Don't Agonize, Organize! What US Social Movements Can Learn From France’s Pension Protests


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
my friends, let us all unite in a global socialist revolution. i'm calling for it. listen to my millions of fans on USMB, they're calling for it. SO LET'S DO IT!

We care more about our politics than principles here to come together like this.
Yeah, let's be France: garbage in the streets for weeks now, stinking up all Paris. Rioting, barricades thrown up, violent street fights. Unions stopping not just garbage but any movement of traffic: nobody can work, like during COVID. And all because they want the goverment to pay their high life pensions as soon as they hit 62?????

No, I'd say we have trouble enough: we definitely don't need a diluted French Revolution here like they have every couple years.
Yeah, let's be France: garbage in the streets for weeks now, stinking up all Paris. Rioting, barricades thrown up, violent street fights. Unions stopping not just garbage but any movement of traffic: nobody can work, like during COVID. And all because they want the goverment to pay their high life pensions as soon as they hit 62?????

No, I'd say we have trouble enough: we definitely don't need a diluted French Revolution here like they have every couple years.

I guess you support the idea of politicians not being able to pass things, just doing it anyway even though the people disagree with it?

Is that really the system you desire?
I guess you support the idea of politicians not being able to pass things, just doing it anyway even though the people disagree with it?
Is that really the system you desire?
Our government can't even keep Social Security and Medicare solvent. We need those fixed, if it means raising the retirement ages, so be it.
Our government can't even keep Social Security and Medicare solvent. We need those fixed, if it means raising the retirement ages, so be it.

Which does nothing to address what I said.
I'd be interested to know how Macron was able to pass this new law, did it require consent from the rest of the government? A simple majority? Did he do this by fiat? What is happening there is the same that would happen here if the retirement age is raised to 67, like some have mentioned doing in the past.
I'd be interested to know how Macron was able to pass this new law, did it require consent from the rest of the government? A simple majority? Did he do this by fiat? What is happening there is the same that would happen here if the retirement age is raised to 67, like some have mentioned doing in the past.

He didn't pass anything. He simply decided it would be.
I guess you support the idea of politicians not being able to pass things, just doing it anyway even though the people disagree with it?

Is that really the system you desire?
Well, it is the French system, and they've used it for years since De Gaulle put it in as a dictatorial override to the famous French obduracy to any progress of any kind. It's been used often. It DOES put the fall of Macron's government up for parliamentary vote. Which I think is fair! And besides: full retirement at 62? Of course France cannot afford it; no country can and France is the only one currently trying it on.

We don't have a parliamentary system so this tactic is not relevant here. I'm guessing Macron will get away with it.
I'd be interested to know how Macron was able to pass this new law, did it require consent from the rest of the government? A simple majority? Did he do this by fiat? What is happening there is the same that would happen here if the retirement age is raised to 67, like some have mentioned doing in the past.
McRib, you may be the least bit behind here ---- isn't it 68 now?
Well, it is the French system, and they've used it for years since De Gaulle put it in as a dictatorial override to the famous French obduracy to any progress of any kind. It's been used often. It DOES put the fall of Macron's government up for parliamentary vote. Which I think is fair! And besides: full retirement at 62? Of course France cannot afford it; no country can and France is the only one currently trying it on.

We don't have a parliamentary system so this tactic is not relevant here. I'm guessing Macron will get away with it.

I have no idea what France can afford or any of that. I support the people in protesting the actions of one person that can't get something passed.
Which does nothing to address what I said.
This is what you said:
"let us all unite in a global socialist revolution. I'm calling for it"

So that post reminded me of that "Animal House" scene.

I want SS & Medicare saved. If it means raising the retirement age, so what. Those pampered EU fucks forgot what reality looks like.
Money doesn't grow on trees.
This is what you said:
"let us all unite in a global socialist revolution. I'm calling for it"

I said no such thing.

So that post reminded me of that "Animal House" scene.

I want SS & Medicare saved. If it means raising the retirement age, so what. Those pampered EU fucks forgot what reality looks like.
Money doesn't grow on trees.

The job of the people we elect is to get out there and convince people something needs done and then get the votes to get it done. I do not support a system where one person gets to decide.
I said no such thing.
The job of the people we elect is to get out there and convince people something needs done and then get the votes to get it done. I do not support a system where one person gets to decide.
1. I copied that line from the OP, not you. Correct. My Animal House post was for the OP, not your post #2.
2. The only one person who decides is the president when he issues a legal Executive order.
1. I copied that line from the OP, not you. Correct. My Animal House post was for the OP, not your post.
2. The only one person who decides is the president when he issues a legal Executive order.

And the people disagree and have come together to protest his singular actions. Good for them.


Funny thing is, Bluto ended up elected to hold federal office.


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