DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

"One of Hillary Clinton’s most-repeated talking points is that she never personally “sent or received” classified material through her homebrew email server.

But that talking point appears to be dead, according to a new release from Judicial Watch, which has been pursuing a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the State Department over Clinton’s emails.

The latest batch of emails released by the State Department “show that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her top aides, Deputy Chiefs of Staff Huma Abedin and Jake Sullivan, received and sent classified information on their email accounts.”

Clinton and her aides were well aware that Blair’s emails were “born classified” – in other words, foreign government information that protocols clearly indicate should have been treated as classified documents immediately, without any need for the explicit markings Clinton often claims are missing from the sensitive material on her mail server.

In addition to “born classified” material that was never marked, many of the sensitive documents on her server appear to have been cut-and-pasted from secure systems, rendering her talking point about classification markings absurd: the documents weren’t marked because her aides stripped the markings away."

Hillary Clinton: Excerpted Emails Explode Emergency Excuse - Breitbart

BUSTED! This is undisputable evidence that Hillary and her 'rogue', lawless staff intentionally broke the law and has lied about it ever since, attempting to use the BS 'markings' argument 'the truth' by continuing to repeat the lie enough times until people believed it was true. FAIL!

Hillary, Huma,'ve just been caught red-handed breaking the law regarding the handling of classified information and violating laws under the Espionage Act.... While the investigation is still on-going, I would start arranging / securing counsel if I were you! Our national security was SO jeopardized by these clowns that SOMEBODY MUST GO DOWN! It might not be Hillary, but someone has to...and will. (And yes, I smell an Obama Pardon coming...)
The fun will be when she comes out with a new talking point and all her sycophants eagerly line up to pretend she never made the previous ones.
Top Secret Info Handled By Up to 30 Different Accounts On Hillary Clinton's Server - Breitbart

Top Secret Info Handled By Up to 30 Different Accounts On Hillary Clinton’s Server

"The Clinton email scandal is getting bigger least a dozen different accounts on Hillary Clinton’s notorious homebrew email server handled Top Secret material. The number of different accounts could be as high as 30. ..."

“The official said the accounts include not only Clinton’s but those of top aides – including Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin, Jake Sullivan and Philippe Reines – as well as State Department Under Secretary for Management Patrick F. Kennedy and others. There is no public evidence they were authorized to receive the intelligence some of which was beyond Top Secret,”

"It looks an awful lot like Under Secretary for Management Kennedy has been caught giving false testimony to Congress"

This is why govt business should be conducted on govt computers on govt servers. People as incompetent as Hillary Clinton and her staff can not be entrusted with this nation's most TopSecret information.

"The general public should have no problem understanding that the Secretary of State shouldn’t be running a secret email network that concealed her official correspondence, and the correspondence of her aides – material that belongs to us, the people of the United States – from official inquiry and public requests for years.

They also should have trouble understanding that tossing Top Secret material around to a dozen people who lack proper clearance is a serious security breach… even if we got unreasonably lucky, and foreign agents never got around to raiding their accounts."

...Yeah, but Liberals are rabidly partisan and stupid. It's not that they don't's that they don't care!

(Snowden ... and Patraeus ... must be scratching their heads and thinking, "If I had only told people I was a Democrat...")

This scandal is getting HUGE, already past the point where it can be brushed under the proverbial rug. It may not be Hillary, as Obama and lynch will protect her, but Kennedy, Abedin, Sullivan, and/or Reines - one or more are going to get burned / will take the fall!
"Beyond top secret?" What's that, like super-duper secret? Hillary's clean. She only read emails while in the cone of silence.

beyond top secret is SAP or crypto. your ignorance continues to reveal itself.
You don't understand how 'war' works, do you Joe? Let me explain:

Other than being in the Army for 11 years and getting promoted to Staff Sergeant?

- War is supposed to be the last option at the end of diplomacy for a nation to achieve its political objectives. A President does not kill anyone but instead orders the military to go to war.

Bush (I refuse to call him "President") lied about what we were going to war over. Then he fucked up the occupation by ignoring his own generals time after time, which got a lot more people killed unnecessarily.

- Liberals, especially those who ignore how their own politicians - like Hillary - voted to give President the authority to go to war, like blaming Presidents for 'killing people' yet give no accountability to their own politicians.

Hillary didn't make the decision to go to war. Bush did. It's on him, not anyone else. He could have let the inspectors finish their jobs. He could have allowed the back deal other Arab states were working to get Saddam to leave the country. He wanted a war, he got a war. We will be paying for that for the rest of our lives, probably.

- By your ignorant way of thinking, Obama has killed Libyans, Syrians, Iraqis, Afghanis, and even Americans (by way of using our military to help Al Qaeida take over Libya, waging a proxy war against Syria, sending more troops into Iraq and Afghanistan, and through drone strikes that have even taken out Americans...)

Um,no. All of those places would have had wars if we got involved or not. I do blame Obama for doubling down in Afghanistan, partiuclarly after Karzai stole the election and any rationale for us to still be there. But he didn't create that mess.

She helped a terrorist group in Egypt, you want to claim she did so in order to help take down the President of another country...while arguing that we should have done the same thing elsewhere...when we should have stayed the hell out of their business. Instead, Obama and Hillary had to stick their noses in Egyptian politics to help terrorists.

Hillary will not become President. She can't even defeat an old white Socialist because the only demographics she has been able to win over so far is the '64+ yo' crowd. Good luck with that. With any luck the only Library that will be named after her is some prison library.

Guy, New Hampshire hasn't picked a winner since 1988. Hillary should be more alarmed if she had won.
You don't understand how 'war' works, do you Joe? Let me explain:
- War is supposed to be the last option at the end of diplomacy for a nation to achieve its political objectives. A President does not kill anyone but instead orders the military to go to war.
- Liberals, especially those who ignore how their own politicians - like Hillary - voted to give President the authority to go to war, like blaming Presidents for 'killing people' yet give no accountability to their own politicians.
- By your ignorant way of thinking, Obama has killed Libyans, Syrians, Iraqis, Afghanis, and even Americans (by way of using our military to help Al Qaeida take over Libya, waging a proxy war against Syria, sending more troops into Iraq and Afghanistan, and through drone strikes that have even taken out Americans...)

She lied about being named after Sir Edmund Hillary, and you want to blame the parents. :p

She was involved in Travel-gate, and you want to blame someone else...again.

She helped a terrorist group in Egypt, you want to claim she did so in order to help take down the President of another country...while arguing that we should have done the same thing elsewhere...when we should have stayed the hell out of their business. Instead, Obama and Hillary had to stick their noses in Egyptian politics to help terrorists.

Hillary will not become President. She can't even defeat an old white Socialist because the only demographics she has been able to win over so far is the '64+ yo' crowd. Good luck with that. With any luck the only Library that will be named after her is some prison library.

Remember when Libturds used to get so incensed when Republican presidents talked about "regime change." Then Obama does it right out in the open and they act like it's the best thing since sliced bread.
Remember when Libturds used to get so incensed when Republican presidents talked about "regime change." Then Obama does it right out in the open and they act like it's the best thing since sliced bread.

Uh, no. The thing was, the Iraqis weren't looking to change their regime.

The Libyans and Egyptians were whether or not we helped, hindered or stood idly by.





Remember when Libturds used to get so incensed when Republican presidents talked about "regime change." Then Obama does it right out in the open and they act like it's the best thing since sliced bread.

Uh, no. The thing was, the Iraqis weren't looking to change their regime.

The Libyans and Egyptians were whether or not we helped, hindered or stood idly by.

Hmm, yes the Iraqis were looking to change their regime. Thousands of Iraqis were writing to U.S. Congressmen to take out Saddam. ISIS in Libya and Hamas in Egypt would never have succeeded without Obama's help. Now ISIS is running Libya. They have oil revenues and could get their hands on the bomb.

Thanks Obama!
Hmm, yes the Iraqis were looking to change their regime. Thousands of Iraqis were writing to U.S. Congressmen to take out Saddam. ISIS in Libya and Hamas in Egypt would never have succeeded without Obama's help. Now ISIS is running Libya. They have oil revenues and could get their hands on the bomb.

Thanks Obama!

Actually, Mubarak was going down regardless of what Obama did, especially after the Egyptian Army turned on him. You could make an argument that Qaddafi was going to hang on, but Qaddafi was being propped up by African Mercenaries. When you have to HIRE OUT people to prop up your regime because none of your own people are that keen to fight for you, you are probably going to fall as soon as the checks stop clearing.

Iraqis weren't campaigning to get rid of Saddam, but the Jews and Oil Companies were.
It still goes to intent to commit a crime. So far, we have seen mistakes and having sensitive (not classified, to be done later) information over a Private Email Server. I used to own an ISP. My servers were at least as secure as the email servers in the US Government. Any one of us are able to set up a secure server where the email is encrypted when sent and recieved on both ends. Considering the Government Servers are using Civilian Encryption then what's the difference? Easy answer, Hillary's server was never hacked. The way to really secure a server is to keep it under the radar. And it was kept under the radar long after it was shut down. Having that server, at the time, was not illegal at all. Many of the Washington Crowd did business this way. Now, how about let's jail everyone that has done this. Not a real bad idea but it will get rid of both parties and stripes. But to continue to harp over and over is rediculous. Until she is actually charged with a crime and convicted then she is free to serve as President. In case you haven't noticed, it's "Innocent until proven Guilty". If they were going to charge her, they would have long ago. This is a dead issue.
has Hillary gone to jail yet ?

33 days since this thread was started -- how many more days until Hillary is indicted? :mm:

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