Don't be fooled by the GOPs sinister - supposed subpoenas, and possible biden impeachment "efforts".


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Let me start off by staying the GOP is a party of wimps, cowards, sellouts and traitors. Yes, there are good Republicans, but they are in the minority, they are fighting an oil-slicked uphill battle against an establishment whose sole purpose is to protect and defend the democrats and be a rubber stamp for whatever the democrat party wants. The establishment GOP is nothing more than the uni-party. Overall, the GOP and the democrat party are two cheeks of the same buttocks and of course, we all know what comes out of the center of a buttocks.

Now that I have that out of the way, I will say don't be fooled by the GOPs pathetic attempt to look like an opposition party by the subpoenas of fascists Garland and Wray. It is so typical of the GOP, wrap themselves in the American flag, have a the Constitution in one hand and a little Gadsden flag in the other hand trying to make their constituents think they are the second comings the Founding Fathers.

So, back to the subpoenas and possible impeachment hearings of biden. Those of you who are patriotic, still think the GOP is the answer - do you really think they are doing this for the right reason? No, they are not, remember they are the uni-party. The attempts to damage biden are not for the right reason, it is for a far more sinister reason and I will explain. Now, I implore you to search the web for what I am about to post below, you will not find it. Make no mistake about it, I am a conspiracy theorist, and I take the label as a badge of honour, not as a label of shame. Okay, so read on.

What is the real reason for the GOP trying to damage biden? It is not why you might think. The establishment, uni-party, America-hating RINO scum hate Donald Trump, they are currently on their knees in front of the closet democrats zipper. Things are not going good for the RINO scum, even with the Nazi, Germany-like persecutions of political opposition by the democrats and left, the GOP is nowhere to be found in defending Trump or this political opposition. Make no mistake about it, if the GOP did this to a democrat, the democrats would be circling the wagons and vehemently defending their attacked member. Again, where is the GOP? Yeah, 'nuff said.

In spite of the GOP doing nothing to defend Trump or help him, Trump is either tied or leading in the polls against fascist biden. The indictments are helping, not hurting Trump, as Trump is becoming more and more of a martyr. So, what must the GOP do to completely dupe and fool their constituents? Act like they are being an opposition party, while their agenda is completely different. Read on.

Trump is destroying the GOP candidates in the primaries. An easy Trump win spells disaster for biden. Without far more voter fraud than the 2020 election, biden has zero chance of defeating Trump. What better way for the GOP to decrease the chances of Trump getting back in office? Well, again, try to find this somewhere else, because if it is somewhere else, I must have missed it in the search engines.

Michael Robinson, also known as Michelle Obama, and Michelle was never a she at birth, she was originally a he, well he, errrrr....she is using the same strategy as her gay husband Barack used before he entered the '08 presidential race. The GOP knows biden can't defeat Trump, but Michael Robinson (Michelle Obama) has a much better chance of doing this. So, the GOP goes out to destroy biden, and guess what, the democrat party is in a so-called crisis and need someone to take over in 2024 for biden, and enter Michael Robinson, who unfortunately has a much better chance of defeating Trump than the village idiot biden. The GOP wants biden out so the democrats have a better chance of defeating Trump. The establishment, RINO, America-hating treasonists hate Trump, and there is no low too low to which they will go to in order to undermine him.

In conclusion conservative-minded voters, don't be fooled by the GOP's smoke and mirrors, see the GOP for what it really is.

Which means everyone should vote for Trump even if he goes to jail.


Let me start off by staying the GOP is a party of wimps, cowards, sellouts and traitors. Yes, there are good Republicans, but they are in the minority, they are fighting an oil-slicked uphill battle against an establishment whose sole purpose is to protect and defend the democrats and be a rubber stamp for whatever the democrat party wants. The establishment GOP is nothing more than the uni-party. Overall, the GOP and the democrat party are two cheeks of the same buttocks and of course, we all know what comes out of the center of a buttocks.

Now that I have that out of the way, I will say don't be fooled by the GOPs pathetic attempt to look like an opposition party by the subpoenas of fascists Garland and Wray. It is so typical of the GOP, wrap themselves in the American flag, have a the Constitution in one hand and a little Gadsden flag in the other hand trying to make their constituents think they are the second comings the Founding Fathers.

So, back to the subpoenas and possible impeachment hearings of biden. Those of you who are patriotic, still think the GOP is the answer - do you really think they are doing this for the right reason? No, they are not, remember they are the uni-party. The attempts to damage biden are not for the right reason, it is for a far more sinister reason and I will explain. Now, I implore you to search the web for what I am about to post below, you will not find it. Make no mistake about it, I am a conspiracy theorist, and I take the label as a badge of honour, not as a label of shame. Okay, so read on.

What is the real reason for the GOP trying to damage biden? It is not why you might think. The establishment, uni-party, America-hating RINO scum hate Donald Trump, they are currently on their knees in front of the closet democrats zipper. Things are not going good for the RINO scum, even with the Nazi, Germany-like persecutions of political opposition by the democrats and left, the GOP is nowhere to be found in defending Trump or this political opposition. Make no mistake about it, if the GOP did this to a democrat, the democrats would be circling the wagons and vehemently defending their attacked member. Again, where is the GOP? Yeah, 'nuff said.

In spite of the GOP doing nothing to defend Trump or help him, Trump is either tied or leading in the polls against fascist biden. The indictments are helping, not hurting Trump, as Trump is becoming more and more of a martyr. So, what must the GOP do to completely dupe and fool their constituents? Act like they are being an opposition party, while their agenda is completely different. Read on.

Trump is destroying the GOP candidates in the primaries. An easy Trump win spells disaster for biden. Without far more voter fraud than the 2020 election, biden has zero chance of defeating Trump. What better way for the GOP to decrease the chances of Trump getting back in office? Well, again, try to find this somewhere else, because if it is somewhere else, I must have missed it in the search engines.

Michael Robinson, also known as Michelle Obama, and Michelle was never a she at birth, she was originally a he, well he, errrrr....she is using the same strategy as her gay husband Barack used before he entered the '08 presidential race. The GOP knows biden can't defeat Trump, but Michael Robinson (Michelle Obama) has a much better chance of doing this. So, the GOP goes out to destroy biden, and guess what, the democrat party is in a so-called crisis and need someone to take over in 2024 for biden, and enter Michael Robinson, who unfortunately has a much better chance of defeating Trump than the village idiot biden. The GOP wants biden out so the democrats have a better chance of defeating Trump. The establishment, RINO, America-hating treasonists hate Trump, and there is no low too low to which they will go to in order to undermine him.

In conclusion conservative-minded voters, don't be fooled by the GOP's smoke and mirrors, see the GOP for what it really is.
comer is killing it.
Robert L peters is done
Let me start off by staying the GOP is a party of wimps, cowards, sellouts and traitors. Yes, there are good Republicans, but they are in the minority, they are fighting an oil-slicked uphill battle against an establishment whose sole purpose is to protect and defend the democrats and be a rubber stamp for whatever the democrat party wants. The establishment GOP is nothing more than the uni-party. Overall, the GOP and the democrat party are two cheeks of the same buttocks and of course, we all know what comes out of the center of a buttocks.

Now that I have that out of the way, I will say don't be fooled by the GOPs pathetic attempt to look like an opposition party by the subpoenas of fascists Garland and Wray. It is so typical of the GOP, wrap themselves in the American flag, have a the Constitution in one hand and a little Gadsden flag in the other hand trying to make their constituents think they are the second comings the Founding Fathers.

So, back to the subpoenas and possible impeachment hearings of biden. Those of you who are patriotic, still think the GOP is the answer - do you really think they are doing this for the right reason? No, they are not, remember they are the uni-party. The attempts to damage biden are not for the right reason, it is for a far more sinister reason and I will explain. Now, I implore you to search the web for what I am about to post below, you will not find it. Make no mistake about it, I am a conspiracy theorist, and I take the label as a badge of honour, not as a label of shame. Okay, so read on.

What is the real reason for the GOP trying to damage biden? It is not why you might think. The establishment, uni-party, America-hating RINO scum hate Donald Trump, they are currently on their knees in front of the closet democrats zipper. Things are not going good for the RINO scum, even with the Nazi, Germany-like persecutions of political opposition by the democrats and left, the GOP is nowhere to be found in defending Trump or this political opposition. Make no mistake about it, if the GOP did this to a democrat, the democrats would be circling the wagons and vehemently defending their attacked member. Again, where is the GOP? Yeah, 'nuff said.

In spite of the GOP doing nothing to defend Trump or help him, Trump is either tied or leading in the polls against fascist biden. The indictments are helping, not hurting Trump, as Trump is becoming more and more of a martyr. So, what must the GOP do to completely dupe and fool their constituents? Act like they are being an opposition party, while their agenda is completely different. Read on.

Trump is destroying the GOP candidates in the primaries. An easy Trump win spells disaster for biden. Without far more voter fraud than the 2020 election, biden has zero chance of defeating Trump. What better way for the GOP to decrease the chances of Trump getting back in office? Well, again, try to find this somewhere else, because if it is somewhere else, I must have missed it in the search engines.

Michael Robinson, also known as Michelle Obama, and Michelle was never a she at birth, she was originally a he, well he, errrrr....she is using the same strategy as her gay husband Barack used before he entered the '08 presidential race. The GOP knows biden can't defeat Trump, but Michael Robinson (Michelle Obama) has a much better chance of doing this. So, the GOP goes out to destroy biden, and guess what, the democrat party is in a so-called crisis and need someone to take over in 2024 for biden, and enter Michael Robinson, who unfortunately has a much better chance of defeating Trump than the village idiot biden. The GOP wants biden out so the democrats have a better chance of defeating Trump. The establishment, RINO, America-hating treasonists hate Trump, and there is no low too low to which they will go to in order to undermine him.

In conclusion conservative-minded voters, don't be fooled by the GOP's smoke and mirrors, see the GOP for what it really is.
Let me start off by staying the GOP is a party of wimps, cowards, sellouts and traitors. Yes, there are good Republicans, but they are in the minority, they are fighting an oil-slicked uphill battle against an establishment whose sole purpose is to protect and defend the democrats and be a rubber stamp for whatever the democrat party wants. The establishment GOP is nothing more than the uni-party. Overall, the GOP and the democrat party are two cheeks of the same buttocks and of course, we all know what comes out of the center of a buttocks.

Now that I have that out of the way, I will say don't be fooled by the GOPs pathetic attempt to look like an opposition party by the subpoenas of fascists Garland and Wray. It is so typical of the GOP, wrap themselves in the American flag, have a the Constitution in one hand and a little Gadsden flag in the other hand trying to make their constituents think they are the second comings the Founding Fathers.

So, back to the subpoenas and possible impeachment hearings of biden. Those of you who are patriotic, still think the GOP is the answer - do you really think they are doing this for the right reason? No, they are not, remember they are the uni-party. The attempts to damage biden are not for the right reason, it is for a far more sinister reason and I will explain. Now, I implore you to search the web for what I am about to post below, you will not find it. Make no mistake about it, I am a conspiracy theorist, and I take the label as a badge of honour, not as a label of shame. Okay, so read on.

What is the real reason for the GOP trying to damage biden? It is not why you might think. The establishment, uni-party, America-hating RINO scum hate Donald Trump, they are currently on their knees in front of the closet democrats zipper. Things are not going good for the RINO scum, even with the Nazi, Germany-like persecutions of political opposition by the democrats and left, the GOP is nowhere to be found in defending Trump or this political opposition. Make no mistake about it, if the GOP did this to a democrat, the democrats would be circling the wagons and vehemently defending their attacked member. Again, where is the GOP? Yeah, 'nuff said.

In spite of the GOP doing nothing to defend Trump or help him, Trump is either tied or leading in the polls against fascist biden. The indictments are helping, not hurting Trump, as Trump is becoming more and more of a martyr. So, what must the GOP do to completely dupe and fool their constituents? Act like they are being an opposition party, while their agenda is completely different. Read on.

Trump is destroying the GOP candidates in the primaries. An easy Trump win spells disaster for biden. Without far more voter fraud than the 2020 election, biden has zero chance of defeating Trump. What better way for the GOP to decrease the chances of Trump getting back in office? Well, again, try to find this somewhere else, because if it is somewhere else, I must have missed it in the search engines.

Michael Robinson, also known as Michelle Obama, and Michelle was never a she at birth, she was originally a he, well he, errrrr....she is using the same strategy as her gay husband Barack used before he entered the '08 presidential race. The GOP knows biden can't defeat Trump, but Michael Robinson (Michelle Obama) has a much better chance of doing this. So, the GOP goes out to destroy biden, and guess what, the democrat party is in a so-called crisis and need someone to take over in 2024 for biden, and enter Michael Robinson, who unfortunately has a much better chance of defeating Trump than the village idiot biden. The GOP wants biden out so the democrats have a better chance of defeating Trump. The establishment, RINO, America-hating treasonists hate Trump, and there is no low too low to which they will go to in order to undermine him.

In conclusion conservative-minded voters, don't be fooled by the GOP's smoke and mirrors, see the GOP for what it really is.
Keep up with the alternate planet jive LOL. The country is desperate for a democratic landslide to fix this mess....
Let me start off by staying the GOP is a party of wimps, cowards, sellouts and traitors. Yes, there are good Republicans, but they are in the minority, they are fighting an oil-slicked uphill battle against an establishment whose sole purpose is to protect and defend the democrats and be a rubber stamp for whatever the democrat party wants. The establishment GOP is nothing more than the uni-party. Overall, the GOP and the democrat party are two cheeks of the same buttocks and of course, we all know what comes out of the center of a buttocks.

Now that I have that out of the way, I will say don't be fooled by the GOPs pathetic attempt to look like an opposition party by the subpoenas of fascists Garland and Wray. It is so typical of the GOP, wrap themselves in the American flag, have a the Constitution in one hand and a little Gadsden flag in the other hand trying to make their constituents think they are the second comings the Founding Fathers.

So, back to the subpoenas and possible impeachment hearings of biden. Those of you who are patriotic, still think the GOP is the answer - do you really think they are doing this for the right reason? No, they are not, remember they are the uni-party. The attempts to damage biden are not for the right reason, it is for a far more sinister reason and I will explain. Now, I implore you to search the web for what I am about to post below, you will not find it. Make no mistake about it, I am a conspiracy theorist, and I take the label as a badge of honour, not as a label of shame. Okay, so read on.

What is the real reason for the GOP trying to damage biden? It is not why you might think. The establishment, uni-party, America-hating RINO scum hate Donald Trump, they are currently on their knees in front of the closet democrats zipper. Things are not going good for the RINO scum, even with the Nazi, Germany-like persecutions of political opposition by the democrats and left, the GOP is nowhere to be found in defending Trump or this political opposition. Make no mistake about it, if the GOP did this to a democrat, the democrats would be circling the wagons and vehemently defending their attacked member. Again, where is the GOP? Yeah, 'nuff said.

In spite of the GOP doing nothing to defend Trump or help him, Trump is either tied or leading in the polls against fascist biden. The indictments are helping, not hurting Trump, as Trump is becoming more and more of a martyr. So, what must the GOP do to completely dupe and fool their constituents? Act like they are being an opposition party, while their agenda is completely different. Read on.

Trump is destroying the GOP candidates in the primaries. An easy Trump win spells disaster for biden. Without far more voter fraud than the 2020 election, biden has zero chance of defeating Trump. What better way for the GOP to decrease the chances of Trump getting back in office? Well, again, try to find this somewhere else, because if it is somewhere else, I must have missed it in the search engines.

Michael Robinson, also known as Michelle Obama, and Michelle was never a she at birth, she was originally a he, well he, errrrr....she is using the same strategy as her gay husband Barack used before he entered the '08 presidential race. The GOP knows biden can't defeat Trump, but Michael Robinson (Michelle Obama) has a much better chance of doing this. So, the GOP goes out to destroy biden, and guess what, the democrat party is in a so-called crisis and need someone to take over in 2024 for biden, and enter Michael Robinson, who unfortunately has a much better chance of defeating Trump than the village idiot biden. The GOP wants biden out so the democrats have a better chance of defeating Trump. The establishment, RINO, America-hating treasonists hate Trump, and there is no low too low to which they will go to in order to undermine him.

In conclusion conservative-minded voters, don't be fooled by the GOP's smoke and mirrors, see the GOP for what it really is.
Both the DNC/RNC are private separate corporations but have been sleeping together in the same bed for quite some time.

Let me start off by staying the GOP is a party of wimps, cowards, sellouts and traitors. Yes, there are good Republicans, but they are in the minority, they are fighting an oil-slicked uphill battle against an establishment whose sole purpose is to protect and defend the democrats and be a rubber stamp for whatever the democrat party wants. The establishment GOP is nothing more than the uni-party. Overall, the GOP and the democrat party are two cheeks of the same buttocks and of course, we all know what comes out of the center of a buttocks.

Now that I have that out of the way, I will say don't be fooled by the GOPs pathetic attempt to look like an opposition party by the subpoenas of fascists Garland and Wray. It is so typical of the GOP, wrap themselves in the American flag, have a the Constitution in one hand and a little Gadsden flag in the other hand trying to make their constituents think they are the second comings the Founding Fathers.

So, back to the subpoenas and possible impeachment hearings of biden. Those of you who are patriotic, still think the GOP is the answer - do you really think they are doing this for the right reason? No, they are not, remember they are the uni-party. The attempts to damage biden are not for the right reason, it is for a far more sinister reason and I will explain. Now, I implore you to search the web for what I am about to post below, you will not find it. Make no mistake about it, I am a conspiracy theorist, and I take the label as a badge of honour, not as a label of shame. Okay, so read on.

What is the real reason for the GOP trying to damage biden? It is not why you might think. The establishment, uni-party, America-hating RINO scum hate Donald Trump, they are currently on their knees in front of the closet democrats zipper. Things are not going good for the RINO scum, even with the Nazi, Germany-like persecutions of political opposition by the democrats and left, the GOP is nowhere to be found in defending Trump or this political opposition. Make no mistake about it, if the GOP did this to a democrat, the democrats would be circling the wagons and vehemently defending their attacked member. Again, where is the GOP? Yeah, 'nuff said.

In spite of the GOP doing nothing to defend Trump or help him, Trump is either tied or leading in the polls against fascist biden. The indictments are helping, not hurting Trump, as Trump is becoming more and more of a martyr. So, what must the GOP do to completely dupe and fool their constituents? Act like they are being an opposition party, while their agenda is completely different. Read on.

Trump is destroying the GOP candidates in the primaries. An easy Trump win spells disaster for biden. Without far more voter fraud than the 2020 election, biden has zero chance of defeating Trump. What better way for the GOP to decrease the chances of Trump getting back in office? Well, again, try to find this somewhere else, because if it is somewhere else, I must have missed it in the search engines.

Michael Robinson, also known as Michelle Obama, and Michelle was never a she at birth, she was originally a he, well he, errrrr....she is using the same strategy as her gay husband Barack used before he entered the '08 presidential race. The GOP knows biden can't defeat Trump, but Michael Robinson (Michelle Obama) has a much better chance of doing this. So, the GOP goes out to destroy biden, and guess what, the democrat party is in a so-called crisis and need someone to take over in 2024 for biden, and enter Michael Robinson, who unfortunately has a much better chance of defeating Trump than the village idiot biden. The GOP wants biden out so the democrats have a better chance of defeating Trump. The establishment, RINO, America-hating treasonists hate Trump, and there is no low too low to which they will go to in order to undermine him.

In conclusion conservative-minded voters, don't be fooled by the GOP's smoke and mirrors, see the GOP for what it really is.
Wow...take a Midol, change out that maxipad and those cramps will subside.

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