DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

"The FBI has not confirmed this is a criminal investigation. You can search far and wide, but you will find no FBI confirmation. It stings, I know."
-- Paperview, Posts #1386
"The FBI investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s unsecured email account is not just a fact-finding venture — it’s a criminal probe....“It’s definitely a criminal probe,” said the source. “I’m not sure why they’re not calling it a criminal probe. “The DOJ [Department of Justice] and FBI can conduct civil investigations in very limited circumstances,” but that’s not what this is, the source stressed. “In this case, a security violation would lead to criminal charges. Maybe DOJ is trying to protect her campaign.”

MAYBE? President Obama's spokesman, Jay Carney, just came out and declared Obama is pulling for Hillary to win the nomination and Presidency. Of course he is...for several reasons:
1) The man LIED about not knowing about Hillary's private e-mail / server until he found out about them from the media. Now there are 18 - 22 e-mails that PROVE he is a liar, e-mails Obama sent to Hillary's private account BEFORE he supposedly found out about it from the media...e-mails he refuses to allow to be released.
2) Hillary has already insinuated that if Obama keeps her out of jail (and UN-Indicted) and she wins the Presidency there could be a seat on the USSC in his future. (Yeah, that's called a BRIBE.)
Obama's 'Legacy' is tied, in part, to the outcome of Hillary's investigation and whether she is Indicted or not... He can't afford to let that happen, no matter how much he reportedly hates the Clintons.
And since the FBI's boss in Obama's latest hand-picked puppet who replaced Eric 'Censured' Holder ...and since Loretta Lynch owes being appointed to a previous position by Hillary's husband...(Can you say 'Conflict of Interest'?)... Obama will not have a problem ensuring the FBI's investigation results are 'DOA'.

Guy Benson - FBI: Yes, Our Probe Into Hillary's Email Scheme is a Criminal Investigation
"... sources said ..."

"The FBI has not confirmed this is a criminal investigation. You can search far and wide, but you will find no FBI confirmation. It stings, I know."
-- Paperview, Posts #1386
"The FBI investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s unsecured email account is not just a fact-finding venture — it’s a criminal probe....“It’s definitely a criminal probe,” said the source. “I’m not sure why they’re not calling it a criminal probe. “The DOJ [Department of Justice] and FBI can conduct civil investigations in very limited circumstances,” but that’s not what this is, the source stressed. “In this case, a security violation would lead to criminal charges. Maybe DOJ is trying to protect her campaign.”

MAYBE? President Obama's spokesman, Jay Carney, just came out and declared Obama is pulling for Hillary to win the nomination and Presidency. Of course he is...for several reasons:
1) The man LIED about not knowing about Hillary's private e-mail / server until he found out about them from the media. Now there are 18 - 22 e-mails that PROVE he is a liar, e-mails Obama sent to Hillary's private account BEFORE he supposedly found out about it from the media...e-mails he refuses to allow to be released.
2) Hillary has already insinuated that if Obama keeps her out of jail (and UN-Indicted) and she wins the Presidency there could be a seat on the USSC in his future. (Yeah, that's called a BRIBE.)
Obama's 'Legacy' is tied, in part, to the outcome of Hillary's investigation and whether she is Indicted or not... He can't afford to let that happen, no matter how much he reportedly hates the Clintons.
And since the FBI's boss in Obama's latest hand-picked puppet who replaced Eric 'Censured' Holder ...and since Loretta Lynch owes being appointed to a previous position by Hillary's husband...(Can you say 'Conflict of Interest'?)... Obama will not have a problem ensuring the FBI's investigation results are 'DOA'.

Guy Benson - FBI: Yes, Our Probe Into Hillary's Email Scheme is a Criminal Investigation
"... sources said ..."


Yup. What she chuckled.

I'll add another:

FBI confirms Clinton probe: "The FBI formally confirmed that its investigation connected to Hillary..."

FBI formally confirms its investigation of Hillary Clinton's email server:

Hillary Clinton emails: FBI probe confirmed by State Department...

FBI Agents Angered By Obama's Attempt to Influence Hillary : "The FBI agents investigating Hillary Clinton's potential violations of the Espionage Act"
- Obama / the WH claimed Hillary was NOT the target of an investigation. The FBI got a little pissed because Barry doesn't speak for them, and they don't work for Barry. They work for Loretta Lynch and the DOJ. According to the head of the FBI, appointed BY Barry and know for not giving a damn about politics or partisanship, Loretta Lynch doesn't even speak FOR the FBI. The head of the FBI has already declared all he cares about are the truth and the law, that he will submit his findings and if a Grand Jury / Indictments are warranted are called for he will do so. If they are refused he will then take all of his evidence to the people. If there is no case then he will also say that as well.



Paper, you declared no one could find anything anywhere saying there was an on-going criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton: "The FBI has not confirmed this is a criminal investigation. You can search far and wide, but you will find no FBI confirmation."

The articles clearly state the FBI is in the midst of an on-going criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton her server, and now her aides in this scandal. Once again, you have been proven WRONG! FAIL! You LOSE...AGAIN.

It is entertaining to watch you squirm and twitch, sorta like a dead man at the end of a rope, trying to deny, justify, excuse, spin....
FBI confirms Clinton probe: "The FBI formally confirmed that its investigation connected to Hillary..."

FBI formally confirms its investigation of Hillary Clinton's email server:

Hillary Clinton emails: FBI probe confirmed by State Department...

FBI Agents Angered By Obama's Attempt to Influence Hillary : "The FBI agents investigating Hillary Clinton's potential violations of the Espionage Act"
- Obama / the WH claimed Hillary was NOT the target of an investigation. The FBI got a little pissed because Barry doesn't speak for them, and they don't work for Barry. They work for Loretta Lynch and the DOJ. According to the head of the FBI, appointed BY Barry and know for not giving a damn about politics or partisanship, Loretta Lynch doesn't even speak FOR the FBI. The head of the FBI has already declared all he cares about are the truth and the law, that he will submit his findings and if a Grand Jury / Indictments are warranted are called for he will do so. If they are refused he will then take all of his evidence to the people. If there is no case then he will also say that as well.



Paper, you declared no one could find anything anywhere saying there was an on-going criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton: "The FBI has not confirmed this is a criminal investigation. You can search far and wide, but you will find no FBI confirmation."

The articles clearly state the FBI is in the midst of an on-going criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton her server, and now her aides in this scandal. Once again, you have been proven WRONG! FAIL! You LOSE...AGAIN.

It is entertaining to watch you squirm and twitch, sorta like a dead man at the end of a rope, trying to deny, justify, excuse, spin....

now watch the libs run for the hills, facts make their little heads implode.
FBI confirms Clinton probe: "The FBI formally confirmed that its investigation connected to Hillary..."

FBI formally confirms its investigation of Hillary Clinton's email server:

Hillary Clinton emails: FBI probe confirmed by State Department...

FBI Agents Angered By Obama's Attempt to Influence Hillary : "The FBI agents investigating Hillary Clinton's potential violations of the Espionage Act"
- Obama / the WH claimed Hillary was NOT the target of an investigation. The FBI got a little pissed because Barry doesn't speak for them, and they don't work for Barry. They work for Loretta Lynch and the DOJ. According to the head of the FBI, appointed BY Barry and know for not giving a damn about politics or partisanship, Loretta Lynch doesn't even speak FOR the FBI. The head of the FBI has already declared all he cares about are the truth and the law, that he will submit his findings and if a Grand Jury / Indictments are warranted are called for he will do so. If they are refused he will then take all of his evidence to the people. If there is no case then he will also say that as well.



Paper, you declared no one could find anything anywhere saying there was an on-going criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton: "The FBI has not confirmed this is a criminal investigation. You can search far and wide, but you will find no FBI confirmation."

The articles clearly state the FBI is in the midst of an on-going criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton her server, and now her aides in this scandal. Once again, you have been proven WRONG! FAIL! You LOSE...AGAIN.

It is entertaining to watch you squirm and twitch, sorta like a dead man at the end of a rope, trying to deny, justify, excuse, spin....

now watch the libs run for the hills, facts make their little heads implode.

so, rather than try to refute the facts, paper posts a funny note. Brilliant !!!!!!
FBI confirms Clinton probe: "The FBI formally confirmed that its investigation connected to Hillary..."

FBI formally confirms its investigation of Hillary Clinton's email server:

Hillary Clinton emails: FBI probe confirmed by State Department...

FBI Agents Angered By Obama's Attempt to Influence Hillary : "The FBI agents investigating Hillary Clinton's potential violations of the Espionage Act"
- Obama / the WH claimed Hillary was NOT the target of an investigation. The FBI got a little pissed because Barry doesn't speak for them, and they don't work for Barry. They work for Loretta Lynch and the DOJ. According to the head of the FBI, appointed BY Barry and know for not giving a damn about politics or partisanship, Loretta Lynch doesn't even speak FOR the FBI. The head of the FBI has already declared all he cares about are the truth and the law, that he will submit his findings and if a Grand Jury / Indictments are warranted are called for he will do so. If they are refused he will then take all of his evidence to the people. If there is no case then he will also say that as well.



Paper, you declared no one could find anything anywhere saying there was an on-going criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton: "The FBI has not confirmed this is a criminal investigation. You can search far and wide, but you will find no FBI confirmation."

The articles clearly state the FBI is in the midst of an on-going criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton her server, and now her aides in this scandal. Once again, you have been proven WRONG! FAIL! You LOSE...AGAIN.

It is entertaining to watch you squirm and twitch, sorta like a dead man at the end of a rope, trying to deny, justify, excuse, spin....

now watch the libs run for the hills, facts make their little heads implode.

so, rather than try to refute the facts, paper posts a funny note. Brilliant !!!!!!
sorry, that was faun, different name, same BS
FBI confirms Clinton probe: "The FBI formally confirmed that its investigation connected to Hillary..."

FBI formally confirms its investigation of Hillary Clinton's email server:

Hillary Clinton emails: FBI probe confirmed by State Department...

FBI Agents Angered By Obama's Attempt to Influence Hillary : "The FBI agents investigating Hillary Clinton's potential violations of the Espionage Act"
- Obama / the WH claimed Hillary was NOT the target of an investigation. The FBI got a little pissed because Barry doesn't speak for them, and they don't work for Barry. They work for Loretta Lynch and the DOJ. According to the head of the FBI, appointed BY Barry and know for not giving a damn about politics or partisanship, Loretta Lynch doesn't even speak FOR the FBI. The head of the FBI has already declared all he cares about are the truth and the law, that he will submit his findings and if a Grand Jury / Indictments are warranted are called for he will do so. If they are refused he will then take all of his evidence to the people. If there is no case then he will also say that as well.



Paper, you declared no one could find anything anywhere saying there was an on-going criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton: "The FBI has not confirmed this is a criminal investigation. You can search far and wide, but you will find no FBI confirmation."

The articles clearly state the FBI is in the midst of an on-going criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton her server, and now her aides in this scandal. Once again, you have been proven WRONG! FAIL! You LOSE...AGAIN.

It is entertaining to watch you squirm and twitch, sorta like a dead man at the end of a rope, trying to deny, justify, excuse, spin....

now watch the libs run for the hills, facts make their little heads implode.

so, rather than try to refute the facts, paper posts a funny note. Brilliant !!!!!!
Umm... you're deriding yourself.

FBI confirms Clinton probe: "The FBI formally confirmed that its investigation connected to Hillary..."

FBI formally confirms its investigation of Hillary Clinton's email server:

Hillary Clinton emails: FBI probe confirmed by State Department...

FBI Agents Angered By Obama's Attempt to Influence Hillary : "The FBI agents investigating Hillary Clinton's potential violations of the Espionage Act"
- Obama / the WH claimed Hillary was NOT the target of an investigation. The FBI got a little pissed because Barry doesn't speak for them, and they don't work for Barry. They work for Loretta Lynch and the DOJ. According to the head of the FBI, appointed BY Barry and know for not giving a damn about politics or partisanship, Loretta Lynch doesn't even speak FOR the FBI. The head of the FBI has already declared all he cares about are the truth and the law, that he will submit his findings and if a Grand Jury / Indictments are warranted are called for he will do so. If they are refused he will then take all of his evidence to the people. If there is no case then he will also say that as well.



Paper, you declared no one could find anything anywhere saying there was an on-going criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton: "The FBI has not confirmed this is a criminal investigation. You can search far and wide, but you will find no FBI confirmation."

The articles clearly state the FBI is in the midst of an on-going criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton her server, and now her aides in this scandal. Once again, you have been proven WRONG! FAIL! You LOSE...AGAIN.

It is entertaining to watch you squirm and twitch, sorta like a dead man at the end of a rope, trying to deny, justify, excuse, spin....
Hey nitwit -- I said you cannot find the FBI confirming it is a criminal investigation.

And you failed yet again.

Everyone knew there is an investigation going on, and the FOIA lawsuit that forced the FBI to confirm what everyone already knew (they could neither confirm or deny before) -- is all that is -- they just said: yeah, we're investigating it. (worst kept secret ever.)

No where does it confirm it's a criminal investigation. Der.

Even you own link says "Key details about the probe remain unclear, such as whether it is tied to a possible criminal case or whether it has expanded beyond an initial security review."

So take a big long swig of "OOpps easyman screwed up again" juice.

Gulp gulp.
Last edited:
Just curious, Paper...what is it about Hillary Clinton, other than she is a Democrat, that makes you want to defend her?

Is it...

That she unethically tried to deny Nixon of rightful Legal Counsel by attempting to file a brief she KNEW was false?

That she falsely claimed she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary?

That she falsely claimed she visited troops in Bosnia under sniper fire?


File-gate? Stealing files out of police-taped dead man's office, claiming she knew nothing about them, and then having them turn up in the living quarters of the WH with her fingerprints all over the files?

Bullying, demonizing threatening, and attempting to silence her husband's victims?

That she tried to steal everything she could in the WH living quarters, that wasn't hers to take, when she and bill left office?

That none of her colleagues in the Senate could name 1 Hillary accomplishment during the time she served in office?

Her embarrassing failed attempt to re-establish US-Russian relations by presenting a Russian Ambassador with a plastic 'Reset' prop that, due to Hillary's team's incompetence, had a plaque that read 'Over-charge' in Russian instead of saying 'Reset'?

The fact that roughly 10 days after that the Russians showed what they thought of the gesture by invading southern Ukraine, the nation the US had promised to help protect its sovereignty, and annexing Crimea?

That Hillary tried to sell several of the Aleutian Islands and their mineral rights but was discovered and the sale stopped?

That she sold 1/5th of the US's plutonium to the Russians?

That the Obama administration gave thousands of weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels and the Sect of State (and DHS / FBI) supposedly never heard of it until it happened?

That she played a part as Sect of State in Obama taking the nation to war on his own, using the military to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 kill Qaddafi and take over their own govt?

Her playing a part in helping the terrorist group Muslim Brotherhood take over the govt of our ally Egypt?

That she failed to prepare and protect 20 US Embassies - 4 that were overrun - for attack throughout the Middle East on 9/11/12 DESPITE admittedly knowing about the warnings of a Middle East-wide terrorist attack that day?

That she hired an AL QAEIDA-associated militia to protect a US Ambassador?

That she refused to take a US Ambassador out of Harm's Way when every other nation pulled their people out due to the KNOW threat warnings?

That she was so incompetent as Head of the State Department that she admittedly did not know that her subordinates had denied over 600 requests for additional security from the US Ambassador in Benghazi, one of if not THE most dangerous embassy locations in the world...that after 2 terrorist attacks on the Ambassador's compound - the last one leaving a 4-foot hold in his compound wall - She and her state department did not only deny his pleas for additional security but also TOOK 14 MEMBERS OF HIS SECURITY TEAM AWAY...AND STILL REFUSED TO PULL HIM OUT OF BENGHAZI?

Her proven LIE about not knowing that the attack in Benghazi was a terrorist attack...her own e-mails proving she told a foreign Ambassador that she KNEW it had nothing to do with a video and that it was a TERRORIST ATTACK, that she told her daughter it was a terrorist attack, and then the next morning lied to the world by declaring it had been a protest over a video that went wrong?

Her calling the grieving families of the men she left - ALLOWED - to die needlessly in Benghazi 'Liars when they called her out for her lie about claiming it was all over a video?

Her PURJURY under oath claiming to only use 1 device...then 2...and finally 3?

Taking millions from Middle Eastern nations that oppress women, mutilate female genitalia, kill women for being raped, rape women and justify it as being part of their culture, having sex with little boys and justifying THAT as being part of their culture, and who murder homosexuals? Refuses to release al of her donor sources?

Taking millions from a foreign businessman who was caught violating the US Sanctions against Iran by running illegal contraband to them and abusing her power as Secretary of State to ensure her donor's company did not receive any fines or punishment for the crime?

This entire scandal of jeopardizing our national security, believing and acting as if she is above the law, for 'expediency', to make her job easier?

What part of this lying, corrupt, elitist, treasonous bit@h's life inspires you to so faithfully defend her 'to the death' the way you do?

Can you HONESTLY say that if she was a REPUBLICAN you would be defending her in the same rabid way?

(Scratch that...what the hell was I thinking? I seriously just asked you to be HONEST... :lmao: )
Hey nitwit -- I said you cannot find the FBI confirming it is a criminal investigation.And you failed yet again.
Sorry, you used 1 of the many sources...there are more than enough (I only needed 1 to prove you wrong) that confirms the FBI is conducting a criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton.... keep spinning little man.
This whole "criminal" investigation started with an erroneous story by a (yeah "liberal") NYT article that referred to the investigation as criminal.

They had to do a major back up for a major mess up.

To remind you again:
Inspectors General clarified:
  • "An important distinction is that the IC IG did not make a criminal referral – it was a security referral made for counterintelligence purposes."

And this is how the whole pile-on media had to retract the criminal part -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

The Times’ public editor was compelled to explain their errors in a piece entitled, “A Clinton Story Fraught With Inaccuracies: How It Happened and What Next?”:
  • New York Times’ Public Editor, Margaret Suillivan: Nevertheless, the most recent story is both a messy and a regrettable chapter. It brings up important issues that demand to be thought about and discussed internally with an eye to prevention in the future. […] And when things do go wrong, readers deserve a thorough, immediate explanation from the top. None of that happened here.
  • Ruth Marcus, Washington Post: The classification kerfuffle is a non-scandal blown out of proportion by a toxic combination of sloppy reporting, official miscommunication and partisan positioning.
  • Norm Ornstein, The Atlantic: Someone should be held accountable here, with suspension or other action that fits the gravity of the offense. I want, and need, the old New York Times, the leader of responsible journalism, the paper of record back.
  • Joe Conason, Daily Memo: In the paper’s ongoing coverage of the controversy over Hillary Clinton’s email practices as Secretary of State – and a related investigation by the House Select Committee on Benghazi – the pattern of slanted coverage deserves closer scrutiny by the paper’s editors.
  • Huffington Post: An explosive New York Times story detailing a potential probe of Hillary Clinton's use of a private email account unraveled quickly on Friday morning, prompting questions about how inaccurate, politically sensitive information could end up in the paper of record.
  • Politico: The New York Times made small but significant changes to an exclusive report about a potential criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton's State Department email account late Thursday night, but provided no notification of or explanation for of the changes. […]That clause, which cast Clinton as the target of the potential criminal probe, was later changed.
  • Vox: The New York Times, which got the scoop, rewrote its original story and is taking a beating from political observers and other media outlets for it.
  • Eric Wemple, Washington Post: The last is the fast-crumbling Times story from last night, to which the newspaper just appended a correction.
  • New York Daily News: Department and the Director of National Intelligence's office say they didn’t ask for the investigation to be criminal. "The Intelligence Community Inspector General didn't make a criminal referral – it was a counterintelligence referral to the proper office at the FBI," a Director of National Intelligence spokesperson tells the Daily News.
  • Washington Examiner: Rep. Elijah Cummings, the ranking Democrat on the House Select Committee on Benghazi, disputed reports Friday that suggested the State Department's inspector general had pushed for a criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton's private email arrangement.
  • Slate: Contrary to an earlier report in the New York Times, it now appears as though the request the Department of Justice received from a federal inspector general to launch an investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of personal email while secretary of state is not a criminal matter.
  • NBC News: A Justice Department official said Friday afternoon that "The Department has received a referral related to the potential compromise of classified information. It is not a CRIMINAL referral." […] "The New York Times, which first reported the probe, initially indicated that Clinton was the subject of a criminal referral."
  • AP: Another U.S. official said it was unclear whether classified information was mishandled and that the referral didn't necessarily suggest any wrongdoing by Clinton, the leading Democratic candidate in the 2016 presidential race.
  • Salon: Another shoddy Clinton smear: Anatomy of the New York Times' epic email screw-up
  • Steve Benen, MSNBC: In fact, what we appear to have are questions about whether the State Department mis-classified some sensitive materials. That may be fascinating to observers who study the executive bureaucracy at a granular level, but for everyone else, there doesn't appear to be much here. Indeed, the original effort to suggest Clinton was personally facing a possible criminal probe, at least given what we now know, seems quite irresponsible.
  • Business Insider: New York Times corrects bombshell email scandal story after Hillary Clinton blasts it.
  • CBS News: No criminal probe requested into Hillary Clinton's email, DOJ clarifies.
  • Blue Nation Review: But to get the facts wrong over and over again, even by the pros at the New York Times, I have to wonder if these front-of-the-paper reporters are in a rush to just get the story up first or just sloppy without a desire to get it right. Neither is acceptable or tolerable and we in the media shouldn’t tolerate it. All of our reputations are at stake here.
  • TPM: New York Times Adds A 64-Word Correction To Its Clinton Email Story
  • Think Progress: The New York Times broke a big story on Thursday night. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, the Times reported, could be the subject of a criminal investigation by the Department of Justice because of the personal email account she used as secretary of state. The Times reported that two inspectors general had asked for the criminal probe. This would be a pretty big deal if true.
  • Washington Free Beacon: The New York Times broke a story about two inspectors general demanding the Department of Justice open a criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email system during her time as secretary of state, a report that the publication quietly altered a short time later. Politico reported that the Times made two significant alterations to the exclusive story Thursday night, both of which appear to shift blame from Hillary Clinton in the controversy.
  • Kurt Eichenwald, Newsweek: How The New York Times Bungled the Hillary Clinton Emails Story
  • Poynter: New York Times appends correction to altered Hillary Clinton story

And this too: Here's what's wrong with Jeb Bush saying Hillary Clinton is under FBI investigation | Politifact

"it is not a criminal investigation."
Just curious, Paper...what is it about Hillary Clinton, other than she is a Democrat, that makes you want to defend her?

Is it...

That she unethically tried to deny Nixon of rightful Legal Counsel by attempting to file a brief she KNEW was false?

That she falsely claimed she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary?

That she falsely claimed she visited troops in Bosnia under sniper fire?


File-gate? Stealing files out of police-taped dead man's office, claiming she knew nothing about them, and then having them turn up in the living quarters of the WH with her fingerprints all over the files?

Bullying, demonizing threatening, and attempting to silence her husband's victims?

That she tried to steal everything she could in the WH living quarters, that wasn't hers to take, when she and bill left office?

That none of her colleagues in the Senate could name 1 Hillary accomplishment during the time she served in office?

Her embarrassing failed attempt to re-establish US-Russian relations by presenting a Russian Ambassador with a plastic 'Reset' prop that, due to Hillary's team's incompetence, had a plaque that read 'Over-charge' in Russian instead of saying 'Reset'?

The fact that roughly 10 days after that the Russians showed what they thought of the gesture by invading southern Ukraine, the nation the US had promised to help protect its sovereignty, and annexing Crimea?

That Hillary tried to sell several of the Aleutian Islands and their mineral rights but was discovered and the sale stopped?

That she sold 1/5th of the US's plutonium to the Russians?

That the Obama administration gave thousands of weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels and the Sect of State (and DHS / FBI) supposedly never heard of it until it happened?

That she played a part as Sect of State in Obama taking the nation to war on his own, using the military to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 kill Qaddafi and take over their own govt?

Her playing a part in helping the terrorist group Muslim Brotherhood take over the govt of our ally Egypt?

That she failed to prepare and protect 20 US Embassies - 4 that were overrun - for attack throughout the Middle East on 9/11/12 DESPITE admittedly knowing about the warnings of a Middle East-wide terrorist attack that day?

That she hired an AL QAEIDA-associated militia to protect a US Ambassador?

That she refused to take a US Ambassador out of Harm's Way when every other nation pulled their people out due to the KNOW threat warnings?

That she was so incompetent as Head of the State Department that she admittedly did not know that her subordinates had denied over 600 requests for additional security from the US Ambassador in Benghazi, one of if not THE most dangerous embassy locations in the world...that after 2 terrorist attacks on the Ambassador's compound - the last one leaving a 4-foot hold in his compound wall - She and her state department did not only deny his pleas for additional security but also TOOK 14 MEMBERS OF HIS SECURITY TEAM AWAY...AND STILL REFUSED TO PULL HIM OUT OF BENGHAZI?

Her proven LIE about not knowing that the attack in Benghazi was a terrorist attack...her own e-mails proving she told a foreign Ambassador that she KNEW it had nothing to do with a video and that it was a TERRORIST ATTACK, that she told her daughter it was a terrorist attack, and then the next morning lied to the world by declaring it had been a protest over a video that went wrong?

Her calling the grieving families of the men she left - ALLOWED - to die needlessly in Benghazi 'Liars when they called her out for her lie about claiming it was all over a video?

Her PURJURY under oath claiming to only use 1 device...then 2...and finally 3?

Taking millions from Middle Eastern nations that oppress women, mutilate female genitalia, kill women for being raped, rape women and justify it as being part of their culture, having sex with little boys and justifying THAT as being part of their culture, and who murder homosexuals? Refuses to release al of her donor sources?

Taking millions from a foreign businessman who was caught violating the US Sanctions against Iran by running illegal contraband to them and abusing her power as Secretary of State to ensure her donor's company did not receive any fines or punishment for the crime?

This entire scandal of jeopardizing our national security, believing and acting as if she is above the law, for 'expediency', to make her job easier?

What part of this lying, corrupt, elitist, treasonous bit@h's life inspires you to so faithfully defend her 'to the death' the way you do?

Can you HONESTLY say that if she was a REPUBLICAN you would be defending her in the same rabid way?

(Scratch that...what the hell was I thinking? I seriously just asked you to be HONEST... :lmao: )
For me, it's the way she drives rightards as absolutely batshit crazy as you demonstrated in your post. Anyone with that kind of power must be doing something right.
Hey nitwit -- I said you cannot find the FBI confirming it is a criminal investigation.And you failed yet again.
Sorry, you used 1 of the many sources...there are more than enough (I only needed 1 to prove you wrong) that confirms the FBI is conducting a criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton.... keep spinning little man.
I used the most legit and unbiased one -- that actually spoke to the fact.

The MSNBC story you linked? Nope, no mention the FBI confirmed it was a criminal investigation.

The Moonie Times story you linked? Nope, no mention the FBI confirmed it was a criminal investigation.

The No-So-Breitbart op-ed you linked? Nope, no mention the FBI confirmed it was a criminal investigation.

Gulp gulp. Keep on slurping your tasty fuck-up juice.
I used the most legit and unbiased one -- that actually spoke to the fact.

Paper, YOU trying to DECLARE something is true, no true, credible, or not credible...based on your own OPINION and NEVER backed by any source / link is an absolute JOKE - LIKE YOU!

Liberals be like: "THIS is da troof...because I said so."

For me, it's the way she drives rightards as absolutely batshit crazy as you demonstrated in your post. Anyone with that kind of power must be doing something right.

Thank you for demonstrating the retarded Liberal mind-set....

'Yeah, she is a pathological liar like her husband, she is corrupt, greedy, self-serving, incompetent, ignores the law which she believes she is above any way, got Americans needlessly killed, and is responsible for $6 BILLION in State Department money that just 'disappeared' (Quick, someone check the 'Clinton Foundation')...

but she pisses many Liberals off, and she is a woman - Yup she is qualified enough for Liberals to be President.'

...except that 'I'm a woman' thing has fallen flatter than a flap-jack. Women don't give a damn because her being the least trustworthy candidate in this entire race is more important. The ONLY category she won in NH was '64+ year old voters'. Good luck trying to win the Presidency only winning that category!

Hillary is going to need a helluva lot more missing precincts, ex-employees refusing to turn over raw election data, voter fraud, voters with no ID, and superdelegates paid off to win.
I used the most legit and unbiased one -- that actually spoke to the fact.

Paper, YOU trying to DECLARE something is true, no true, credible, or not credible...based on your own OPINION and NEVER backed by any source / link is an absolute JOKE - LIKE YOU!

Liberals be like: "THIS is da troof...because I said so."
Look at yourself. You're totally coming apart at the seams.

I posted a quote from your link backing up what I continue to point out -- while you are doing exactly what you accuse me of doing.


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