Donors to Obama ‘Non-profit’ Pay $50,000 for Night of Access


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Donors to Obama ‘Non-profit’ Pay $50,000 for Night of Access

March 15, 2013
By Arnold Ahlert


Organizing for Action (OFA), Barack Obama’s former campaign apparatus reincarnated as a nonprofit advocacy group, initiated a two-day “founders summit” on Wednesday at the St. Regis hotel, located two blocks from the White House. The group characterizes themselves as a grassroots organization, driven from the bottom up. “This is going to be absolutely local,” said OFA chairman and former Obama campaign manager Jim Messina. “Members will decide what issues in their community they most care about.” OFA has come under criticism for effectively selling access to the president, who addressed OFA attendees at a dinner Wednesday–one that cost $50,000 per person to attend.


Donors to Obama ?Non-profit? Pay $50,000 for Night of Access
Were is the wailing like the when Romeny was at a 50,000 a plate dinner?

don't worry, you won't hear anything because it's Obama..this couple has cheapened the office of the Presidency..I expect next we'll see MaBell Obama on dancing with the stars...
obama and his racist wife are too concerned with Hollywood....both of them have practically ruined the office of the WH with their idiotic policies and antics. There will be no liberal outrage about this $50k/plate.....liberals don't care about any of that unless a conservative does it.
Did Obama secretly bitch about 47% of Americans being moochers?
So they are selling a "night of access" with Obama. Sounds kind of like prostitution. Only Obama screws the rest of the nation over instead of the donor.
Were is the wailing like the when Romeny was at a 50,000 a plate dinner?

don't worry, you won't hear anything because it's Obama..this couple has cheapened the office of the Presidency..I expect next we'll see MaBell Obama on dancing with the stars...
That's Right! How dare he lower the price of access established by the Bush family from $100,000 to a paltry $50,000 and cheapen the Presidency!!! Just imagine the riffraff that can gain access at under $100,000.

Abramoff E-Mails Connect Money, Access - The American Policy Roundtable - News

WASHINGTON — Wanted: Face time with President Bush or top adviser Karl Rove. Suggested donation: $100,000. The middleman: lobbyist Jack Abramoff.
Blunt e-mails that connect money and access in Washington show that prominent Republican activist Grover Norquist facilitated some administration contacts for Abramoff's clients while the lobbyist simultaneously solicited those clients for large donations to Norquist's tax-exempt group.
Those who were solicited or landed administration introductions included foreign figures and American Indian tribes, according to e-mails gathered by Senate investigators and federal prosecutors or obtained independently by The Associated Press.
"Can the tribes contribute $100,000 for the effort to bring state legislatures and those tribal leaders who have passed Bush resolutions to Washington?" Norquist wrote Abramoff in one such e-mail in July 2002.
"When I have funding, I will ask Karl Rove for a date with the president. Karl has already said 'yes' in principle and knows you organized this last time and hope to this year," Norquist wrote in the e-mail.
A Senate committee that investigated Abramoff previously aired evidence showing Bush met briefly in 2001 at the White House with some of Abramoff's tribal clients after they donated money to Norquist's group.
The 2002 e-mail about a second White House meeting and donations, however, was not disclosed. The AP obtained the text from people with access to the document.
The tribes got to meet Bush at the White House in 2002 again and then donated to Norquist's Americans for Tax Reform, or ATR.
Donors to Obama ‘Non-profit’ Pay $50,000 for Night of Access

March 15, 2013
By Arnold Ahlert


Organizing for Action (OFA), Barack Obama’s former campaign apparatus reincarnated as a nonprofit advocacy group, initiated a two-day “founders summit” on Wednesday at the St. Regis hotel, located two blocks from the White House. The group characterizes themselves as a grassroots organization, driven from the bottom up. “This is going to be absolutely local,” said OFA chairman and former Obama campaign manager Jim Messina. “Members will decide what issues in their community they most care about.” OFA has come under criticism for effectively selling access to the president, who addressed OFA attendees at a dinner Wednesday–one that cost $50,000 per person to attend.


Donors to Obama ?Non-profit? Pay $50,000 for Night of Access

They are buying the president for thier own special interest .. Something OBAMA said HE WOULD NEVER EVER DO.. LIAR IN CHIEF
Donors to Obama ‘Non-profit’ Pay $50,000 for Night of Access

March 15, 2013
By Arnold Ahlert


Organizing for Action (OFA), Barack Obama’s former campaign apparatus reincarnated as a nonprofit advocacy group, initiated a two-day “founders summit” on Wednesday at the St. Regis hotel, located two blocks from the White House. The group characterizes themselves as a grassroots organization, driven from the bottom up. “This is going to be absolutely local,” said OFA chairman and former Obama campaign manager Jim Messina. “Members will decide what issues in their community they most care about.” OFA has come under criticism for effectively selling access to the president, who addressed OFA attendees at a dinner Wednesday–one that cost $50,000 per person to attend.


Donors to Obama ?Non-profit? Pay $50,000 for Night of Access

They are buying the president for thier own special interest .. Something OBAMA said HE WOULD NEVER EVER DO.. LIAR IN CHIEF

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