Donald Trump’s re-election playbook: 25 ways he'll lie, cheat and abuse his power

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.
Wow, how did they narrow it down to just 25 things?
His serfs have no rebuttal. Its like they have already given up.
dOnald seems to have. He's already been saying things like "Joe Biden will be you president".

Looking forward to the debates. We'll see who has more "senior moments".
No, you really don't. trump is going to get dismantled. Talking bullshit at a rally is not the same as a debate. trump is about to go against a master of policy and a top notch politician.

A difference of opinion is what makes a "horse race". We're both looking forward to the debates.
May the better man win, fairly. Just hoping that the moderators are "fair and balanced".
trump is going to get pounded. After it happens trump supporters will cry about the moderators.
Got a link for that? No? OK, we both have opinions.
Trump has occasional press conferences and does well, I haven't seen Biden have a wide open presser....ever???
Why not?
I have yet to see tRump do "well" in a press conference.

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.
Wow, how did they narrow it down to just 25 things?
His serfs have no rebuttal. Its like they have already given up.
The rebuttal was that we don't care what TDS victims say, especially if they're not US voters.
You will care in November once US voters kick trump to the curb.
I hear you, it looks bleak for Trump, then again, Hillary had a 95% probability of beating Trump "the clown" in 2016, remember how that turned out?

Yep. trump lost the popular vote and won on a technicality that has only happened 5 times in our history. I don't think you can bank on that happening again.

Most of them republicans.
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1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.

What a shock, when protesters riot and loot, what do you call them? Relatives?
People who riot and loot are generally Democrats.

Most Democrats aren't criminals but most criminals are Democrats.

Democrats kneel to thugs and bullies.
In this era, if you believe Democrats or take them seriously, you're the one who looks like an idiot.

Being an American and voting for Democrats is like being a jew and voting for nazis

Democrats believe America is evil and racist and everything American is evil and racist and must be destroyed.
White Americans continued that tradition, doing everything you put on tom.
The first slave owner in America was black you jabbering retard.

John Casor. In 1654, John Casor became the first legal slave in America. Anthony Johnson, previously an African indentured slave, claimed John Casor as his slave. The Northampton County rule against Casor, and declared him propter for life by Anthony Johnson.Since Africans were not English, they were not covered by the English Common Law.

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.
Wow, how did they narrow it down to just 25 things?
His serfs have no rebuttal. Its like they have already given up.
dOnald seems to have. He's already been saying things like "Joe Biden will be you president".

Looking forward to the debates. We'll see who has more "senior moments".
No, you really don't. trump is going to get dismantled. Talking bullshit at a rally is not the same as a debate. trump is about to go against a master of policy and a top notch politician.

A difference of opinion is what makes a "horse race". We're both looking forward to the debates.
May the better man win, fairly. Just hoping that the moderators are "fair and balanced".
trump is going to get pounded. After it happens trump supporters will cry about the moderators.
Got a link for that? No? OK, we both have opinions.
Trump has occasional press conferences and does well, I haven't seen Biden have a wide open presser....ever???
Why not?
Biden has done quite fine. He beat 25 other democrats to get here. He predicted what would happen with this pandemic. He is not the president so he won't won't be seen as much. trump runs from hard questions and he hired that young girl to answer questions fir him. Biden knows policy, trump tries to bullshit. Bullshit doesn't work in debates and I don't need a fucking link to know that Biden is about to destroy trump. trump might even decide not to debate.

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.

What a shock, when protesters riot and loot, what do you call them? Relatives?
People who riot and loot are generally Democrats.

Most Democrats aren't criminals but most criminals are Democrats.

Democrats kneel to thugs and bullies.
In this era, if you believe Democrats or take them seriously, you're the one who looks like an idiot.

Being an American and voting for Democrats is like being a jew and voting for nazis

Democrats believe America is evil and racist and everything American is evil and racist and must be destroyed.
Wrong. We see who is like the nazis and it ain't democrats.

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.
Wow, how did they narrow it down to just 25 things?
His serfs have no rebuttal. Its like they have already given up.
dOnald seems to have. He's already been saying things like "Joe Biden will be you president".

Looking forward to the debates. We'll see who has more "senior moments".
No, you really don't. trump is going to get dismantled. Talking bullshit at a rally is not the same as a debate. trump is about to go against a master of policy and a top notch politician.

A difference of opinion is what makes a "horse race". We're both looking forward to the debates.
May the better man win, fairly. Just hoping that the moderators are "fair and balanced".
trump is going to get pounded. After it happens trump supporters will cry about the moderators.
Got a link for that? No? OK, we both have opinions.
Trump has occasional press conferences and does well, I haven't seen Biden have a wide open presser....ever???
Why not?
Biden has done quite fine. He beat 25 other democrats to get here. He predicted what would happen with this pandemic. He is not the president so he won't won't be seen as much. trump runs from hard questions and he hired that young girl to answer questions fir him. Biden knows policy, trump tries to bullshit. Bullshit doesn't work in debates and I don't need a fucking link to know that Biden is about to destroy trump. trump might even decide not to debate.
Biden is a tard controlled by neo-communist behind the curtain. Only brainwashed useful idiots take him seriously.

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.
^^^^Imported TDS^^^^^

STFU and go curtsy your Queen, Asshat.

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.
Wow, how did they narrow it down to just 25 things?
His serfs have no rebuttal. Its like they have already given up.
dOnald seems to have. He's already been saying things like "Joe Biden will be you president".

Looking forward to the debates. We'll see who has more "senior moments".
No, you really don't. trump is going to get dismantled. Talking bullshit at a rally is not the same as a debate. trump is about to go against a master of policy and a top notch politician.

A difference of opinion is what makes a "horse race". We're both looking forward to the debates.
May the better man win, fairly. Just hoping that the moderators are "fair and balanced".
trump is going to get pounded. After it happens trump supporters will cry about the moderators.
Got a link for that? No? OK, we both have opinions.
Trump has occasional press conferences and does well, I haven't seen Biden have a wide open presser....ever???
Why not?
Biden has done quite fine. He beat 25 other democrats to get here. He predicted what would happen with this pandemic. He is not the president so he won't won't be seen as much. trump runs from hard questions and he hired that young girl to answer questions fir him. Biden knows policy, trump tries to bullshit. Bullshit doesn't work in debates and I don't need a fucking link to know that Biden is about to destroy trump. trump might even decide not to debate.
White Americans continued that tradition, doing everything you put on tom.
The first slave owner in America was black you jabbering retard.

John Casor. In 1654, John Casor became the first legal slave in America. Anthony Johnson, previously an African indentured slave, claimed John Casor as his slave. The Northampton County rule against Casor, and declared him propter for life by Anthony Johnson.Since Africans were not English, they were not covered by the English Common Law.
That is incorrect. John Punch was the first slave as decided by the Virginia House of Governors in 1640. He was owned by a white man named Hugh Gywnn.

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.

What a shock, when protesters riot and loot, what do you call them? Relatives?
People who riot and loot are generally Democrats.

Most Democrats aren't criminals but most criminals are Democrats.

Democrats kneel to thugs and bullies.
In this era, if you believe Democrats or take them seriously, you're the one who looks like an idiot.

Being an American and voting for Democrats is like being a jew and voting for nazis

Democrats believe America is evil and racist and everything American is evil and racist and must be destroyed.
Wrong. We see who is like the nazis and it ain't democrats.
Nobody cares what useful idiots "see". They are to dumb to know what they are looking at. Democrats have knelt to domestic terrorist.

The Democrat party has become a domestic terrorist group.

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.
Wow, how did they narrow it down to just 25 things?
His serfs have no rebuttal. Its like they have already given up.
dOnald seems to have. He's already been saying things like "Joe Biden will be you president".

Looking forward to the debates. We'll see who has more "senior moments".
No, you really don't. trump is going to get dismantled. Talking bullshit at a rally is not the same as a debate. trump is about to go against a master of policy and a top notch politician.

A difference of opinion is what makes a "horse race". We're both looking forward to the debates.
May the better man win, fairly. Just hoping that the moderators are "fair and balanced".
trump is going to get pounded. After it happens trump supporters will cry about the moderators.
Got a link for that? No? OK, we both have opinions.
Trump has occasional press conferences and does well, I haven't seen Biden have a wide open presser....ever???
Why not?
Biden has done quite fine. He beat 25 other democrats to get here. He predicted what would happen with this pandemic. He is not the president so he won't won't be seen as much. trump runs from hard questions and he hired that young girl to answer questions fir him. Biden knows policy, trump tries to bullshit. Bullshit doesn't work in debates and I don't need a fucking link to know that Biden is about to destroy trump. trump might even decide not to debate.
Biden is a tard controlled by neo-communist behind the curtain. Only brainwashed useful idiots take him seriously.
By the way things look right now, trump is the one controlled by communists.

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.

What a shock, when protesters riot and loot, what do you call them? Relatives?
People who riot and loot are generally Democrats.

Most Democrats aren't criminals but most criminals are Democrats.

Democrats kneel to thugs and bullies.
In this era, if you believe Democrats or take them seriously, you're the one who looks like an idiot.

Being an American and voting for Democrats is like being a jew and voting for nazis

Democrats believe America is evil and racist and everything American is evil and racist and must be destroyed.
Wrong. We see who is like the nazis and it ain't democrats.
Nobody cares what useful idiots "see". They are to dumb to know what they are looking at. Democrats have knelt to domestic terrorist.

The Democrat party has become a domestic terrorist group.
You are the useful idiot so understand that no one cares what you see.

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.
Wow, how did they narrow it down to just 25 things?
His serfs have no rebuttal. Its like they have already given up.
dOnald seems to have. He's already been saying things like "Joe Biden will be you president".

Looking forward to the debates. We'll see who has more "senior moments".
No, you really don't. trump is going to get dismantled. Talking bullshit at a rally is not the same as a debate. trump is about to go against a master of policy and a top notch politician.

A difference of opinion is what makes a "horse race". We're both looking forward to the debates.
May the better man win, fairly. Just hoping that the moderators are "fair and balanced".
trump is going to get pounded. After it happens trump supporters will cry about the moderators.
Got a link for that? No? OK, we both have opinions.
Trump has occasional press conferences and does well, I haven't seen Biden have a wide open presser....ever???
Why not?
Biden has done quite fine. He beat 25 other democrats to get here. He predicted what would happen with this pandemic. He is not the president so he won't won't be seen as much. trump runs from hard questions and he hired that young girl to answer questions fir him. Biden knows policy, trump tries to bullshit. Bullshit doesn't work in debates and I don't need a fucking link to know that Biden is about to destroy trump. trump might even decide not to debate.
Biden is a tard controlled by neo-communist behind the curtain. Only brainwashed useful idiots take him seriously.
By the way things look right now, trump is the one controlled by communists.
Your so stupid you don't even know what communism is. BLM, a Democrat group, admit they are trained marxists.

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.
Wow, how did they narrow it down to just 25 things?
His serfs have no rebuttal. Its like they have already given up.
You do know that Trump talks like people do on the street? No matter the color, ethnic background or culture.

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.
Wow, how did they narrow it down to just 25 things?
His serfs have no rebuttal. Its like they have already given up.
Serfs ? From a person who's from a Country that still has a Monarchy.
I think he is referring to those that in 1776 declared themselves no longer, buck tooth British citizens. They still cant get over the fact that a rag tag army kicked the ass of the once greatest nation's army..

Not to mention these limey cock suckers are the assholes who colonized most of the third world, arbitrarily drew borders, exploited the people that lived there, then abandoned them to leftist warlords and corrupt sociopaths so that we get stuck dealing with all the conflicts that created. They're the ones who enabled the slave trade to start with, then they want to act all high and mighty while their nanny state government even has to take glass mugs out of bars because they can't have a few beers and watch a soccer game without killing one another.

Shoulda let the fuckin krauts beat them, they adopted socialism any fuckin way.

White Americans continued that tradition, doing everything you put on tom.
And then fought a war that killed over 600,000 White Americans to end slavery.

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.
Wow, how did they narrow it down to just 25 things?
His serfs have no rebuttal. Its like they have already given up.
dOnald seems to have. He's already been saying things like "Joe Biden will be you president".

Looking forward to the debates. We'll see who has more "senior moments".
No, you really don't. trump is going to get dismantled. Talking bullshit at a rally is not the same as a debate. trump is about to go against a master of policy and a top notch politician.

A difference of opinion is what makes a "horse race". We're both looking forward to the debates.
May the better man win, fairly. Just hoping that the moderators are "fair and balanced".
trump is going to get pounded. After it happens trump supporters will cry about the moderators.
Got a link for that? No? OK, we both have opinions.
Trump has occasional press conferences and does well, I haven't seen Biden have a wide open presser....ever???
Why not?
Biden has done quite fine. He beat 25 other democrats to get here. He predicted what would happen with this pandemic. He is not the president so he won't won't be seen as much. trump runs from hard questions and he hired that young girl to answer questions fir him. Biden knows policy, trump tries to bullshit. Bullshit doesn't work in debates and I don't need a fucking link to know that Biden is about to destroy trump. trump might even decide not to debate.
1. Biden was losing to Bernie until Jim Clyburn endorsed him and Joe won SC.

2. Trump is a lot tougher than Bernie. The primaries are a lot different than the general election.

3. Joe was opposed to Trump's stopping flights from China, calling them xenophobic and racist, before agreeing with it. Joe has a history of always being wrong.

4. The policy debate will be interesting. If Biden opposes the Left's crazy policies he loses support, if he supports them he loses the election, what to do??

5. Trump wants more debates, Biden said no.
Last edited:

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.

What a shock, when protesters riot and loot, what do you call them? Relatives?
People who riot and loot are generally Democrats.

Most Democrats aren't criminals but most criminals are Democrats.

Democrats kneel to thugs and bullies.
In this era, if you believe Democrats or take them seriously, you're the one who looks like an idiot.

Being an American and voting for Democrats is like being a jew and voting for nazis

Democrats believe America is evil and racist and everything American is evil and racist and must be destroyed.
Wrong. We see who is like the nazis and it ain't democrats.
Nobody cares what useful idiots "see". They are to dumb to know what they are looking at. Democrats have knelt to domestic terrorist.

The Democrat party has become a domestic terrorist group.
You are the useful idiot so understand that no one cares what you see.

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.
I am convinced Trump is banking on Civil unrest to keep him in power. Please everyone, be on notice...this man would rather see the entire nation burned to the ground, than leave the white house and return to his old life of criminal activity, where there's no Barr and Mitch to protect him.

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