Donald Trump staffer found guilty on 10 counts of election fraud

OF COURSE the Trump campaign hired a guy who committed election fraud. Trump probably deliberately sought him out for his expertise.

Election fraud is what the GOP excells in. There aren't enought old white racists in America for the GOP to win fair and square, so cheating and rigging is the only way they can win.
LWNJ's Didn't read the article, but still feels qualified to comment. You're a special little snowflake.


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Sounds to me like you're the one who didn't read it. Perhaps because you can't read? Fucking moron.

As the article states, dumbshit, the very fact that the Trump campaign had this criminal on their payroll is justification alone for a recount, especially in Michigan.

Right wing corruption knows no bounds.

He wasn't convicted of anything when they took him on the team, he was just found guilty.

How are those recounts going for ya?
Donald Trump staffer found guilty on 10 counts of election fraud
Source: Independent

A man who worked on Donald Trump’s campaign in Michigan has been found guilty on 10 counts of election fraud.

Brandon Hall, a political activist, forged signatures on petition forms in 2012 and now faces up to five years in prison.

The 27-year-old from Grand Haven, along with his friend Zachary Savage, forged signatures in support of judicial candidate Chris Houtaling.

Mr Savage received immunity from charges by the Attorney General’s Office in exchange for his testimony in this case, according to Grand Haven Tribune.

Read more: Trump staffer convicted for electoral fraud

This guy commited fraud.

From four years ago?
Donald Trump staffer found guilty on 10 counts of election fraud
Source: Independent

A man who worked on Donald Trump’s campaign in Michigan has been found guilty on 10 counts of election fraud.

Brandon Hall, a political activist, forged signatures on petition forms in 2012 and now faces up to five years in prison.

The 27-year-old from Grand Haven, along with his friend Zachary Savage, forged signatures in support of judicial candidate Chris Houtaling.

Mr Savage received immunity from charges by the Attorney General’s Office in exchange for his testimony in this case, according to Grand Haven Tribune.

Read more: Trump staffer convicted for electoral fraud

This guy commited fraud.

Wow, someone is grasping at straws here. The guy forged signatures on petitions back in 2012. Nothing to do with Trump. And what evidence is there that he actually worked for Trump's campaign? Who the hell is this guy and why should we care? He should be in trouble for what he did.

The thread title is trying to make it sound like one of Trump's people cheated in the election. Talk about fake news sites. This is one that hopes people will take the headline at face value and not read the details.
Still scraping the bottom of barrels, Matthew?

That he is. He can't get over that Trump won and Hillary didn't.

Maybe he'll dig back into the 90's to see if he can throw some more bullshit on the board.

Guys one sore loser who's grasping a straws. LOL
I think I could get on board and side with the liberals when a conservative is found guilty of election fraud, I have little tolerance for it regardless of the side involved.
However I do have a problem showing concern openly when they try to make a big deal out of something basically unrelated to the current election, and when they dont seem to be too concerned with the Video of their own party discussing how they train people to start fights at the Trump rally, or how they are going to register illegals to vote and bus them in to various districts to do so.
Honestly, I have problems with both. And I would be outraged (not that my rage matters) had those tapes been of the RNC discussing their plans to influence the election illegally.
As much as I dislike Hillary, I would much prefer she be president than Donald if the way Donald won was through underhanded cheating, fraud and manipulation.
Liberals dont seem to value honesty as much as real people do.
Let me get this straight.

This guy forged signatures on a petition for some judge four years ago, before Trump was even a candidate, and you're trying to pretend this undermines Trump's election this year?

(shakes head)

You liberals just can't stop whining and complaining about getting whipped, can you?

Well, I finally just realized I fucked up with this post.
As usual.

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