DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

The dark narrative in Hillary's emails.
February 5, 2016
Joseph Klein


Hillary Clinton has tried to portray herself as a steadfast friend of Israel. “I have stood with Israel my entire career,” she wrote in an article appearing last November inThe Forward. “As president, I will continue this fight.” She promised that she would “invite the Israeli prime minister to the White House in my first month in office.”

Hillary Clinton’s steadfast support for the disastrous nuclear deal with Iran calls into question her stated “personal commitment” to “fighting for Israel.” Peace and security in the region are not enhanced by a loophole ridden deal with a fanatical Islamist regime sworn to Israel’s destruction and to exporting its self-described “Islamic revolution” around the world.

Perhaps even more disturbing is what we have learned so far from the disclosure of Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail system, which she recklessly used while serving as Secretary of State.Certain e-mails from her closest advisersthat have been made public reveal the barrage of anti-Israel counsel she was receiving.

“These emails seem to demonstrate that a huge segment of her close advisers and confidantes were attacking Israel, condemning Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and strategizing how to force Israel to withdraw from Judea and Samaria at all costs,” theJerusalem Postconcluded after reviewing the e-mails.

Moreover, Hillary was not just a passive recipient. In some cases, she indicated an interest in pursuing further the ideas she was receiving.

For example, Anne Marie Slaughter, Hillary Clinton’s director of policy planning from 2009 to 2011, wrote the following to Hillary:

“This may be a crazy idea.... Suppose we launched a ‘Pledge for Palestine’ campaign... Such a campaign among billionaires/multi-millionaires around the world would reflect a strong vote of confidence in the building of a Palestinian state...There would also be a certain shaming effect re Israelis who, would be building settlements in the face of a pledge for peace.”

Why didn’t Hillary Clinton, who professes a lifelong “personal commitment” to “fighting for Israel,” firmly reject such an absurd idea out of hand or simply ignore it? Instead, Clinton actually welcomed the suggestion, writing back to Ms. Slaughter: ““I am very interested- pls flesh out. Thx.”

Thomas Pickering, former US ambassador to Israel during the Reagan administration and Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs during President Bill Clinton’s second term, also provided some peculiar e-mail advice to Hillary Clinton regarding the Israeli-Palestinian situation. He would later chair the State Department’s official Benghazi inquiry, which he said had concluded that Clinton performed “responsibly and well.”

In an e-mail dated December 18, 2011, Pickering asked Clinton’s aide Cheryl Mills to forward on to Hillary his bizarre suggestion to encourage behind the scenes Palestinian “peaceful” demonstrations against Israeli “occupation.” The demonstrations should be led by women, he advised.

Citing the protests at Tahrir Square as a model, Pickering suggested “peaceful demonstrations against all aspects of the occupation on the Palestinian sides — roadblocks, land confiscations, new settlement activity, around military government installations and perhaps in Area C which they do not control.”


Hillary Clinton’s informal adviser Sidney Blumenthal send her a stream of e-mails offering his anti-Israeli viewpoint. Inone memo he sent Clinton, for example, he accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of “stage managing US Jewish organizations (and neocons, and the religious right, and whomever else he can muster) against the administration.” Clinton had asked Blumenthal for his advice on her upcoming speech to AIPAC.


These are just a few samplings of anti-Israel advice that Hillary Clinton was receiving from her trusted advisers while she was Secretary of State. However, still shrouded in secrecy is advice thatMuslim Brotherhood-linked Huma Abedin, a key part of Hillary’s inner circle of advisers, both at the State Department and now in her presidential campaign, was communicating to Hillary. She was directly connected with Hillary’s private e-mail system.

Only by having public access to all of Huma Abedin’s e-mail exchanges with her boss can we understand the extent to which Abedin influenced Clinton’s positive attitude towards the Muslim Brotherhood and the Muslim Brotherhood-backed former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi. We already know that Huma Abedin’s mother, with whom Huma worked for years at the Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs as assistant editor of its journal before joining the Department of State,served together with Morsi’s wifeon the Guidance Bureau of the Muslim Sisterhood.

In her 2014 book Hard Choices, Hillary singled out Morsi for praise. “Morsi helped me negotiate a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas that holds to this day,” Clinton wrote in a caption under a picture of Clinton and Morsi looking into each other’s eyes during their get together in Cairo. She was referring to ceasefire negotiations that Morsi brokered on behalf of his Hamas buddies in November 2012. All that Hillary’s negotiating partner really accomplished was to give Hamas breathing room to stockpile more sophisticated rockets and build terror tunnels in a lead up to the war that broke out just a month or so after Hillary’s book was published.


When Advisers Hate Israel
The poor deluded HDS kooks will still be raving about this 10 years from now. They can't accept that they got played, for about the hundredth time, so they'll go to their graves swearing it will still happen. That's what makes them such reliable patsies.
I agree no one truly knows yet on what the FBI will say, but you should give that same LECTURE to your republican counterparts creating this thread and chiming in on this thread that are swearing up and down that she's a criminal and going to jail, or not going to jail because someone will let her off bull crud....

After over 25-Years+ of investigating Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton, once again there is breathless anticipation of nothing.

On one hand Ms. Clinton is smart enough to be able to use a private email service (like Coin Powell) for her State Department Emails, and then she is dumb enough keep Classified/Secure Emails on the same server because she is too stupid to know better.

Whereas when Karl Rove used an R.N.C. server for his emails and deleted over 1,000,000+of those emails it was just business as usual.

As I wrote in an earlier post.

Hillary Goddamn Clinton is guilty of Goddamn something because she is Hillary Goddamn Clinton and Goddammit Hillary Goddamn Clinton is guilty for no other reason than she is Hillary Goddamn Clinton.

Rove was not secretary of state. You are free to remain in your dream state of Clinton worship, but they are the most corrupt people ever to occupy the white house. Hillary will never be president, book it !

Great, bring it back in November. After Biden loses to Trump.
That you think Biden is running for president is yet more evidence of just how fucking deranged you are.

that you think he isn't is evidence of how deranged you are. When HRC is indicted, when Bernie campaign falters, the DNC will pull plugs in from the wings, he is all they have left. Watch----------------------
that you think he isn't is evidence of how deranged you are. When HRC is indicted, when Bernie campaign falters, the DNC will pull plugs in from the wings, he is all they have left. Watch----------------------

So when you played football, did you hope the other side's quarterback would break his leg?

Here's a crazy idea. How about coming up with a candidate people might want to vote for on your side other than hoping something bad happens with theirs.
Here's a crazy idea. How about coming up with a candidate people might want to vote for on your side other than hoping something bad happens with theirs.
You do realize that is what the Republicans are doing? Or rather you would if you had a brief fleeting moment of lucidity. Meanwhile the Democrats are watching their party unfold while their two candidates are squabbling about who is less establishment while vying for the hipster and aging white woman vote.
Here's a crazy idea. How about coming up with a candidate people might want to vote for on your side other than hoping something bad happens with theirs.
You do realize that is what the Republicans are doing?

Really? I must have missed that in all the "low energy" and "look at that face" bluster.

Tell us what you believe the surviving GOP candidates stand for other than that.
Here's a crazy idea. How about coming up with a candidate people might want to vote for on your side other than hoping something bad happens with theirs.
You do realize that is what the Republicans are doing?

Really? I must have missed that in all the "low energy" and "look at that face" bluster.

Tell us what you believe the surviving GOP candidates stand for other than that.
I am sure neither one of us know what you're talking about
Here's a crazy idea. How about coming up with a candidate people might want to vote for on your side other than hoping something bad happens with theirs.
You do realize that is what the Republicans are doing?

Really? I must have missed that in all the "low energy" and "look at that face" bluster.

Tell us what you believe the surviving GOP candidates stand for other than that.
I am sure neither one of us know what you're talking about

You claimed the GOP had chosen candidates people might want to vote for. I asked you to elaborate. It's no surprise you can't.
For all the morons who said "it's not a criminal investigation" FBI formally confirms its investigation of Hillary Clinton's email server

Baker says the FBI has not, however, “publicly acknowledged the specific focus, scope or potential targets of any such proceedings.”

He ends the one-paragraph letter by saying that the FBI cannot say more “without adversely affecting on-going law enforcement efforts.”

Now does this mean she's going to jail? No, but it's looking like somebody is going to have to take the fall for this.
You do realize that is what the Republicans are doing? Or rather you would if you had a brief fleeting moment of lucidity. Meanwhile the Democrats are watching their party unfold while their two candidates are squabbling about who is less establishment while vying for the hipster and aging white woman vote.

Are you fucking kidding me? Your whole process has been hijacked by a Reality TV Rodeo Clown and a huckster trying to sell book. That's not a serious search for a presidential candidate.

1980, the GOP had Reagan, the Elder Bush, Howard Baker, John Connoley, Bob Dole, Jack Kemp- guys who had real substance and ideas.

Now you've got Carson, Cruz and Trump...
Here's a crazy idea. How about coming up with a candidate people might want to vote for on your side other than hoping something bad happens with theirs.
You do realize that is what the Republicans are doing? Or rather you would if you had a brief fleeting moment of lucidity. Meanwhile the Democrats are watching their party unfold while their two candidates are squabbling about who is less establishment while vying for the hipster and aging white woman vote.
Yeh right, it's that VAST right wing conspiracy we have been haring about since 1993...
"One of Hillary Clinton’s most-repeated talking points is that she never personally “sent or received” classified material through her homebrew email server.

But that talking point appears to be dead, according to a new release from Judicial Watch, which has been pursuing a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the State Department over Clinton’s emails.

The latest batch of emails released by the State Department “show that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her top aides, Deputy Chiefs of Staff Huma Abedin and Jake Sullivan, received and sent classified information on their email accounts.”

Clinton and her aides were well aware that Blair’s emails were “born classified” – in other words, foreign government information that protocols clearly indicate should have been treated as classified documents immediately, without any need for the explicit markings Clinton often claims are missing from the sensitive material on her mail server.

In addition to “born classified” material that was never marked, many of the sensitive documents on her server appear to have been cut-and-pasted from secure systems, rendering her talking point about classification markings absurd: the documents weren’t marked because her aides stripped the markings away."

Hillary Clinton: Excerpted Emails Explode Emergency Excuse - Breitbart

BUSTED! This is undisputable evidence that Hillary and her 'rogue', lawless staff intentionally broke the law and has lied about it ever since, attempting to use the BS 'markings' argument 'the truth' by continuing to repeat the lie enough times until people believed it was true. FAIL!

Hillary, Huma,'ve just been caught red-handed breaking the law regarding the handling of classified information and violating laws under the Espionage Act.... While the investigation is still on-going, I would start arranging / securing counsel if I were you! Our national security was SO jeopardized by these clowns that SOMEBODY MUST GO DOWN! It might not be Hillary, but someone has to...and will. (And yes, I smell an Obama Pardon coming...)

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