Donald's very Very VERRRY horrible week


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
It went a little something like this:

Monday: Catastrophic press conference in Helsinki officially confirms that Trump is a a Russian asset and Putin is his Daddy
Tuesday: Confusion over Trump's words "whether it would or wouldn't be Russia" (sort of a double negative)
Wednesday: White House walks back Trump assertion that Russia is no longer targeting US
Thursday : Trump tweets that the KGB agent who attacked our democracy and got him elected is invited to White House unbeknownst to National Intelligence Director Coats
Friday: Michael Cohen secretly recorded conversation with candidate Trump regarding payment to silence yet another of his his Play-toys
Saturday: Kremlin doing summersaults about meeting and all the wonderful concessions made by Orange Poopstain as White House remains silent and public entirely in the dark as to what he gave away to his Overlord.


The question is: Was this Baby Trump's worst week as POTUS? I would say yes - but every time I think that, he tops himself the very next week. I didn't think it could possibly get worse than the week it was revealed that he was caging thousands of toddlers, but what did I know? There comes a point where intelligent folk realize that every week is bad - and they are becoming progressively worse. :wink:

Verified account 1 hour ago
I had a GREAT meeting with Putin and the Fake News used every bit of their energy to try and disparage it. So bad for our country!
I would say that is another horrible week for the lying media and it's stormtrooper parrots and out in force blathering away what the media has told them.
I would say that is another horrible week for the lying media and it's stormtrooper parrots and out in force blathering away what the media has told them.

The media didn't lie about anything - The presser was embarrassing and it indeed was a miserable week.
Republicans concur

“Trump gave one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president in memory.” -John McCain
“The dam is finally breaking” -Bob Corker
The most serious mistake of his presidency and it must be corrected immediately" -Newt Gingrich
Hell, several commentators from Fox News, Trump’s media outlet even scolded Trump, with the notable exception of lapdog Hannity.
It went a little something like this:

Monday: Catastrophic press conference in Helsinki officially confirms that Trump is a a Russian asset and Putin is his Daddy
Tuesday: Confusion over Trump's words "whether it would or wouldn't be Russia" (sort of a double negative)
Wednesday: White House walks back Trump assertion that Russia is no longer targeting US
Thursday : Trump tweets that the KGB agent who attacked our democracy and got him elected is invited to White House unbeknownst to National Intelligence Director Coats
Friday: Michael Cohen secretly recorded conversation with candidate Trump regarding payment to silence yet another of his his Play-toys
Saturday: Kremlin doing summersaults about meeting and all the wonderful concessions made by Orange Poopstain as White House remains silent and public entirely in the dark as to what he gave away to his Overlord.


The question is: Was this Baby Trump's worst week as POTUS? I would say yes - but every time I think that, he tops himself the very next week. I didn't think it could possibly get worse than the week it was revealed that he was caging thousands of toddlers, but what did I know? There comes a point where intelligent folk realize that every week is bad - and they are becoming progressively worse. :wink:

Verified account 1 hour ago
I had a GREAT meeting with Putin and the Fake News used every bit of their energy to try and disparage it. So bad for our country!
Trump only had a bad week in your mind.
I call it a great week for America......because all of the traitors we didn't know about made themselves known and we can get rid of them now.
Trump only had a bad week in your mind.
I call it a great week for America......because all of the traitors we didn't know about made themselves known and we can get rid of them now.

I see, and whom are you going to "get rid of" exactly?
Is this where you start killing or imprisoning the coup plotters and start pulling broadcasting licenses? :D
It went a little something like this:

Monday: Catastrophic press conference in Helsinki officially confirms that Trump is a a Russian asset and Putin is his Daddy
Tuesday: Confusion over Trump's words "whether it would or wouldn't be Russia" (sort of a double negative)
Wednesday: White House walks back Trump assertion that Russia is no longer targeting US
Thursday : Trump tweets that the KGB agent who attacked our democracy and got him elected is invited to White House unbeknownst to National Intelligence Director Coats
Friday: Michael Cohen secretly recorded conversation with candidate Trump regarding payment to silence yet another of his his Play-toys
Saturday: Kremlin doing summersaults about meeting and all the wonderful concessions made by Orange Poopstain as White House remains silent and public entirely in the dark as to what he gave away to his Overlord.


The question is: Was this Baby Trump's worst week as POTUS? I would say yes - but every time I think that, he tops himself the very next week. I didn't think it could possibly get worse than the week it was revealed that he was caging thousands of toddlers, but what did I know? There comes a point where intelligent folk realize that every week is bad - and they are becoming progressively worse. :wink:

Verified account 1 hour ago
I had a GREAT meeting with Putin and the Fake News used every bit of their energy to try and disparage it. So bad for our country!

Still better than a week of Hillary The Hag.

Good riddance.
It went a little something like this:

Monday: Catastrophic press conference in Helsinki officially confirms that Trump is a a Russian asset and Putin is his Daddy
Tuesday: Confusion over Trump's words "whether it would or wouldn't be Russia" (sort of a double negative)
Wednesday: White House walks back Trump assertion that Russia is no longer targeting US
Thursday : Trump tweets that the KGB agent who attacked our democracy and got him elected is invited to White House unbeknownst to National Intelligence Director Coats
Friday: Michael Cohen secretly recorded conversation with candidate Trump regarding payment to silence yet another of his his Play-toys
Saturday: Kremlin doing summersaults about meeting and all the wonderful concessions made by Orange Poopstain as White House remains silent and public entirely in the dark as to what he gave away to his Overlord.


The question is: Was this Baby Trump's worst week as POTUS? I would say yes - but every time I think that, he tops himself the very next week. I didn't think it could possibly get worse than the week it was revealed that he was caging thousands of toddlers, but what did I know? There comes a point where intelligent folk realize that every week is bad - and they are becoming progressively worse. :wink:

Verified account 1 hour ago
I had a GREAT meeting with Putin and the Fake News used every bit of their energy to try and disparage it. So bad for our country!
God, I remember all those horrible, horrible weeks leading up to November 8, 2016.
I think many of his supporters(who will never admit it)are embarrassed by Trump's Helsinki performance. He looked passive,weak,meek and certainly the beta.
It went a little something like this:

Monday: Catastrophic press conference in Helsinki officially confirms that Trump is a a Russian asset and Putin is his Daddy
Tuesday: Confusion over Trump's words "whether it would or wouldn't be Russia" (sort of a double negative)
Wednesday: White House walks back Trump assertion that Russia is no longer targeting US
Thursday : Trump tweets that the KGB agent who attacked our democracy and got him elected is invited to White House unbeknownst to National Intelligence Director Coats
Friday: Michael Cohen secretly recorded conversation with candidate Trump regarding payment to silence yet another of his his Play-toys
Saturday: Kremlin doing summersaults about meeting and all the wonderful concessions made by Orange Poopstain as White House remains silent and public entirely in the dark as to what he gave away to his Overlord.


The question is: Was this Baby Trump's worst week as POTUS? I would say yes - but every time I think that, he tops himself the very next week. I didn't think it could possibly get worse than the week it was revealed that he was caging thousands of toddlers, but what did I know? There comes a point where intelligent folk realize that every week is bad - and they are becoming progressively worse. :wink:

Verified account 1 hour ago
I had a GREAT meeting with Putin and the Fake News used every bit of their energy to try and disparage it. So bad for our country!

All of this makes me wonder, how bad are the Democrats that people prefer this kind of circus?
I think many of his supporters(who will never admit it)are embarrassed by Trump's Helsinki performance. He looked passive,weak,meek and certainly the beta.

He's run schemes before...this has not played out yet.

He isn't going to slam the door on trade partners....already working in our favor and suck up to Russia.

The left simply can't contain itself.

They should all get together in a cage and we could give tours.
All of this makes me wonder, how bad are the Democrats that people prefer this kind of circus?

This is a Clusterfuck unrivaled in US history

Indeed it is. I think it comes down to "technical debt". In software development, avoiding needed updates and refactorings of existing code causes a computer program to become less efficient and more bug-ridden over time. This state of neglect is called "technical debt". Our election systems suffer from severe technical debt.

The problem has nothing to do with Russians, or Donald Trump's election - not directly at least. The problem is that our antiquated winner-take-all, plurality voting process promotes partisan politics. It discourages government by consensus. Instead, we get radicalized partisan power blocs that pass laws that are sure to get reversed, or undermined, when the other side takes over (eg ACA). We end up with two entrenched parties that no one likes, passing laws that half the people hate.
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Trump and his beta male supporters have had a terrible week. The President is in the grip of Putin, and we all know it.

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