Don't let the Left fool you.


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

We here talk of doing away with the police, but that is the furthest thing the Left wants.

Remember this little gem of a quote from the Obama administration?

“There are scenarios that it could be worse than the Exxon Valdez,” he said when asked by host Chris Wallace about comparisons to the notorious environmental disaster. “We’re not sugar-coating this.”

“We were stepping on the neck of BP to do everything we can do” since the explosion, Salazar said. “We’ve been on top of this every minute.”
Salazar’s boots kept walking on CNN, where he said, “Our job is keep our boot on the neck of British Petroleum and make sure they live up to their responsibilities.”
Given the propensities of this regime, using phrases like “boot on the neck” to describe policy will make some more than just a little uncomfortable.

No, the Left just wants power to put their boot back on the necks of 70 year old hair stylists who only wish to make money so they can eat.

They are brown shirt socialists after all.

We here talk of doing away with the police, but that is the furthest thing the Left wants.

Remember this little gem of a quote from the Obama administration?

“There are scenarios that it could be worse than the Exxon Valdez,” he said when asked by host Chris Wallace about comparisons to the notorious environmental disaster. “We’re not sugar-coating this.”

“We were stepping on the neck of BP to do everything we can do” since the explosion, Salazar said. “We’ve been on top of this every minute.”
Salazar’s boots kept walking on CNN, where he said, “Our job is keep our boot on the neck of British Petroleum and make sure they live up to their responsibilities.”
Given the propensities of this regime, using phrases like “boot on the neck” to describe policy will make some more than just a little uncomfortable.

No, the Left just wants power to put their boot back on the necks of 70 year old hair stylists who only wish to make money so they can eat.

They are brown shirt socialists after all.

You're taking a 10 year old quote from an Obama official that had absolutely nothing to with protesting police misconduct or response to a pandemic that has killed 100K+ and applying it to.....doing away with police? (which I've heard no one say)...some overarching left wing purpose? I mean I knew the right wing was desperate but I didn't think jumping the shark was imminent. I hope this isn't the best you guys have. If it is, the next decade is gonna be pretty bleak for you. :)
British Petroleum is the real victim in all this. :mad-61:

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