public extortion?

Trump doesn't have 5million to give away.:badgrin:

I surprised he didn't mention the upcoming season of Apprentice.

Xenophobic? Either you need to look that word up, or you don't believe the Constitution is worth piss. Let me know.

After Trump was through brandishing his money for hire, he offered Rosie O`Donnel 5 mil to have her strip and prove she is a woman.
Who would be stupid enough to take the word of a con man like Trump? Does anyone really believe he'd give more to charity than he gave to his own foundation in over 20 years?
I loved Stephen Colbert's challenge to Trump...


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