Don't Call Him A Traitor: The Palestinian Cause, Revisited


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
It appears that it isn't appreciated when some Arabs give their own opinions of what is happening.

Don't Call Him A Traitor: The Palestinian Cause, Revisited

An impassioned defense of a fellow Algerian-born writer who dares to think for himself in the face of Arab identity politics and the eternal Israeli-Palestinian crisis.

Mohamed Kacimi

PARIS — Apostate, criminal, Zionist, dirty Jew, traitor, accomplice to murder … Here are just some of the epithets on Internet forums aimed at Kamel Daoud, an Algerian columnist and novelist.

What caused such a flurry of insults? Following the launch in Gaza of Israel's Operation Protective Edge, Daoud published an essay laying out his position on Palestine: “So no, this columnist doesn’t stand by this ‘solidarity’ selling you the apocalypse and not the beginning of a world, seeing the solution in extermination rather than humanity, speaking of religion, not dignity, and a heavenly kingdom, not a sown, living earth."

Aren’t we all entitled the right to feel involved or not by a cause? Can’t we remain free to be outraged or not, affected or not? I ask you: Has the Palestinian cause become the sixth pillar of Islam? Can we still choose to ignore massacres in Syria and Iraq, but be forced to profess urbi et orbi our solidarity with the Palestinian people, lest we get thrown to the lions?

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Don't Call Him A Traitor: The Palestinian Cause, Revisited

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