DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

While they're investigating Hillary Clinton's emails they probably should also do a thorough investigation into Colin Powell & Condi Rice's emails. They apparently have the same issues.
State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email -


The State Department has repeatedly stated that Hillary Clinton did nothing wrong. And they have also stated that these documents were marked classified by inter agencies (after she received them.) So no there will be no charges, and no she's not going to jail. If she does, they need to make room for Colin Powell and Condi Rice also.

It was Hillary Clinton that asked the DOJ to release these emails to the public. So I doubt there's much in them to get real excited about.

There has never been anyone that has been investigated so much over the last 25 years than the Clinton's. And NONE of them have ever turned into charges or jail time, so don't hold your breath on this one.

I think the right wing likes to throw you all a bone every now and then to stir it all up, but man you people can beat a dead horse.


Now should we move onto you next topic of interest. Bengazi--LOL It's been investigated 8 times now. Hillary Clinton in her last 12 hour congressional testimony made Republicans look like total idiots. Especially when she read off a long list of U.S. Embassies that have been attacked, most notably when 240 U.S. Marines were killed in a U.S. Embassy in Lebanon, under Ronald Reagan. Of course that was only 1 investigation.

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It still goes to intent to commit a crime. So far, we have seen mistakes and having sensitive (not classified, to be done later) information over a Private Email Server. I used to own an ISP. My servers were at least as secure as the email servers in the US Government. Any one of us are able to set up a secure server where the email is encrypted when sent and recieved on both ends. Considering the Government Servers are using Civilian Encryption then what's the difference? Easy answer, Hillary's server was never hacked. The way to really secure a server is to keep it under the radar. And it was kept under the radar long after it was shut down. Having that server, at the time, was not illegal at all. Many of the Washington Crowd did business this way. Now, how about let's jail everyone that has done this. Not a real bad idea but it will get rid of both parties and stripes. But to continue to harp over and over is rediculous. Until she is actually charged with a crime and convicted then she is free to serve as President. In case you haven't noticed, it's "Innocent until proven Guilty". If they were going to charge her, they would have long ago. This is a dead issue.

Wrong, moron, "intent" isn't a defense in cases of violating U.S. security regulations.
Hmm, that's odd, because my sources of the intelligence community didn't find anything in Hillary Clinton’s emails to be damaging to national security and confirmed they could be released, as previous stated according to several U.S. government officials working close to the ongoing review. Twelve of my sources, who were not authorized to speak on the record, have backed up the findings.

The FBI according to my sources are saying the investigation is winding down "within a few weeks," no later than May, with nothing unusual being found. It is mostly paperwork from this point on. My source is also saying, "It is commonplace for the FBI to try to interview key figures before closing an investigation, and doing so is not an indication the bureau thinks a person broke the law."

Federal law makes it a crime to mishandle classified information outside secure government channels when someone does so “knowingly” or — more seriously — permits it through “gross negligence.” Mrs. Clinton has correctly pointed out that none of the emails on her server were marked as classified at the time. I know how that makes conservatives unhappy, but that is the law.

It will all blow over, nothing to see here folks, but maybe we can get on with reviewing Bush's 22 million emails hooked into the RNC & Karl Rove to insure Bush didn't violate either the Presidential Records Act of 1978, or the Hatch Act, and did the enemy also have access to the public server Bush was running.
Those indictments had better fly, or else some folks are gonna look silly.
How many times have we heard that? Well, 8 Benghazi hearings and that floated off like water on a duck's back. Gowdy caught red handed tampering with evidence to damage a witness testimony, and nothing there either. I doubt they will come off looking silly at all. No one cares.
The IG announced yesterday that He could find nothing illegal. Wow, what a way to win an election. Doesn't your Party have enough problems already? Not a single GOP Candidate is electable. But keep playing these games and watch one hell of a change in Congress.
"Here's the latest on classified information being sent via email at the State Department:

The State Department has removed from its unclassified electronic archives a dozen sensitive emails sent to the personal accounts of former secretary of state Colin L. Powell and the staff of his successor, Condoleezza Rice, according to a memo released Friday by the agency’s watchdog....None of the messages was marked as classified or secret at the time it was sent, but [the department’s inspector general, Steve Linick] wrote the emails may have contained “potentially sensitive material” because of the subject matter.

Powell has said he has reviewed the messages and disagrees with a State Department decision to retroactively classify them. “I do not see what makes them classified,” he said.

Hillary Clinton probably sent a lot more emails the Powell, so she ended up with more emails retroactively being classified. Plus the CIA is apparently obsessed with pretending that the US drone program is a deep, dark secret. As usual with Clinton "scandals," this one is dribbling away to nothing in the light of day, and would undoubtedly dribble a lot faster if any of us could actually see the emails. It's an election season, so none of this will convince Republicans that there's nothing of any consequence here, but there's nothing of any consequence here. It's just another boneheaded excrescence of the Benghazi pet rock."
"Here's the latest on classified information being sent via email at the State Department:

The State Department has removed from its unclassified electronic archives a dozen sensitive emails sent to the personal accounts of former secretary of state Colin L. Powell and the staff of his successor, Condoleezza Rice, according to a memo released Friday by the agency’s watchdog....None of the messages was marked as classified or secret at the time it was sent, but [the department’s inspector general, Steve Linick] wrote the emails may have contained “potentially sensitive material” because of the subject matter.

Powell has said he has reviewed the messages and disagrees with a State Department decision to retroactively classify them. “I do not see what makes them classified,” he said.

Hillary Clinton probably sent a lot more emails the Powell, so she ended up with more emails retroactively being classified. Plus the CIA is apparently obsessed with pretending that the US drone program is a deep, dark secret. As usual with Clinton "scandals," this one is dribbling away to nothing in the light of day, and would undoubtedly dribble a lot faster if any of us could actually see the emails. It's an election season, so none of this will convince Republicans that there's nothing of any consequence here, but there's nothing of any consequence here. It's just another boneheaded excrescence of the Benghazi pet rock."

Classification is not determined by the markings on the document. It is determined by the content of the document. Anyone who has held a security clearance knows that.

Face it, Hillary violated federal security laws and a grand jury has been empaneled to review it and decide on indictments. The immunity granted to her aide could only happen if a grand jury had done a preliminary review and found grounds for indictment.

you dems better scramble and find another candidate. HRC is toast.
Hillary asked Brian to cooperate last fall with congress, but due to the witch hunt congress critters made clear to him they were doing with their dog and pony show tactics, he chose to plead the fifth.... the congress critters got what they wanted....him pleading the fifth....they could then run to FAUX NEWS and speculate on why he was pleading the fifth and yadahdahdahdah bull crap.... and congress left it that way and DID NOT ASK for immunity for Brian because they KNEW they would not get something from was better to make it appear he had something to hide, for their own political posturing.

The FBI is finishing up lose ends on the server investigation and wanted to talk with him, since he did set up the security on it, asked for immunity from Justice....

There is nothing Brian could have done that was illegal....he was not involved with any of the after the fact, later classified emails sent to her....

Hillary is grateful he will now be talking to the FBI on the set up....and can't wait for this investigation to finally be over...

I heard the day before yesterday on Maddow I believe, that the FBI found that her server was NOT hacked, I still need to search and see if I can find that information or was hearing things/misunderstood what I heard....?
Hillary asked Brian to cooperate last fall with congress, but due to the witch hunt congress critters made clear to him they were doing with their dog and pony show tactics, he chose to plead the fifth.... the congress critters got what they wanted....him pleading the fifth....they could then run to FAUX NEWS and speculate on why he was pleading the fifth and yadahdahdahdah bull crap.... and congress left it that way and DID NOT ASK for immunity for Brian because they KNEW they would not get something from was better to make it appear he had something to hide, for their own political posturing.

The FBI is finishing up lose ends on the server investigation and wanted to talk with him, since he did set up the security on it, asked for immunity from Justice....

There is nothing Brian could have done that was illegal....he was not involved with any of the after the fact, later classified emails sent to her....

Hillary is grateful he will now be talking to the FBI on the set up....and can't wait for this investigation to finally be over...

I heard the day before yesterday on Maddow I believe, that the FBI found that her server was NOT hacked, I still need to search and see if I can find that information or was hearing things/misunderstood what I heard....?

keep believing, care4. Right up until the cell door slams shut.
Hillary asked Brian to cooperate last fall with congress, but due to the witch hunt congress critters made clear to him they were doing with their dog and pony show tactics, he chose to plead the fifth.... the congress critters got what they wanted....him pleading the fifth....they could then run to FAUX NEWS and speculate on why he was pleading the fifth and yadahdahdahdah bull crap.... and congress left it that way and DID NOT ASK for immunity for Brian because they KNEW they would not get something from was better to make it appear he had something to hide, for their own political posturing.

The FBI is finishing up lose ends on the server investigation and wanted to talk with him, since he did set up the security on it, asked for immunity from Justice....

There is nothing Brian could have done that was illegal....he was not involved with any of the after the fact, later classified emails sent to her....

Hillary is grateful he will now be talking to the FBI on the set up....and can't wait for this investigation to finally be over...

I heard the day before yesterday on Maddow I believe, that the FBI found that her server was NOT hacked, I still need to search and see if I can find that information or was hearing things/misunderstood what I heard....?

keep believing, care4. Right up until the cell door slams shut.

Do you want to place a bet on that?

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