Donald Trump: Unlike Obama, He's A Natural Born Citizen Born To Two U.S. Citizens

Oh's the argument that sent you running just yesterday:

"The only plausible source (and by far most likely) source of the meaning of 'natural born' for the founders....was British Common law. Most of the framers were lawyers, with all of them having been trained in the British legal tradition. So of course British common law would be their basis. Vattel's law of nation's didn't even mention 'natural born' until about a decade after the constitution was already written. Eliminating it as even a possibility.

And British Common law recognized place of birth as determining natural born status. As the USSC noted in Wong Kim Ark.

Your 'US parents' definition was contradicted by the founders themselves in the Naturalization Act of 1790.....where they recognized that those born to US citizens abroad "shall be considered as natural born citizens". If parentage were the ONLY way natural born status could be conferred, why in the fuck would the founders have found it necessary to extend recognition to those born to US parents? And why would they use the words ''shall be considered as"?

Simple: place of birth was the baseline for natural born status. Which is why those not born in the US had to have natural born status extended to them by force of law. And were merely 'considered as' natural born per the founders.

An explicit contradiction of your assumptions.

Sorry, StormFront.....but you have no idea what you're talking about. Which is why you abandon every thread you're challenged in on your bullshit. As your bullshit doesn't hold up. And we both know it."
All false and I didn't run from anything. I went Speckeled Trout fishing with my racially aware grandkids.

Laughing.....odd you always go 'trout fishing' whenever I shred your silly batshit. This board is a wasteland of you 'trout fishing' with our tail tucked snuggly between your legs.

You say its 'false', but the Supreme Court has already affirmed that British common law is where the founders drew their definitions. So.....the burden of proof is on you to prove the Supreme Court wrong.

And you can't. Time to go 'trout fishing' against Stephen.
Only an illegal alien like Obama could screw up as bad as he has. He makes the common gang banging contributor to our society look bad.

Probably never ate a watermelon

Maybe a cassava or two...??
When do you think Trump will release that proof he said he found about the president's birth certificate?
He doesn't have to since the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office, an authoritative law enforcement agency, found Obama's birth document released on April 27, 2011 to be forged 100% after a long thorough investigation.

We've been through this. Maricopa County Sherriff's Office has released no report on the matter. The investigation isn't being done by Maricopa County Sheriff's Office. But by man by the name of Mike Zullo....

.....a man recently caught taking secret bribes from bithers to the tune of 5 figures, and then trying to cover up the bribes with lies and denial.

After two years of denying he personally profited from the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office investigation into the validity of President Barack Obama's birth certificate, the head of the sheriff's Cold Case Posse admitted to CBS 5 Investigates that he accepted a large monetary gift from one of the sources in the investigation.

Read more: Birther posse chief I accepted 10 000 from source - CBS 5 - KPHO

And when questioned by the press, he adamantly denied it:

In response to questions emailed to him last week regarding personal use of the posse's money, Zullo responded on Tuesday:

"My answer to this question is emphatically No! These accusations that you claim you have heard are absolutely unfounded, slanderous and completely fabricated. They are designed to cast me and this organization in a disparaging light. I am appalled at this accusation!

Read more: Birther posse chief I accepted 10 000 from source - CBS 5 - KPHO

Until he was presented with the evidence. And then he admitted to the 'completely fabricated' 'slanderous' and 'unfounded' accusations.

"In 2012 a FedEx envelope arrives unexpectedly at my door, just out of nowhere. When I opened it there is a check for $10,000 made out to me personally from Bill," wrote Zullo. He was referring to Bill Wolf, who was a major researcher in the birther movement.

Read more: Birther posse chief I accepted 10 000 from source - CBS 5 - KPHO

And this lying piece of corrupt shit is your source? Any actual police investigator would be in jail if he was caught taking the bribes that Zullo did. The only reason that Zullo isn't in jail is because he's not a police officer.

And Maricopa County Sherriff's office still hasn't released any report. Which they would be required to do if it were an actual police investigation.
There is no proof American patriot Mike Zullo was bribed.

Absolute bulllshit. Zullo receives a secret payment from a birther. And only AFTER receiving his bribe does Zullo's 'findings' suddenly match the birther who paid him. With Zullo using the Birther's claims word for word. Entire pages of Zullo's 'findings' are exactly what the Birther told him to write.

That's enormous evidence. And any cop who was taking secret payments from people trying to influence an investigation would have been thrown in jail. The only reason Zullo is still free is that he isn't a cop and the 'Cold Case Posse' is a private non-profit. And aren't conducting a police investigation.

Zullo's a corrupt piece of shit. He took bribes to influence his investigation. His investigation was influenced. And he lied his ass off about it until cornered by the press.

And THIS lying sack of shit is who you want me to trust over the State of Hawaii? You can't be serious.
Zullo has not broken any law and is an upstanding patriotic natural born Citizen who utilizes the full resources of the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office by the authorization of Joseph Arpaio. Those resources used proved Obama's birth certificate was a 100% forgery and proved the Hawaiian Dept of Health's official press releases on Obama's birth records were evasive and non-truthful.
When do you think Trump will release that proof he said he found about the president's birth certificate?
He doesn't have to since the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office, an authoritative law enforcement agency, found Obama's birth document released on April 27, 2011 to be forged 100% after a long thorough investigation.

We've been through this. Maricopa County Sherriff's Office has released no report on the matter. The investigation isn't being done by Maricopa County Sheriff's Office. But by man by the name of Mike Zullo....

.....a man recently caught taking secret bribes from bithers to the tune of 5 figures, and then trying to cover up the bribes with lies and denial.

After two years of denying he personally profited from the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office investigation into the validity of President Barack Obama's birth certificate, the head of the sheriff's Cold Case Posse admitted to CBS 5 Investigates that he accepted a large monetary gift from one of the sources in the investigation.

Read more: Birther posse chief I accepted 10 000 from source - CBS 5 - KPHO

And when questioned by the press, he adamantly denied it:

In response to questions emailed to him last week regarding personal use of the posse's money, Zullo responded on Tuesday:

"My answer to this question is emphatically No! These accusations that you claim you have heard are absolutely unfounded, slanderous and completely fabricated. They are designed to cast me and this organization in a disparaging light. I am appalled at this accusation!

Read more: Birther posse chief I accepted 10 000 from source - CBS 5 - KPHO

Until he was presented with the evidence. And then he admitted to the 'completely fabricated' 'slanderous' and 'unfounded' accusations.

"In 2012 a FedEx envelope arrives unexpectedly at my door, just out of nowhere. When I opened it there is a check for $10,000 made out to me personally from Bill," wrote Zullo. He was referring to Bill Wolf, who was a major researcher in the birther movement.

Read more: Birther posse chief I accepted 10 000 from source - CBS 5 - KPHO

And this lying piece of corrupt shit is your source? Any actual police investigator would be in jail if he was caught taking the bribes that Zullo did. The only reason that Zullo isn't in jail is because he's not a police officer.

And Maricopa County Sherriff's office still hasn't released any report. Which they would be required to do if it were an actual police investigation.
There is no proof American patriot Mike Zullo was bribed.

Absolute bulllshit. Zullo receives a secret payment from a birther. And only AFTER receiving his bribe does Zullo's 'findings' suddenly match the birther who paid him. With Zullo using the Birther's claims word for word. Entire pages of Zullo's 'findings' are exactly what the Birther told him to write.

That's enormous evidence. And any cop who was taking secret payments from people trying to influence an investigation would have been thrown in jail. The only reason Zullo is still free is that he isn't a cop and the 'Cold Case Posse' is a private non-profit. And aren't conducting a police investigation.

Zullo's a corrupt piece of shit. He took bribes to influence his investigation. His investigation was influenced. And he lied his ass off about it until cornered by the press.

And THIS lying sack of shit is who you want me to trust over the State of Hawaii? You can't be serious.
Zullo has not broken any law and is an upstanding patriotic natural born Citizen who utilizes the full resources of the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office by the authorization of Joseph Arpaio. Those resources used proved Obama's birth certificate was a 100% forgery and proved the Hawaiian Dept of Health's official press releases on Obama's birth records were evasive and non-truthful.

Obama has the governor of Hawaii supporting that he was born in that state

Which governor has claimed Trump?
Oh's the argument that sent you running just yesterday:

"The only plausible source (and by far most likely) source of the meaning of 'natural born' for the founders....was British Common law. Most of the framers were lawyers, with all of them having been trained in the British legal tradition. So of course British common law would be their basis. Vattel's law of nation's didn't even mention 'natural born' until about a decade after the constitution was already written. Eliminating it as even a possibility.

And British Common law recognized place of birth as determining natural born status. As the USSC noted in Wong Kim Ark.

Your 'US parents' definition was contradicted by the founders themselves in the Naturalization Act of 1790.....where they recognized that those born to US citizens abroad "shall be considered as natural born citizens". If parentage were the ONLY way natural born status could be conferred, why in the fuck would the founders have found it necessary to extend recognition to those born to US parents? And why would they use the words ''shall be considered as"?

Simple: place of birth was the baseline for natural born status. Which is why those not born in the US had to have natural born status extended to them by force of law. And were merely 'considered as' natural born per the founders.

An explicit contradiction of your assumptions.

Sorry, StormFront.....but you have no idea what you're talking about. Which is why you abandon every thread you're challenged in on your bullshit. As your bullshit doesn't hold up. And we both know it."
All false and I didn't run from anything. I went Speckeled Trout fishing with my racially aware grandkids.

Laughing.....odd you always go 'trout fishing' whenever I shred your silly batshit. This board is a wasteland of you 'trout fishing' with our tail tucked snuggly between your legs.

You say its 'false', but the Supreme Court has already affirmed that British common law is where the founders drew their definitions. So.....the burden of proof is on you to prove the Supreme Court wrong.

And you can't. Time to go 'trout fishing' against Stephen.
Hey man, I love to trout fish and so do my grandchildren. The fish are in a feeding frenzy right now off the surf.
He doesn't have to since the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office, an authoritative law enforcement agency, found Obama's birth document released on April 27, 2011 to be forged 100% after a long thorough investigation.

We've been through this. Maricopa County Sherriff's Office has released no report on the matter. The investigation isn't being done by Maricopa County Sheriff's Office. But by man by the name of Mike Zullo....

.....a man recently caught taking secret bribes from bithers to the tune of 5 figures, and then trying to cover up the bribes with lies and denial.

After two years of denying he personally profited from the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office investigation into the validity of President Barack Obama's birth certificate, the head of the sheriff's Cold Case Posse admitted to CBS 5 Investigates that he accepted a large monetary gift from one of the sources in the investigation.

Read more: Birther posse chief I accepted 10 000 from source - CBS 5 - KPHO

And when questioned by the press, he adamantly denied it:

In response to questions emailed to him last week regarding personal use of the posse's money, Zullo responded on Tuesday:

"My answer to this question is emphatically No! These accusations that you claim you have heard are absolutely unfounded, slanderous and completely fabricated. They are designed to cast me and this organization in a disparaging light. I am appalled at this accusation!

Read more: Birther posse chief I accepted 10 000 from source - CBS 5 - KPHO

Until he was presented with the evidence. And then he admitted to the 'completely fabricated' 'slanderous' and 'unfounded' accusations.

"In 2012 a FedEx envelope arrives unexpectedly at my door, just out of nowhere. When I opened it there is a check for $10,000 made out to me personally from Bill," wrote Zullo. He was referring to Bill Wolf, who was a major researcher in the birther movement.

Read more: Birther posse chief I accepted 10 000 from source - CBS 5 - KPHO

And this lying piece of corrupt shit is your source? Any actual police investigator would be in jail if he was caught taking the bribes that Zullo did. The only reason that Zullo isn't in jail is because he's not a police officer.

And Maricopa County Sherriff's office still hasn't released any report. Which they would be required to do if it were an actual police investigation.
There is no proof American patriot Mike Zullo was bribed.

Absolute bulllshit. Zullo receives a secret payment from a birther. And only AFTER receiving his bribe does Zullo's 'findings' suddenly match the birther who paid him. With Zullo using the Birther's claims word for word. Entire pages of Zullo's 'findings' are exactly what the Birther told him to write.

That's enormous evidence. And any cop who was taking secret payments from people trying to influence an investigation would have been thrown in jail. The only reason Zullo is still free is that he isn't a cop and the 'Cold Case Posse' is a private non-profit. And aren't conducting a police investigation.

Zullo's a corrupt piece of shit. He took bribes to influence his investigation. His investigation was influenced. And he lied his ass off about it until cornered by the press.

And THIS lying sack of shit is who you want me to trust over the State of Hawaii? You can't be serious.
Zullo has not broken any law and is an upstanding patriotic natural born Citizen who utilizes the full resources of the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office by the authorization of Joseph Arpaio. Those resources used proved Obama's birth certificate was a 100% forgery and proved the Hawaiian Dept of Health's official press releases on Obama's birth records were evasive and non-truthful.

Obama has the governor of Hawaii supporting that he was born in that state
The governor (even Linda Lingle) said that only to back Obama hoping to get federal funding. Governor Abercrombie couldn't find Obama's original birth certificate and dropped his investigation looking for it.
We've been through this. Maricopa County Sherriff's Office has released no report on the matter. The investigation isn't being done by Maricopa County Sheriff's Office. But by man by the name of Mike Zullo....

.....a man recently caught taking secret bribes from bithers to the tune of 5 figures, and then trying to cover up the bribes with lies and denial.

And when questioned by the press, he adamantly denied it:

Until he was presented with the evidence. And then he admitted to the 'completely fabricated' 'slanderous' and 'unfounded' accusations.

And this lying piece of corrupt shit is your source? Any actual police investigator would be in jail if he was caught taking the bribes that Zullo did. The only reason that Zullo isn't in jail is because he's not a police officer.

And Maricopa County Sherriff's office still hasn't released any report. Which they would be required to do if it were an actual police investigation.
There is no proof American patriot Mike Zullo was bribed.

Absolute bulllshit. Zullo receives a secret payment from a birther. And only AFTER receiving his bribe does Zullo's 'findings' suddenly match the birther who paid him. With Zullo using the Birther's claims word for word. Entire pages of Zullo's 'findings' are exactly what the Birther told him to write.

That's enormous evidence. And any cop who was taking secret payments from people trying to influence an investigation would have been thrown in jail. The only reason Zullo is still free is that he isn't a cop and the 'Cold Case Posse' is a private non-profit. And aren't conducting a police investigation.

Zullo's a corrupt piece of shit. He took bribes to influence his investigation. His investigation was influenced. And he lied his ass off about it until cornered by the press.

And THIS lying sack of shit is who you want me to trust over the State of Hawaii? You can't be serious.
Zullo has not broken any law and is an upstanding patriotic natural born Citizen who utilizes the full resources of the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office by the authorization of Joseph Arpaio. Those resources used proved Obama's birth certificate was a 100% forgery and proved the Hawaiian Dept of Health's official press releases on Obama's birth records were evasive and non-truthful.

Obama has the governor of Hawaii supporting that he was born in that state
The governor (even Linda Lingle) said that only to back Obama hoping to get federal funding. Governor Abercrombie couldn't find Obama's original birth certificate and dropped his investigation looking for it.

No US Governor is willing to state that Trump was born in their state

That is because he was born in Jamaica
There is no proof American patriot Mike Zullo was bribed.

Absolute bulllshit. Zullo receives a secret payment from a birther. And only AFTER receiving his bribe does Zullo's 'findings' suddenly match the birther who paid him. With Zullo using the Birther's claims word for word. Entire pages of Zullo's 'findings' are exactly what the Birther told him to write.

That's enormous evidence. And any cop who was taking secret payments from people trying to influence an investigation would have been thrown in jail. The only reason Zullo is still free is that he isn't a cop and the 'Cold Case Posse' is a private non-profit. And aren't conducting a police investigation.

Zullo's a corrupt piece of shit. He took bribes to influence his investigation. His investigation was influenced. And he lied his ass off about it until cornered by the press.

And THIS lying sack of shit is who you want me to trust over the State of Hawaii? You can't be serious.
Zullo has not broken any law and is an upstanding patriotic natural born Citizen who utilizes the full resources of the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office by the authorization of Joseph Arpaio. Those resources used proved Obama's birth certificate was a 100% forgery and proved the Hawaiian Dept of Health's official press releases on Obama's birth records were evasive and non-truthful.

Obama has the governor of Hawaii supporting that he was born in that state
The governor (even Linda Lingle) said that only to back Obama hoping to get federal funding. Governor Abercrombie couldn't find Obama's original birth certificate and dropped his investigation looking for it.

No US Governor is willing to state that Trump was born in their state

That is because he was born in Jamaica
Nope. Born in Jamaica Hospital in New York.
Absolute bulllshit. Zullo receives a secret payment from a birther. And only AFTER receiving his bribe does Zullo's 'findings' suddenly match the birther who paid him. With Zullo using the Birther's claims word for word. Entire pages of Zullo's 'findings' are exactly what the Birther told him to write.

That's enormous evidence. And any cop who was taking secret payments from people trying to influence an investigation would have been thrown in jail. The only reason Zullo is still free is that he isn't a cop and the 'Cold Case Posse' is a private non-profit. And aren't conducting a police investigation.

Zullo's a corrupt piece of shit. He took bribes to influence his investigation. His investigation was influenced. And he lied his ass off about it until cornered by the press.

And THIS lying sack of shit is who you want me to trust over the State of Hawaii? You can't be serious.
Zullo has not broken any law and is an upstanding patriotic natural born Citizen who utilizes the full resources of the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office by the authorization of Joseph Arpaio. Those resources used proved Obama's birth certificate was a 100% forgery and proved the Hawaiian Dept of Health's official press releases on Obama's birth records were evasive and non-truthful.

Obama has the governor of Hawaii supporting that he was born in that state
The governor (even Linda Lingle) said that only to back Obama hoping to get federal funding. Governor Abercrombie couldn't find Obama's original birth certificate and dropped his investigation looking for it.

No US Governor is willing to state that Trump was born in their state

That is because he was born in Jamaica
Nope. Born in Jamaica Hospital in New York. I am expected to believe that

Trump was born in the country of Jamaica in Jamaica Hospital

That is why he wears the Rastafarian a tribute to his homeland
Oh's the argument that sent you running just yesterday:

"The only plausible source (and by far most likely) source of the meaning of 'natural born' for the founders....was British Common law. Most of the framers were lawyers, with all of them having been trained in the British legal tradition. So of course British common law would be their basis. Vattel's law of nation's didn't even mention 'natural born' until about a decade after the constitution was already written. Eliminating it as even a possibility.

And British Common law recognized place of birth as determining natural born status. As the USSC noted in Wong Kim Ark.

Your 'US parents' definition was contradicted by the founders themselves in the Naturalization Act of 1790.....where they recognized that those born to US citizens abroad "shall be considered as natural born citizens". If parentage were the ONLY way natural born status could be conferred, why in the fuck would the founders have found it necessary to extend recognition to those born to US parents? And why would they use the words ''shall be considered as"?

Simple: place of birth was the baseline for natural born status. Which is why those not born in the US had to have natural born status extended to them by force of law. And were merely 'considered as' natural born per the founders.

An explicit contradiction of your assumptions.

Sorry, StormFront.....but you have no idea what you're talking about. Which is why you abandon every thread you're challenged in on your bullshit. As your bullshit doesn't hold up. And we both know it."
All false and I didn't run from anything. I went Speckeled Trout fishing with my racially aware grandkids.

Laughing.....odd you always go 'trout fishing' whenever I shred your silly batshit. This board is a wasteland of you 'trout fishing' with our tail tucked snuggly between your legs.

You say its 'false', but the Supreme Court has already affirmed that British common law is where the founders drew their definitions. So.....the burden of proof is on you to prove the Supreme Court wrong.

And you can't. Time to go 'trout fishing' against Stephen.
Hey man, I love to trout fish and so do my grandchildren. The fish are in a feeding frenzy right now off the surf.

And you love them all the more the moment I start shredding your silly argument. Even now, you won't touch the discussion with a 10 foot pole. You won't address any point raised, discuss any source, any court ruling.

You just run. Remember that. You always run. The only thing that changes is your excuse for doing it.
Oh's the argument that sent you running just yesterday:

"The only plausible source (and by far most likely) source of the meaning of 'natural born' for the founders....was British Common law. Most of the framers were lawyers, with all of them having been trained in the British legal tradition. So of course British common law would be their basis. Vattel's law of nation's didn't even mention 'natural born' until about a decade after the constitution was already written. Eliminating it as even a possibility.

And British Common law recognized place of birth as determining natural born status. As the USSC noted in Wong Kim Ark.

Your 'US parents' definition was contradicted by the founders themselves in the Naturalization Act of 1790.....where they recognized that those born to US citizens abroad "shall be considered as natural born citizens". If parentage were the ONLY way natural born status could be conferred, why in the fuck would the founders have found it necessary to extend recognition to those born to US parents? And why would they use the words ''shall be considered as"?

Simple: place of birth was the baseline for natural born status. Which is why those not born in the US had to have natural born status extended to them by force of law. And were merely 'considered as' natural born per the founders.

An explicit contradiction of your assumptions.

Sorry, StormFront.....but you have no idea what you're talking about. Which is why you abandon every thread you're challenged in on your bullshit. As your bullshit doesn't hold up. And we both know it."
All false and I didn't run from anything. I went Speckeled Trout fishing with my racially aware grandkids.

Laughing.....odd you always go 'trout fishing' whenever I shred your silly batshit. This board is a wasteland of you 'trout fishing' with our tail tucked snuggly between your legs.

You say its 'false', but the Supreme Court has already affirmed that British common law is where the founders drew their definitions. So.....the burden of proof is on you to prove the Supreme Court wrong.

And you can't. Time to go 'trout fishing' against Stephen.
Hey man, I love to trout fish and so do my grandchildren. The fish are in a feeding frenzy right now off the surf.

And you love them all the more the moment I start shredding your silly argument. Even now, you won't touch the discussion with a 10 foot pole. You won't address any point raised, discuss any source, any court ruling.

You just run. Remember that. You always run. The only thing that changes is your excuse for doing it.
You sound like a little immature bully who got his ass kicked in school.
When do you think Trump will release that proof he said he found about the president's birth certificate?
He doesn't have to since the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office, an authoritative law enforcement agency, found Obama's birth document released on April 27, 2011 to be forged 100% after a long thorough investigation.

We've been through this. Maricopa County Sherriff's Office has released no report on the matter. The investigation isn't being done by Maricopa County Sheriff's Office. But by man by the name of Mike Zullo....

.....a man recently caught taking secret bribes from bithers to the tune of 5 figures, and then trying to cover up the bribes with lies and denial.

After two years of denying he personally profited from the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office investigation into the validity of President Barack Obama's birth certificate, the head of the sheriff's Cold Case Posse admitted to CBS 5 Investigates that he accepted a large monetary gift from one of the sources in the investigation.

Read more: Birther posse chief I accepted 10 000 from source - CBS 5 - KPHO

And when questioned by the press, he adamantly denied it:

In response to questions emailed to him last week regarding personal use of the posse's money, Zullo responded on Tuesday:

"My answer to this question is emphatically No! These accusations that you claim you have heard are absolutely unfounded, slanderous and completely fabricated. They are designed to cast me and this organization in a disparaging light. I am appalled at this accusation!

Read more: Birther posse chief I accepted 10 000 from source - CBS 5 - KPHO

Until he was presented with the evidence. And then he admitted to the 'completely fabricated' 'slanderous' and 'unfounded' accusations.

"In 2012 a FedEx envelope arrives unexpectedly at my door, just out of nowhere. When I opened it there is a check for $10,000 made out to me personally from Bill," wrote Zullo. He was referring to Bill Wolf, who was a major researcher in the birther movement.

Read more: Birther posse chief I accepted 10 000 from source - CBS 5 - KPHO

And this lying piece of corrupt shit is your source? Any actual police investigator would be in jail if he was caught taking the bribes that Zullo did. The only reason that Zullo isn't in jail is because he's not a police officer.

And Maricopa County Sherriff's office still hasn't released any report. Which they would be required to do if it were an actual police investigation.
There is no proof American patriot Mike Zullo was bribed.

Absolute bulllshit. Zullo receives a secret payment from a birther. And only AFTER receiving his bribe does Zullo's 'findings' suddenly match the birther who paid him. With Zullo using the Birther's claims word for word. Entire pages of Zullo's 'findings' are exactly what the Birther told him to write.

That's enormous evidence. And any cop who was taking secret payments from people trying to influence an investigation would have been thrown in jail. The only reason Zullo is still free is that he isn't a cop and the 'Cold Case Posse' is a private non-profit. And aren't conducting a police investigation.

Zullo's a corrupt piece of shit. He took bribes to influence his investigation. His investigation was influenced. And he lied his ass off about it until cornered by the press.

And THIS lying sack of shit is who you want me to trust over the State of Hawaii? You can't be serious.
Zullo has not broken any law and is an upstanding patriotic natural born Citizen who utilizes the full resources of the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office by the authorization of Joseph Arpaio.

Zullo is a lying sack of shit that took secret bribes from birthers who wanted to influence his investigation. And after getting paid, Zullo said exactly what the birthers wanted him to say, with Zullo's 'findings' matching the arguments of the man who paid him off word for word.


Zullo knew what he did was immoral, unethical, and sleazy as fuck. Which is why he lied about it for years, lied to the press, and only admitted when cornered by the press.

The only reason Zullo isn't in because he isn't a police officer. He works for a non-profit. Not the Maricopa County Sheriff's department.

Those resources used proved Obama's birth certificate was a 100% forgery and proved the Hawaiian Dept of Health's official press releases on Obama's birth records were evasive and non-truthful.

Nope. Hawaii affirmed that all the information on the certificate was 100% accurate and matched their original records.

Bribed liar Zullo never even asked Hawaii if the LFBC image on the White House website was accurate. For any credible investigation, that's the first thing they would have done: check with the issuing agency to see if they actually issued it. Zullo has starkly refused.


Because Hawaii has already affirmed that the LFBC image was accurate and matches the original records. With even the Secretary of State of Hawaii affirming as much. And that's not what Zullo was paid by birthers to 'find'. So he ignores Hawaii and refuses to ever ask Hawaii if the LFBC is authentic or accurate.

Demonstrating again what an unethical piece of shit Zullo actually is.
Last edited:
Oh's the argument that sent you running just yesterday:

"The only plausible source (and by far most likely) source of the meaning of 'natural born' for the founders....was British Common law. Most of the framers were lawyers, with all of them having been trained in the British legal tradition. So of course British common law would be their basis. Vattel's law of nation's didn't even mention 'natural born' until about a decade after the constitution was already written. Eliminating it as even a possibility.

And British Common law recognized place of birth as determining natural born status. As the USSC noted in Wong Kim Ark.

Your 'US parents' definition was contradicted by the founders themselves in the Naturalization Act of 1790.....where they recognized that those born to US citizens abroad "shall be considered as natural born citizens". If parentage were the ONLY way natural born status could be conferred, why in the fuck would the founders have found it necessary to extend recognition to those born to US parents? And why would they use the words ''shall be considered as"?

Simple: place of birth was the baseline for natural born status. Which is why those not born in the US had to have natural born status extended to them by force of law. And were merely 'considered as' natural born per the founders.

An explicit contradiction of your assumptions.

Sorry, StormFront.....but you have no idea what you're talking about. Which is why you abandon every thread you're challenged in on your bullshit. As your bullshit doesn't hold up. And we both know it."
All false and I didn't run from anything. I went Speckeled Trout fishing with my racially aware grandkids.

Laughing.....odd you always go 'trout fishing' whenever I shred your silly batshit. This board is a wasteland of you 'trout fishing' with our tail tucked snuggly between your legs.

You say its 'false', but the Supreme Court has already affirmed that British common law is where the founders drew their definitions. So.....the burden of proof is on you to prove the Supreme Court wrong.

And you can't. Time to go 'trout fishing' against Stephen.
Hey man, I love to trout fish and so do my grandchildren. The fish are in a feeding frenzy right now off the surf.

And you love them all the more the moment I start shredding your silly argument. Even now, you won't touch the discussion with a 10 foot pole. You won't address any point raised, discuss any source, any court ruling.

You just run. Remember that. You always run. The only thing that changes is your excuse for doing it.
You sound like a little immature bully who got his ass kicked in school.

And yet you still won't address the Supreme Court's findings that the founder's definition of natural born came from British Common Law. You still won't discuss the Naturalization Act of 1790 that extended natural born status to those born outside the US to US parents. And you still won't discuss the fact that Vattel's Law of Nations didn't even have the words 'natural born' in them until nearly a decade AFTER the constitution was written. Making Vattel an impossibility as a source on the term.

Time for more 'fishing', Stephen. As you've already abandoned this argument. As you always do.

Utter bullshit my little Obama disciple. The founders and framers did not look to English common law to establish the new federal government. They had just thrown off that oppressive yoke and system in a war for our independence. You see, the guidance of the writings of Vattel helped many of the early U.S. Supreme Courts make decisions which eventually grew the body of decisions becoming U.S. Federal Common Law. Even three of our early presidents including Thomas Jefferson matriculated at William and Mary College in Virginia. There they learned about Natural Law and National Law for our new nation. And the text book specifically prescribed by the College of William and Mary’s regulations to study National Law was in fact The Law of Nations or Principles of Natural Law by who? Why Emer de Vattel, that's who. Hell, even thec1st Supreme Court Justice John Jay points to Vattel in 1785. That's almost 2 years before the signing of the U.S. Constitution (September 17, 1787).

Jay To The President Of Congress,
Office For Foreign Affairs,
24th November, 1785.
Correspondence and public papers
Our new federal government was a new form of government, a constitutional republic, of a type never before seen in reality, but written about extensively as a hoped for new form of government by Emer de Vattel in Book 1 of his legal treatise on Natural Law.
When do you think Trump will release that proof he said he found about the president's birth certificate?
He doesn't have to since the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office, an authoritative law enforcement agency, found Obama's birth document released on April 27, 2011 to be forged 100% after a long thorough investigation.

Everybody is aware of that list of crazy accusations, but do you have a link to where he came up with any proof of any of them?
You see, the guidance of the writings of Vattel helped many of the early U.S. Supreme Courts make decisions which eventually grew the body of decisions becoming U.S. Federal Common Law.

The writings of Vattel don't include any mention of 'natural born' when the constitution was written. Not until 10 years after the constitution was already ratified.

In our universe cause precedes effect. It doesn't follow it by 10 years. Your explanation is a physical impossibility without a flux capacitor or a blue police box. And you know this.

Even three of our early presidents including Thomas Jefferson matriculated at William and Mary College in Virginia. There they learned about Natural Law and National Law for our new nation. And the text book specifically prescribed by the College of William and Mary’s regulations to study National Law was in fact The Law of Nations or Principles of Natural Law by who? Why Emer de Vattel, that's who. Hell, even thec1st Supreme Court Justice John Jay points to Vattel in 1785. That's almost 2 years before the signing of the U.S. Constitution (September 17, 1787).

Jay To The President Of Congress,
Office For Foreign Affairs,
24th November, 1785.
Correspondence and public papers

And you'll notice there's not a single mention of Vattel and their understanding of the term 'natural born'. Probably because there is no mention of 'natural born' anything in Law of Nations until a decade AFTER the constitution was ratified.

The Law of Nations can't be used to define a term it doesn't use itself. Nor does any founder EVER reference the Law of Nation in defining 'natural born'.

You do. Citing yourself. And you're nobody.

The Supreme Court on the other hand cites British Common Law as the basis of the founders understanding of natural born status. So the burden is on you to disprove the Supreme Court's findings. And you can't even find a founder MENTIONING natural born in reference to Vattel. Let alone citing him as their source on its meaning.

Time for more 'fishing', Stephen?
Oh's the argument that sent you running just yesterday:

"The only plausible source (and by far most likely) source of the meaning of 'natural born' for the founders....was British Common law. Most of the framers were lawyers, with all of them having been trained in the British legal tradition. So of course British common law would be their basis. Vattel's law of nation's didn't even mention 'natural born' until about a decade after the constitution was already written. Eliminating it as even a possibility.

And British Common law recognized place of birth as determining natural born status. As the USSC noted in Wong Kim Ark.

Your 'US parents' definition was contradicted by the founders themselves in the Naturalization Act of 1790.....where they recognized that those born to US citizens abroad "shall be considered as natural born citizens". If parentage were the ONLY way natural born status could be conferred, why in the fuck would the founders have found it necessary to extend recognition to those born to US parents? And why would they use the words ''shall be considered as"?

Simple: place of birth was the baseline for natural born status. Which is why those not born in the US had to have natural born status extended to them by force of law. And were merely 'considered as' natural born per the founders.

An explicit contradiction of your assumptions.

Sorry, StormFront.....but you have no idea what you're talking about. Which is why you abandon every thread you're challenged in on your bullshit. As your bullshit doesn't hold up. And we both know it."
All false and I didn't run from anything. I went Speckeled Trout fishing with my racially aware grandkids. Are you racially aware? The founders certainly were. The proof is in the 1790 Naturalization Act, the very first legislation of the 1st Congress. They wanted this country for all free White people. It's in the text.
When do you think Trump will release that proof he said he found about the president's birth certificate?
He doesn't have to since the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office, an authoritative law enforcement agency, found Obama's birth document released on April 27, 2011 to be forged 100% after a long thorough investigation.

So its okay for Trump to lie because you lie about what a former used car salesman says?

Birthers- LOL.
When do you think Trump will release that proof he said he found about the president's birth certificate?
He doesn't have to since the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office, an authoritative law enforcement agency, found Obama's birth document released on April 27, 2011 to be forged 100% after a long thorough investigation.

We've been through this. Maricopa County Sherriff's Office has released no report on the matter. The investigation isn't being done by Maricopa County Sheriff's Office. But by man by the name of Mike Zullo....

.....a man recently caught taking secret bribes from bithers to the tune of 5 figures, and then trying to cover up the bribes with lies and denial.

After two years of denying he personally profited from the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office investigation into the validity of President Barack Obama's birth certificate, the head of the sheriff's Cold Case Posse admitted to CBS 5 Investigates that he accepted a large monetary gift from one of the sources in the investigation.

Read more: Birther posse chief I accepted 10 000 from source - CBS 5 - KPHO

And when questioned by the press, he adamantly denied it:

In response to questions emailed to him last week regarding personal use of the posse's money, Zullo responded on Tuesday:

"My answer to this question is emphatically No! These accusations that you claim you have heard are absolutely unfounded, slanderous and completely fabricated. They are designed to cast me and this organization in a disparaging light. I am appalled at this accusation!

Read more: Birther posse chief I accepted 10 000 from source - CBS 5 - KPHO

Until he was presented with the evidence. And then he admitted to the 'completely fabricated' 'slanderous' and 'unfounded' accusations.

"In 2012 a FedEx envelope arrives unexpectedly at my door, just out of nowhere. When I opened it there is a check for $10,000 made out to me personally from Bill," wrote Zullo. He was referring to Bill Wolf, who was a major researcher in the birther movement.

Read more: Birther posse chief I accepted 10 000 from source - CBS 5 - KPHO

And this lying piece of corrupt shit is your source? Any actual police investigator would be in jail if he was caught taking the bribes that Zullo did. The only reason that Zullo isn't in jail is because he's not a police officer.

And Maricopa County Sherriff's office still hasn't released any report. Which they would be required to do if it were an actual police investigation.
There is no proof American patriot Mike Zullo was bribed

there is no proof that Mike Zullo is an American or a patriot.

We know he is a liar.

We know that he signed a book deal with a Birther before 'starting his investigation'- and we know he has taken a payoff from a Birther.

Other than that- all we know is that Zullo likes to occasionally talk to the press.

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