Donald Trump vows to protect Christianity and protect their heritage

Trump should read our actual constitution, the one that bans the government from promoting Christianity or any other faith for that matter.

Maybe you should follow your own advice and try reading the 1st Amendment again, they can promote any damned thing they want. It prohibits congress from establishing a religion, kind of like you regressives trying to establish a stateist religion. All hale the stateist god, resistance is futile, you will be assimilated.
I am aware of what it says, dumbass. It says, by law, you can't declare America a Christian nation. Nor, as per the Supreme Court, can you use the government to promote religion meaning, your Jesus-loving ass loses agian, dickwad.

Those Jesus loving asses did not come out and vote in 2012. They will now and it won't be for Hillary. Hillary is in "no ways tired" of pandering to blocks of voters, Trump can do it too.
Trump should read our actual constitution, the one that bans the government from promoting Christianity or any other faith for that matter.

Maybe you should follow your own advice and try reading the 1st Amendment again, they can promote any damned thing they want. It prohibits congress from establishing a religion, kind of like you regressives trying to establish a stateist religion. All hale the stateist god, resistance is futile, you will be assimilated.
I am aware of what it says, dumbass. It says, by law, you can't declare America a Christian nation. Nor, as per the Supreme Court, can you use the government to promote religion meaning, your Jesus-loving ass loses agian, dickwad.

Those Jesus loving asses did not come out and vote in 2012. They will now and it won't be for Hillary. Hillary is in "no ways tired" of pandering to blocks of voters, Trump can do it too.
Even the Jesus-freaks can't save Trump, from himself mostly.

And Trump is to Jesus what Judas was to Jesus. The idea that Trump is a better representative of the teachings of Jesus is fucking appalling. Unbiblical to the core. Sorry, Jesus, they know not what they do.
Eighty-three percent of Americans identify themselves as Christians. Most of the rest, 13 percent, have no religion. That leaves just 4 percent as adherents of all non-Christian religions combined — Jews, Muslims, Buddhists and a smattering of individual mentions.

You are a smattering.......
Eighty-three percent of Americans identify themselves as Christians. Most of the rest, 13 percent, have no religion. That leaves just 4 percent as adherents of all non-Christian religions combined — Jews, Muslims, Buddhists and a smattering of individual mentions.

You are a smattering.......
Get your numbers right, Christ-bitch - Religious Landscape Study

And learn to read trends. Soon Jesus will be roughly as useful as Thor.
I did. But why so much angst? You seem troubled. Did you get beat up by a believer?
No Jesus, no peace. Know Jesus, Know peace.
Trump should read our actual constitution, the one that bans the government from promoting Christianity or any other faith for that matter.

Maybe you should follow your own advice and try reading the 1st Amendment again, they can promote any damned thing they want. It prohibits congress from establishing a religion, kind of like you regressives trying to establish a stateist religion. All hale the stateist god, resistance is futile, you will be assimilated.
I am aware of what it says, dumbass. It says, by law, you can't declare America a Christian nation. Nor, as per the Supreme Court, can you use the government to promote religion meaning, your Jesus-loving ass loses agian, dickwad.

Those Jesus loving asses did not come out and vote in 2012. They will now and it won't be for Hillary. Hillary is in "no ways tired" of pandering to blocks of voters, Trump can do it too.
Even the Jesus-freaks can't save Trump, from himself mostly.

And Trump is to Jesus what Judas was to Jesus. The idea that Trump is a better representative of the teachings of Jesus is fucking appalling. Unbiblical to the core. Sorry, Jesus, they know not what they do.

First you run down Jesus and now you defend him by knocking Trump. Take your meds.
Trump should read our actual constitution, the one that bans the government from promoting Christianity or any other faith for that matter.

Maybe you should follow your own advice and try reading the 1st Amendment again, they can promote any damned thing they want. It prohibits congress from establishing a religion, kind of like you regressives trying to establish a stateist religion. All hale the stateist god, resistance is futile, you will be assimilated.
I am aware of what it says, dumbass. It says, by law, you can't declare America a Christian nation. Nor, as per the Supreme Court, can you use the government to promote religion meaning, your Jesus-loving ass loses agian, dickwad.

Those Jesus loving asses did not come out and vote in 2012. They will now and it won't be for Hillary. Hillary is in "no ways tired" of pandering to blocks of voters, Trump can do it too.
Even the Jesus-freaks can't save Trump, from himself mostly.

And Trump is to Jesus what Judas was to Jesus. The idea that Trump is a better representative of the teachings of Jesus is fucking appalling. Unbiblical to the core. Sorry, Jesus, they know not what they do.

First you run down Jesus and now you defend him by knocking Trump. Take your meds.
Yeshua was an interesting fellow, the people who claim to follow him and call him Jesus are morons. But nothing in Trumps life would qualify as something Yeshua would approve of. Not a goddamn thing. Trump is exactly what Yeshua told people not to be.
You used to get away with shoving your faith in the face of everyone else and using the government to help you. Now you no longer can.

Did a Christian make you pray one time? And the government helped them? You have a real chip on your shoulder like someone forced you to your knees.
I can still do everything I have always done. And the government helps by upholding my right to practice my belief unencumbered, while upholding your right not to believe. It works great.
You don't seem to understand religion or government.
Maybe you should follow your own advice and try reading the 1st Amendment again, they can promote any damned thing they want. It prohibits congress from establishing a religion, kind of like you regressives trying to establish a stateist religion. All hale the stateist god, resistance is futile, you will be assimilated.
I am aware of what it says, dumbass. It says, by law, you can't declare America a Christian nation. Nor, as per the Supreme Court, can you use the government to promote religion meaning, your Jesus-loving ass loses agian, dickwad.

Those Jesus loving asses did not come out and vote in 2012. They will now and it won't be for Hillary. Hillary is in "no ways tired" of pandering to blocks of voters, Trump can do it too.
Even the Jesus-freaks can't save Trump, from himself mostly.

And Trump is to Jesus what Judas was to Jesus. The idea that Trump is a better representative of the teachings of Jesus is fucking appalling. Unbiblical to the core. Sorry, Jesus, they know not what they do.

First you run down Jesus and now you defend him by knocking Trump. Take your meds.
Yeshua was an interesting fellow, the people who claim to follow him and call him Jesus are morons. But nothing in Trumps life would qualify as something Yeshua would approve of. Not a goddamn thing. Trump is exactly what Yeshua told people not to be.

This is what Christ told people:
1 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.
2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?
4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?
5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.
I am aware of what it says, dumbass. It says, by law, you can't declare America a Christian nation. Nor, as per the Supreme Court, can you use the government to promote religion meaning, your Jesus-loving ass loses agian, dickwad.

Those Jesus loving asses did not come out and vote in 2012. They will now and it won't be for Hillary. Hillary is in "no ways tired" of pandering to blocks of voters, Trump can do it too.
Even the Jesus-freaks can't save Trump, from himself mostly.

And Trump is to Jesus what Judas was to Jesus. The idea that Trump is a better representative of the teachings of Jesus is fucking appalling. Unbiblical to the core. Sorry, Jesus, they know not what they do.

First you run down Jesus and now you defend him by knocking Trump. Take your meds.
Yeshua was an interesting fellow, the people who claim to follow him and call him Jesus are morons. But nothing in Trumps life would qualify as something Yeshua would approve of. Not a goddamn thing. Trump is exactly what Yeshua told people not to be.

This is what Christ told people:
1 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.
2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?
4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?
5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.
Trump never, ever looks at himself except to say what a wonder he is in the mirror. Take your own advice, Christ-bitch.

People like you don't draw others to your Lord, you repel them. Trump is, like you, exactly what Jesus said one should not be. If Trump had any power he would be the anti-Christ as he is nothing like the Christ, and neither are you.
Let me guess, by silencing everyone else that doesn't mash with their world view? Christianity doesn't have the right to tell anyone else how to live their life.
"A Trump administration, our Christian heritage will be cherished, protected, defended like you've never seen before. Believe me," he said.
Trump tailored his message to the audience, though he carefully avoided mentioning a number of areas — such as the legality of gay marriage — where his New York tolerance conflicts with the Christian right's agenda."

What are your thoughts?

He has set himself a very low bar. Mostly conservatives have been whipped by the lib mob.

The slightest pushback makes Trump a contender for "like you've never seen before".
Let me guess, by silencing everyone else that doesn't mash with their world view? Christianity doesn't have the right to tell anyone else how to live their life.

Christians have just as much right to tell people how to live their lives as every other political group.

That is their RIght.
So Christianity can't survive without silencing people with other beliefs and ideas? Sounds kind of fascist.
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Let me guess, by silencing everyone else that doesn't mash with their world view? Christianity doesn't have the right to tell anyone else how to live their life.

Christians have just as much right to tell people how to live their lives as every other political group.

That is their RIght.
Followers of Jesus aren't a political group. Jesus wasn't political, part of why the Jews rejected him as the Jewish Messiah.
And Christ-bitch, name all the humble things Trump has done or even one group he hasn't judged?
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So Christianity can't survive without silencing people with other beliefs and ideas? Sounds kind of fascist.

By misrepresenting my post, you admit that you know you cannot defend your position based on it's merits.

Why do you hold to a position that you have to lie about in order to defend?
Let me guess, by silencing everyone else that doesn't mash with their world view? Christianity doesn't have the right to tell anyone else how to live their life.

Christians have just as much right to tell people how to live their lives as every other political group.

That is their RIght.
Followers of Jesus aren't a political group. Jesus wasn't political, part of why the Jews rejected him as the Jewish Messiah.

Many Christians have formed or joined political groups.

As such, they have just as much right to support various types of policies that might "tell anyone else how to live their life", just like every other political group or American citizen.
Let me guess, by silencing everyone else that doesn't mash with their world view? Christianity doesn't have the right to tell anyone else how to live their life.

Christians have just as much right to tell people how to live their lives as every other political group.

That is their RIght.
Followers of Jesus aren't a political group. Jesus wasn't political, part of why the Jews rejected him as the Jewish Messiah.

Many Christians have formed or joined political groups.

As such, they have just as much right to support various types of policies that might "tell anyone else how to live their life", just like every other political group or American citizen.
Many have joined, which makes them nothing like Jesus. Find for us, in the teachings of Jesus, where he said one should be political and use the government to their advantage and to promote their morality?

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