Donald Trump’s re-election playbook: 25 ways he'll lie, cheat and abuse his power

A liberal projection thread I love these. What does the left do...lie, cheat, and abuse power. What a classic thanks OP.

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.
Wow, how did they narrow it down to just 25 things?
His serfs have no rebuttal. Its like they have already given up.
dOnald seems to have. He's already been saying things like "Joe Biden will be you president".

Looking forward to the debates. We'll see who has more "senior moments".
Will there even be any? tRump has first tried to cancel them and then called for more than the traditional three. Sounds like he's afraid.
Trump isn't afraid of debating Joe Biden. Biden's a senile idiot! What Trump is rightfully concerned about is a debate set up where his enemies in the Main Stream Media get to "moderate" the debates! All he's asking for is a level playing field!
Here's the problem with your theory:

tRump knows Joe Biden isn't really senile. He knows it's just a lie he tells. He also knows debates are not like spewing bullshit for the faithful at rallies, and the he is the one showing signs of mental a physical deterioration.

He's terrified.
Biden is senile. Trump is not terrified. He is annoyed at best. You’re a crazy man.

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.
Wow, how did they narrow it down to just 25 things?
Crep is getting further and further into the deranged crazy zone. So you support the narrative of statues and Disney and everything is racist? LOL

Your party has gone insane.
Oooh look, kids!

A deflection!!
You’re the one who deflects in every single one of our debates. You’re a 53 year old man who acts like a child.
Dude, I'm not the one who just tried to change the subject of the thread. That's what we call a deflection. So is going off in this tangent discussing who is deflecting and who isn't. You are accusing me of what you are doing as we speak.

I won't be responding to this line of discussion any more. Enjoy.
Dude, you’re the one bashing Trump
When Leftists have literally ruined this country. Trump isn’t the one burning down businesses and taking down statues of former Presidents. Don’t be a dick.
Me disliking tRump is your excuse for thread deflection?


And correcting injustice isn't "destroying the nation", it's fixing it.
Bullshit. Injustice by a few means we punish everyone? That’s fucking crazy. So if three kids vandalize a school we should punish all the kids? You’re crazy man. You dislike Trump because you’re again a crazy man. You have yet to give a valid reason why.
Who's punishing everyone?

For that matter who's punishing anyone?
When you burn down Minneapolis and defund the police dept you punish everyone who lives there.
Minneapolis burned down?

Do tell!
You didn’t watch the news? How many lost their businesses? You’re just trolling now. Your party has been taken over by the gender neutral, racist, asshole tribes. Good luck to you.

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.
Wow, how did they narrow it down to just 25 things?
His serfs have no rebuttal. Its like they have already given up.
dOnald seems to have. He's already been saying things like "Joe Biden will be you president".

Looking forward to the debates. We'll see who has more "senior moments".
Will there even be any? tRump has first tried to cancel them and then called for more than the traditional three. Sounds like he's afraid.
Trump isn't afraid of debating Joe Biden. Biden's a senile idiot! What Trump is rightfully concerned about is a debate set up where his enemies in the Main Stream Media get to "moderate" the debates! All he's asking for is a level playing field!
Here's the problem with your theory:

tRump knows Joe Biden isn't really senile. He knows it's just a lie he tells. He also knows debates are not like spewing bullshit for the faithful at rallies, and the he is the one showing signs of mental a physical deterioration.

He's terrified.
Biden is senile. Trump is not terrified. He is annoyed at best. You’re a crazy man.

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.
Wow, how did they narrow it down to just 25 things?
Crep is getting further and further into the deranged crazy zone. So you support the narrative of statues and Disney and everything is racist? LOL

Your party has gone insane.
Oooh look, kids!

A deflection!!
You’re the one who deflects in every single one of our debates. You’re a 53 year old man who acts like a child.
Dude, I'm not the one who just tried to change the subject of the thread. That's what we call a deflection. So is going off in this tangent discussing who is deflecting and who isn't. You are accusing me of what you are doing as we speak.

I won't be responding to this line of discussion any more. Enjoy.
Dude, you’re the one bashing Trump
When Leftists have literally ruined this country. Trump isn’t the one burning down businesses and taking down statues of former Presidents. Don’t be a dick.
Me disliking tRump is your excuse for thread deflection?


And correcting injustice isn't "destroying the nation", it's fixing it.
Bullshit. Injustice by a few means we punish everyone? That’s fucking crazy. So if three kids vandalize a school we should punish all the kids? You’re crazy man. You dislike Trump because you’re again a crazy man. You have yet to give a valid reason why.
Who's punishing everyone?

For that matter who's punishing anyone?
When you burn down Minneapolis and defund the police dept you punish everyone who lives there.
Minneapolis burned down?

Do tell!
You didn’t watch the news? How many lost their businesses? You’re just trolling now. Your party has been taken over by the gender neutral, racist, asshole tribes. Good luck to you.
So... Minneapolis didn't burn down?

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.

What a load of crap.

1. He will not declare himself above the law

2. Every time you cry "Wasism" what you are really saying is that you are a race baiting asshole and a sub human piece of shit.

3. What a load of crap. YOu are a lying asshole.

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.
Wow, how did they narrow it down to just 25 things?
His serfs have no rebuttal. Its like they have already given up.
dOnald seems to have. He's already been saying things like "Joe Biden will be you president".

Looking forward to the debates. We'll see who has more "senior moments".
Will there even be any? tRump has first tried to cancel them and then called for more than the traditional three. Sounds like he's afraid.
Trump isn't afraid of debating Joe Biden. Biden's a senile idiot! What Trump is rightfully concerned about is a debate set up where his enemies in the Main Stream Media get to "moderate" the debates! All he's asking for is a level playing field!
Here's the problem with your theory:

tRump knows Joe Biden isn't really senile. He knows it's just a lie he tells. He also knows debates are not like spewing bullshit for the faithful at rallies, and the he is the one showing signs of mental a physical deterioration.

He's terrified.
Biden is senile. Trump is not terrified. He is annoyed at best. You’re a crazy man.

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.
Wow, how did they narrow it down to just 25 things?
Crep is getting further and further into the deranged crazy zone. So you support the narrative of statues and Disney and everything is racist? LOL

Your party has gone insane.
Oooh look, kids!

A deflection!!
You’re the one who deflects in every single one of our debates. You’re a 53 year old man who acts like a child.
Dude, I'm not the one who just tried to change the subject of the thread. That's what we call a deflection. So is going off in this tangent discussing who is deflecting and who isn't. You are accusing me of what you are doing as we speak.

I won't be responding to this line of discussion any more. Enjoy.
Dude, you’re the one bashing Trump
When Leftists have literally ruined this country. Trump isn’t the one burning down businesses and taking down statues of former Presidents. Don’t be a dick.
Me disliking tRump is your excuse for thread deflection?


And correcting injustice isn't "destroying the nation", it's fixing it.
Bullshit. Injustice by a few means we punish everyone? That’s fucking crazy. So if three kids vandalize a school we should punish all the kids? You’re crazy man. You dislike Trump because you’re again a crazy man. You have yet to give a valid reason why.
Who's punishing everyone?

For that matter who's punishing anyone?
When you burn down Minneapolis and defund the police dept you punish everyone who lives there.
Minneapolis burned down?

Do tell!
You didn’t watch the news? How many lost their businesses? You’re just trolling now. Your party has been taken over by the gender neutral, racist, asshole tribes. Good luck to you.
So... Minneapolis didn't burn down?
Are we playing the troll game? Got it.
David Corn
@DavidCornDC 55 minutes ago
Trump’s To Do List * Say nothing about how to stop the pandemic killing 1000s of Americans. Check. * Say nothing to Putin about Russia paying militants to kill US soldiers. Check. * Retweet racist tweet. Check. * Defend Confederate statues. Check. * Play golf. Check.

--- Cum on MAGA dopers!

4 MORE YEARS OF DEAR DOUCHE. Who will spew first?

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.
Wow, how did they narrow it down to just 25 things?
His serfs have no rebuttal. Its like they have already given up.
dOnald seems to have. He's already been saying things like "Joe Biden will be you president".

Looking forward to the debates. We'll see who has more "senior moments".
Will there even be any? tRump has first tried to cancel them and then called for more than the traditional three. Sounds like he's afraid.
Trump isn't afraid of debating Joe Biden. Biden's a senile idiot! What Trump is rightfully concerned about is a debate set up where his enemies in the Main Stream Media get to "moderate" the debates! All he's asking for is a level playing field!
Here's the problem with your theory:

tRump knows Joe Biden isn't really senile. He knows it's just a lie he tells. He also knows debates are not like spewing bullshit for the faithful at rallies, and the he is the one showing signs of mental a physical deterioration.

He's terrified.
Biden is senile. Trump is not terrified. He is annoyed at best. You’re a crazy man.

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.
Wow, how did they narrow it down to just 25 things?
Crep is getting further and further into the deranged crazy zone. So you support the narrative of statues and Disney and everything is racist? LOL

Your party has gone insane.
Oooh look, kids!

A deflection!!
You’re the one who deflects in every single one of our debates. You’re a 53 year old man who acts like a child.
Dude, I'm not the one who just tried to change the subject of the thread. That's what we call a deflection. So is going off in this tangent discussing who is deflecting and who isn't. You are accusing me of what you are doing as we speak.

I won't be responding to this line of discussion any more. Enjoy.
Dude, you’re the one bashing Trump
When Leftists have literally ruined this country. Trump isn’t the one burning down businesses and taking down statues of former Presidents. Don’t be a dick.
Me disliking tRump is your excuse for thread deflection?


And correcting injustice isn't "destroying the nation", it's fixing it.
Bullshit. Injustice by a few means we punish everyone? That’s fucking crazy. So if three kids vandalize a school we should punish all the kids? You’re crazy man. You dislike Trump because you’re again a crazy man. You have yet to give a valid reason why.
Who's punishing everyone?

For that matter who's punishing anyone?
When you burn down Minneapolis and defund the police dept you punish everyone who lives there.
Minneapolis burned down?

Do tell!
You didn’t watch the news? How many lost their businesses? You’re just trolling now. Your party has been taken over by the gender neutral, racist, asshole tribes. Good luck to you.
So... Minneapolis didn't burn down?
Nothing to see here folks

Protesters in Minneapolis have since then scorched a police precinct and destroyed an estimated 250 businesses across the Twin Cities, including a barber shop, an Aldi grocery store, a pharmacy, a jewelry store, a daycare center, a dentist's office and a clothing store

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.
Wow, how did they narrow it down to just 25 things?
His serfs have no rebuttal. Its like they have already given up.
dOnald seems to have. He's already been saying things like "Joe Biden will be you president".

Looking forward to the debates. We'll see who has more "senior moments".
Will there even be any? tRump has first tried to cancel them and then called for more than the traditional three. Sounds like he's afraid.
Who's afraid to debate? The Biden campaign is terrified of the debates, Trump wants more debates.

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.
Wow, how did they narrow it down to just 25 things?
His serfs have no rebuttal. Its like they have already given up.
dOnald seems to have. He's already been saying things like "Joe Biden will be you president".

Looking forward to the debates. We'll see who has more "senior moments".
Will there even be any? tRump has first tried to cancel them and then called for more than the traditional three. Sounds like he's afraid.
Trump isn't afraid of debating Joe Biden. Biden's a senile idiot! What Trump is rightfully concerned about is a debate set up where his enemies in the Main Stream Media get to "moderate" the debates! All he's asking for is a level playing field!
Here's the problem with your theory:

tRump knows Joe Biden isn't really senile. He knows it's just a lie he tells. He also knows debates are not like spewing bullshit for the faithful at rallies, and the he is the one showing signs of mental a physical deterioration.

He's terrified.
Biden is senile. Trump is not terrified. He is annoyed at best. You’re a crazy man.

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.
Wow, how did they narrow it down to just 25 things?
Crep is getting further and further into the deranged crazy zone. So you support the narrative of statues and Disney and everything is racist? LOL

Your party has gone insane.
Oooh look, kids!

A deflection!!
You’re the one who deflects in every single one of our debates. You’re a 53 year old man who acts like a child.
Dude, I'm not the one who just tried to change the subject of the thread. That's what we call a deflection. So is going off in this tangent discussing who is deflecting and who isn't. You are accusing me of what you are doing as we speak.

I won't be responding to this line of discussion any more. Enjoy.
Dude, you’re the one bashing Trump
When Leftists have literally ruined this country. Trump isn’t the one burning down businesses and taking down statues of former Presidents. Don’t be a dick.
Me disliking tRump is your excuse for thread deflection?


And correcting injustice isn't "destroying the nation", it's fixing it.
Bullshit. Injustice by a few means we punish everyone? That’s fucking crazy. So if three kids vandalize a school we should punish all the kids? You’re crazy man. You dislike Trump because you’re again a crazy man. You have yet to give a valid reason why.
Who's punishing everyone?

For that matter who's punishing anyone?
When you burn down Minneapolis and defund the police dept you punish everyone who lives there.
Minneapolis burned down?

Do tell!
You didn’t watch the news? How many lost their businesses? You’re just trolling now. Your party has been taken over by the gender neutral, racist, asshole tribes. Good luck to you.
So... Minneapolis didn't burn down?
Are we playing the troll game? Got it.
Nope, I'm asking a question. Did Minneapolis burn down or not?

'Cause I never heard anything about it, and you can't seem to make up your mind.

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.
Wow, how did they narrow it down to just 25 things?
His serfs have no rebuttal. Its like they have already given up.
dOnald seems to have. He's already been saying things like "Joe Biden will be you president".

Looking forward to the debates. We'll see who has more "senior moments".
Will there even be any? tRump has first tried to cancel them and then called for more than the traditional three. Sounds like he's afraid.
Trump isn't afraid of debating Joe Biden. Biden's a senile idiot! What Trump is rightfully concerned about is a debate set up where his enemies in the Main Stream Media get to "moderate" the debates! All he's asking for is a level playing field!
Here's the problem with your theory:

tRump knows Joe Biden isn't really senile. He knows it's just a lie he tells. He also knows debates are not like spewing bullshit for the faithful at rallies, and the he is the one showing signs of mental a physical deterioration.

He's terrified.
Biden is senile. Trump is not terrified. He is annoyed at best. You’re a crazy man.

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.
Wow, how did they narrow it down to just 25 things?
Crep is getting further and further into the deranged crazy zone. So you support the narrative of statues and Disney and everything is racist? LOL

Your party has gone insane.
Oooh look, kids!

A deflection!!
You’re the one who deflects in every single one of our debates. You’re a 53 year old man who acts like a child.
Dude, I'm not the one who just tried to change the subject of the thread. That's what we call a deflection. So is going off in this tangent discussing who is deflecting and who isn't. You are accusing me of what you are doing as we speak.

I won't be responding to this line of discussion any more. Enjoy.
Dude, you’re the one bashing Trump
When Leftists have literally ruined this country. Trump isn’t the one burning down businesses and taking down statues of former Presidents. Don’t be a dick.
Me disliking tRump is your excuse for thread deflection?


And correcting injustice isn't "destroying the nation", it's fixing it.
Bullshit. Injustice by a few means we punish everyone? That’s fucking crazy. So if three kids vandalize a school we should punish all the kids? You’re crazy man. You dislike Trump because you’re again a crazy man. You have yet to give a valid reason why.
Who's punishing everyone?

For that matter who's punishing anyone?
When you burn down Minneapolis and defund the police dept you punish everyone who lives there.
Minneapolis burned down?

Do tell!
You didn’t watch the news? How many lost their businesses? You’re just trolling now. Your party has been taken over by the gender neutral, racist, asshole tribes. Good luck to you.
So... Minneapolis didn't burn down?
Nothing to see here folks

Protesters in Minneapolis have since then scorched a police precinct and destroyed an estimated 250 businesses across the Twin Cities, including a barber shop, an Aldi grocery store, a pharmacy, a jewelry store, a daycare center, a dentist's office and a clothing store
Where's the link?

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.
Wow, how did they narrow it down to just 25 things?
His serfs have no rebuttal. Its like they have already given up.
dOnald seems to have. He's already been saying things like "Joe Biden will be you president".

Looking forward to the debates. We'll see who has more "senior moments".
No, you really don't. trump is going to get dismantled. Talking bullshit at a rally is not the same as a debate. trump is about to go against a master of policy and a top notch politician.

A difference of opinion is what makes a "horse race". We're both looking forward to the debates.
May the better man win, fairly. Just hoping that the moderators are "fair and balanced".

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.
Wow, how did they narrow it down to just 25 things?
His serfs have no rebuttal. Its like they have already given up.
The rebuttal was that we don't care what TDS victims say, especially if they're not US voters.
You will care in November once US voters kick trump to the curb.
I hear you, it looks bleak for Trump, then again, Hillary had a 95% probability of beating Trump "the clown" in 2016, remember how that turned out?

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.

Ah, Tommy? The only people that Trump has described as thugs, lowlifes and rioters and looters...are the thugs, lowlifes, looters and rioters that have used protests as cover for them to commit crimes! What's pathetic is how the left WON'T call these people out for what they are!

As for William Barr? Compared to Loretta Lynch and Eric Holder...Barr is a Boy Scout! Under the Obama Department of Justice...more sleazy shit was going on than under ANY other Presidential Administration! Holder and Lynch turned our Justice Department into a joke!
You white supremacists love trump. Republicans were in control of both houses during 6 out of the 8 years Obama was in office. Funny how they couldn't find all that corruption. You keep talking about less than 2 percent of the people attending the protests junior. What's pathetic is how the right hangs on to these lies.

What's "pathetic" is how people like you look the other way while your "2 percent" destroy the very communities that you profess to care about, IM2!

Couldn't find corruption? Are you not paying attention to what's FINALLY coming out now that Obama's people at Justice are no longer able to hide what was going on? The more layers of that onion that are peeled back the more corrupt the Obama Administration appears!
Pathetic is the shit you just made up. This bs coming from William Barr is fake news.

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.
Wow, how did they narrow it down to just 25 things?
His serfs have no rebuttal. Its like they have already given up.
dOnald seems to have. He's already been saying things like "Joe Biden will be you president".

Looking forward to the debates. We'll see who has more "senior moments".
Will there even be any? tRump has first tried to cancel them and then called for more than the traditional three. Sounds like he's afraid.
Trump isn't afraid of debating Joe Biden. Biden's a senile idiot! What Trump is rightfully concerned about is a debate set up where his enemies in the Main Stream Media get to "moderate" the debates! All he's asking for is a level playing field!
Here's the problem with your theory:

tRump knows Joe Biden isn't really senile. He knows it's just a lie he tells. He also knows debates are not like spewing bullshit for the faithful at rallies, and the he is the one showing signs of mental a physical deterioration.

He's terrified.
Biden is senile. Trump is not terrified. He is annoyed at best. You’re a crazy man.

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.
Wow, how did they narrow it down to just 25 things?
Crep is getting further and further into the deranged crazy zone. So you support the narrative of statues and Disney and everything is racist? LOL

Your party has gone insane.
Oooh look, kids!

A deflection!!
You’re the one who deflects in every single one of our debates. You’re a 53 year old man who acts like a child.
Dude, I'm not the one who just tried to change the subject of the thread. That's what we call a deflection. So is going off in this tangent discussing who is deflecting and who isn't. You are accusing me of what you are doing as we speak.

I won't be responding to this line of discussion any more. Enjoy.
Dude, you’re the one bashing Trump
When Leftists have literally ruined this country. Trump isn’t the one burning down businesses and taking down statues of former Presidents. Don’t be a dick.
Me disliking tRump is your excuse for thread deflection?


And correcting injustice isn't "destroying the nation", it's fixing it.
Bullshit. Injustice by a few means we punish everyone? That’s fucking crazy. So if three kids vandalize a school we should punish all the kids? You’re crazy man. You dislike Trump because you’re again a crazy man. You have yet to give a valid reason why.
Who's punishing everyone?

For that matter who's punishing anyone?
When you burn down Minneapolis and defund the police dept you punish everyone who lives there.
Minneapolis burned down?

Do tell!
You didn’t watch the news? How many lost their businesses? You’re just trolling now. Your party has been taken over by the gender neutral, racist, asshole tribes. Good luck to you.
So... Minneapolis didn't burn down?
Nothing to see here folks

Protesters in Minneapolis have since then scorched a police precinct and destroyed an estimated 250 businesses across the Twin Cities, including a barber shop, an Aldi grocery store, a pharmacy, a jewelry store, a daycare center, a dentist's office and a clothing store
Where's the link?
It is a cut and paste. But since you're playing the game.

The Rona is only an issue for those old or an underlying health issue.

Libs, you are attempting to make a heath issue a political issue and it makes you so pathetic

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.
Wow, how did they narrow it down to just 25 things?
His serfs have no rebuttal. Its like they have already given up.
dOnald seems to have. He's already been saying things like "Joe Biden will be you president".

Looking forward to the debates. We'll see who has more "senior moments".
No, you really don't. trump is going to get dismantled. Talking bullshit at a rally is not the same as a debate. trump is about to go against a master of policy and a top notch politician.

A difference of opinion is what makes a "horse race". We're both looking forward to the debates.
May the better man win, fairly. Just hoping that the moderators are "fair and balanced".
trump is going to get pounded. After it happens trump supporters will cry about the moderators.

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.

What a shock, when protesters riot and loot, what do you call them? Relatives?
People who riot and loot are generally Democrats.

Most Democrats aren't criminals but most criminals are Democrats.

Democrats kneel to thugs and bullies.

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.
Wow, how did they narrow it down to just 25 things?
His serfs have no rebuttal. Its like they have already given up.
dOnald seems to have. He's already been saying things like "Joe Biden will be you president".

Looking forward to the debates. We'll see who has more "senior moments".
No, you really don't. trump is going to get dismantled. Talking bullshit at a rally is not the same as a debate. trump is about to go against a master of policy and a top notch politician.

A difference of opinion is what makes a "horse race". We're both looking forward to the debates.
May the better man win, fairly. Just hoping that the moderators are "fair and balanced".
trump is going to get pounded. After it happens trump supporters will cry about the moderators.
Got a link for that? No? OK, we both have opinions.
Trump has occasional press conferences and does well, I haven't seen Biden have a wide open presser....ever???
Why not?

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.
Wow, how did they narrow it down to just 25 things?
His serfs have no rebuttal. Its like they have already given up.
The rebuttal was that we don't care what TDS victims say, especially if they're not US voters.
You will care in November once US voters kick trump to the curb.
I hear you, it looks bleak for Trump, then again, Hillary had a 95% probability of beating Trump "the clown" in 2016, remember how that turned out?

Yep. trump lost the popular vote and won on a technicality that has only happened 5 times in our history. I don't think you can bank on that happening again.

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

And so it goes on. I do wonder how they will winkle him out of his bunker on election day.

What a shock, when protesters riot and loot, what do you call them? Relatives?
People who riot and loot are generally Democrats.

Most Democrats aren't criminals but most criminals are Democrats.

Democrats kneel to thugs and bullies.

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