Don’t Democrats perpetuate most of the problems they complain about with their support of Mexico’s people traversing our border?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Public Education-
Can public schools be effective when they are overrun by millions of illegals?
Can we have a legitimate healthcare system that provides swift care when our hospitals and physicians are caring for Mexico’s people?
Social Services / Safety Net-
Can we offer a robust safety net for American’s and for Mexico’s people?
Employment Opportunities For Blacks-
Haven’t working blacks been all but replaced entirely by Mexico’s people?
Can any nation hold wages high with an illegal population of 20-40 million?
Lack Of Tax Revenue-
Can Dems make the “fair share” argument when they have tens of millions working off the books and contributing nothing?
Environment / Pollution-
Is America’s environment cleaner/better with an additional 20-40 million thirdworld-minded polluters?
Can we stay ahead on infrastructure when our infrastructure is being abused by non-contributing foreign invaders?
A Divided Citizenry-
Can a citizenry that doesn’t speak the same language and share the same values, ambitions, traditions and heritage really be expected to unite?
At this point Biden is peeing on the heads of Americans and telling them its raining, laughing at the YELLOW SNOWflakes who continue to try to defend him.
At this point Biden is peeing on the heads of Americans and telling them its raining, laughing at the YELLOW SNOWflakes who continue to try to defend him.
His shit is 100% indefensible and even the most ignorant among us know it.
Public Education-
Can public schools be effective when they are overrun by millions of illegals?
Can we have a legitimate healthcare system that provides swift care when our hospitals and physicians are caring for Mexico’s people?
Social Services / Safety Net-
Can we offer a robust safety net for American’s and for Mexico’s people?
Employment Opportunities For Blacks-
Haven’t working blacks been all but replaced entirely by Mexico’s people?
Can any nation hold wages high with an illegal population of 20-40 million?
Lack Of Tax Revenue-
Can Dems make the “fair share” argument when they have tens of millions working off the books and contributing nothing?
Environment / Pollution-
Is America’s environment cleaner/better with an additional 20-40 million thirdworld-minded polluters?
Can we stay ahead on infrastructure when our infrastructure is being abused by non-contributing foreign invaders?
A Divided Citizenry-
Can a citizenry that doesn’t speak the same language and share the same values, ambitions, traditions and heritage really be expected to unite?
One day…when your globalist balls drop you may actually be able to address the premise without FEELZ.
p.s.- Thanks for allowing me to school a public educator and make him my bitch daily….much appreciated.
One day…when your globalist balls drop you may actually be able to address the premise without FEELZ.
p.s.- Thanks for allowing me to school a public educator and make him my bitch daily….much appreciated.
Did they fix your programming so you can say something different once in a while?
Did they fix your programming so you can say something different once in a while?
Obama was known as "The deporter in-chief" because he deported so many illegals.

Joe Biden has open borders.

So which policy would raise wages and the standard of living for US workers?

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