Donald Trump To Pope On Climate Change: "It's Just Weather"

My bad attitude has been from the get go.

Give me a 5 day accurate weather forecast and I'll buy in. But these assholes want me to believe what their computer models tell me is going to happen in <fill in the blank> years?

I got that prediction in Revelations thank you very much. And John didn't say I had to fork over all sorts of money.
There's a big difference between weather and climate. Do you realize this?

Climate is over decades and the means...So 30 years January avgs 35f with 1.5" of rain on the means. That is climate. Weather is what occurs within that climate and extremes are outside of it.
Rump doesn't know the difference between climate and weather, who saw that coming.

Just as he doesn't know the difference between "Mexicans" and "rapists" I guess. That's why I keep noting he's his own worst enemy. Just give him a microphone and make sure it's working -- he does the rest.
Fed up of hearing about this scam. Every time a loon mentions how emissions are warming the air I ask how did the earth warm from the ice age and they stand there looking dumbfounded.
There's a big difference between weather and climate. Do you realize this?

Climate is over decades and the means...So 30 years January avgs 35f with 1.5" of rain on the means. That is climate. Weather is what occurs within that climate and extremes are outside of it.

AGW "Climate" = Altered Data fed into flawed models that ALWAYS show Warming + Imaginary "Warming" stored safely in the Deep Oceans
There's a big difference between weather and climate. Do you realize this?

Climate is over decades and the means...So 30 years January avgs 35f with 1.5" of rain on the means. That is climate. Weather is what occurs within that climate and extremes are outside of it.

AGW "Climate" = Altered Data fed into flawed models that ALWAYS show Warming + Imaginary "Warming" stored safely in the Deep Oceans

even if you have to imagine a few numbers to get there
Fed up of hearing about this scam. Every time a loon mentions how emissions are warming the air I ask how did the earth warm from the ice age and they stand there looking dumbfounded.
They were probably dumbfounded by the stupidity of the question. Just because we're experiencing one kind of warming now, doesn't mean there couldn't have been a different reason in the past. Snowball Earth was ended by volcanism, for example.
The IPCC Flat out admitted it's using Climate change as a wealth distribution scheme

"But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy. Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore..." - See more at: UN IPCC Official Admits 'We Redistribute World's Wealth By Climate Policy'
Just wait till Trumps oceanfront properties begin to get swamped

Then he will blame an ineffective government for failing to do anything and sue for damages

When I'm colder than the surface of Mars in January you fucking bet I'm going at this is fucking bullshit.

Surely by now from all my posts I'm big on gardening. In the early years they changed all our zones. I was in Ontario at the time in a 5a maybe 5b. All of a sudden our zones were moved.

These people have changed the base so that they can achieve what they've wanted for eons.

You change the latitudes. You change where you put your sensors. You achieve your goal.

When you put sensors on black tops around the world you can say the world is heating up. Now I don't know about you but when I step out onto a black top in July, OMG its the hottest evah!

You park your car in the shade. 80 F is something you can deal with.

It's all a manufactured lie. Now I can deal with this. I'm on two acres that backs onto wilderness that in your wildest National Geographic dreams you can't buy what I have on a day to day.

You are going to be the one freaking out when they limit your heat or your cool ALL TO SAVE THE PLANET.
I'm still waiting for the next ice age the fools predicted in the 70s was gonna be here shortly. And it better get here soon or none of us will be around to witness it what with all the dirty air and dirty water the Republicans are turning out every day.
The heartache in all of this is that known resources are being wasted on bullshit.

I've been a water conservationist since Grassy Narrows. I fight for the right of everyone to have fresh clean water. Where the water doesn't poison you. I actually really do this guys and I have for quite a while.

Lot of years in.

AGW may or may not be true. But am I going to leave it up to complete assholes who fly all over the planet to figure out how to bring us back to the stone age all while claiming in their ivory towers.....

they've done it for the children?


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