Donald Trump to global leaders: “I never knew we had so many countries.”

Name one person on this board that can tell us, without a Google search, how many countries there are. I know I can't.
I can't, i find it amazing watching the number of countries introduced in the olympics. I'm always like, fk, I didn't know that was a country. funny shit all the time at those that they'd actually have someone to participate in the olympics.

Even you are aware that there are a lot. guess you are smarter than that fool too, easy enough to do. The president's job is to deal with other countries. He should at least know how many there are. At least he should know it would make him look dumb to volunteer that he didn't know.
what's a lot to you? hly fk you all are crazier than john wayne gacy
Let it go lefties. Hussein thought we had 55 states.

no imbecile Barack Obama... a real president elected by 52% of the electorate misspoke... once.

your orange sociopath can't finish a sentence or keep a fact in his fat ugly sexual predator head.

Only once? Really?

You realize no one cares about Obama's misspeaks? The only reason they get brought up is to point out your hypocrisy or when you guys try to pretend Obama was this perfect genius. if you stop having delusions about Obama and stop pretending misspeaking shows a lack of intelligence only when Republicans do it, you'd find no one mentions Obama's statements. Cause quite frankly we want him relegated to the forgotten past
Donald Trump to global leaders: “I never knew we had so many countries.”
Oh, my. He actually said that! Yet the man wants us to believe his assertion that he is a very smart guy. I'm not convinced that "smartness" and Donald Trump might even share a church pew.
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for someone smart enough to use the words you choose to use, you eat shit up when it suits your views. this is a hack site much like anything that would be FAR RIGHT is a hack site.
you're a poet and don't know it. funny stuff right here for sure.

"for someone smart enough to use the words you choose to use,
you eat shit up when it suits your views.
Meeting with Japanese business leaders, Trump said, “We love it when you build cars – if you’re a Japanese firm, we love it – try building your cars in the United States instead of shipping them over.”

Japan currently builds more cars in America than the big three U.S. automakers do, and they have done so for years.


87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. Think Trump knows?

Do Republicans understand the meaning of the word "automation"?
well he wanted all of the japanese car sales in the US built in the US. It was quite obvious.
did obama say trump is an ah racist or he hasn't paid taxes in years? I wish he did Meanwhile Obama mocked trump at the correspondence dinner that made trump wet his pants and trump is just retaliating like the ah he is
Such statements by Trump are part of his charm. His weak attempt at self-deprecating humor is humor in itself. Putting politics aside I think George W. Bush was best at having a certain awkwardness that connected with people.

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