Donald trump was fucked in the ass on the debate stage


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010

Just got done watching the debate and Donald trump was fucked in the ass! I'd say if he wins South Carolina I'll be surprised. 16 point lead? I bet it is gone now! Jeb Bush and Cruz pointed out his history and shown him as a weak candidate and all he could do is scream liar!

What a cluster fuck debate this was! Really good night for the democrats!!! What a fucking national disgrace!

I am thinking it will be Kasich, Cruz and Rubio that could get a huge boost within the republican primary...Trump should lose big...

it was all cut, slash and deregulate trash! Dog shit!!!

Our problem at this moment in history is we're NOT enforcing our anti-trust laws against big business. We're allowing them to undermine our wages with cheap fucking workers from the goddamn third world.

republicans have been supportin this shit for the past 40 years. Well, guess what assholes, you failed. Donald trump at least high lights some of these issues but hell, you're all a bunch of fundie fuckers that think you're going to win by opposing all forms of abortion and gutting government to the effin bone. Not going to work!

What we need to do is what Bernie sanders said and that is to go back to the policies of the 40's, 50's and 60's when big business paid their goddamn taxes, were regulated and expected to respect their competition. Not sell out our country...Cock sucking republican bastards.
You mean they allow that kind of obscenity on stage? The title of your thread leaves a lot to the imagination.

Just got done watching the debate and Donald trump was fucked in the ass! I'd say if he wins South Carolina I'll be surprised. 16 point lead? I bet it is gone now! Jeb Bush and Cruz pointed out his history and shown him as a weak candidate and all he could do is scream liar!

What a cluster fuck debate this was! Really good night for the democrats!!! What a fucking national disgrace!

I am thinking it will be Kasich, Cruz and Rubio that could get a huge boost within the republican primary...Trump should lose big...

I thought you kind of liked The Trump?

Just got done watching the debate and Donald trump was fucked in the ass! I'd say if he wins South Carolina I'll be surprised. 16 point lead? I bet it is gone now! Jeb Bush and Cruz pointed out his history and shown him as a weak candidate and all he could do is scream liar!

What a cluster fuck debate this was! Really good night for the democrats!!! What a fucking national disgrace!

I am thinking it will be Kasich, Cruz and Rubio that could get a huge boost within the republican primary...Trump should lose big...

I thought you kind of liked The Trump?

He is right about the businesses moving our jobs over seas and our trade deals...Sadly, he lost last night.

Just got done watching the debate and Donald trump was fucked in the ass! I'd say if he wins South Carolina I'll be surprised. 16 point lead? I bet it is gone now! Jeb Bush and Cruz pointed out his history and shown him as a weak candidate and all he could do is scream liar!

What a cluster fuck debate this was! Really good night for the democrats!!! What a fucking national disgrace!

I am thinking it will be Kasich, Cruz and Rubio that could get a huge boost within the republican primary...Trump should lose big...

I thought you kind of liked The Trump?

He is right about the businesses moving our jobs over seas and our trade deals...Sadly, he lost last night.

I'll watch the video you posted, the debate. If as awful as you say, I hope he can recover.

it was all cut, slash and deregulate trash! Dog shit!!!

Our problem at this moment in history is we're NOT enforcing our anti-trust laws against big business. We're allowing them to undermine our wages with cheap fucking workers from the goddamn third world.

republicans have been supportin this shit for the past 40 years. Well, guess what assholes, you failed. Donald trump at least high lights some of these issues but hell, you're all a bunch of fundie fuckers that think you're going to win by opposing all forms of abortion and gutting government to the effin bone. Not going to work!

What we need to do is what Bernie sanders said and that is to go back to the policies of the 40's, 50's and 60's when big business paid their goddamn taxes, were regulated and expected to respect their competition. Not sell out our country...Cock sucking republican bastards.

Step away from the bong and boxed wine already, Trump took a couple of hits, I don't see tonight changing anything for him. The baby shrub hurt his self whining about Trump talking about his family. Cruz and Rubio both helped themselves, Kasich held his own but I don't think he gained anything.
I think Trump won the debate, But Carson and Kasich get kudos for trying to have a more civil debate.
Kasich is a slime ball. He's a liar and his word isn't worth a damn. Cruz is a lying creep, Jeb is a lying sissy, Rubio is deceptive, and Carson is ok. Trump won the debate and he'll win S.C. easily, like N.H.
why are liberals so vulgar and offensive?
I thought you all were supposed to be the compassionate and caring ones.

Just got done watching the debate and Donald trump was fucked in the ass! I'd say if he wins South Carolina I'll be surprised. 16 point lead? I bet it is gone now! Jeb Bush and Cruz pointed out his history and shown him as a weak candidate and all he could do is scream liar!

What a cluster fuck debate this was! Really good night for the democrats!!! What a fucking national disgrace!

I am thinking it will be Kasich, Cruz and Rubio that could get a huge boost within the republican primary...Trump should lose big...

Every time he does a Trump I say okay that's it, he's finally crossed the line. Attacking George W. Bush as viciously as he did on the Iraqi war he sounded like a progressive Democrat would. Lied about the WMD? And "he knew he was lying". Didn't protect America? War "was a big fat mistake?" A moderator ask him if he still stood behind his 2008 statement that GWB "should be impeached". Jesus Christ, if that's not a campaign killer, wow. Not very long ago every single Republican in the country would shun him like an ebola carrier. Now the question is, are there enough republicans who know and are ready to willingly admit Trump was right? I really doubt it. I don't know, I've said before he's shot himself in the foot. Destroying all the b.s. Republican memes covering their ass on the war that they've been spewing for over a decade should be toxic in a heavily military state like S.C. He's shot himself in both feet and maybe the temple this time. The establishment's dislike for Trump will be virulent hate tomorrow. If he can survive this he truly is a political magician. I can't wait to see the fallout.
The establishment, most of the pundits, and certain group of voters fail to understand the mechanism of the Trump campaign. Sadly to them, it's just incomprehensible magic how he gains so much support. However, if you truly understand how it works, it will be so easy to explain these "mysteries". That being said, I would bet that the OP is utterly wrong in his evaluation on what happened last night with respect to Mr. Trump's performance. It is much likely that you will be super surprised by the results out of SC.

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