Donald Trump's Mexico Deal: Democrats Sad, Media Mope


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Donald Trump's Mexico Deal: Democrats Sad, Media Mope
8 Jun 19 ~ By Neil Munro
Most Democrats and pro-migration advocates stayed silent after President Donald Trump announced he had gotten the reluctant Mexican government to agree to keep all migrants in Mexico until their U.S. court hearings. The “Remain in Mexico” deal allows Mexico to say it did not give in to Trump’s push for a “safe third country” deal.... But it gives Trump’s border agencies a legal way to ignore the establishment’s catch and release policies, which allow economic migrants to get U.S. jobs when they merely carry a child across the border and ask for asylum. Under the deal, migrants who arrive at the border will have to remain in Mexico until their court dates. The means they cannot get into the United States, cannot get U.S. wages, and cannot repay smuggling debts to the cartels.

Have to hand it to Trump. He may not succeed at first, but he keeps working at it to find a way. His business experience has served him and this country well. He also knows that money is what talks, even in foreign relations.
Trump looks at the bigger picture as all good presidents have. It's the nation, the security and welfare of ALL its people. These politicians especially so called Democrats and RINOS think only of their own power and reelection. They are indeed SMALL people.
Chuckie and Nancy along with their Progressive Marxist Socialist friends in DC were hoping for DJT to fail in the Mexico negotiations. Failure would help them in their quest for power, though it would harm the country as a whole and our sovereignty. This is the mindset of the Globalist Authoritarian Elitists.
All the politicians including many Republicans, especially McConnell, moaned and whined about the threat of tariffs on Mexican imports. Not one of them focused on the real point...illegal immigration. It's because they, do not want the problem solved. McConnell wants is to preserve the status quo and preserve the swamp.
Take a moment and appreciate how President Trump is protecting this country. Imagine what America would look like if we had a Democrat in the White House, now or in 2020 or in 2024 or in 2028. They would allow the invasion to happen before our eyes. Voting Democrat is not only stupid; it’s dangerous. Obama is the proof in the pudding.
This WINNING can not be allowed...

Up Next is Unfettered power by House chairs that allow them to issue subpoenas, trial them in committee, and then execute the offenders... All without using the courts....
Its a 3-month wait and see. I hope Mexico puts the clamps on migrants.
Its already happening. Mexico is stopping them at their southern boarder and warning them they will not be admitted into the US.. The US is now assisting Mexico with temporary housing on the Mexico side of the border.

Funnier still is 10,000 were sent back into Mexico pending court action in the last three days
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