Donald tweets more unadulterated BS about Biden

Take better care of their house? WTF does that have to do with anything? Most working poor slave away at multiple minimum wage jobs just to pay their RENT. Many more are retired, handicapped and single mothers collecting no child support.

If you are successful in this country damn straight you have a duty to pay your fair share. It is not unfair to tax them on every dollar earned over 400 grand. American has been good to these people. They should be proud to pay more!

In this example, the word "house" was used as a metaphor. You couldn't be more wrong. Do you really understand why most poor people are poor? This may be a difficult concept for someone who is so dug in in their politics to accept, but the majority of poor folks who are "slaving away to multiple minimum wage jobs just to pay their rent" are victims of their own (or their parents own) bad choices.

While I wont spend any more time on whatever ridiculous retort you might come up with next, the American system flourished because our society encouraged marriage, family, responsibility, work ethic, and dignity. All of those institutions are breaking down these days for a lot of reasons and the consequences are pretty evident. While there are certainly people who find themselves victim to bad luck and tragic circumstances, the majority of those poor people you talk about aren't there because of bad luck. Why are there so many single moms? Is it because of me? And, lastly, a guy who makes 400K who pays 18% IS paying his fair share. My point was that if you make 40K, you might not pay anything. Hell, half of Americans pay nothing in federal taxes. That is not fair.

Yes, the old RW "bootstrap theory". I call BS. Hope that in your next life you are born black or brown in the ghetto or the barrio. Let us know just how easy it is for you to achieve the American dream.
/——-/ It’s worked for millions of Americans for generations. No one said it was easy, it’s possible if you put in the effort.

Look at South America with their two class system. Born poor, you stay poor, born rich, you stay rich. That’s why the drug trade is so attractive. The poor risk their lives with the chance of becoming wealthy by grow and selling drugs.
Take better care of their house? WTF does that have to do with anything? Most working poor slave away at multiple minimum wage jobs just to pay their RENT. Many more are retired, handicapped and single mothers collecting no child support.

If you are successful in this country damn straight you have a duty to pay your fair share. It is not unfair to tax them on every dollar earned over 400 grand. American has been good to these people. They should be proud to pay more!

In this example, the word "house" was used as a metaphor. You couldn't be more wrong. Do you really understand why most poor people are poor? This may be a difficult concept for someone who is so dug in in their politics to accept, but the majority of poor folks who are "slaving away to multiple minimum wage jobs just to pay their rent" are victims of their own (or their parents own) bad choices.

While I wont spend any more time on whatever ridiculous retort you might come up with next, the American system flourished because our society encouraged marriage, family, responsibility, work ethic, and dignity. All of those institutions are breaking down these days for a lot of reasons and the consequences are pretty evident. While there are certainly people who find themselves victim to bad luck and tragic circumstances, the majority of those poor people you talk about aren't there because of bad luck. Why are there so many single moms? Is it because of me? And, lastly, a guy who makes 400K who pays 18% IS paying his fair share. My point was that if you make 40K, you might not pay anything. Hell, half of Americans pay nothing in federal taxes. That is not fair.

Yes, the old RW "bootstrap theory". I call BS. Hope that in your next life you are born black or brown in the ghetto or the barrio. Let us know just how easy it is for you to achieve the American dream.
/——-/ It’s worked for millions of Americans for generations. No one said it was easy, it’s possible if you put in the effort.

Look at South America with their two class system. Born poor, you stay poor, born rich, you stay rich. That’s why the drug trade is so attractive. The poor risk their lives with the chance of becoming wealthy by grow and selling drugs.
Of course, JP Morgan disagrees!

trump is so ridiculous.

My 401k already crashed. Many times. It crashed under the bush boy after 9-11 and then again when he collapsed the economy.

It was Obama's economy that I regained the losses and actually made money on my 401k.

Then again, my 401k crashed last spring. Again, under another republican. This time, trump.

I will point out that tax increases don't crash the economy or do any harm to the economy. In fact, tax increases help the economy.

Clinton increased taxes on the rich when he became president. The republicans spewed their usual lies about the increase further destroying our economy. The tax increases did the opposite. We started paying down the deficit until we had a surplus. We paid back all the millions that Reagan/bush the first stole from social security. Good paying jobs were available for those who wanted one.

Obama raised taxes on the rich when he became president. With the republicans again lying about how it was going to further collapse the economy.

The opposite happened. In fact Obama started the longest period of job growth in a generation. He took the 10% unemployment rate down to 4.7%. He took the bush boy's historic 1.4 trillion in deficit down to 400 and something billion.

Biden will raise taxes on those who make 400 thousand dollars and above. So no middle class or those in poverty will see an increase in their federal income taxes.

If the republicans couldn't lie, they would never have anything to say.

/——/ It’s not Trumps fault you’re a lousy investor.
Of course, JP Morgan disagrees!

trump is so ridiculous.

My 401k already crashed. Many times. It crashed under the bush boy after 9-11 and then again when he collapsed the economy.

It was Obama's economy that I regained the losses and actually made money on my 401k.

Then again, my 401k crashed last spring. Again, under another republican. This time, trump.

I will point out that tax increases don't crash the economy or do any harm to the economy. In fact, tax increases help the economy.

Clinton increased taxes on the rich when he became president. The republicans spewed their usual lies about the increase further destroying our economy. The tax increases did the opposite. We started paying down the deficit until we had a surplus. We paid back all the millions that Reagan/bush the first stole from social security. Good paying jobs were available for those who wanted one.

Obama raised taxes on the rich when he became president. With the republicans again lying about how it was going to further collapse the economy.

The opposite happened. In fact Obama started the longest period of job growth in a generation. He took the 10% unemployment rate down to 4.7%. He took the bush boy's historic 1.4 trillion in deficit down to 400 and something billion.

Biden will raise taxes on those who make 400 thousand dollars and above. So no middle class or those in poverty will see an increase in their federal income taxes.

If the republicans couldn't lie, they would never have anything to say.

I saw another Donnie whopper yesterday. That Joe Biden would raise taxes by $6800 on average per household. What a load of garbage. He won't raise taxes on anyone making less than 400 grand. Does the average family make 400 grand? I don't. Do it - those are the guys who can afford it.

Maybe if we're lucky, Uncle Joe can get Donald to pay more than $750. He'll probably open more secret Chinese bank accounts to avoid it.

Guess we can expect more of the same loudmouthed bullying and lying tonight. *sigh* :icon_rolleyes:

/——/ Dementia Joe hasn’t kept a campaign promise in 47 years, but this time he really, really, really means it.
Take better care of their house? WTF does that have to do with anything? Most working poor slave away at multiple minimum wage jobs just to pay their RENT. Many more are retired, handicapped and single mothers collecting no child support.

If you are successful in this country damn straight you have a duty to pay your fair share. It is not unfair to tax them on every dollar earned over 400 grand. American has been good to these people. They should be proud to pay more!

In this example, the word "house" was used as a metaphor. You couldn't be more wrong. Do you really understand why most poor people are poor? This may be a difficult concept for someone who is so dug in in their politics to accept, but the majority of poor folks who are "slaving away to multiple minimum wage jobs just to pay their rent" are victims of their own (or their parents own) bad choices.

While I wont spend any more time on whatever ridiculous retort you might come up with next, the American system flourished because our society encouraged marriage, family, responsibility, work ethic, and dignity. All of those institutions are breaking down these days for a lot of reasons and the consequences are pretty evident. While there are certainly people who find themselves victim to bad luck and tragic circumstances, the majority of those poor people you talk about aren't there because of bad luck. Why are there so many single moms? Is it because of me? And, lastly, a guy who makes 400K who pays 18% IS paying his fair share. My point was that if you make 40K, you might not pay anything. Hell, half of Americans pay nothing in federal taxes. That is not fair.

Yes, the old RW "bootstrap theory". I call BS. Hope that in your next life you are born black or brown in the ghetto or the barrio. Let us know just how easy it is for you to achieve the American dream.
/——-/ It’s worked for millions of Americans for generations. No one said it was easy, it’s possible if you put in the effort.

Look at South America with their two class system. Born poor, you stay poor, born rich, you stay rich. That’s why the drug trade is so attractive. The poor risk their lives with the chance of becoming wealthy by grow and selling drugs.

No one said it wasn't "possible". There are tens of thousands who bucked the odds. But the cards are stacked in such a manner that it becomes UNLIKELY. And yes, the temptation of selling drugs is often too much for some.

Life is a tad different when one is born with a silver spoon firmly implanted and inherits half a billion dollars from Daddy. What our POTUS would be doing had he been born in a trailer park.


Take better care of their house? WTF does that have to do with anything? Most working poor slave away at multiple minimum wage jobs just to pay their RENT. Many more are retired, handicapped and single mothers collecting no child support.

If you are successful in this country damn straight you have a duty to pay your fair share. It is not unfair to tax them on every dollar earned over 400 grand. American has been good to these people. They should be proud to pay more!

In this example, the word "house" was used as a metaphor. You couldn't be more wrong. Do you really understand why most poor people are poor? This may be a difficult concept for someone who is so dug in in their politics to accept, but the majority of poor folks who are "slaving away to multiple minimum wage jobs just to pay their rent" are victims of their own (or their parents own) bad choices.

While I wont spend any more time on whatever ridiculous retort you might come up with next, the American system flourished because our society encouraged marriage, family, responsibility, work ethic, and dignity. All of those institutions are breaking down these days for a lot of reasons and the consequences are pretty evident. While there are certainly people who find themselves victim to bad luck and tragic circumstances, the majority of those poor people you talk about aren't there because of bad luck. Why are there so many single moms? Is it because of me? And, lastly, a guy who makes 400K who pays 18% IS paying his fair share. My point was that if you make 40K, you might not pay anything. Hell, half of Americans pay nothing in federal taxes. That is not fair.

Yes, the old RW "bootstrap theory". I call BS. Hope that in your next life you are born black or brown in the ghetto or the barrio. Let us know just how easy it is for you to achieve the American dream.
/——-/ It’s worked for millions of Americans for generations. No one said it was easy, it’s possible if you put in the effort.

Look at South America with their two class system. Born poor, you stay poor, born rich, you stay rich. That’s why the drug trade is so attractive. The poor risk their lives with the chance of becoming wealthy by grow and selling drugs.

No one said it wasn't "possible". There are tens of thousands who bucked the odds. But the cards are stacked in such a manner that it becomes UNLIKELY. And yes, the temptation of selling drugs is often too much for some.

Life is a tad different when one is born with a silver spoon firmly implanted and inherits half a billion dollars from Daddy. What our POTUS would be doing had he been born in a trailer park.


/——/ Trump didn’t inherit a half billion dollars. Yes he had advantages with a family run business but it was on his shoulders to continue the business.
It likes Hunter Biden may have been fucking his 14 year old niece.

\uD83D\uDC40"Several figures that we have seen on this hard drive who have questionable ages, but, none of them could be verified as far as who they are. Except this one, and that's Natalie Biden.." "The pictures depict her in ways that are very questionable"

— Nicholas Frechen \uD83C\uDDFA\uD83C\uDDF8?\uD83D\uDD75?

October 24, 2020
Donald tweets more unadulterated BS about Biden

Hey Glove! News flash for ya. Don't you mean to say ADULTERATED BS?

If it is unadulterated, that means it is true. :auiqs.jpg:

Another senior moment for Dr. BrainDumpster.
pure bullshit, twat.

I put Toobie on the IG months ago. Not worth a plug nickel.
My use of the term "unadulterated" bullshit was spot on.
Toobie was homeskooled - Please forgive him. ;-)

Not mixed or diluted with any different or extra elements; complete and absolute.
‘pure, unadulterated jealousy’
Take better care of their house? WTF does that have to do with anything? Most working poor slave away at multiple minimum wage jobs just to pay their RENT. Many more are retired, handicapped and single mothers collecting no child support.

If you are successful in this country damn straight you have a duty to pay your fair share. It is not unfair to tax them on every dollar earned over 400 grand. American has been good to these people. They should be proud to pay more!

In this example, the word "house" was used as a metaphor. You couldn't be more wrong. Do you really understand why most poor people are poor? This may be a difficult concept for someone who is so dug in in their politics to accept, but the majority of poor folks who are "slaving away to multiple minimum wage jobs just to pay their rent" are victims of their own (or their parents own) bad choices.

While I wont spend any more time on whatever ridiculous retort you might come up with next, the American system flourished because our society encouraged marriage, family, responsibility, work ethic, and dignity. All of those institutions are breaking down these days for a lot of reasons and the consequences are pretty evident. While there are certainly people who find themselves victim to bad luck and tragic circumstances, the majority of those poor people you talk about aren't there because of bad luck. Why are there so many single moms? Is it because of me? And, lastly, a guy who makes 400K who pays 18% IS paying his fair share. My point was that if you make 40K, you might not pay anything. Hell, half of Americans pay nothing in federal taxes. That is not fair.

Yes, the old RW "bootstrap theory". I call BS. Hope that in your next life you are born black or brown in the ghetto or the barrio. Let us know just how easy it is for you to achieve the American dream.
/——-/ It’s worked for millions of Americans for generations. No one said it was easy, it’s possible if you put in the effort.

Look at South America with their two class system. Born poor, you stay poor, born rich, you stay rich. That’s why the drug trade is so attractive. The poor risk their lives with the chance of becoming wealthy by grow and selling drugs.

No one said it wasn't "possible". There are tens of thousands who bucked the odds. But the cards are stacked in such a manner that it becomes UNLIKELY. And yes, the temptation of selling drugs is often too much for some.

Life is a tad different when one is born with a silver spoon firmly implanted and inherits half a billion dollars from Daddy. What our POTUS would be doing had he been born in a trailer park.


Here we have Donald Trump who has more then most people. But he is an underdog because he bucked the system. The system said he has his role. And he saw an avenue of success as a politician in which a wide opening was there for the taking. And it was simple. Promises in the same agendas made by politicians on both sides that none kept. Including Biden. Trump has most of the media/entertainers/elites and more against him. It is incredible how he takes it. But the truth is he has shown us what the people who do not like him are. Maybe they all will get their justice served to them someday. Shit happens.
Take better care of their house? WTF does that have to do with anything? Most working poor slave away at multiple minimum wage jobs just to pay their RENT. Many more are retired, handicapped and single mothers collecting no child support.

If you are successful in this country damn straight you have a duty to pay your fair share. It is not unfair to tax them on every dollar earned over 400 grand. American has been good to these people. They should be proud to pay more!

In this example, the word "house" was used as a metaphor. You couldn't be more wrong. Do you really understand why most poor people are poor? This may be a difficult concept for someone who is so dug in in their politics to accept, but the majority of poor folks who are "slaving away to multiple minimum wage jobs just to pay their rent" are victims of their own (or their parents own) bad choices.

While I wont spend any more time on whatever ridiculous retort you might come up with next, the American system flourished because our society encouraged marriage, family, responsibility, work ethic, and dignity. All of those institutions are breaking down these days for a lot of reasons and the consequences are pretty evident. While there are certainly people who find themselves victim to bad luck and tragic circumstances, the majority of those poor people you talk about aren't there because of bad luck. Why are there so many single moms? Is it because of me? And, lastly, a guy who makes 400K who pays 18% IS paying his fair share. My point was that if you make 40K, you might not pay anything. Hell, half of Americans pay nothing in federal taxes. That is not fair.

Yes, the old RW "bootstrap theory". I call BS. Hope that in your next life you are born black or brown in the ghetto or the barrio. Let us know just how easy it is for you to achieve the American dream.
/——-/ It’s worked for millions of Americans for generations. No one said it was easy, it’s possible if you put in the effort.

Look at South America with their two class system. Born poor, you stay poor, born rich, you stay rich. That’s why the drug trade is so attractive. The poor risk their lives with the chance of becoming wealthy by grow and selling drugs.

No one said it wasn't "possible". There are tens of thousands who bucked the odds. But the cards are stacked in such a manner that it becomes UNLIKELY. And yes, the temptation of selling drugs is often too much for some.

Life is a tad different when one is born with a silver spoon firmly implanted and inherits half a billion dollars from Daddy. What our POTUS would be doing had he been born in a trailer park.


Here we have Donald Trump who has more then most people. But he is an underdog because he bucked the system. The system said he has his role. And he saw an avenue of success as a politician in which a wide opening was there for the taking. And it was simple. Promises in the same agendas made by politicians on both sides that none kept. Including Biden. Trump has most of the media/entertainers/elites and more against him. It is incredible how he takes it. But the truth is he has shown us what the people who do not like him are. Maybe they all will get their justice served to them someday. Shit happens.

No - "Shit" goes to prison. Won't be long now! :cool-45:

Of course, JP Morgan disagrees!

You're a fucking idiot, you live in your mothers basement, what exactly do you know about 401K's???? That avatar you've chosen for yourself is as superb an example of Freudian as I have seen in some time.... :banana:

My 401K quadrupled under Obama/Biden

And under Trump??? Oh, and don't fucking lie, indeed, if you haven't already done so with your little Obama/Biden endorsement, your 401K under Trump should have lapped your claimed Obama/Biden quadrupling x 2.... :cul2:
Of course, JP Morgan disagrees!

You're a fucking idiot, you live in your mothers basement, what exactly do you know about 401K's???? That avatar you've chosen for yourself is as superb an example of Freudian as I have seen in some time.... :banana:

My 401K quadrupled under Obama/Biden

And under Trump??? Oh, and don't fucking lie, indeed, if you haven't already done so with your little Obama/Biden endorsement, your 401K under Trump should have lapped your claimed Obama/Biden quadrupling x 2.... :cul2:

It's up about 140% under Impeached Trump (as of about a month ago).

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