Donald Trump Tells Fox News’ Bret Baier Why He Didn’t Just Return ALL Classified Documents: “I Was Very Busy” To Sort Through Boxes

Remember, the judge that Trump appointed oversees jury selection. She gets the final word on who's on the jury.

So your argument that DOJ can stack the jury is pure bull shit.

Most of Florida loves and respects President Trump.
Should be an easy acquittal.
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Nothing Trump says can be considered "fact".

His lawyers will claim anything Trump said, without being under oath, can be anything from hyperbole to an outright lie. But he has a 1st amendment right to say anything.

As do we all.
Remember, the judge that Trump appointed oversees jury selection. She gets the final word on who's on the jury.

So your argument that DOJ can stack the jury is pure bull shit.
Whatever. The judge makes sure the process is legal but it is the attorneys who dismiss or accept whatever jurors are in the jury pool until they agree on 12 plus a designated number of alternates.

If you think the prosecution doesn't have a say on who sits on the jury, I'm not the one that needs to worry about bull shit.

And FYI, once the prosecution and defense know who will be in the jury pool they will be conducting extensive background checks--I mean security clearance level background checks--on all of them to get a pretty good idea who they want and don't want. The DOJ has a huge leg up there in that they can conduct far more in depth background checks than Trump's team will be able to do.
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yep, he runs an empire. Biden sells influence, see the difference?

Trump actually owns businesses....Biden owns 20 shell companies / LLCs that create nothing, sells nothing, advises on nothing, but does launder millions...
"I was busy" isn't a good legal defense.

His lawyers are probably screaming at him to just shut up.
Whatever. The judge makes sure the process is legal but it is the attorneys who dismiss or accept whatever jurors are in the jury pool until they agree on 12 plus a designated number of alternates.
Each side gets a limited (around 5-7) peremptary challenges. Or challenges without cause. The rest have to be with the approval of the judge.

Your bullshit just keeps getting deeper and deeper
Rule 24. Trial Jurors | Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure

Other Felony Case. The government has 6 peremptory challenges and the defendant or defendants jointly have 10 peremptory challenges when the defendant is charged with a crime punishable by imprisonment of more than one year.
Rule 24. Trial Jurors | Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure

Other Felony Case. The government has 6 peremptory challenges and the defendant or defendants jointly have 10 peremptory challenges when the defendant is charged with a crime punishable by imprisonment of more than one year.
They don't challenge everybody. They do know who they don't want on the jury. But since you are becoming more and more hostile and insulting I will wish you a pleasant evening and move on.
Yet you idiots can never name any actual lies.

“The pandemic is ‘under control’” and “the 2020 election was ‘stolen’” are among the more idiotic of Trump’s endless list of lies.

Here’s a list of Trump’s lies just from his first 40 days in office:

They don't challenge everybody. They do know who they don't want on the jury. But since you are becoming more and more hostile and insulting I will wish you a pleasant evening and move on.
The "hostility" is proportional to your level of either ignorance or deliberate false representation of judicial reality.

If you're a little wrong, you get a little nudge to correct you. If you're off the cliff wrong, it takes something to get your attention.
The "hostility" is proportional to your level of either ignorance or deliberate false representation of judicial reality.

If you're a little wrong, you get a little nudge to correct you. If you're off the cliff wrong, it takes something to get your attention.
Everyone knows yer mean / gene.
He can, he was President. He had ultimate declassification authority.

I know it hurts your feelings, but it’s the truth.

Whether the documents were declassified is irrelevant, of course; even if declassified, Trump is still in legal jeopardy.

Thirty-one of 37 counts against Trump involve the 1917 Espionage Act, which makes it a crime to possess or disclose national security information.

The Espionage Act is completely unrelated to the process of classifying national security documents:

“The law criminalizes the unauthorized retention or disclosure of information related to national defense that could harm the United States or aid its enemies. It was enacted decades before the executive branch established the current system of classifying national security secrets.

In normal circumstances, a document protected by the Espionage Act is almost certainly classified. But because the two protection systems, executive branch classification and the Espionage Act, work in parallel, a document does not need to be classified to be protected by the act.”

And a declassified document is still protected by the Espionage Act, the law that Trump violated by being in unauthorized possession of information related to national defense that could harm the United States or aid its enemies – whether declassified or not.
And FYI, once the prosecution and defense know who will be in the jury pool they will be conducting extensive background checks--I mean security clearance level background checks--on all of them to get a pretty good idea who they want and don't want. The DOJ has a huge leg up there in that they can conduct far more in depth background checks than Trump's team will be able to do.

I don't know where you get this

Being summoned for jury service does not guarantee that a person will actually serve on a jury. When a jury is needed for a trial, the group of qualified jurors is taken to the courtroom where the trial will take place. The judge and the attorneys then ask the potential jurors questions to determine their suitability to serve on the jury, a process called voir dire. The purpose of voir dire is to exclude from the jury people who may not be able to decide the case fairly. Members of the panel who know any person involved in the case, who have information about the case, or who may have strong prejudices about the people or issues involved in the case, typically will be excused by the judge. The attorneys also may exclude a certain number of jurors without giving a reason.
“The law criminalizes the unauthorized retention or disclosure of information related to national defense that could harm the United States or aid its enemies. It was enacted decades before the executive branch established the current system of classifying national security secrets.

In normal circumstances, a document protected by the Espionage Act is almost certainly classified. But because the two protection systems, executive branch classification and the Espionage Act, work in parallel, a document does not need to be classified to be protected by the act.”
This is what they fail to comprehend. That to avoid the question of if or how Trump
declassified the documents, they just deal with the documents contents.

This is why they're so twisted up in knots.

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