Done with MLB

votto if baseball is fixed dont you think it would be talked about on the news?....because outside of you here in these threads i dont see it.....
Ironically, the Reds won their first World Series in 1919 when the Black Sox threw the series on purpose to the Reds.


I have no pride, I'll take it!!

I'm sure you think that was just a one time thingy, right?
Much easier to influence an NBA game in the olden days. Call two quick fouls on a Big guy. He has to go out. The entire game plan is shot in the first 5 minutes. I guarantee this was happening LA (SHAQ) vs. SAC (Vlade Divak) in the early 2000s' (Divak to the bench when SHAQ plows over him). At the time they actually found out some refs were betting on games or something and had to get rid of them? I know I quit watching then and there until last couple years playoffs only for betting.

There was a game LA vs. GS (final game of season).....they literally handed the game late to LA on crazy calls to allow LA into the playoffs. so sad but so true.

Baseball is harder. But as I said.......I was convinced MINN was cheated vs. NYY in wild card games way way back. And other teams also. Usually small market teams get hosed of course.
I used to be a big-time Detroit Tigers fan, I knew all the stats and stuff, but when they started the strikes and the lockouts I grew disenchanted. Then the 1994-1995 strike came along and that was it, I gave up baseball for good.
I don't think I can take it anymore. The horrible, horrible umpiring, the big money teams continuing to trounce small market teams, it just all sucks ass.

Moneyball was one of the best movies on the subject of what went wrong with MLB.

The baseball union destroyed it.
I stopped watching decades ago when I fell asleep on NY Yankee playoffs 1am pitching change

I watched a recent game and I no longer recognize it. The pitcher can’t throw over to keep a runner on? The pitcher has to throw to the batter every 4.2 seconds?? Extra innings starts with a runner on second??? WT FUCKING F??
I used to be a big-time Detroit Tigers fan, I knew all the stats and stuff, but when they started the strikes and the lockouts I grew disenchanted. Then the 1994-1995 strike came along and that was it, I gave up baseball for good.

Then the 1994-1995 strike came along
That killed me too. I quit until the early 2000s' when STL got back in the playoffs vs. AZ. I sort of got sucked back in. I buy the MLB CH (all games) but almost never watch regular season anymore as I don't much care? I also found NETFLIX last couple of years. No commercials.
We have seen one call change playoff games and series champions. It does not take much. I beleive Votto saw the REDS hosed yesterday vs. RedSox. They (big money? TV? MLB?) want the Red Sox to stay relevant for the summer months coming vs. NYY TOR BALT etc. More TV money. They don't care as much about CIN vs. PITT TUES night in late July perhaps?
i just cant see the games being fixed....
Ironically, the Reds won their first World Series in 1919 when the Black Sox threw the series on purpose to the Reds.


I have no pride, I'll take it!!

I'm sure you think that was just a one time thingy, right?
and of course you think it gets done all the time,right?....
and of course you think it gets done all the time,right?....

But to think it only happened once seems kind of absurd, don't ya think?

The story of the Black Sox is a fascinating one.

The reason they were called the Black Sox was not because they threw the series. The reason they were called the Black Sox is because the owner of their team was so cheap, he not only paid them the least in MLB, but he refused to pay to have their uniforms cleaned, so they played in the same dirty uniform all year long without washing them.

This led to them retaliating by throwing the Series for money, which they ended up seeing very little if any.

The bookies screwed them and then threw them under the bus.

But to think it only happened once seems kind of absurd, don't ya think?

The story of the Black Sox is a fascinating one.

The reason they were called the Black Sox was not because they threw the series. The reason they were called the Black Sox is because the owner of their team was so cheap, he not only paid them the least in MLB, but he refused to pay to have their uniforms cleaned, so they played in the same dirty uniform all year long without washing them.

This led to them retaliating by throwing the Series for money, which they ended up seeing very little if any.

The bookies screwed them and then threw them under the bus.
Eddie Cicotte was the best pitcher on the team. His contract gave an $8000 bonus if he got 30 wins. When he got to 29 wins with three starts left the owner Comiskey ordered him benched

Wonder why he threw the series?

But to think it only happened once seems kind of absurd, don't ya think?

The story of the Black Sox is a fascinating one.

The reason they were called the Black Sox was not because they threw the series. The reason they were called the Black Sox is because the owner of their team was so cheap, he not only paid them the least in MLB, but he refused to pay to have their uniforms cleaned, so they played in the same dirty uniform all year long without washing them.

This led to them retaliating by throwing the Series for money, which they ended up seeing very little if any.

The bookies screwed them and then threw them under the bus.
i dont think that happens today......the minimum pay is 740,000 a year...i think they can afford to clean their socks.....
If you’re going to have it, have some guy in the league HQ call down to the field and over-rule the referee/umpire if something is amiss and it affects the outcome of the game.
Figures a marxist like you would be for centralization.
Texas was not a low payroll team

MLB team payrolls in 2023​

  1. N.Y. Mets, $353,546,854
  2. N.Y. Yankees, $276,999,872
  3. San Diego, $248,995,932
  4. Philadelphia, $243,009,439
  5. L.A. Dodgers, $222,717,834
  6. L.A. Angels, $212,228,096
  7. Toronto, $ 209,938,983
  8. Atlanta, $203,077,500
  9. Texas, $195,869,490
They were only 9th.

If you split the teams by payroll in half, you will see that the bottom half has about 5 or so that have a winning season, and if you take the upper half, you will discover that there are only 5 or so teams with a losing season.

MLB team payrolls in 2023​

  1. N.Y. Mets, $353,546,854
  2. N.Y. Yankees, $276,999,872
  3. San Diego, $248,995,932
  4. Philadelphia, $243,009,439
  5. L.A. Dodgers, $222,717,834
  6. L.A. Angels, $212,228,096
  7. Toronto, $ 209,938,983
  8. Atlanta, $203,077,500
  9. Texas, $195,869,490
  10. Houston, $192,667,233
  11. San Francisco, $187,932,500
  12. Chicago Cubs, $184,219,250
  13. Boston, $181,207,484
  14. Chicago White Sox, $181,158,666
  15. St. Louis, $175,637,308
  16. Colorado, $171,108,778
  17. Minnesota, $153,588,740
  18. Seattle, $137,119,947
  19. Detroit, $122,235,500
  20. Milwaukee, $118,761,987
  21. Arizona, $116,471,292
  22. Washington, $ 101,190,153
  23. Kansas City, $92,468,100
  24. Miami, $91,700,000
  25. Cleveland, 89,424,629
  26. Cincinnati, $83,610,000
  27. Pittsburgh, $73,277,500
  28. Tampa Bay, $73,184,811
  29. Baltimore, $60,722,300
  30. Oakland, $56,895,000
The movie Moneyball was a true story about the Oakland A's who are at the bottom of the payroll, and it a hellish blue city from hell.

How can Oakland compete with a team like the Yankees with the Yankees spend more on their bull pen that Oakland does their entire team?

Makes no sense.
And you can look at this list and it kinda puts a hole in your argument that big market teams dominate.
The Mets?, The Padres?, The Angels? The White Sox?...are all annual losers compared to the amount of money they spend. The Yankees?...are relevant this year for the first time in almost a decade.
Houston, San Fran, LA Dodgers, Atlanta are all bigger market teams that are consistent, but I believe for all the money the Dodgers have spent, they one World Series title. The Phillies are always right there, but
it remains to be seen if Dombrowski can get them over the hump.

Smaller market teams like Tampa, Minnesota, Cleveland, Baltimore all have done fairly well. They just need the quality starting pitching at the trade deadline and for the bats to get hot in September and October.
I don't think I can take it anymore. The horrible, horrible umpiring, the big money teams continuing to trounce small market teams, it just all sucks ass.

Moneyball was one of the best movies on the subject of what went wrong with MLB.

The baseball union destroyed it.
I just can’t watch such subjective metrics… like I’m going to dedicate my time to root for a team to semi-succeed… only to have some ump miss pivotal calls, and when he’s called out on it he’ll throw the player and manager out of the game because he has a fragile ego and is more sensitive than a 12 year old girl?

No thanks… laser strike zones please
lol....i bet everyone here still follows their team and checks up on the scores....even back in the early days people bitched about the umps....

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