Donald Trump To Pope On Climate Change: "It's Just Weather"


^ Guam, still upright and above water

You know Frank, I betcha 1/2 the people have no idea what you are talking about with Guam. I also betcha that every degrowther on here is praying to Gaia that you don't tell everyone why it is actually soooooooo funny!
Have any of their predictions come true?

Well yes, pretty much all of them have come true. That's why climate science has such crediiblity, because it's been getting everything right for decades now.

Now, I understand denier bedwetters will pretend otherwise, but nobody pays attention to them. Their cult has commanded them to keep repeating the sacred denier cult mantras, so deniers are going to keep chanting, no matter how stupid it sounds to the normal people.

There's a reason the whole planet laughs so hard at the denier cultists. And it's not because of a VastSecretGlobalSocialistPlot. It's because the deniers are all such complete 'effin morons.
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There's a big difference between weather and climate. Do you realize this?

Climate is over decades and the means...So 30 years January avgs 35f with 1.5" of rain on the means. That is climate. Weather is what occurs within that climate and extremes are outside of it.

AGW "Climate" = Altered Data fed into flawed models that ALWAYS show Warming + Imaginary "Warming" stored safely in the Deep Oceans

Yeah, our entire scientific establishment and world is full of liars and fraud. Man that is a very dark way of going through life. Better pick up a bible or a koran and scream allah akkk barrr!!!
Have any of their predictions come true?


OK, Tiny, so you are an incredibly ignorant ass as well as being a "Conservative".

Pubs.GISS: Hansen et al. 1981: Climate impact of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide

National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Goddard Institute for Space Studies

Goddard Space Flight Center
Sciences and Exploration Directorate
Earth Sciences Division

Publication Abstracts

Hansen et al. 1981
Hansen, J., D. Johnson, A. Lacis, S. Lebedeff, P. Lee, D. Rind, and G. Russell, 1981: Climate impact of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide. Science, 213, 957-966, doi:10.1126/science.213.4511.957.

The global temperature rose 0.2°C between the middle 1960s and 1980, yielding a warming of 0.4°C in the past century. This temperature increase is consistent with the calculated effect due to measured increases of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Variations of volcanic aerosols and possibly solar luminosity appear to be primary causes of observed fluctuations about the mean trend of increasing temperature. It is shown that the anthropogenic carbon dioxide warming should emerge from the noise level of natural climate variability by the end of the century, and there is a high probability of warming in the 1980s. Potential effects on climate in the 21st century include the creation of drought-prone regions in North America and central Asia as part of a shifting of climatic zones, erosion of the West Antarctic ice sheet with a consequent worldwide rise in sea level, and opening of the fabled Northwest Passage.

In 1981 the idiots were stating that there was no warming, and there never would be. Those predictions have come true, before even this centure is 20% over. The Northwest and Northeast Passages were both open this year. Droughts?

U.S. Drought Monitor | U.S. Drought Portal

U.S. Drought Monitor

Had a few fires this year, also.

Have any of their predictions come true?
Well yes, pretty much all of them have come true. That's why climate science has such crediiblity, because it's been getting everything right for decades now.

I guess when the truth doesn't conform to little mamooth's agenda, he simply makes up his own "facts" such as "climate science has been getting everything right for decades".

Embarrassing Predictions Haunt the Global-Warming Industry

Embarrassing Predictions Haunt the Global-Warming Industry
written by Alex Newman

It is often said that non-scientists must rely on “expert opinion” to determine whether claims on alleged “catastrophic man-made global warming” are true. Putting aside the fact that there is no global-warming “consensus” among experts, one does not have to be a scientist, or even proficient in science, to be able to review past predictions, and then form an informed opinion regarding the accuracy of those predictions.

Suppose, for example, you regularly watch a local TV weatherman forecast the weather for your area. Would you need a degree in meteorology in order to decide for yourself how reliable, or unreliable, the weatherman’s forecasts are?

Warnings have been issued for many decades now regarding catastrophic climate change that forecasted certain trends or occurrences that we should already have witnessed. Yet such predictions have turned out to be very, very wrong. This was certainly the case with the alarmist predictions of the 1960s and ’70s that man’s activities on Earth were causing a catastrophic cooling trend that would bring on another ice age. And it is also the case with the more recent claims about catastrophic global warming.

What follows is a very brief review of these predictions compared to what actually happened.

Global Cooling?

Americans who lived through the 1960s and ’70s may remember the dire global-cooling predictions that were hyped and given great credibility by Newsweek, Time, Life, National Geographic, and numerous other mainstream media outlets. According to the man-made global-cooling theories of the time, billions of people should be dead by now owing to cooling-linked crop failures and starvation.

“If present trends continue, the world will be about four degrees colder for the global mean temperature in 1990, but 11 degrees colder by the year 2000,” claimed ecology professor Kenneth E.F. Watt at the University of California in 1970. “This is about twice what it would take to put us in an ice age.” Of course, 2000 came and went, and the world did not get 11 degrees colder. No ice age arrived, either.

In 1971, another global-cooling alarmist, Stanford University professor Paul Ehrlich, who is perhaps best known for his 1968 book The Population Bomb, made similarly wild forecasts for the end of the millennium in a speech at the British Institute for Biology. “By the year 2000 the United Kingdom will be simply a small group of impoverished islands, inhabited by some 70 million hungry people,” he claimed. “If I were a gambler, I would take even money that England will not exist in the year 2000 and give ten to one that the life of the average Briton would be of distinctly lower quality than it is today.” Of course, England still exists, and its population was doing much better in 2000 than when Ehrlich made his kooky claims. But long before 2000, Ehrlich had abandoned global-cooling alarmism in favor of warning that the Earth faced catastrophic global warming. Now he is warning that humans may soon be forced to resort to cannibalism.

To combat the alleged man-made cooling, “experts” suggested all sorts of grandiose schemes, including some that in retrospect appear almost too comical to be real. “Climatologists are pessimistic that political leaders will take any positive action to compensate for the climate change, or even to allay its effects,” reported Newsweek in its 1975 article “The Cooling World,” which claimed that Earth’s temperature had been plunging for decades due to humanity’s activities. Some of the “more spectacular solutions” proposed by the cooling theorists at the time included “melting the arctic ice cap by covering it with black soot or diverting arctic rivers,” Newsweek reported.

Of course, the big alleged threat hyped in recent decades has been global warming, not global cooling. But the accuracy of the climate-change predictions since the cooling fears melted away has hardly improved.

United Nations “Climate Refugees”

In 2005, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) warned that imminent sea-level rises, increased hurricanes, and desertification caused by “man-made global warming” would lead to massive population disruptions. In a handy map, the organization highlighted areas that were supposed to be particularly vulnerable in terms of producing “climate refugees.” Especially at risk were regions such as the Caribbean and low-lying Pacific islands, along with coastal areas.

The 2005 UNEP predictions claimed that, by 2010, some 50 million “climate refugees” would be frantically fleeing from those regions of the globe. However, not only did the areas in question fail to produce a single “climate refugee,” by 2010, population levels for those regions were actually still soaring. In many cases, the areas that were supposed to be producing waves of “climate refugees” and becoming uninhabitable turned out to be some of the fastest-growing places on Earth.

In the Bahamas, for example, according to the 2010 census, there was a major increase in population, going from around 300,000 in 2000 to more than 350,000 by 2010. The population of St. Lucia, meanwhile, grew by five percent during the same period. The Seychelles grew by about 10 percent. The Solomon Islands also witnessed a major population boom during that time frame, gaining another 100,000 people, or an increase of about 25 percent.

That takes care of little mamooth's imaginary "facts". Keep in mind that liberals lie as easily and naturally as they breathe... as little mamooth demonstrates here.

As for the "credibility" of so-called "climate science"... it has none. For obvious reasons.

Obvious to everybody except little mamooth.
The Pope should in fact realize that the weather is in GOD's hands and not those of man. Sure, I believe that we should strive to use our recourses wisely. And with GOD's help, I believe that can be done efficiently.

However, much of the hype is the result of scientists under the notion that the earth is billions of years old and that this change is happening far too quickly. Well, I believe in 6 days of Creation and the Global Flood. I don't know what this Pope believes, but he maybe assuming the wrong thing.

It rained for 40 days & nights straight. Now that is what I would call climate change. And the only thing man may have been able to do was REPENT. But today we see that man has no intension of repenting. He is far too busy allowing "Gay" marriage, ABORTION on demand, and getting another tattoo on his ass to even consider the end result of his superfluous actions.

Sorry, but 50 years ago the Boy Scotts collected the newspapers and magazines, the garbage was hauled off to hog farms, empty soda bottles were returned to the supermarket, and empty milk bottles were picked up by the dairy.
The Pope should in fact realize that the weather is in GOD's hands and not those of man. Sure, I believe that we should strive to use our recourses wisely. And with GOD's help, I believe that can be done efficiently.

However, much of the hype is the result of scientists under the notion that the earth is billions of years old and that this change is happening far too quickly. Well, I believe in 6 days of Creation and the Global Flood. I don't know what this Pope believes, but he maybe assuming the wrong thing.

It rained for 40 days & nights straight. Now that is what I would call climate change. And the only thing man may have been able to do was REPENT. But today we see that man has no intension of repenting. He is far too busy allowing "Gay" marriage, ABORTION on demand, and getting another tattoo on his ass to even consider the end result of his superfluous actions.

Sorry, but 50 years ago the Boy Scotts collected the newspapers and magazines, the garbage was hauled off to hog farms, empty soda bottles were returned to the supermarket, and empty milk bottles were picked up by the dairy.

See my post #29....explains everything.

God had nuthin' to do with it.
ANCHOR: This just in. An extinction-event comet is headed toward Earth. We go now to an authority on comets, Donald Trump.

TRUMP: It's just ice!
Have any of their predictions come true?
Well yes, pretty much all of them have come true. That's why climate science has such crediiblity, because it's been getting everything right for decades now.

I guess when the truth doesn't conform to little mamooth's agenda, he simply makes up his own "facts" such as "climate science has been getting everything right for decades".

Embarrassing Predictions Haunt the Global-Warming Industry

Embarrassing Predictions Haunt the Global-Warming Industry
written by Alex Newman

It is often said that non-scientists must rely on “expert opinion” to determine whether claims on alleged “catastrophic man-made global warming” are true. Putting aside the fact that there is no global-warming “consensus” among experts, one does not have to be a scientist, or even proficient in science, to be able to review past predictions, and then form an informed opinion regarding the accuracy of those predictions.

Suppose, for example, you regularly watch a local TV weatherman forecast the weather for your area. Would you need a degree in meteorology in order to decide for yourself how reliable, or unreliable, the weatherman’s forecasts are?

Warnings have been issued for many decades now regarding catastrophic climate change that forecasted certain trends or occurrences that we should already have witnessed. Yet such predictions have turned out to be very, very wrong. This was certainly the case with the alarmist predictions of the 1960s and ’70s that man’s activities on Earth were causing a catastrophic cooling trend that would bring on another ice age. And it is also the case with the more recent claims about catastrophic global warming.

What follows is a very brief review of these predictions compared to what actually happened.

Global Cooling?

Americans who lived through the 1960s and ’70s may remember the dire global-cooling predictions that were hyped and given great credibility by Newsweek, Time, Life, National Geographic, and numerous other mainstream media outlets. According to the man-made global-cooling theories of the time, billions of people should be dead by now owing to cooling-linked crop failures and starvation.

“If present trends continue, the world will be about four degrees colder for the global mean temperature in 1990, but 11 degrees colder by the year 2000,” claimed ecology professor Kenneth E.F. Watt at the University of California in 1970. “This is about twice what it would take to put us in an ice age.” Of course, 2000 came and went, and the world did not get 11 degrees colder. No ice age arrived, either.

In 1971, another global-cooling alarmist, Stanford University professor Paul Ehrlich, who is perhaps best known for his 1968 book The Population Bomb, made similarly wild forecasts for the end of the millennium in a speech at the British Institute for Biology. “By the year 2000 the United Kingdom will be simply a small group of impoverished islands, inhabited by some 70 million hungry people,” he claimed. “If I were a gambler, I would take even money that England will not exist in the year 2000 and give ten to one that the life of the average Briton would be of distinctly lower quality than it is today.” Of course, England still exists, and its population was doing much better in 2000 than when Ehrlich made his kooky claims. But long before 2000, Ehrlich had abandoned global-cooling alarmism in favor of warning that the Earth faced catastrophic global warming. Now he is warning that humans may soon be forced to resort to cannibalism.

To combat the alleged man-made cooling, “experts” suggested all sorts of grandiose schemes, including some that in retrospect appear almost too comical to be real. “Climatologists are pessimistic that political leaders will take any positive action to compensate for the climate change, or even to allay its effects,” reported Newsweek in its 1975 article “The Cooling World,” which claimed that Earth’s temperature had been plunging for decades due to humanity’s activities. Some of the “more spectacular solutions” proposed by the cooling theorists at the time included “melting the arctic ice cap by covering it with black soot or diverting arctic rivers,” Newsweek reported.

Of course, the big alleged threat hyped in recent decades has been global warming, not global cooling. But the accuracy of the climate-change predictions since the cooling fears melted away has hardly improved.

United Nations “Climate Refugees”

In 2005, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) warned that imminent sea-level rises, increased hurricanes, and desertification caused by “man-made global warming” would lead to massive population disruptions. In a handy map, the organization highlighted areas that were supposed to be particularly vulnerable in terms of producing “climate refugees.” Especially at risk were regions such as the Caribbean and low-lying Pacific islands, along with coastal areas.

The 2005 UNEP predictions claimed that, by 2010, some 50 million “climate refugees” would be frantically fleeing from those regions of the globe. However, not only did the areas in question fail to produce a single “climate refugee,” by 2010, population levels for those regions were actually still soaring. In many cases, the areas that were supposed to be producing waves of “climate refugees” and becoming uninhabitable turned out to be some of the fastest-growing places on Earth.

In the Bahamas, for example, according to the 2010 census, there was a major increase in population, going from around 300,000 in 2000 to more than 350,000 by 2010. The population of St. Lucia, meanwhile, grew by five percent during the same period. The Seychelles grew by about 10 percent. The Solomon Islands also witnessed a major population boom during that time frame, gaining another 100,000 people, or an increase of about 25 percent.

That takes care of little mamooth's imaginary "facts". Keep in mind that liberals lie as easily and naturally as they breathe... as little mamooth demonstrates here.

As for the "credibility" of so-called "climate science"... it has none. For obvious reasons.

Obvious to everybody except little mamooth.
Embarrassing Predictions Haunt the Global-Warming Industry

Americans who lived through the 1960s and ’70s may remember the dire global-cooling predictions that were hyped and given great credibility by Newsweek, Time, Life, National Geographic, and numerous other mainstream media outlets. According to the man-made global-cooling theories of the time, billions of people should be dead by now owing to cooling-linked crop failures and starvation.

So, this dumb fuck is still repeating that cooling nonsense. It was spread by Newsweek and Time. At the time the majority of papers that addressed the issue of future warming or cooling stated that warming was going to be the problem.

That you are stupid enough to post his silly scribbles is also an indictator of your intellect.
The Pope should in fact realize that the weather is in GOD's hands and not those of man. Sure, I believe that we should strive to use our recourses wisely. And with GOD's help, I believe that can be done efficiently.

However, much of the hype is the result of scientists under the notion that the earth is billions of years old and that this change is happening far too quickly. Well, I believe in 6 days of Creation and the Global Flood. I don't know what this Pope believes, but he maybe assuming the wrong thing.

It rained for 40 days & nights straight. Now that is what I would call climate change. And the only thing man may have been able to do was REPENT. But today we see that man has no intension of repenting. He is far too busy allowing "Gay" marriage, ABORTION on demand, and getting another tattoo on his ass to even consider the end result of his superfluous actions.

Sorry, but 50 years ago the Boy Scotts collected the newspapers and magazines, the garbage was hauled off to hog farms, empty soda bottles were returned to the supermarket, and empty milk bottles were picked up by the dairy.
LOL. All right. We know where you are coming from. Get an education, and get back in a decade or so.
The Pope should in fact realize that the weather is in GOD's hands and not those of man. Sure, I believe that we should strive to use our recourses wisely. And with GOD's help, I believe that can be done efficiently.

However, much of the hype is the result of scientists under the notion that the earth is billions of years old and that this change is happening far too quickly. Well, I believe in 6 days of Creation and the Global Flood. I don't know what this Pope believes, but he maybe assuming the wrong thing.

It rained for 40 days & nights straight. Now that is what I would call climate change. And the only thing man may have been able to do was REPENT. But today we see that man has no intension of repenting. He is far too busy allowing "Gay" marriage, ABORTION on demand, and getting another tattoo on his ass to even consider the end result of his superfluous actions.

Sorry, but 50 years ago the Boy Scotts collected the newspapers and magazines, the garbage was hauled off to hog farms, empty soda bottles were returned to the supermarket, and empty milk bottles were picked up by the dairy.

Good one....let God take the rap for climate change

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