Donald Trump, the art of the how to bs the american stupid!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
I know in my gut, that Donald Trump, late at night while sippin on his expensive champaign, nibling on his caviar, has got to have the biggest grin on his face realizing that the American Stupid, ie southern conservatives has got to be the most gullible dumbest creatures ever created by the hand of God. Keep in mind, this is the same exact crowd that thought Sarah Palin was the answer to their prayers and she couldn't even spell the word, let alone do anything about it. She thought the Queen was the president of England.

This man is waving this job creation crap like the southerners wave Dixie flags for fond memories of their heritage...yeah, right....... This guy is crapin all over China, when he himself.....uses China's labor force to create wealth for his clothing line. He chose China, like every single corporation in this country choses China because the labor costs are CHEAP!!!!!! Does anyone in their right mind, think WALL STREET IS GONNA GIVE UP THEIR MEGA PROFITS, just because President Dump asked? 80% of the wealth Trump recieves and lives off of, comes from OVERSEAS VENUES......Its the foreign market that buys up the apartments and hotels that Trump builds....the top 2% in this country couldn't possibly finance his so called billion dollar treasure think he's gonna suddenly shit all over these people for you????

There is no way in hell, Wall street is gonna give up paying pennies on the dollar to have their goods manufactured here in the US, no effin way and for anyone to think that Trump is gonna somehow magically end China's stronghold on manufacturing around the world, you people are just too damned gullible for words.

He may make them pay a little more to import here, but this country is loaded, they don't give a shit and the cost will be passed onto you.....and still you won't have more jobs than you have today.

If you think easing regulations and getting rid of the EPA is gonna spark jobs growth, think again...8 years of Bush, got you nothing. We can not compete with any country where labor costs are 3 or 5 dollars a day. The only thing Donald Trump is good at, is saying all the right things to a nation that is lazy, racist and willing to buy into anything as long as its not black, liberal or Hillary!!


the irony of this coming from people that voted a man to the WH that had a resume so thin he still needed to brag what school he went to.

best irony ever
I know in my gut, that Donald Trump, late at night while sippin on his expensive champaign, nibling on his caviar, has got to have the biggest grin on his face realizing that the American Stupid, ie southern conservatives has got to be the most gullible dumbest creatures ever created by the hand of God. Keep in mind, this is the same exact crowd that thought Sarah Palin was the answer to their prayers and she couldn't even spell the word, let alone do anything about it. She thought the Queen was the president of England.

This man is waving this job creation crap like the southerners wave Dixie flags for fond memories of their heritage...yeah, right....... This guy is crapin all over China, when he himself.....uses China's labor force to create wealth for his clothing line. He chose China, like every single corporation in this country choses China because the labor costs are CHEAP!!!!!! Does anyone in their right mind, think WALL STREET IS GONNA GIVE UP THEIR MEGA PROFITS, just because President Dump asked? 80% of the wealth Trump recieves and lives off of, comes from OVERSEAS VENUES......Its the foreign market that buys up the apartments and hotels that Trump builds....the top 2% in this country couldn't possibly finance his so called billion dollar treasure think he's gonna suddenly shit all over these people for you????

There is no way in hell, Wall street is gonna give up paying pennies on the dollar to have their goods manufactured here in the US, no effin way and for anyone to think that Trump is gonna somehow magically end China's stronghold on manufacturing around the world, you people are just too damned gullible for words.

He may make them pay a little more to import here, but this country is loaded, they don't give a shit and the cost will be passed onto you.....and still you won't have more jobs than you have today.

If you think easing regulations and getting rid of the EPA is gonna spark jobs growth, think again...8 years of Bush, got you nothing. We can not compete with any country where labor costs are 3 or 5 dollars a day. The only thing Donald Trump is good at, is saying all the right things to a nation that is lazy, racist and willing to buy into anything as long as its not black, liberal or Hillary!!

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Whatever....because we need more of the same professional pols....because they have done such a wonderful job.:uhoh3:

Your post is full of inaccuracies....for one, dipshit W (The Progressive) increased regulations and did not get rid of the EPA. He expanded the EPA.

When will you partisans ever learn?
the irony of this coming from people that voted a man to the WH that had a resume so thin he still needed to brag what school he went to.

best irony ever

Listen, there is no way in hell, in hell you or anybody is gonna take the record of President Obama and degrade it because some slick talking white salesman, ie Donald Dump is now on the scene. This man, our president took this country from the edges of a complete depression and brought jobs, stability and common sense back where there was none. I'm sick and tired of people like you, who no doubt WORKS for a fuckin living, crying about this country and how fuckin bad it is. Your white ass get up every day, go to a damned job and come home...what the eff is there to complain about?????? Because the man is black????

I know in my gut, that Donald Trump, late at night while sippin on his expensive champaign, nibling on his caviar, has got to have the biggest grin on his face realizing that the American Stupid, ie southern conservatives has got to be the most gullible dumbest creatures ever created by the hand of God. Keep in mind, this is the same exact crowd that thought Sarah Palin was the answer to their prayers and she couldn't even spell the word, let alone do anything about it. She thought the Queen was the president of England.

This man is waving this job creation crap like the southerners wave Dixie flags for fond memories of their heritage...yeah, right....... This guy is crapin all over China, when he himself.....uses China's labor force to create wealth for his clothing line. He chose China, like every single corporation in this country choses China because the labor costs are CHEAP!!!!!! Does anyone in their right mind, think WALL STREET IS GONNA GIVE UP THEIR MEGA PROFITS, just because President Dump asked? 80% of the wealth Trump recieves and lives off of, comes from OVERSEAS VENUES......Its the foreign market that buys up the apartments and hotels that Trump builds....the top 2% in this country couldn't possibly finance his so called billion dollar treasure think he's gonna suddenly shit all over these people for you????

There is no way in hell, Wall street is gonna give up paying pennies on the dollar to have their goods manufactured here in the US, no effin way and for anyone to think that Trump is gonna somehow magically end China's stronghold on manufacturing around the world, you people are just too damned gullible for words.

He may make them pay a little more to import here, but this country is loaded, they don't give a shit and the cost will be passed onto you.....and still you won't have more jobs than you have today.

If you think easing regulations and getting rid of the EPA is gonna spark jobs growth, think again...8 years of Bush, got you nothing. We can not compete with any country where labor costs are 3 or 5 dollars a day. The only thing Donald Trump is good at, is saying all the right things to a nation that is lazy, racist and willing to buy into anything as long as its not black, liberal or Hillary!!

View attachment 48002
Whatever....because we need more of the same professional pols....because they have done such a wonderful job.:uhoh3:

Your post is full of inaccuracies....for one, dipshit W (The Progressive) increased regulations and did not get rid of the EPA. He expanded the EPA.

When will you partisans ever learn?

I miss spoke, this is the shit you morons are running on, provided you can get a word in edge wise over Trump. I find it interesting anytime a sorry ass republican president does anything that aides ALL OF AMERICA AND NOT JUST TO THE TOP, THEIR SUDDENLY PROGRESSIVES???? RONALD FUCKIN REAGAN LEFT THIS COUNTRY WITH THE LARGEST DEFICIT IN US HISTORY UP UNTIL THEN, SOMETHING YOU MINDLESS FUCKS ALWAYS SEEM TO OVER LOOK.
I know in my gut, that Donald Trump, late at night while sippin on his expensive champaign, nibling on his caviar, has got to have the biggest grin on his face realizing that the American Stupid, ie southern conservatives has got to be the most gullible dumbest creatures ever created by the hand of God. Keep in mind, this is the same exact crowd that thought Sarah Palin was the answer to their prayers and she couldn't even spell the word, let alone do anything about it. She thought the Queen was the president of England.

This man is waving this job creation crap like the southerners wave Dixie flags for fond memories of their heritage...yeah, right....... This guy is crapin all over China, when he himself.....uses China's labor force to create wealth for his clothing line. He chose China, like every single corporation in this country choses China because the labor costs are CHEAP!!!!!! Does anyone in their right mind, think WALL STREET IS GONNA GIVE UP THEIR MEGA PROFITS, just because President Dump asked? 80% of the wealth Trump recieves and lives off of, comes from OVERSEAS VENUES......Its the foreign market that buys up the apartments and hotels that Trump builds....the top 2% in this country couldn't possibly finance his so called billion dollar treasure think he's gonna suddenly shit all over these people for you????

There is no way in hell, Wall street is gonna give up paying pennies on the dollar to have their goods manufactured here in the US, no effin way and for anyone to think that Trump is gonna somehow magically end China's stronghold on manufacturing around the world, you people are just too damned gullible for words.

He may make them pay a little more to import here, but this country is loaded, they don't give a shit and the cost will be passed onto you.....and still you won't have more jobs than you have today.

If you think easing regulations and getting rid of the EPA is gonna spark jobs growth, think again...8 years of Bush, got you nothing. We can not compete with any country where labor costs are 3 or 5 dollars a day. The only thing Donald Trump is good at, is saying all the right things to a nation that is lazy, racist and willing to buy into anything as long as its not black, liberal or Hillary!!

View attachment 48002
Whatever....because we need more of the same professional pols....because they have done such a wonderful job.:uhoh3:

Your post is full of inaccuracies....for one, dipshit W (The Progressive) increased regulations and did not get rid of the EPA. He expanded the EPA.

When will you partisans ever learn?

I miss spoke, this is the shit you morons are running on, provided you can get a word in edge wise over Trump. I find it interesting anytime a sorry ass republican president does anything that aides ALL OF AMERICA AND NOT JUST TO THE TOP, THEIR SUDDENLY PROGRESSIVES???? RONALD FUCKIN REAGAN LEFT THIS COUNTRY WITH THE LARGEST DEFICIT IN US HISTORY UP UNTIL THEN, SOMETHING YOU MINDLESS FUCKS ALWAYS SEEM TO OVER LOOK.
You're an idiot.

I am not an R.

Fools like you bitch about Reagan's deficits, but ignore Big Ear's or stupidly claim he had to bow up the deficit to save the nation.
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I know in my gut, that Donald Trump, late at night while sippin on his expensive champaign, nibling on his caviar, has got to have the biggest grin on his face realizing that the American Stupid, ie southern conservatives has got to be the most gullible dumbest creatures ever created by the hand of God. Keep in mind, this is the same exact crowd that thought Sarah Palin was the answer to their prayers and she couldn't even spell the word, let alone do anything about it. She thought the Queen was the president of England.

This man is waving this job creation crap like the southerners wave Dixie flags for fond memories of their heritage...yeah, right....... This guy is crapin all over China, when he himself.....uses China's labor force to create wealth for his clothing line. He chose China, like every single corporation in this country choses China because the labor costs are CHEAP!!!!!! Does anyone in their right mind, think WALL STREET IS GONNA GIVE UP THEIR MEGA PROFITS, just because President Dump asked? 80% of the wealth Trump recieves and lives off of, comes from OVERSEAS VENUES......Its the foreign market that buys up the apartments and hotels that Trump builds....the top 2% in this country couldn't possibly finance his so called billion dollar treasure think he's gonna suddenly shit all over these people for you????

There is no way in hell, Wall street is gonna give up paying pennies on the dollar to have their goods manufactured here in the US, no effin way and for anyone to think that Trump is gonna somehow magically end China's stronghold on manufacturing around the world, you people are just too damned gullible for words.

He may make them pay a little more to import here, but this country is loaded, they don't give a shit and the cost will be passed onto you.....and still you won't have more jobs than you have today.

If you think easing regulations and getting rid of the EPA is gonna spark jobs growth, think again...8 years of Bush, got you nothing. We can not compete with any country where labor costs are 3 or 5 dollars a day. The only thing Donald Trump is good at, is saying all the right things to a nation that is lazy, racist and willing to buy into anything as long as its not black, liberal or Hillary!!

View attachment 48002

well..look at you stringing syllables together! You probably even know the definitions to a few of those words you typed.
With some training you could probably overcome some of the mental handicap of low IQ and maybe even become a productive member of society.....
I know in my gut, that Donald Trump, late at night while sippin on his expensive champaign, nibling on his caviar, has got to have the biggest grin on his face realizing that the American Stupid, ie southern conservatives has got to be the most gullible dumbest creatures ever created by the hand of God. Keep in mind, this is the same exact crowd that thought Sarah Palin was the answer to their prayers and she couldn't even spell the word, let alone do anything about it. She thought the Queen was the president of England.

This man is waving this job creation crap like the southerners wave Dixie flags for fond memories of their heritage...yeah, right....... This guy is crapin all over China, when he himself.....uses China's labor force to create wealth for his clothing line. He chose China, like every single corporation in this country choses China because the labor costs are CHEAP!!!!!! Does anyone in their right mind, think WALL STREET IS GONNA GIVE UP THEIR MEGA PROFITS, just because President Dump asked? 80% of the wealth Trump recieves and lives off of, comes from OVERSEAS VENUES......Its the foreign market that buys up the apartments and hotels that Trump builds....the top 2% in this country couldn't possibly finance his so called billion dollar treasure think he's gonna suddenly shit all over these people for you????

There is no way in hell, Wall street is gonna give up paying pennies on the dollar to have their goods manufactured here in the US, no effin way and for anyone to think that Trump is gonna somehow magically end China's stronghold on manufacturing around the world, you people are just too damned gullible for words.

He may make them pay a little more to import here, but this country is loaded, they don't give a shit and the cost will be passed onto you.....and still you won't have more jobs than you have today.

If you think easing regulations and getting rid of the EPA is gonna spark jobs growth, think again...8 years of Bush, got you nothing. We can not compete with any country where labor costs are 3 or 5 dollars a day. The only thing Donald Trump is good at, is saying all the right things to a nation that is lazy, racist and willing to buy into anything as long as its not black, liberal or Hillary!!

View attachment 48002

well..look at you stringing syllables together! You probably even know the definitions to a few of those words you typed.
With some training you could probably overcome some of the mental handicap of low IQ and maybe even become a productive member of society.....

Why is it, every time the Tiger, I try to school you dumb shit heads, the only thing you morons seem to come up with, is the grammer bullshit? Like get the fuck outta here.....The last person I plan to give a shit about is some hillbilly keyboard fuck having difficulty understanding me, when you morons rush to my post like shit to toilet paper. And for that, I commend you, you know taste and common sense when you see it.

I know in my gut, that Donald Trump, late at night while sippin on his expensive champaign, nibling on his caviar, has got to have the biggest grin on his face realizing that the American Stupid, ie southern conservatives has got to be the most gullible dumbest creatures ever created by the hand of God. Keep in mind, this is the same exact crowd that thought Sarah Palin was the answer to their prayers and she couldn't even spell the word, let alone do anything about it. She thought the Queen was the president of England.

This man is waving this job creation crap like the southerners wave Dixie flags for fond memories of their heritage...yeah, right....... This guy is crapin all over China, when he himself.....uses China's labor force to create wealth for his clothing line. He chose China, like every single corporation in this country choses China because the labor costs are CHEAP!!!!!! Does anyone in their right mind, think WALL STREET IS GONNA GIVE UP THEIR MEGA PROFITS, just because President Dump asked? 80% of the wealth Trump recieves and lives off of, comes from OVERSEAS VENUES......Its the foreign market that buys up the apartments and hotels that Trump builds....the top 2% in this country couldn't possibly finance his so called billion dollar treasure think he's gonna suddenly shit all over these people for you????

There is no way in hell, Wall street is gonna give up paying pennies on the dollar to have their goods manufactured here in the US, no effin way and for anyone to think that Trump is gonna somehow magically end China's stronghold on manufacturing around the world, you people are just too damned gullible for words.

He may make them pay a little more to import here, but this country is loaded, they don't give a shit and the cost will be passed onto you.....and still you won't have more jobs than you have today.

If you think easing regulations and getting rid of the EPA is gonna spark jobs growth, think again...8 years of Bush, got you nothing. We can not compete with any country where labor costs are 3 or 5 dollars a day. The only thing Donald Trump is good at, is saying all the right things to a nation that is lazy, racist and willing to buy into anything as long as its not black, liberal or Hillary!!

View attachment 48002
Whatever....because we need more of the same professional pols....because they have done such a wonderful job.:uhoh3:

Your post is full of inaccuracies....for one, dipshit W (The Progressive) increased regulations and did not get rid of the EPA. He expanded the EPA.

When will you partisans ever learn?

I miss spoke, this is the shit you morons are running on, provided you can get a word in edge wise over Trump. I find it interesting anytime a sorry ass republican president does anything that aides ALL OF AMERICA AND NOT JUST TO THE TOP, THEIR SUDDENLY PROGRESSIVES???? RONALD FUCKIN REAGAN LEFT THIS COUNTRY WITH THE LARGEST DEFICIT IN US HISTORY UP UNTIL THEN, SOMETHING YOU MINDLESS FUCKS ALWAYS SEEM TO OVER LOOK.
You're an idiot.

I am not an R.

Fools like you bitch about Reagan's deficits, but ignore Big Ear's or stupidly claim he had to to save the nation.

And he gotdamnit did and Reagan did stupid motherfuckin comment!!
I know in my gut, that Donald Trump, late at night while sippin on his expensive champaign, nibling on his caviar, has got to have the biggest grin on his face realizing that the American Stupid, ie southern conservatives has got to be the most gullible dumbest creatures ever created by the hand of God. Keep in mind, this is the same exact crowd that thought Sarah Palin was the answer to their prayers and she couldn't even spell the word, let alone do anything about it. She thought the Queen was the president of England.

This man is waving this job creation crap like the southerners wave Dixie flags for fond memories of their heritage...yeah, right....... This guy is crapin all over China, when he himself.....uses China's labor force to create wealth for his clothing line. He chose China, like every single corporation in this country choses China because the labor costs are CHEAP!!!!!! Does anyone in their right mind, think WALL STREET IS GONNA GIVE UP THEIR MEGA PROFITS, just because President Dump asked? 80% of the wealth Trump recieves and lives off of, comes from OVERSEAS VENUES......Its the foreign market that buys up the apartments and hotels that Trump builds....the top 2% in this country couldn't possibly finance his so called billion dollar treasure think he's gonna suddenly shit all over these people for you????

There is no way in hell, Wall street is gonna give up paying pennies on the dollar to have their goods manufactured here in the US, no effin way and for anyone to think that Trump is gonna somehow magically end China's stronghold on manufacturing around the world, you people are just too damned gullible for words.

He may make them pay a little more to import here, but this country is loaded, they don't give a shit and the cost will be passed onto you.....and still you won't have more jobs than you have today.

If you think easing regulations and getting rid of the EPA is gonna spark jobs growth, think again...8 years of Bush, got you nothing. We can not compete with any country where labor costs are 3 or 5 dollars a day. The only thing Donald Trump is good at, is saying all the right things to a nation that is lazy, racist and willing to buy into anything as long as its not black, liberal or Hillary!!

View attachment 48002

well..look at you stringing syllables together! You probably even know the definitions to a few of those words you typed.
With some training you could probably overcome some of the mental handicap of low IQ and maybe even become a productive member of society.....

Why is it, every time the Tiger, I try to school you dumb shit heads, the only thing you morons seem to come up with, is the grammer bullshit? Like get the fuck outta here.....The last person I plan to give a shit about is some hillbilly keyboard fuck having difficulty understanding me, when you morons rush to my post like shit to toilet paper. And for that, I commend you, you know taste and common sense when you see it.

View attachment 48007

I never said anything about your "grammer", negro...settle down...

This country don't want serious politicians, look at the last election and fucked up GOP they voted into office. Some people, ie white people will listen to any gotdamned thing that sounds good to them, that feeds into their insecurities, their bias, their need for affirmation that the white man is still King. White people are perhaps some of the sorriest bastards on the planet. They walk around this country, thumping their chest, desperately trying to hold onto a yesterday of white supremacy that is never ever going to come back the way they wish it to. Its almost like the Daily Post in Europe, that asked the burning question of the decade....
Barack Hussein Obama set the standard for leading the stupid to the polls, Trump will have difficulty beating him on that score.
I know in my gut, that Donald Trump, late at night while sippin on his expensive champaign, nibling on his caviar, has got to have the biggest grin on his face realizing that the American Stupid, ie southern conservatives has got to be the most gullible dumbest creatures ever created by the hand of God. Keep in mind, this is the same exact crowd that thought Sarah Palin was the answer to their prayers and she couldn't even spell the word, let alone do anything about it. She thought the Queen was the president of England.

This man is waving this job creation crap like the southerners wave Dixie flags for fond memories of their heritage...yeah, right....... This guy is crapin all over China, when he himself.....uses China's labor force to create wealth for his clothing line. He chose China, like every single corporation in this country choses China because the labor costs are CHEAP!!!!!! Does anyone in their right mind, think WALL STREET IS GONNA GIVE UP THEIR MEGA PROFITS, just because President Dump asked? 80% of the wealth Trump recieves and lives off of, comes from OVERSEAS VENUES......Its the foreign market that buys up the apartments and hotels that Trump builds....the top 2% in this country couldn't possibly finance his so called billion dollar treasure think he's gonna suddenly shit all over these people for you????

There is no way in hell, Wall street is gonna give up paying pennies on the dollar to have their goods manufactured here in the US, no effin way and for anyone to think that Trump is gonna somehow magically end China's stronghold on manufacturing around the world, you people are just too damned gullible for words.

He may make them pay a little more to import here, but this country is loaded, they don't give a shit and the cost will be passed onto you.....and still you won't have more jobs than you have today.

If you think easing regulations and getting rid of the EPA is gonna spark jobs growth, think again...8 years of Bush, got you nothing. We can not compete with any country where labor costs are 3 or 5 dollars a day. The only thing Donald Trump is good at, is saying all the right things to a nation that is lazy, racist and willing to buy into anything as long as its not black, liberal or Hillary!!

View attachment 48002

well..look at you stringing syllables together! You probably even know the definitions to a few of those words you typed.
With some training you could probably overcome some of the mental handicap of low IQ and maybe even become a productive member of society.....

Why is it, every time the Tiger, I try to school you dumb shit heads, the only thing you morons seem to come up with, is the grammer bullshit? Like get the fuck outta here.....The last person I plan to give a shit about is some hillbilly keyboard fuck having difficulty understanding me, when you morons rush to my post like shit to toilet paper. And for that, I commend you, you know taste and common sense when you see it.

View attachment 48007

I never said anything about your "grammer", negro...settle down...

Miss me on the insults, they go in one ear and out the other or better still, find a damn dime and call somebody that gives a fuck about you, cause I don't!!
Barack Hussein Obama set the standard for leading the stupid to the polls, Trump will have difficulty beating him on that score.

LOL....yeah and he did it stupid motherfuckin comment, beyatch!!
I know in my gut, that Donald Trump, late at night while sippin on his expensive champaign, nibling on his caviar, has got to have the biggest grin on his face realizing that the American Stupid, ie southern conservatives has got to be the most gullible dumbest creatures ever created by the hand of God. Keep in mind, this is the same exact crowd that thought Sarah Palin was the answer to their prayers and she couldn't even spell the word, let alone do anything about it. She thought the Queen was the president of England.

This man is waving this job creation crap like the southerners wave Dixie flags for fond memories of their heritage...yeah, right....... This guy is crapin all over China, when he himself.....uses China's labor force to create wealth for his clothing line. He chose China, like every single corporation in this country choses China because the labor costs are CHEAP!!!!!! Does anyone in their right mind, think WALL STREET IS GONNA GIVE UP THEIR MEGA PROFITS, just because President Dump asked? 80% of the wealth Trump recieves and lives off of, comes from OVERSEAS VENUES......Its the foreign market that buys up the apartments and hotels that Trump builds....the top 2% in this country couldn't possibly finance his so called billion dollar treasure think he's gonna suddenly shit all over these people for you????

There is no way in hell, Wall street is gonna give up paying pennies on the dollar to have their goods manufactured here in the US, no effin way and for anyone to think that Trump is gonna somehow magically end China's stronghold on manufacturing around the world, you people are just too damned gullible for words.

He may make them pay a little more to import here, but this country is loaded, they don't give a shit and the cost will be passed onto you.....and still you won't have more jobs than you have today.

If you think easing regulations and getting rid of the EPA is gonna spark jobs growth, think again...8 years of Bush, got you nothing. We can not compete with any country where labor costs are 3 or 5 dollars a day. The only thing Donald Trump is good at, is saying all the right things to a nation that is lazy, racist and willing to buy into anything as long as its not black, liberal or Hillary!!

View attachment 48002

well..look at you stringing syllables together! You probably even know the definitions to a few of those words you typed.
With some training you could probably overcome some of the mental handicap of low IQ and maybe even become a productive member of society.....

Why is it, every time the Tiger, I try to school you dumb shit heads, the only thing you morons seem to come up with, is the grammer bullshit? Like get the fuck outta here.....The last person I plan to give a shit about is some hillbilly keyboard fuck having difficulty understanding me, when you morons rush to my post like shit to toilet paper. And for that, I commend you, you know taste and common sense when you see it.

View attachment 48007

I never said anything about your "grammer", negro...settle down...

Miss me on the insults, they go in one ear and out the other or better still, find a damn dime and call somebody that gives a fuck about you, cause I don't!!

apparently you do, though.


They are simply jealous. They always have been. It's time we stopped giving a shit what those losers think.

Jealous of fuckin what? Some snake oil salesman preying on the ignorant in Mobile Alabammy??? Lady do you ever ever and I mean ever notice how this guy segways out of real questions and then rally you morons on a topic of bs....You people reeeekkkkkk of ignorant white motherfuckers...shame on ya, shame on ya

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