Donald Trump's chances of becoming President will soon be zero

Donald Trump's chances of becoming President is approaching zero - full article

Things are looking very bad for Donald Trump
Trump's campaign lists a total of 12 tossup states: Nevada, Colorado, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Florida, New Hampshire and Maine.

By that assessment, Trump's team says they have 191 electoral votes, compared to 197 for Clinton and 150 in the toss-up column.
The world can be a nasty place
Where I work insurance open enrollment begins Nov 1st. If that is similar timeframe at other places then perhaps Trump could benefit from medical insurance sticker shock. Our insurance premiums at the workplace have gone up drastically under Obamacare.
Where I work insurance open enrollment begins Nov 1st. If that is similar timeframe at other places then perhaps Trump could benefit from medical insurance sticker shock. Our insurance premiums at the workplace have gone up drastically under Obamacare.
yeah same our insurance premiums went up too
Donald Trump's chances of becoming President is approaching zero - full article

Things are looking very bad for Donald Trump
Trump's campaign lists a total of 12 tossup states: Nevada, Colorado, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Florida, New Hampshire and Maine.

By that assessment, Trump's team says they have 191 electoral votes, compared to 197 for Clinton and 150 in the toss-up column.
Do you have a daily quota or something?
Donald Trump's chances of becoming President is approaching zero - full article

Things are looking very bad for Donald Trump
Trump's campaign lists a total of 12 tossup states: Nevada, Colorado, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Florida, New Hampshire and Maine.

By that assessment, Trump's team says they have 191 electoral votes, compared to 197 for Clinton and 150 in the toss-up column.
Do you have a daily quota or something?
real talk
Donald Trump's chances of becoming President is approaching zero - full article

Things are looking very bad for Donald Trump
Trump's campaign lists a total of 12 tossup states: Nevada, Colorado, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Florida, New Hampshire and Maine.

By that assessment, Trump's team says they have 191 electoral votes, compared to 197 for Clinton and 150 in the toss-up column.
thats no good (for Trump)
Donald Trump's chances of becoming President is approaching zero - full article

Things are looking very bad for Donald Trump
Trump's campaign lists a total of 12 tossup states: Nevada, Colorado, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Florida, New Hampshire and Maine.

By that assessment, Trump's team says they have 191 electoral votes, compared to 197 for Clinton and 150 in the toss-up column.

Those projections are based on very flawed even rigged polls.

Which means that they are basically horse shit.
Donald Trump's chances of becoming President is approaching zero - full article

Things are looking very bad for Donald Trump
Trump's campaign lists a total of 12 tossup states: Nevada, Colorado, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Florida, New Hampshire and Maine.

By that assessment, Trump's team says they have 191 electoral votes, compared to 197 for Clinton and 150 in the toss-up column.
i think im going to give up on Trump

Dude, this is exactly the reason to vote for Trump...

Don't let the rigged media influence your opinion, that's exactly what these con artists are attempting.

A Trump supporter calling someone other then Trump a con artist
just might be the funniest thing I have heard this election.
A Trump supporter calling someone other then Trump a con artist
just might be the funniest thing I have heard this election.
Says the guy who supports a known criminal, bribe taking crony who shills for multinational corporations and is part of the corrupt DC Corporate establishment.,

Donald Trump's chances of becoming President is approaching zero - full article

Things are looking very bad for Donald Trump
Trump's campaign lists a total of 12 tossup states: Nevada, Colorado, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Florida, New Hampshire and Maine.

By that assessment, Trump's team says they have 191 electoral votes, compared to 197 for Clinton and 150 in the toss-up column.

You are right. No need for you to vote now. Just stay home. I'm sure you have more important things to do.
Donald Trump's chances of becoming President is approaching zero - full article

Things are looking very bad for Donald Trump
Trump's campaign lists a total of 12 tossup states: Nevada, Colorado, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Florida, New Hampshire and Maine.

By that assessment, Trump's team says they have 191 electoral votes, compared to 197 for Clinton and 150 in the toss-up column.

You are right. No need for you to vote now. Just stay home. I'm sure you have more important things to do.
Such a positive and uplifting message from the man who wants to be President....

Here is Trump saying.....

America is a third world shit hole
The military sucks,the Generals suck they don't know what they are doing.
Black people live in shitty neighborhoods and are too stupid to vote for anyone other then democrats.
The newspapers lie.
The media lies
Washington is crooked
Government is crooked
The polls are lying
The election is rigged.
I the Trump meister is winning every poll
I am going to win but wait and see the election get stolen...

The best thing about me is I have a positive and tremendous attitude
and I am known for bringing people together....

Paul Ryan sucks
The GOP sucks
People who are senators that were captured during the war and tortured
are not American heroes because they were captured and they suck.
Women who don't like me groping them and then complain about it suck....

Vote for me for President....
I will bring this country together so fast you wont believe it.

Believe me.
Such a positive and uplifting message from the man who wants to be President....

Here is Trump saying.....

America is a third world shit hole
The military sucks,the Generals suck they don't know what they are doing.
Black people live in shitty neighborhoods and are too stupid to vote for anyone other then democrats.
The newspapers lie.
The media lies
Washington is crooked
Government is crooked
The polls are lying
The election is rigged.
I the Trump meister is winning every poll
I am going to win but wait and see the election get stolen...

The best thing about me is I have a positive and tremendous attitude
and I am known for bringing people together....

Paul Ryan sucks
The GOP sucks
People who are senators that were captured during the war and tortured
are not American heroes because they were captured and they suck.
Women who don't like me groping them and then complain about it suck....

Vote for me for President....
I will bring this country together so fast you wont believe it.

Believe me.

The funny thing about all that is that TRUMP IS AND HAS CONSISTENTLY BEEN RIGHT ABOUT ALL OF IT, dingleberry.
So the end does justify the means? Regardless one lie leads to another and another.........but she is your Sheppard so make like a good little sheep and don't complain.
A Trump supporter calling someone other then Trump a con artist
just might be the funniest thing I have heard this election.
Says the guy who supports a known criminal, bribe taking crony who shills for multinational corporations and is part of the corrupt DC Corporate establishment.,


You have a funny definition of "known criminal".
Where I work insurance open enrollment begins Nov 1st. If that is similar timeframe at other places then perhaps Trump could benefit from medical insurance sticker shock. Our insurance premiums at the workplace have gone up drastically under Obamacare.

And how does that compare to the rate of increase/decrease of insurance rates before Obamacare?

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