Donald Trump Tells Fox News’ Bret Baier Why He Didn’t Just Return ALL Classified Documents: “I Was Very Busy” To Sort Through Boxes

I don't know where you get this

Being summoned for jury service does not guarantee that a person will actually serve on a jury. When a jury is needed for a trial, the group of qualified jurors is taken to the courtroom where the trial will take place. The judge and the attorneys then ask the potential jurors questions to determine their suitability to serve on the jury, a process called voir dire. The purpose of voir dire is to exclude from the jury people who may not be able to decide the case fairly. Members of the panel who know any person involved in the case, who have information about the case, or who may have strong prejudices about the people or issues involved in the case, typically will be excused by the judge. The attorneys also may exclude a certain number of jurors without giving a reason.
I have worked in a law office. I was the one doing the background checks. Maybe if you read what I have written more carefully, you wouldn't draw so many wrong conclusions about me.
The Democrats executed a coup against the American people.
The people aren't going to just move on.
There is no evidence at all to say that.
You trash just made it up because you are too weak and pathetic to admit Trump lost, like little children

Republicans are the weak of America
We are all busy, right? Too busy is an excuse.
A trail will determine if that excuse holds water.

Fox News has released a preview clip of anchor Bret Baier’s interview with Donald Trump, the former president’s first sit down since he was indicted last week on federal charges related to his withholding of classified documents.

According to the clip (watch it below), Trump offered another explanation for why he didn’t just return the classified material, even in response to a subpoena: He was too busy to sort through the boxes where they were kept.

What's the REAL national security risk? A few boxes of documents collecting dust in Trump's house, or a thousand pages of classified documents left at the U Penn Center, attended by Chinese nationalist "students" and heavily funded by the CCP? YOU'VE BEEN GASLIGHTED.
I have worked in a law office. I was the one doing the background checks. Maybe if you read what I have written more carefully, you wouldn't draw so many wrong conclusions about me.
Just saying that no matter what they find, it's up to the judge to disqualify jurors. If a dozen people show up in MAGA hats, and Trump 2024 t-shirts. The feds only get to disqualify 6 of them. And it's up to the Trump appointed judge to disqualify the other six. And the judges record on doing everything possible to help the president who put her on the federal bench, there is a good chance she would allow them to serve.
So he says "I didn't have time". For a year and a half, while he played a few hundred rounds of golf.

Then why did he have his lawyers, multiple times, tell Archives that he had FULLY complied? In writing?

Jack Smith must be salivating, as this lying buffoon continues to incriminate himself on Fox and everywhere else.
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“The pandemic is ‘under control’” and “the 2020 election was ‘stolen’” are among the more idiotic of Trump’s endless list of lies.

Here’s a list of Trump’s lies just from his first 40 days in office:

LOL, so you are claiming the 2020 election wan’t stolen? Good luck proving that.
What's the REAL national security risk? A few boxes of documents collecting dust in Trump's house, or a thousand pages of classified documents left at the U Penn Center, attended by Chinese nationalist "students" and heavily funded by the CCP? YOU'VE BEEN GASLIGHTED.
I think the gaslight is on the other foot.

Lawyers for the president found 10 documents with classified markings in a locked closet at the center on Nov. 2, 2022. The papers reportedly were mixed in with Biden family documents — including details of funeral arrangements for the president’s son Beau, who died in 2015.

They were in a locked closet for Bidens "personal" papers, which means they weren't subject to outside eyes.

Now compare to Trumps dozens and dozens of boxes, stored in sometimes locked storage rooms, sometimes stored on the ballroom stage, or in a bathroom, places where guests had open access to.
Are you fucking brain damaged?

Okay retard, let’s look at #1 on that list:

”Democrats can't impeach a Republican President for crimes committed by Democrats”
It claims: “in fact: There is no evidence that major Russia-related crimes were committed by "the Democrats."

LOL, Trump isn’t referring to just Russia. They impeached him over Ukraine. Biden is on tape bragging about how he called up Ukraine and threatened them, forced them to drop the investigations into Burisma. We of course now know Joe Biden took millions in bribes from Burisma as of course so did Hunter over the years.

So the very first “lie” on your list is 100% bullshit.
Republicans attacked the indictment before they knew what it alleged, or what evidence it contained, and thus found themselves defending Trump for hiding stolen government documents next to a toilet beneath a chandelier in the world’s most ridiculous bathroom.
Really? If there is such proof then we should just skip the trial intended to dispute the evidence presented as proof?

Where is your proof that the FBI did not plant that 'proof' during their raid since they ordered the security cameras turned off and banished any witnesses from the premises?

Fake News foxfyre!

The security cameras were never turned off...not even for a nano second!

Trump has the video of the entire search!
Okay retard, let’s look at #1 on that list:

”Democrats can't impeach a Republican President for crimes committed by Democrats”
It claims: “in fact: There is no evidence that major Russia-related crimes were committed by "the Democrats."

LOL, Trump isn’t referring to just Russia. They impeached him over Ukraine. Biden is on tape bragging about how he called up Ukraine and threatened them, forced them to drop the investigations into Burisma. We of course now know Joe Biden took millions in bribes from Burisma as of course so did Hunter over the years.

So the very first “lie” on your list is 100% bullshit.
Oh gosh....

Biden is on tape bragging about how he called up Ukraine and threatened them, forced them to drop the investigations into Burisma.


Biden is not on tape forcing anyone to drop investigations in to Burisma....

The prosecutor's office had no investigations in to Burisma and other corrupt businesses on hold...they were NOT going after corruption in the prosecutor general's office.

That is why the Usa, IMF, the UK, the EU, the World bank wanted the prosecutor General replaced, before we all continued to fund the Ukraine in any manner.

Shokin was corrupt. His prosecutors were corrupt.... even got caught being paid off to not investigate corruption by the corrupt oligarchs with hundreds of diamonds....

Shokin finally resigned after Ukrainians against corruption protested against him...but then he wouldn't leave, so Parliament voted to remove him.I

Rudy Giuliani found Shokin in Russia and had Shokin tell his NEWLY REVISED STORY of Biden getting him fired cuz he was investigating Burisma fake news crap...

What Biden did and was openly bragging about on the tape, was U.S. Policy.... silly one!
That is why the Usa, IMF, the UK, the EU, the World bank wanted the prosecutor General replaced
Because they are all in the money laundering too. If the Deep State US says to do something, they all follow suit.

How can you be so dumb to not know this? Oh wait it’s you.
Oh gosh....


Biden is not on tape forcing anyone to drop investigations in to Burisma....

The prosecutor's office had no investigations in to Burisma and other corrupt businesses on hold...they were NOT going after corruption in the prosecutor general's office.

That is why the Usa, IMF, the UK, the EU, the World bank wanted the prosecutor General replaced, before we all continued to fund the Ukraine in any manner.

Shokin was corrupt. His prosecutors were corrupt.... even got caught being paid off to not investigate corruption by the corrupt oligarchs with hundreds of diamonds....

Shokin finally resigned after Ukrainians against corruption protested against him...but then he wouldn't leave, so Parliament voted to remove him.I

Rudy Giuliani found Shokin in Russia and had Shokin tell his NEWLY REVISED STORY of Biden getting him fired cuz he was investigating Burisma fake news crap...

What Biden did and was openly bragging about on the tape, was U.S. Policy.... silly one!
Here he is bragging that he would withhold $1 billion in aid if they didn’t fire the prosecutor:


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