Donna Brazile admits to helping Hillary cheat

The media gave Trump billions of dollars of free air time.

They pretty much sucked his dick and attacked Hillary on the same shit throughout the campaign.

Fuck you on the free air time. Most of it was and still is negative. Hillary's media colluded with her campaign.

You left wing whackos just can't stop lying can you?
The media gave Trump billions of dollars of free air time.

They pretty much sucked his dick and attacked Hillary on the same shit throughout the campaign.

Fuck you on the free air time. Most of it was and still is negative. Hillary's media colluded with her campaign.

You left wing whackos just can't stop lying can you?
Donna needs to pack her bags and move back to Planet Uranus where she came from.
Donna Brazile admits she passed debate questions to Hillary, blames Russians

But it's the Russians who are to blame for making it look like she was in the tank for Hillary. Cause they clearly forced her to hand Clinton the questions

Is this another Christian compassion thread? Please tell us what questions she provided to Hillary - along with the context (Flint water crisis). BTW, how many questions were given? More than one? What where they?

What does compassion or lack thereof have to do with her giving Hillary debate questions?

I seriously doubt you are that ignorant of this. Especially when she is now admitting it. Google It.

Are you really trying to say that infighting within a party is the same as a candidate colluding with a foreign enemy to put their thumb on the scales of our election? Really? What a fool you are.

Yes I've heard this excuse before. Interesting that no transcripts, videotape, nor documents were produced to back up those claims that Michael Flynn or those on the Trump campaign conspired with the Russians. Perhaps that's why the left feel the need to call on Trump to present his tax returns, when solid clear evidence falls flat. Oh wait, Rachael Maddow recently revealed how crooked and guilty Trump is in paying so little in taxes, didn't she? You have to admire a liberal who goes through great strides to base their accusation claims on solid "facts", especially when those facts are preceded by a 20 minute anti-Trump build up rant. Priceless.

Since Trump fired Flynn for lying about his connections to Russia, why don't you ask him?
The lying and deceit from the DNC is something we should all be concerned about. Here's a vid that sheds a little light on how bad it was.....

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Donna Brazile admits she passed debate questions to Hillary, blames Russians

But it's the Russians who are to blame for making it look like she was in the tank for Hillary. Cause they clearly forced her to hand Clinton the questions

Is this another Christian compassion thread? Please tell us what questions she provided to Hillary - along with the context (Flint water crisis). BTW, how many questions were given? More than one? What where they?

What does compassion or lack thereof have to do with her giving Hillary debate questions?

I seriously doubt you are that ignorant of this. Especially when she is now admitting it. Google It.

Are you really trying to say that infighting within a party is the same as a candidate colluding with a foreign enemy to put their thumb on the scales of our election? Really? What a fool you are.

Infighting? Secretly hanging questions to one candidate and not the other isn't infighting. It's rigging the process.

And actual campaign rigging will always be much worse than non existent collusion with a foreign power.

How the heck is it not obvious to anyone with a brain that actually rigging a debate is worse than collusion that hasn't happened?? And how pathetic is it that Hillary needed help to beat Bernie Sanders?

And btw when did Russia become an enemy? A rival power no doubt but an enemy? When?
The lying and deceit from the DNC is something we should all be concerned about. Here's a vid that sheds a little light on how bad it was.....

Yes deceit is something we all should be concerned with. This fox news slut suggested Trump should just kill rappers that say things Trump doesn't like.

The lying and deceit from the DNC is something we should all be concerned about. Here's a vid that sheds a little light on how bad it was.....

Yes deceit is something we all should be concerned with. This fox news slut suggested Trump should just kill rappers that say things Trump doesn't like.


Looks like I shared a vid that upset you. :)

You'll be ok, BULLDOG. :itsok:
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Donna Brazile admits she passed debate questions to Hillary, blames Russians

But it's the Russians who are to blame for making it look like she was in the tank for Hillary. Cause they clearly forced her to hand Clinton the questions

Is this another Christian compassion thread? Please tell us what questions she provided to Hillary - along with the context (Flint water crisis). BTW, how many questions were given? More than one? What where they?

What does compassion or lack thereof have to do with her giving Hillary debate questions?

I seriously doubt you are that ignorant of this. Especially when she is now admitting it. Google It.

Are you really trying to say that infighting within a party is the same as a candidate colluding with a foreign enemy to put their thumb on the scales of our election? Really? What a fool you are.

Yes I've heard this excuse before. Interesting that no transcripts, videotape, nor documents were produced to back up those claims that Michael Flynn or those on the Trump campaign conspired with the Russians. Perhaps that's why the left feel the need to call on Trump to present his tax returns, when solid clear evidence falls flat. Oh wait, Rachael Maddow recently revealed how crooked and guilty Trump is in paying so little in taxes, didn't she? You have to admire a liberal who goes through great strides to base their accusation claims on solid "facts", especially when those facts are preceded by a 20 minute anti-Trump build up rant. Priceless.

Since Trump fired Flynn for lying about his connections to Russia, why don't you ask him?

Flynn resigned over being dishonest about the substance of the conversation with the Russian ambassador. Not any secret connections
From Brazille's essay:

When I was asked last July to step in temporarily as D.N.C. Chair, I knew things were amiss. The D.N.C. had been hacked, and thousands of staff emails and documents were plastered on various websites. Staff were harassed, morale suffered, and we lost weeks of planning. Donors were harassed, and fundraising fell off.

Then in October, a subsequent release of emails revealed that among the many things I did in my role as a Democratic operative and D.N.C. Vice Chair prior to assuming the interim D.N.C. Chair position was to share potential town hall topics with the Clinton campaign. I had been working behind the scenes to add more town hall events and debates to the primary calendar, and I helped ensure those events included diverse moderators and addressed topics vital to minority communities. My job was to make all our Democratic candidates look good, and I worked closely with both campaigns to make that happen. But sending those emails was a mistake I will forever regret.

By stealing all the DNC’s emails and then selectively releasing those few, the Russians made it look like I was in the tank for Secretary Clinton. Despite the strong, public support I received from top Sanders campaign aides in the wake of those leaks, the media narrative played out just as the Russians had hoped, leaving Sanders supporters understandably angry and sowing division in our ranks. In reality, not only was I not playing favorites, the more competitive and heated the primary got, the harder D.N.C. staff worked to be scrupulously fair and beyond reproach. In all the months the Russians monitored the D.N.C.’s email, they found just a handful of inappropriate emails, with no sign of anyone taking action to disadvantage the Sanders campaign.
Read the whole essay rather than the conveniently snipped excerpts The Blaze chose to present.
Donna Brazile admits she passed debate questions to Hillary, blames Russians

But it's the Russians who are to blame for making it look like she was in the tank for Hillary. Cause they clearly forced her to hand Clinton the questions

Is this another Christian compassion thread? Please tell us what questions she provided to Hillary - along with the context (Flint water crisis). BTW, how many questions were given? More than one? What where they?

What does compassion or lack thereof have to do with her giving Hillary debate questions?

I seriously doubt you are that ignorant of this. Especially when she is now admitting it. Google It.

Are you really trying to say that infighting within a party is the same as a candidate colluding with a foreign enemy to put their thumb on the scales of our election? Really? What a fool you are.

Yes I've heard this excuse before. Interesting that no transcripts, videotape, nor documents were produced to back up those claims that Michael Flynn or those on the Trump campaign conspired with the Russians. Perhaps that's why the left feel the need to call on Trump to present his tax returns, when solid clear evidence falls flat. Oh wait, Rachael Maddow recently revealed how crooked and guilty Trump is in paying so little in taxes, didn't she? You have to admire a liberal who goes through great strides to base their accusation claims on solid "facts", especially when those facts are preceded by a 20 minute anti-Trump build up rant. Priceless.

Since Trump fired Flynn for lying about his connections to Russia, why don't you ask him?
deflection noted BULLpup :thup:
The media gave Trump billions of dollars of free air time.

They pretty much sucked his dick and attacked Hillary on the same shit throughout the campaign.

But that's not cheating.

It's playing the game.

Good luck in the upcoming Special Olympics.
Donna Brazile admits she passed debate questions to Hillary, blames Russians

But it's the Russians who are to blame for making it look like she was in the tank for Hillary. Cause they clearly forced her to hand Clinton the questions

Is this another Christian compassion thread? Please tell us what questions she provided to Hillary - along with the context (Flint water crisis). BTW, how many questions were given? More than one? What where they?

right.. as if hillary doesn't already know all the "answers" by heart...

don't hold your breath for evidence hillary requested help from anyone...

including the dnc who shanked her in 2008.

ooh the russians hacked in to learn the party leadership had a preference. omfg

look at the traitors excusing treason like we're playing some fucking football game.

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