Donna Brazille's rude, mostly incoherent rant on Fox this week.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Watch the video and see how she won't shut up the whole time
or let anyone else speak.

It shouldn't be too surprising though, knowing her.

Check out where she mentions Seth Rich @ 6:00.
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Interesting that your clip started after the right wing woman said black protesters were unAmerican. You left that little part out, didn't you.
Its hilarious that a right-wing republican would call someone rude and excoriate Brazille for not "shutting up," considering the rude, obnoxious, ranting, insulting, and otherwise uncivilized conduct that we have seen from republicans in the last few years. The current republicans act like they had no parents.
Interesting that your clip started after the right wing woman said black protesters were unAmerican. You left that little part out, didn't you.
I wouldn't necessarily call them "unAmerican," but most of them have shut off their brain and let themselves been manipulated by the media, the foundations, and the interlocking directorate corporatocracy.

. . . and point of fact, the majority of the protesters aren't even black, they are white.
Interesting that your clip started after the right wing woman said black protesters were unAmerican. You left that little part out, didn't you.
I wouldn't necessarily call them "unAmerican," but most of them have shut off their brain and let themselves been manipulated by the media, the foundations, and the interlocking directorate corporatocracy.

. . . and point of fact, the majority of the protesters aren't even black, they are white.
You'll notice that Donna Brazil wasn't talking to you. She was talking directly to the person that did actually say they were unAmerican on national TV.
Why do you mention that white people are included in the protests? Exactly what do you think that means?
Interesting that your clip started after the right wing woman said black protesters were unAmerican. You left that little part out, didn't you.
I wouldn't necessarily call them "unAmerican," but most of them have shut off their brain and let themselves been manipulated by the media, the foundations, and the interlocking directorate corporatocracy.

. . . and point of fact, the majority of the protesters aren't even black, they are white.

How have black protesters shut off their brains and allowed themselves to be manipulated by the media? And what is the significance of the fact that many protesters are white? People of all skin tones fight for the principles they hold dear. All of these protesters see an injustice being done and demand that it be corrected. I consider taking action to improve one's nation and ensure that all folks are safe to be an extremely patriotic act.
Interesting that your clip started after the right wing woman said black protesters were unAmerican. You left that little part out, didn't you.
I wouldn't necessarily call them "unAmerican," but most of them have shut off their brain and let themselves been manipulated by the media, the foundations, and the interlocking directorate corporatocracy.

. . . and point of fact, the majority of the protesters aren't even black, they are white.
You'll notice that Donna Brazil wasn't talking to you. She was talking directly to the person that did actually say they were unAmerican on national TV.
Why do you mention that white people are included in the protests? Exactly what do you think that means?
I have lots and lots of white friends that are going out and protesting.

I know exactly what it means.

It means they are victims of the manipulated CFR paradigm which is intended to virtue signal. They don't read, they don't investigate, and they definitely don't look at facts and do any critical thinking. They do what ever makes them feel good and accepted.

I have read about mass psychology and social manipulation, I know how all of this works.

They will do what ever they are told they need to do to fit in. They have been conditioned in public schools since birth to do this.
Interesting that your clip started after the right wing woman said black protesters were unAmerican. You left that little part out, didn't you.
I wouldn't necessarily call them "unAmerican," but most of them have shut off their brain and let themselves been manipulated by the media, the foundations, and the interlocking directorate corporatocracy.

. . . and point of fact, the majority of the protesters aren't even black, they are white.
I would call Communist Democrats Un-American ;)
Interesting that your clip started after the right wing woman said black protesters were unAmerican. You left that little part out, didn't you.
I wouldn't necessarily call them "unAmerican," but most of them have shut off their brain and let themselves been manipulated by the media, the foundations, and the interlocking directorate corporatocracy.

. . . and point of fact, the majority of the protesters aren't even black, they are white.

How have black protesters shut off their brains and allowed themselves to be manipulated by the media? And what is the significance of the fact that many protesters are white? People of all skin tones fight for the principles they hold dear. All of these protesters see an injustice being done and demand that it be corrected. I consider taking action to improve one's nation and ensure that all folks are safe to be an extremely patriotic act.

Here, don't listen to me, listen to this guy. .

Very little of what you said makes any real sense.

Though, I do agree, there does need to be some reform in policing of the lower classes. . it has nothing to do with race, and everything to do with the powerless.

We have a severe lack of accountability all over. . . from everyone on all sides.

Qualified Immunity is the biggest problem IMO.

Likewise, unless we have independent review boards separate from the police, things will not get better.

I have posted this article a dozen times on this forum since it came out in 2014, but no one on the left or right had paid attention, so now here we are. . .

The Police Are Still Out of Control
I should know.
October 23, 2014

". . 1. Strengthen the selection process and psychological screening process for police recruits. Police departments are simply a microcosm of the greater society. If your screening standards encourage corrupt and forceful tendencies, you will end up with a larger concentration of these types of individuals;

2. Provide ongoing, examples-based training and simulations. Not only telling but showing police officers how they are expected to behave and react is critical;

3. Require community involvement from police officers so they know the districts and the individuals they are policing. This will encourage empathy and understanding;

4. Enforce the laws against everyone, including police officers. When police officers do wrong, use those individuals as examples of what not to do – so that others know that this behavior will not be tolerated. And tell the police unions and detective endowment associations they need to keep their noses out of the justice system;

5. Support the good guys. Honest cops who tell the truth and behave in exemplary fashion should be honored, promoted and held up as strong positive examples of what it means to be a cop;

6. Last but not least, police cannot police themselves. Develop permanent, independent boards to review incidents of police corruption and brutality—and then fund them well and support them publicly. Only this can change a culture that has existed since the beginnings of the modern police department.. . "

But you know what? I don't see politicians from the DNC willing to act on that. . . so it all seems pretty political to me.

Has Biden or Harris said they are willing to move on that issue? If not, stop already.
Watch the video and see how she won't shut up the whole timeor let anyone else speak.

Well, gee, Angelo, isn't that the MO of most ALL lefties and a few posers who pretend to be conservative?

They either never shut up and don't respect anyone else's rights or POV as much as their own, or they tear anyone down who dares to present a POV that conflicts with theirs. BAD MOVE by Fox for bringing her on board. Just one more reason why I told that station sayonara.
Interesting that your clip started after the right wing woman said black protesters were unAmerican. You left that little part out, didn't you.
I wouldn't necessarily call them "unAmerican," but most of them have shut off their brain and let themselves been manipulated by the media, the foundations, and the interlocking directorate corporatocracy.

. . . and point of fact, the majority of the protesters aren't even black, they are white.
You'll notice that Donna Brazil wasn't talking to you. She was talking directly to the person that did actually say they were unAmerican on national TV.
Why do you mention that white people are included in the protests? Exactly what do you think that means?
I have lots and lots of white friends that are going out and protesting.

I know exactly what it means.

It means they are victims of the manipulated CFR paradigm which is intended to virtue signal. They don't read, they don't investigate, and they definitely don't look at facts and do any critical thinking. They do what ever makes them feel good and accepted.

I have read about mass psychology and social manipulation, I know how all of this works.

They will do what ever they are told they need to do to fit in. They have been conditioned in public schools since birth to do this.

Not surprising that anyone you would be friends with would be pretty dumb, but most people aren't
Interesting that your clip started after the right wing woman said black protesters were unAmerican. You left that little part out, didn't you.
I wouldn't necessarily call them "unAmerican," but most of them have shut off their brain and let themselves been manipulated by the media, the foundations, and the interlocking directorate corporatocracy.

. . . and point of fact, the majority of the protesters aren't even black, they are white.

How have black protesters shut off their brains and allowed themselves to be manipulated by the media? And what is the significance of the fact that many protesters are white? People of all skin tones fight for the principles they hold dear. All of these protesters see an injustice being done and demand that it be corrected. I consider taking action to improve one's nation and ensure that all folks are safe to be an extremely patriotic act.
Burning buildings, killing people, taking over cities is not protesting. "Injustice?" The cop is up for murder you dingbat. He will get justice. The protestors are nothing but a lynch mob.
Interesting that your clip started after the right wing woman said black protesters were unAmerican. You left that little part out, didn't you.
My clip ? Did you try reading the article twisted sister ?
“I will never be an American in your world because after 400 years because my family can not walk out of this door without being afraid. You ignore the pains of people who are hurting and just want to breathe. Don’t be patronizing. You are ignoring 400 years. You don’t recognize my existence,” Brazile kept repeating.
Its hilarious that a right-wing republican would call someone rude and excoriate Brazille for not "shutting up," considering the rude, obnoxious, ranting, insulting, and otherwise uncivilized conduct that we have seen from republicans in the last few years. The current republicans act like they had no parents.
Which Republicans ? Show us ONE example.

Democrats love being wrong consistantly don't they....? btw, not that it's any of your business, troll, but I'm not a right-wing republican. President Trump has ALL kinds of supporters.
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Interesting that your clip started after the right wing woman said black protesters were unAmerican. You left that little part out, didn't you.
My clip ? Did you try reading the article twisted sister ?
“I will never be an American in your world because after 400 years because my family can not walk out of this door without being afraid. You ignore the pains of people who are hurting and just want to breathe. Don’t be patronizing. You are ignoring 400 years. You don’t recognize my existence,” Brazile kept repeating.
Its hilarious that a right-wing republican would call someone rude and excoriate Brazille for not "shutting up," considering the rude, obnoxious, ranting, insulting, and otherwise uncivilized conduct that we have seen from republicans in the last few years. The current republicans act like they had no parents.
Which Republicans ? Show us ONE example.

Democrats love being wrong consistantly don't they....? btw, not that it's any of your business, troll, but I'm not a right-wing republican.

Still didn't watch the full conversation, did you? Left out the preceding part where that right wing nut spouted her shit and started the argument. Typical right wing stunt.
Interesting that your clip started after the right wing woman said black protesters were unAmerican. You left that little part out, didn't you.
I wouldn't necessarily call them "unAmerican," but most of them have shut off their brain and let themselves been manipulated by the media, the foundations, and the interlocking directorate corporatocracy.

. . . and point of fact, the majority of the protesters aren't even black, they are white.
I would call Communist Democrats Un-American ;)
As long as they do not seek to force their views on others?

Some of the greatest Americans we have ever had were communists.

America was founded on enlightenment ideals, which means freedom of thought and action. . .

Hell, America's first "Libertarian" or libertarian socialist? (you will find both portals on his wiki page), Lysander Spooner, was friends with Josiah Warren, who could be said to be friends with Robert Owen. . . and well, I don't know if they all went to the First Internationale together, but I am pretty sure they were all there.

I doubt Lysander was much impressed. :heehee:

To me, America means freedom to think what you want, and vote for whomever you wish.


. . . the problem we are having, is that the government is working with the communists, and has made laws to protect them.

At the point where we were rooting out the problem? We kept the laws that protected and favored them. Why should commies be favored over main street every day Americans?

The real problem is tax free charitable organizations. The whole foundation laws needs to be re-examined.

If these billionaires are going to promote anti-American activities, then their activities need to be investigated, and they need to lose their tax free status.

They are still working on this plan. . it has only morphed under the plan of "sustainable development, climate change, etc." and now, the biohazard threat via the WHO & UN. I.E. This exaggerated COVID-19 bioweapon that they engineered and released on us all because they were desperate for victory. If you look at the statistics, it has been way exaggerated, and most of the elites know it. But they will have their world government. And the poor and middle classes will either resist, or be enslaved.
Still didn't watch the full conversation, did you? Left out the preceding part where that right wing nut spouted her shit and started the argument. Typical right wing stunt.
Typical Democrat.
Defending a corrupt whore like Donna Brazille.

Is this a stunt ? Showing the whole segment
just because of your suspicions of my motivation ? I've known this bitch was corrupt waaaay before Trump was elected. btw.
Interesting that your clip started after the right wing woman said black protesters were unAmerican. You left that little part out, didn't you.
I wouldn't necessarily call them "unAmerican," but most of them have shut off their brain and let themselves been manipulated by the media, the foundations, and the interlocking directorate corporatocracy.

. . . and point of fact, the majority of the protesters aren't even black, they are white.
You'll notice that Donna Brazil wasn't talking to you. She was talking directly to the person that did actually say they were unAmerican on national TV.
Why do you mention that white people are included in the protests? Exactly what do you think that means?
I have lots and lots of white friends that are going out and protesting.

I know exactly what it means.

It means they are victims of the manipulated CFR paradigm which is intended to virtue signal. They don't read, they don't investigate, and they definitely don't look at facts and do any critical thinking. They do what ever makes them feel good and accepted.

I have read about mass psychology and social manipulation, I know how all of this works.

They will do what ever they are told they need to do to fit in. They have been conditioned in public schools since birth to do this.

Not surprising that anyone you would be friends with would be pretty dumb, but most people aren't


I didn't think you would agree with me that going out and protesting is dumb as well!
Interesting that your clip started after the right wing woman said black protesters were unAmerican. You left that little part out, didn't you.
I wouldn't necessarily call them "unAmerican," but most of them have shut off their brain and let themselves been manipulated by the media, the foundations, and the interlocking directorate corporatocracy.

. . . and point of fact, the majority of the protesters aren't even black, they are white.
I would call Communist Democrats Un-American ;)
As long as they do not seek to force their views on others?

Some of the greatest Americans we have ever had were communists.

America was founded on enlightenment ideals, which means freedom of thought and action. . .

Hell, America's first "Libertarian" or libertarian socialist? (you will find both portals on his wiki page), Lysander Spooner, was friends with Josiah Warren, who could be said to be friends with Robert Owen. . . and well, I don't know if they all went to the First Internationale together, but I am pretty sure they were all there.

I doubt Lysander was much impressed. :heehee:

To me, America means freedom to think what you want, and vote for whomever you wish.


. . . the problem we are having, is that the government is working with the communists, and has made laws to protect them.

At the point where we were rooting out the problem? We kept the laws that protected and favored them. Why should commies be favored over main street every day Americans?

The real problem is tax free charitable organizations. The whole foundation laws needs to be re-examined.

If these billionaires are going to promote anti-American activities, then their activities need to be investigated, and they need to lose their tax free status.

They are still working on this plan. . it has only morphed under the plan of "sustainable development, climate change, etc." and now, the biohazard threat via the WHO & UN. I.E. This exaggerated COVID-19 bioweapon that they engineered and released on us all because they were desperate for victory. If you look at the statistics, it has been way exaggerated, and most of the elites know it. But they will have their world government. And the poor and middle classes will either resist, or be enslaved.

Please list the laws that favor and protect communists. I am not aware of any of those.
Interesting that your clip started after the right wing woman said black protesters were unAmerican. You left that little part out, didn't you.
I wouldn't necessarily call them "unAmerican," but most of them have shut off their brain and let themselves been manipulated by the media, the foundations, and the interlocking directorate corporatocracy.

. . . and point of fact, the majority of the protesters aren't even black, they are white.
I would call Communist Democrats Un-American ;)
As long as they do not seek to force their views on others?

Some of the greatest Americans we have ever had were communists.

America was founded on enlightenment ideals, which means freedom of thought and action. . .

Hell, America's first "Libertarian" or libertarian socialist? (you will find both portals on his wiki page), Lysander Spooner, was friends with Josiah Warren, who could be said to be friends with Robert Owen. . . and well, I don't know if they all went to the First Internationale together, but I am pretty sure they were all there.

I doubt Lysander was much impressed. :heehee:

To me, America means freedom to think what you want, and vote for whomever you wish.


. . . the problem we are having, is that the government is working with the communists, and has made laws to protect them.

At the point where we were rooting out the problem? We kept the laws that protected and favored them. Why should commies be favored over main street every day Americans?

The real problem is tax free charitable organizations. The whole foundation laws needs to be re-examined.

If these billionaires are going to promote anti-American activities, then their activities need to be investigated, and they need to lose their tax free status.

They are still working on this plan. . it has only morphed under the plan of "sustainable development, climate change, etc." and now, the biohazard threat via the WHO & UN. I.E. This exaggerated COVID-19 bioweapon that they engineered and released on us all because they were desperate for victory. If you look at the statistics, it has been way exaggerated, and most of the elites know it. But they will have their world government. And the poor and middle classes will either resist, or be enslaved.

Please list the laws that favor and protect communists. I am not aware of any of those.


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