Donald Trump's BRILLIANT & Unusual Plan to Lower the National Debt

Wanting people to contribute to this country is a bad agenda?

Forcing people who struggle to support themselves to pay taxes while our wealthiest pay the lowest rate in 70 years is a bad agenda


Where should we be looking for our tax dollars?

So getting a person off the welfare system and get them a home and have them making enough to pay taxes is a bad agenda? Forcing people to pay more and more taxes is a bad agenda.

You better first worry about the hundreds of thousands of layoffs both in the public and private sectors that will be inevitable if Trump were to shrink the government enough to pay off 18 trillion in debt.

I'm not going to worry, that seems to be your job. Trump isn't President, Trump won't likely get the Republican nomination. You are just another liberal drama queen.

lol, here's your participation trophy.

You are the ones playing the doom and gloom game without any concrete evidence. You nut jobs claim he is going to sell off national treasures and when pointed out that that isn't what was said or reasonable, you jump to a collapse of property prices, now you jump to economic destruction. Care to move the goal posts again?
Forcing people who struggle to support themselves to pay taxes while our wealthiest pay the lowest rate in 70 years is a bad agenda


Where should we be looking for our tax dollars?

Do we tax wealth, Comrade Shitflinger?

Or do we rather tax income? What if we adjusted the graph you got from your hate site to include the wealth held by the Federal government?
Why tax those who can least afford it

You tax where the money is
In kc alone we have plenty of VACANT government buildings & property. Since when are those national treasures? Are you as stupid as you claim Trump supporters to be?

I don't know the value of unused government assets but in any rational persons mind this could be a good start. Hoarders excluded of course. Are you a hoarder or just a fool?

Timmy is a democrat, thus he believes that all things in the nation, including the people, are the rightful property of the state. Which means the elite who rule the state are owners of everything. It's the democrat way.

Oh please . Not all these buildings are locate in highly valuable real estate markets .

You want to bring the debt down? 1% national sales tax .

Hell, you are the nutter that claimed Arlington Cemetery will be sold, you are a joke.
Yeah, let's pave over Arlington cemetary and turn it into condos !

Trumps stupid wall will waste more money than he can generate by selling off out national treasures .
REally? So what kind of wall plans has Trump decided on? Concrete? Brick? Brownstone? Cyclone Fencing?

You must know since you *know* it will be so expensive, you lying jack ass.

Dude . How can a 1400 mile wall NOT be expensive ??!

When the gang of 8 came up with immigration reform , part of it had drones flying over the border 24/7 . I'm sure that's part of trumps plan too. Add that to the costs .
In kc alone we have plenty of VACANT government buildings & property. Since when are those national treasures? Are you as stupid as you claim Trump supporters to be?

I don't know the value of unused government assets but in any rational persons mind this could be a good start. Hoarders excluded of course. Are you a hoarder or just a fool?

Timmy is a democrat, thus he believes that all things in the nation, including the people, are the rightful property of the state. Which means the elite who rule the state are owners of everything. It's the democrat way.

Oh please . Not all these buildings are locate in highly valuable real estate markets .

You want to bring the debt down? 1% national sales tax .

Hell, you are the nutter that claimed Arlington Cemetery will be sold, you are a joke.

I was mocking his plan with sarcasm .

But hey, why not sell it off ? We are talking prime real estate ! Think of the money it will bring in !!!
While trump is selling off our property, why not military property too

We have bases all over the world

How bout selling off a carrier task force for a trillion?

How about selling the DNC to North Korea? I'd bet he could get $50 and the members are already on board with the way things run...
DNC already sold the country out.
Oh please . Not all these buildings are locate in highly valuable real estate markets .

You want to bring the debt down? 1% national sales tax .

1% sales tax? As long as we abolish income taxes, I'm all in.

45.3% of all land in California, the most valuable real estate in the nation, is owned by the Federal government. Why?

84.5% of Nevada is likewise "owned" by our overlords. Why?

19.4% of Hawaii is likewise owned by our rulers.

Sell HALF of this land, and the national debt is retired. No need to worry about Yellowstone or Yosemite, they are tiny specks of what our rulers deem "the kings lands."
We'll everyone says we've sold our country to china , now trump will literally sell our country to China !
Dude . How can a 1400 mile wall NOT be expensive ??!.

Dep[ends on what you mean by expensive.

Sure, I cant put it on my credit card, but for the $4 trillion annual budget Federali budget it is trivial.
Cutting taxes and thinking you'll get more revenue is neither an innovative nor intelligent idea.

So how does the federal government end up with more revenue every time they are cut?

It isnt every time, and the effects have been at a diminishing rate as we get more free trade, but still, if people have more money in their pocket, they consume more. If they consume more the economy grows more. IF the economy grows more then that is a larger tax base for the federalis to tax more.
Dude . How can a 1400 mile wall NOT be expensive ??!.

Dep[ends on what you mean by expensive.

Sure, I cant put it on my credit card, but for the $4 trillion annual budget Federali budget it is trivial.

That's the thinking that got us in debt .

No, it really is not.

The wall will reduce illegal immigration, reducing black market labor which would reduce law enforcement costs, raise average wages, grow the tax base and reduce the costs of incarceration.

This is one of the few ideas that would have a net negative long term impact on our Federali budget debt.
Dude . How can a 1400 mile wall NOT be expensive ??!.

Dep[ends on what you mean by expensive.

Sure, I cant put it on my credit card, but for the $4 trillion annual budget Federali budget it is trivial.

That's the thinking that got us in debt .

No, it really is not.

The wall will reduce illegal immigration, reducing black market labor which would reduce law enforcement costs, raise average wages, grow the tax base and reduce the costs of incarceration.

This is one of the few ideas that would have a net negative long term impact on our Federali budget debt.

The walls a waste of money and will have little affect .

40% of illegals enter legally . Wall does nothing for that . The cost of maintaining and patrolling the wall will increase law enforcement expense .

Incarceration will explode because trump is rounding up illegals . Splitting families and adding people to welfare cause mom or dad has no been deported .
Dude . How can a 1400 mile wall NOT be expensive ??!.

Dep[ends on what you mean by expensive.

Sure, I cant put it on my credit card, but for the $4 trillion annual budget Federali budget it is trivial.

That's the thinking that got us in debt .

No, it really is not.

The wall will reduce illegal immigration, reducing black market labor which would reduce law enforcement costs, raise average wages, grow the tax base and reduce the costs of incarceration.

This is one of the few ideas that would have a net negative long term impact on our Federali budget debt.

The walls a waste of money and will have little affect .

40% of illegals enter legally . Wall does nothing for that . The cost of maintaining and patrolling the wall will increase law enforcement expense .

Incarceration will explode because trump is rounding up illegals . Splitting families and adding people to welfare cause mom or dad has no been deported .

Incarceration won't explode, it will decrease as we send the illegals home to their own countries.
Dude . How can a 1400 mile wall NOT be expensive ??!.

Dep[ends on what you mean by expensive.

Sure, I cant put it on my credit card, but for the $4 trillion annual budget Federali budget it is trivial.

That's the thinking that got us in debt .

No, it really is not.

The wall will reduce illegal immigration, reducing black market labor which would reduce law enforcement costs, raise average wages, grow the tax base and reduce the costs of incarceration.

This is one of the few ideas that would have a net negative long term impact on our Federali budget debt.

The walls a waste of money and will have little affect .

40% of illegals enter legally . Wall does nothing for that . The cost of maintaining and patrolling the wall will increase law enforcement expense .

Incarceration will explode because trump is rounding up illegals . Splitting families and adding people to welfare cause mom or dad has no been deported .
It's manly.

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