DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

I think this sums it up.

Start with the fact that neither Mr. Powell nor Ms. Rice set up a private email server to conduct government business. Mr. Powell did have a personal email account, but he purposely used a State-maintained classified computer system on his desk for classified communications. This may not have been “convenient” for him, to borrow an earlier Clinton explanation for her private server, but Mr. Powell understood the rules. And he understood them even prior to 2005 when State instituted clear rules warning against private email for official business. Mrs. Rice’s aides say she never used any email while at State.

While a few sensitive details may have leeched into a Powell or Rice-aide email account, these would have been accidental. By contrast, Mrs. Clinton intentionally created a private email account, on her own private server, precisely so she could keep those emails away from government public-disclosure rules.

Mr. Linik’s review turned up two messages sent to Mr. Powell’s account that State now deems sensitive (though Mr. Powell disputes that they should be classified). Mr. Linik found 10 that were sent to Ms. Rice’s State Department entourage over her entire tenure. By contrast, State has now deemed that more than 1,600 emails on Mrs. Clinton’s server are confidential—and there is another batch still to be released.

The federal government maintains several levels of classification, ranging from the lowest designations of “sensitive but unclassified” and “confidential” to code-word classifications for the most important secrets. While all such information must be safeguarded, lower-level “sensitive but unclassified” and “confidential” information is sometimes circulated on unclassified government systems. Mr. Powell points out that the two emails sent to him were first circulated on unclassified State Department systems and forwarded to his account by an assistant.

Many of Mrs. Clinton’s 1,600 classified emails also fall into these “sensitive” and “confidential” categories. But at least 22 emails have been identified as highly classified from their creation. This means that their information would have resided at all times on classified government systems until they were sent to Mrs. Clinton and her unclassified, unguarded private server. There is no evidence that anything remotely like that happened under Secretaries Powell or Rice.

This transfer question gets to the heart of Mrs. Clinton’s email negligence. Sen. Dianne Feinstein is defending Mrs. Clinton by claiming there is no evidence that any of these top secrets emails originated with Secretary Clinton. “It has never made sense to me that Secretary Clinton can be held responsible for email exchanges that originated with someone else,” the California Democrat says.

But Mrs. Clinton is responsible because she is the one who created the classification problem by doing official business on her private server. This would never have become an issue if she had followed the rules and used State Department email. That she set up her private email out of a self-serving desire to shield her communications from public disclosure makes her disregard for security a willful act that opens her to criminal liability.​

Clinton’s False Email Equivalence
Take just the first paragraph in this article that is incorrect,

The State maintained gov't email system that the other Secretary of State used, the email system, this .gov email set up was and still is, an UNCLASSIFIED email system, NOT in any way, shape, or form, the email system or server, for CLASSIFIED information.

So, even if she had this gov't email as Powell and Rice, this was the gvts UNCLASSIFIED, .gov server, and the emails on her server that are now being classified, would not have been more secure, or on the gvts CLASSIFIED server... they would have been on the gvts UNCLASSIFIED system...

The gvts CLASSIFIED system, is a totally separate system, in a separate room, with individual and different user IDs, with no capabilities to even access the internet or even the .gov email system.

Hillary did have access, and gov't protection, for this CLASSIFIED top SECRET system.

So just the first paragraph of this article is incorrect and deceiving....

Leaves readers with the wrong impression from the get go.

Now let me go back to reading the rest of the article....

It is absolutely staggering to me that the Secretary of State of the United States of America thought it was a good idea to use her own private server to conduct state business.
It is equally staggering that so many apparently think there is nothing even foolish about her doing so.
Paper, so how DOES an employee manage to embarrass the US by presenting a prop with the wrong word on it to a foreign ambassador, 'misplace' $6 billion dollars, fails to prepare and protect 20 US Embassies from being attacked / overrun despite ample warning, get 4 Americans killed, get busted lying about it, jeopardize our national security, and STILL get to keep their job?

Oh yeah, that's right - they're a LIBERAL!

Clinton Email Scandal Falls Apart As State Dept. Says There Was No Policy Against Private Email | Politicus USA,

The U.S. State Department says, "There was no policy prohibiting the use of the use of a private email account here at the State Department."

Both Former Secretary of State Colin Powell and Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice used private email account during their tenure at the State Department.

That has already been proven to be a lie.

By which blogger?

Politico says it, and so does Colin Powell:

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell said the FBI has contacted him about his use of personal email when he was the nation's top diplomat, as a review conducted by the State Department inspector general concluded that Powell and former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice both received classified information through private email accounts...The State Department inquiry identified 10 messages sent to Rice's immediate staff that were classified and two sent to Powell, according to Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland, the ranking member on the House Oversight and Benghazi committees. The emails, Cummings said, appear to have no classification markings, and it is still unclear if the content of the emails was or should have been considered classified when the emails were originally written and sent. In an interview with POLITICO Thursday. Powell vigorously disputed the sensitivity of the information sent to him through personal email, but he acknowledged the law enforcement interest in his email routine. "The FBI has come to us," Powell said. Two FBI agents visited Powell in December for a discussion an aide described as a casual conversation about email practices during his term as secretary from 2001 to 2005...Powell seemed exasperated by State's latest claim. The agency has designated the two messages "Confidential," which is the lowest tier of classification. "Now, 11 or 12 years later, as part of a whole process of reviewing things somebody in the department says, 'Well, they're classified.' My response to that is no they were not," Powell said. " You can say your judgment is they should have been classified but at the time they were not classified.
No emails were sent to Rice. Some were sent to her staff. Rice never used email.

There was not policy according the State Department.

It was federal government policy. Everyone who has a security clearance knows the rules concerning the handling of classified materials.

The emails were classified after the fact.

It was federal government policy. Everyone who has a security clearance knows the rules concerning the handling of classified materials.

There was means or mechanism by which Secure/Classified Emails can be passed through, transmitted to or held on an unsecure server.

The FBI says the 22 emails Hillary received on her server were marked "TOP SECRET."

The emails were not classified at the time.

You already posted that lie above.

You continue to ignore that.

I ignore lies and spin.
On top of all that, Hillary, as Sec State, had responsibility and authority to identify information as classified and handle it accordingly. She did not.
I think this sums it up.

Start with the fact that neither Mr. Powell nor Ms. Rice set up a private email server to conduct government business. Mr. Powell did have a personal email account, but he purposely used a State-maintained classified computer system on his desk for classified communications. This may not have been “convenient” for him, to borrow an earlier Clinton explanation for her private server, but Mr. Powell understood the rules. And he understood them even prior to 2005 when State instituted clear rules warning against private email for official business. Mrs. Rice’s aides say she never used any email while at State.

While a few sensitive details may have leeched into a Powell or Rice-aide email account, these would have been accidental. By contrast, Mrs. Clinton intentionally created a private email account, on her own private server, precisely so she could keep those emails away from government public-disclosure rules.

Mr. Linik’s review turned up two messages sent to Mr. Powell’s account that State now deems sensitive (though Mr. Powell disputes that they should be classified). Mr. Linik found 10 that were sent to Ms. Rice’s State Department entourage over her entire tenure. By contrast, State has now deemed that more than 1,600 emails on Mrs. Clinton’s server are confidential—and there is another batch still to be released.

The federal government maintains several levels of classification, ranging from the lowest designations of “sensitive but unclassified” and “confidential” to code-word classifications for the most important secrets. While all such information must be safeguarded, lower-level “sensitive but unclassified” and “confidential” information is sometimes circulated on unclassified government systems. Mr. Powell points out that the two emails sent to him were first circulated on unclassified State Department systems and forwarded to his account by an assistant.

Many of Mrs. Clinton’s 1,600 classified emails also fall into these “sensitive” and “confidential” categories. But at least 22 emails have been identified as highly classified from their creation. This means that their information would have resided at all times on classified government systems until they were sent to Mrs. Clinton and her unclassified, unguarded private server. There is no evidence that anything remotely like that happened under Secretaries Powell or Rice.

This transfer question gets to the heart of Mrs. Clinton’s email negligence. Sen. Dianne Feinstein is defending Mrs. Clinton by claiming there is no evidence that any of these top secrets emails originated with Secretary Clinton. “It has never made sense to me that Secretary Clinton can be held responsible for email exchanges that originated with someone else,” the California Democrat says.

But Mrs. Clinton is responsible because she is the one who created the classification problem by doing official business on her private server. This would never have become an issue if she had followed the rules and used State Department email. That she set up her private email out of a self-serving desire to shield her communications from public disclosure makes her disregard for security a willful act that opens her to criminal liability.​

Clinton’s False Email Equivalence
Take just the first paragraph in this article that is incorrect,

The State maintained gov't email system that the other Secretary of State used, the email system, this .gov email set up was and still is, an UNCLASSIFIED email system, NOT in any way, shape, or form, the email system or server, for CLASSIFIED information.

So, even if she had this gov't email as Powell and Rice, this was the gvts UNCLASSIFIED, .gov server, and the emails on her server that are now being classified, would not have been more secure, or on the gvts CLASSIFIED server... they would have been on the gvts UNCLASSIFIED system...

The gvts CLASSIFIED system, is a totally separate system, in a separate room, with individual and different user IDs, with no capabilities to even access the internet or even the .gov email system.

Hillary did have access, and gov't protection, for this CLASSIFIED top SECRET system.

So just the first paragraph of this article is incorrect and deceiving....

Leaves readers with the wrong impression from the get go.

Now let me go back to reading the rest of the article....

It is absolutely staggering to me that the Secretary of State of the United States of America thought it was a good idea to use her own private server to conduct state business.

For alumni of U.S. national-security departments and agencies, Hillary Clinton’s email saga is mind-numbing. The publicly available information makes clear she and her aides violated so many elementary security prohibitions that alumni are speechless. They wonder, had they done what she did, how quickly they would have lost their clearances and jobs and how extensive the criminal indictments against them would be. ...

State, like other national-security agencies, has both classified and unclassified ways for its employees, especially the most senior, to communicate. Clinton erred in two separate but often confused ways. First, she used private channels for official government business, and second, she used unclassified channels to send and receive classified information.

Her first error violates basic common sense, familiar to any private business: Business channels should be used for business purposes and personal channels for personal purposes. Obviously, there can be ambiguity between business and personal communications, such as one spouse asking another, "When will you be home for dinner?" But in Clinton's case, there seems to be no ambiguity: She simply did not use government channels for her electronic communications. Her motive was almost certainly to put information she alone deemed personal beyond government access, which is impermissible even for the most junior clerk, let alone the secretary of state. Clinton's private email system by definition undercuts her defense that she complied with government record-keeping requirements because all her emails went to unclassified government accounts (such as her aides'). Without full access to her server, why should we believe Clinton didn't send emails to aides' private email addresses, thereby shielding them entirely from potential government retrieval?

Clinton's second error, using unclassified email systems—whether her private accounts or State's unclassified email system (through her aides)—to transmit material that should have remained in classified channels, is the nub of the email issue. Clinton has asserted that what she did with her private channels was "allowed." Yet she has produced no evidence whatever of who did this "allowing" that was contrary to applicable statutes and express State Department regulations involving official business and information security. ...​

The Email Saga
John Bolton piece dear..............PLEASEEEEEE! He's the criminal imo....and many others.

The .gov system has been hacked THOUSANDS of times, hillary's secure server? ZERO

What is Bolton wrong about?

Who else uses a private server with classified information?

How do you know Clinton's server hasn't been hacked?
The best hacks are the ones no one knows happened.
Hillary Clinton lied to the American people once again. She is bad about that, isn't she?

Hillary misleading about email probe during debate, former FBI agents say | Fox News

Hillary misleading about email probe during debate, former FBI agents say

In the New Hampshire debate with Senator Bernie Sanders, which aired on MSNBC, Clinton told moderator Chuck Todd that nothing would come of the FBI probe, “I am 100 percent confident. This is a security review that was requested. It is being carried out.”

Not true says Steve Pomerantz, who spent 28 years at the FBI, and rose from field investigative special agent to the rank of assistant director, the third highest position in the Bureau.

“They (the FBI) do not do security reviews,” Pomerantz said. “What they primarily do and what they are clearly doing in this instance is a criminal investigation.”

Pomerantz emphasized to Fox News, “There is no mechanism for her to be briefed and to have information about the conduct, the substance, the direction or the result of any FBI investigation.”
Utter bull crap, once again....from no one "in the know" merely EX agents....with an ax to grind or needing their 15 minutes of fame.

The FBI has given one and only one OFFICIAL statement on this investigation, all else is partisan speculations, innuendo, and fabrications, and they stated specifically that Hillary was NOT the focus of this investigation, her server was, because the IG followed the regulations which stated that the must notify intelligence when their is possible classified top secret material, not in their possession.

A Justice official said the department had received a "referral" on the matter, which the inspector general of the intelligence agencies later acknowledged came from him.

The inspector general, I. Charles McCullough III, said in a separate statement that he had found information that should have been designated as classified in four e-mails out of a "limited sample" of 40 that his agency reviewed. As a result, he said, he made the "security referral," acting under a federal law that requires alerting the FBI to any potential compromises of national security information.


Officials acknowledged that none of the e-mails reviewed so far contain information that was marked classified when they were sent...
[The Washington Post, 7/24/15]

IG Memo On Classified Information In Emails: "None Of The Emails ... Had Classification Or Dissemination Markings."
A memo from the ICIG clearly stated that "none of the emails we reviewed had classification or dissemination markings".

The following is attributable to Spokesperson John Kirby:

"The State Department takes seriously its obligations to protect sensitive information, holding its employees to a high standard of compliance with regulations and procedures.

"The Intelligence Community has recommended that portions of two of the four emails identified by the Intelligence Community's Inspector General should be upgraded to the Top Secret level. Department employees circulated these emails on unclassified systems in 2009 and 2011 and ultimately some were forwarded to Secretary Clinton. They were not marked as classified.

"These emails have not been released to the public. While we work with the Director of National Intelligence to resolve whether, in fact, this material is actually classified, we are taking steps to ensure the information is protected and stored appropriately." [, 8/11/15]

and there is this as well:

Would this issue not have arisen if she used a email address?

Even if Clinton's emails had been on a government email address and government device, these questions would be raised prior to public release.

While State Department's review of her 55,000 emails brought the issue to the Inspectors Generals' attentions, the four emails were on the unclassified .gov email system. They were not on the separate, closed system used by State Department for handling classified communications. Myths And Facts On Hillary Clinton's Email And Reports Of "Top Secret" Materials

FACT: IG Referral To Justice Department Was Not Criminal, And FBI Isn't Targeting Clinton Herself

Wash. Post: Officials Say Clinton "Is Not A Target" Of FBI Probe. The Washington Post reported that government officials said Clinton is "not a target" of the FBI's investigation:

Hillary Rodham Clinton's attorney has agreed to provide the FBI with the private server that housed her e-mail during her four years as secretary of state, Clinton's presidential campaign said Tuesday.


The inquiry by the FBI is considered preliminary and appears to be focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material. Officials have said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is not a target.

The FBI's efforts have included contacting the Denver-based technology firm that helped manage the Clintons' unusual private e-mail system. [The Washington Post, 8/11/15

The FBI has not officially stated anything else on the investigation, just right wing HACKS pushing innuendo and making crap up....

These rags are CREATING their own News and NOT reporting the News, the FACTS.

You are a confused Moon Bat.

The facts are that the IG discovered potential security breaches and referred the matter to the FBI for criminal investigation.

The term "security review" by Clinton is false and misleading and a Clinonese lie like "I didn't have sex with that Lewinsky woman" by suggesting that a blowjob is somehow not sex.

The FBI does not do security reviews. There are other organizations in the government that does that. They investigate criminal activity. The State Department, like all government agencies dealing with classified data, has its on internal people to do "security reviews". The FBI is a Federal law enforcement agency.

You pathetic Clinton lovers can lie and spin all you want but the result of this investigation is heading towards a referral to the Justice Department for possible indictment.

I doubt if the Obama has the moral courage to do the right thing and indict The Bitch. The Obama Administration is not exactly known for having any moral courage. Obama will weigh the political ramifications to the Democrat Party and then make the call based not on justice but on how it will affect the filthy ass Democrats in the election.

The question is will the same number of Gruberidiots that believed the lies of Obama will believe the cover up and give The Bitch a pass.

You Moon Bats shouldn't count on that too much.
It's interesting to watch Hillary's language evolve as each stance is shown to be a lie, and her sycophants troop obediently right along behind her, acting like whatever she just said is the only thing she ever said on the subject.
Looks like the State Department is looking for their 'misplaced' $6 Billion and looking into some 'corruption' / 'influence peddling':

Clinton Foundation received subpoena from State Department investigators

"Investigators with the State Department issued a subpoena to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation last fall seeking documents about the charity’s projects that may have required approval from the federal government during Hillary Clinton’s term as secretary of state, according to people familiar with the subpoena and written correspondence about it.

The subpoena also asked for records related to Huma Abedin, a longtime Clinton aide who for six months in 2012 was employed simultaneously by the State Department, the foundation, Clinton’s personal office, and a private consulting firm with ties to the Clintons."

Clinton Foundation received subpoena from State Department investigators

I would call that an EXPANSION of the investigation, and this can in no way be considered part of any 'security review' within the State Department....


Clinton Foundation received subpoena from State Department investigators
Look at yourself. You're totally coming apart at the seams.

You claimed falsely that no one would find 1 article confirming the FBI is calling this a criminal investigation...I only needed one. You got your one - actually more than one out of all I posted. FAIL. You lose!
Oh really? Short and sweet -- let's see that line from the FBI confirming its a criminal investigation.

You've not brought it so far, chubbycheckers.

failure to properly secure classified data is a criminal act. If you don't think the FBI is conducting a criminal investigation, then you are even more ignorant than we thought.
Retroactive classification, years later, bub.

that's a BS excuse, it won't fly. The data was classified when she received and forwarded it, it doesn't matter if it was marked, the classification if determined by the content, not the markings or lack of markings. As a person with a security clearance she had an obligation to manage proper custody of classified data, she violated those laws.

She also forwarded classified data to people who did not hold a clearance, she also instructed staff to remove classified markings.

She is guilty. She will never be president. Hang it up and either support Bernie or draft Biden.

The DNC is scared shitless about this. If she loses another primary they will dump her-----watch.

Your excuses are lame and will be shot down by any court.
Redfish, they KNOW this, but the false mantra is all they have to hang their hopes and delusions on...
Top Secret Info Handled By Up to 30 Different Accounts On Hillary Clinton's Server - Breitbart

Top Secret Info Handled By Up to 30 Different Accounts On Hillary Clinton’s Server

"The Clinton email scandal is getting bigger least a dozen different accounts on Hillary Clinton’s notorious homebrew email server handled Top Secret material. The number of different accounts could be as high as 30. ..."

“The official said the accounts include not only Clinton’s but those of top aides – including Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin, Jake Sullivan and Philippe Reines – as well as State Department Under Secretary for Management Patrick F. Kennedy and others. There is no public evidence they were authorized to receive the intelligence some of which was beyond Top Secret,”

"It looks an awful lot like Under Secretary for Management Kennedy has been caught giving false testimony to Congress"

This is why govt business should be conducted on govt computers on govt servers. People as incompetent as Hillary Clinton and her staff can not be entrusted with this nation's most TopSecret information.

"The general public should have no problem understanding that the Secretary of State shouldn’t be running a secret email network that concealed her official correspondence, and the correspondence of her aides – material that belongs to us, the people of the United States – from official inquiry and public requests for years.

They also should have trouble understanding that tossing Top Secret material around to a dozen people who lack proper clearance is a serious security breach… even if we got unreasonably lucky, and foreign agents never got around to raiding their accounts."

...Yeah, but Liberals are rabidly partisan and stupid. It's not that they don't's that they don't care!

(Snowden ... and Patraeus ... must be scratching their heads and thinking, "If I had only told people I was a Democrat...")

This scandal is getting HUGE, already past the point where it can be brushed under the proverbial rug. It may not be Hillary, as Obama and lynch will protect her, but Kennedy, Abedin, Sullivan, and/or Reines - one or more are going to get burned / will take the fall!
"Beyond top secret?" What's that, like super-duper secret? Hillary's clean. She only read emails while in the cone of silence.
"Beyond top secret?" What's that, like super-duper secret? Hillary's clean. She only read emails while in the cone of silence.
Let me educate you, dear Faun. There is Top Secret and then there are other compartmentalize programs above 'TS' that require people to be 'read into and out of the programs.
Funny, Liberals ask 'has she been indicted yet', but they don't realize the longer this drags out the WORSE it is, not better. If the FBI hadn't found anything to this case this would have all been over by now...


There are still emails to be released and cleared for the FOIA requests, idiot.
So now YOU are arguing that the investigation is STILL ON-GOING!

Priceless! :p
On the thread where you said she is "done" and going to jail.

"The FBI investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s unsecured email account is not just a fact-finding venture — it’s a criminal probe....“It’s definitely a criminal probe,” said the source. “I’m not sure why they’re not calling it a criminal probe. “The DOJ [Department of Justice] and FBI can conduct civil investigations in very limited circumstances,” but that’s not what this is, the source stressed. “In this case, a security violation would lead to criminal charges. Maybe DOJ is trying to protect her campaign.”

So in your own post, you ADMIT the FBI isn't calling it a criminal probe, but some source, whoever that is, thinks it is.


MAYBE? President Obama's spokesman, Jay Carney, just came out and declared Obama is pulling for Hillary to win the nomination and Presidency. Of course he is...for several reasons:

Yes. Because she can win and Sanders can't. that's kind of the only reason.
Just curious, Paper...what is it about Hillary Clinton, other than she is a Democrat, that makes you want to defend her?

Is it...

That she unethically tried to deny Nixon of rightful Legal Counsel by attempting to file a brief she KNEW was false?

yeah, because Nixon had only killed a million Cambodians and Vietnamese, but mean old (young) Hillary filed a brief that was legally questionable.

That she falsely claimed she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary?

Or that she didn't fact check her parents when they told her that.


File-gate? Stealing files out of police-taped dead man's office, claiming she knew nothing about them, and then having them turn up in the living quarters of the WH with her fingerprints all over the files?

Gee, then how was it that Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars looking into those things, but didn't find any wrongdoing?

Her playing a part in helping the terrorist group Muslim Brotherhood take over the govt of our ally Egypt?

You mean she didn't prop up a dictator that the Egyptian people didn't want? Because that works out so well... Those guys get toppled anyway, usually, and we get the blame.

the rest is your tiresome laundry list that will no doubt get longer before she opens her PResidential Library in 2025.
You don't understand how 'war' works, do you Joe? Let me explain:
- War is supposed to be the last option at the end of diplomacy for a nation to achieve its political objectives. A President does not kill anyone but instead orders the military to go to war.
- Liberals, especially those who ignore how their own politicians - like Hillary - voted to give President the authority to go to war, like blaming Presidents for 'killing people' yet give no accountability to their own politicians.
- By your ignorant way of thinking, Obama has killed Libyans, Syrians, Iraqis, Afghanis, and even Americans (by way of using our military to help Al Qaeida take over Libya, waging a proxy war against Syria, sending more troops into Iraq and Afghanistan, and through drone strikes that have even taken out Americans...)

She lied about being named after Sir Edmund Hillary, and you want to blame the parents. :p

She was involved in Travel-gate, and you want to blame someone else...again.

She helped a terrorist group in Egypt, you want to claim she did so in order to help take down the President of another country...while arguing that we should have done the same thing elsewhere...when we should have stayed the hell out of their business. Instead, Obama and Hillary had to stick their noses in Egyptian politics to help terrorists.

Hillary will not become President. She can't even defeat an old white Socialist because the only demographics she has been able to win over so far is the '64+ yo' crowd. Good luck with that. With any luck the only Library that will be named after her is some prison library.
WATCH: Clinton aide Abedin rejects hug in awkward moment

WATCH: Clinton aide Abedin rejects hug in awkward moment

Hmmmm, someone's getting a little stressed and testy....wonder if it has anything to do with the State Department and FBI inquiries into her personal e-mail and Hillary's server, both which she used to move / pass / send / receive classified information?!


Huma better get used to strange women becoming very affectionate with her considering where she could very possibly be going....
You don't understand how 'war' works, do you Joe? Let me explain:
- War is supposed to be the last option at the end of diplomacy for a nation to achieve its political objectives. A President does not kill anyone but instead orders the military to go to war.
- Liberals, especially those who ignore how their own politicians - like Hillary - voted to give President the authority to go to war, like blaming Presidents for 'killing people' yet give no accountability to their own politicians.
- By your ignorant way of thinking, Obama has killed Libyans, Syrians, Iraqis, Afghanis, and even Americans (by way of using our military to help Al Qaeida take over Libya, waging a proxy war against Syria, sending more troops into Iraq and Afghanistan, and through drone strikes that have even taken out Americans...)

She lied about being named after Sir Edmund Hillary, and you want to blame the parents. :p

She was involved in Travel-gate, and you want to blame someone else...again.

She helped a terrorist group in Egypt, you want to claim she did so in order to help take down the President of another country...while arguing that we should have done the same thing elsewhere...when we should have stayed the hell out of their business. Instead, Obama and Hillary had to stick their noses in Egyptian politics to help terrorists.

Hillary will not become President. She can't even defeat an old white Socialist because the only demographics she has been able to win over so far is the '64+ yo' crowd. Good luck with that. With any luck the only Library that will be named after her is some prison library.
Bookmarked for future entertainment.

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