Don't be fooled Biden ends Trump's insulin price cap

Do you care more about:

1) Medicare recipients, getting a better deal
2) about trump getting credit for something
They already had a great deal
Now is Biden doing the old Biden deal by stealing what someone had done and taking credit for it?
They already had a great deal
Now is Biden doing the old Biden deal by stealing what someone had done and taking credit for it?
Explain how Biden's deal is worse for the Medicare recipient.

Remember when trump claimed he got "Veterans Choice" when really it was Obama.
Yes, the Biden administration stopped an executive order issued by President Trump that intended to make insulin more affordable, but the order would have only helped low-income patients at select clinics.
Sometimes rulings need more commenting on. Who gets a deal and who doesn't. The percentage of people who go to the health centers (which would get hurt BTW) amount to a very small amount of actual insulin using patients. The "clinics" will get hurt due to implementing the rulings. Add in the extra time and costs to find out which patients qualify (more red tape) all of their other patients will get less care. Take from here to pay over there, you know?
Sometimes rulings need more commenting on. Who gets a deal and who doesn't. The percentage of people who go to the health centers (which would get hurt BTW) amount to a very small amount of actual insulin using patients. The "clinics" will get hurt due to implementing the rulings. Add in the extra time and costs to find out which patients qualify (more red tape) all of their other patients will get less care. Take from here to pay over there, you know?
Biden ended Trump's price cap
Biden ended Trump's price cap
"The Senate passed a sweeping budget package Sunday intended to bring financial relief to Americans, but not before Republican senators voted to strip a proposal that would have capped the price of insulin at $35 per month for many patients."

"A proposal that limits the monthly cost of insulin to $35 for Medicare patients was left untouched. But using a parliamentary rule, GOP lawmakers were able to jettison the part of the proposal that would apply to privately insured patients."

"The Senate passed a sweeping budget package Sunday intended to bring financial relief to Americans, but not before Republican senators voted to strip a proposal that would have capped the price of insulin at $35 per month for many patients."

"A proposal that limits the monthly cost of insulin to $35 for Medicare patients was left untouched. But using a parliamentary rule, GOP lawmakers were able to jettison the part of the proposal that would apply to privately insured patients."

I don't think he understands the particulars of the bill, or he didn't research enough, or he's lying?
Biden only capped insulin for Medicare patients.
Notably, seniors covered by Medicare also have a $2,000 annual out-of-pocket cap on Part D prescription drugs starting in 2025. Medicare will also now have the ability to negotiate the costs of certain prescription drugs. Trump didn't have this in his package.

Why did Biden end Trump's insulin price cap? This is the doofus OPS post.

The answer I gave, was that Bidens package is better, unless you can't read numbers? The cap for Trump was a thousand. The cap with Biden will be $2000.

Just because it's just for medicare patients, doesn't mean this isn't a work in progress. Do you two have any more stupid questions you wish to indulge us with?
I showed you in real time from my link. Just because you can't read is on you, not me. You derailed your own thread by not reseearching everything.
I can't believe how much info there is to research. Some is really hard to understand as it isn't geared to the everyday reader. Good luck for someone in denial who heard one thing but refuses another. It really is trivial when nothing is implemented at this time. Blame the quacks in Congress and their ties to Pharma and who gets donor money.

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