Don't Look, Ethel!

I gave him the rep. He needs green squares.

From someone as biliously green as Kermit the Frog,
Hornbag? Her posts are 1000 times better than yours. You are mentally disturbed.

This is typical of the kind of uniformed "hate reping” I referred to previously.

This cock-flogging Conservanazi couldn’t even wait to Google “horn-bag” before he abused me and awarded me another of his many hate-from-humiliation motivated red squares.

What makes me sick about pretentious prigs like this, who know full well the loathsome regime they love so much is incredibly immoral and criminal by world standards, is they sympathy-seekingly and self-pityingly pose as the poor long suffering victim, who can’t comprehend why the whole “evil” non-American world is against them. :eusa_boohoo:

It is self-worshipping \!/’s like this that make the reping system an absolute mockery. And why I couldn’t care less if I’m as permanently red as the head of OneDomino’s poor permanently chafed, clitoris-sized Custard Chucker. :night:
From someone as biliously green as Kermit the Frog,

This is typical of the kind of uniformed "hate reping” I referred to previously.

This cock-flogging Conservanazi couldn’t even wait to Google “horn-bag” before he abused me and awarded me another of his many hate-from-humiliation motivated red squares.

What makes me sick about pretentious prigs like this, who know full well the loathsome regime they love so much is incredibly immoral and criminal by world standards, is they sympathy-seekingly and self-pityingly pose as the poor long suffering victim, who can’t comprehend why the whole “evil” non-American world is against them. :eusa_boohoo:

It is self-worshipping \!/’s like this that make the reping system an absolute mockery. And why I couldn’t care less if I’m as permanently red as the head of OneDomino’s poor permanently chafed, clitoris-sized Custard Chucker. :night:

Give us a break. The US is evil and immoral schtick is a smokescreen for the fact that each and every nation is out for itself, but it's only a sin and newsworthy if the US does it.

Does France really care about Iraq? Hell no. France had under the table deals for cut-rate oil FOR FRANCE if they could get the sanctions lifted.

I'd say the evil of apathy permeates "world society" as the old guard (like you and your country) sit by and watch their world being destroyed by a REAL backwards assed evil, all the while doing nothing to stop it.

Maybe we should all just convert to fundamental, 7th century Islam now and get it over with?
I must admit to only hearing "hornbag" when I was watching an episode of Kath and Kim one evening - .

It's a compliment (did I spell that right? I always get confused between the two spellings and meanings), it's a good term, it means an attractive person - as Chips has explained.
Baloney. Defend the repulsive and offensive Chips all you want, but “hornbag” means an attractive woman who is stupid, as in “foxymoron.” It is far from a compliment. Since Chips does not know Jillian what right does he have to use such a word? None. He comes to an American message board and spews anti American hatred and insults the members. He is just another anonymous net coward hiding behind a keyboard.

But only God knows what Chips is talking about most of the time.
Baloney. Defend the repulsive and offensive Chips all you want, but “hornbag” means an attractive woman who is stupid, as in “foxymoron.” It is far from a compliment. Since Chips does not know Jillian what right does he have to use such a word? None. He comes to an American message board and spews anti American hatred and insults the members. He is just another anonymous net coward hiding behind a keyboard.

But only God knows what Chips is talking about most of the time.

I know a baloney is a form of sausage. I think we call it mortadella here.

I first heard "hornbag", as I said, on Kath and Kim. I believe it was early in the series and Kath was directing it towards Kel, who was the object of her affections (she cured that by marrying Kel :lol: ). So my understanding of it is derived from the clearly appreciative and affectionate way she used the phrase. I must admit to have never having used the term but then I'm well behind the eight-ball when it comes to popular culture.

Chips is his own man and doesn't need a defence from me at all. I was pretty sure he wasn't criticising Jillian using that terminology because, as I said, I haven't heard it used in a derogatory fashion.

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