Don't Mess With Texas??!! Ladies Beware!

so feeling a woman's bra and patting down their pant legs is a body cavity search?

the damn TSA does worse than that...
so feeling a woman's bra and patting down their pant legs is a body cavity search?

the damn TSA does worse than that...

No - you apparently didn't read the links. The female cop who was called in on both of these incidents put on a rubber glove and gave each woman a rectal and pelvic exam looking for drugs - and on top of that she didn't change the glove between the women. Would you like to have a cavity search with the same glove that had just been pulled out of another woman's ass? Would you like to have strange men standing around and watching the procedure? These women were not having a pat down.

Neither of the women were under arrest for anything at the time these cavity searches were conducted. And none of the women had marijuana in their vehicles.
Oh, well, it's TX. & the police take their cue from the Lege: Once you can close off access to birth control & abortion & education on all those nasty female plumbing thingees - why, then wimmen - & especially Black wimmen, good Lord! - become mere meat puppets, subject to the beck 'n' call of the almighty authorities.

Ladies, welcome to the future. Yah, sue the fools - we can't have moral morons selectively bullying whoever they pull over. But understand that even with such apparently clear-cut misbehavior, it's going to be a long & traumatizing struggle to get the respective departments to denounce these searches & retrain their staff. In TX, wearing a badge apparently means never having to say you're sorry ...
so feeling a woman's bra and patting down their pant legs is a body cavity search?

the damn TSA does worse than that...

No - you apparently didn't read the links. The female cop who was called in on both of these incidents put on a rubber glove and gave each woman a rectal and pelvic exam looking for drugs - and on top of that she didn't change the glove between the women. Would you like to have a cavity search with the same glove that had just been pulled out of another woman's ass? Would you like to have strange men standing around and watching the procedure? These women were not having a pat down.

Neither of the women were under arrest for anything at the time these cavity searches were conducted. And none of the women had marijuana in their vehicles.

To be honest....I think Stephanie would
so feeling a woman's bra and patting down their pant legs is a body cavity search?

the damn TSA does worse than that...

No - you apparently didn't read the links. The female cop who was called in on both of these incidents put on a rubber glove and gave each woman a rectal and pelvic exam looking for drugs - and on top of that she didn't change the glove between the women. Would you like to have a cavity search with the same glove that had just been pulled out of another woman's ass? Would you like to have strange men standing around and watching the procedure? These women were not having a pat down.

Neither of the women were under arrest for anything at the time these cavity searches were conducted. And none of the women had marijuana in their vehicles.

Female cop? Prolly a bull dyke liberal :cool:
so feeling a woman's bra and patting down their pant legs is a body cavity search?

the damn TSA does worse than that...

No - you apparently didn't read the links. The female cop who was called in on both of these incidents put on a rubber glove and gave each woman a rectal and pelvic exam looking for drugs - and on top of that she didn't change the glove between the women. Would you like to have a cavity search with the same glove that had just been pulled out of another woman's ass? Would you like to have strange men standing around and watching the procedure? These women were not having a pat down.

Neither of the women were under arrest for anything at the time these cavity searches were conducted. And none of the women had marijuana in their vehicles.

To be honest....I think Stephanie would

Oh, well, it's TX. & the police take their cue from the Lege: Once you can close off access to birth control & abortion & education on all those nasty female plumbing thingees - why, then wimmen - & especially Black wimmen, good Lord! - become mere meat puppets, subject to the beck 'n' call of the almighty authorities.

Ladies, welcome to the future. Yah, sue the fools - we can't have moral morons selectively bullying whoever they pull over. But understand that even with such apparently clear-cut misbehavior, it's going to be a long & traumatizing struggle to get the respective departments to denounce these searches & retrain their staff. In TX, wearing a badge apparently means never having to say you're sorry ...

Fucking Texans.
OMG!!! I just saw a clip on this on the news and I am absolutely stunned beyond belief! A body cavity search?! On an open highway?! Apparently this is standard practice in Texas - I went looking for the one I had seen on TV and found another one.

2 women share new details on highway body cavity search | Austin

Texas roadside body cavity search case to go to grand jury | Fox News

This is a kind of old story. It has been beat to death on forums all over the globe.
Texas cops have always played fast and loose with people's constitutuional rights. I knew a cop when I lived in Dallas in the 1970's, and he always carried marijuana so that he could plant it in someone's car, if he felt like someone needed arresting, but they could not find anything to arrest them for. Once, I was pulled over on my motorcycle. The cop checked my registration against the VIN, and then asked me to sit in the back seat of his car. I did, and he shut the door. That's when I noticed there were no inside door handles. I wasn't under arrest, mind you, I was simply" being given the courtesy of a place to sit". It turned out that the registration people had transposed 2 numbers of the VIN, and he decided that I would be more comfortable in the back seat of his vehicle while he ran a search for "wants".I was, of course, free to go....if I could get out of the vehicle.
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so feeling a woman's bra and patting down their pant legs is a body cavity search?

the damn TSA does worse than that...

You don't have the right to put your hands anywhere near my breasts, thank you very much.
The entire stop was recorded on dash camera by the state trooper who initially pulled over Brandy Hamilton and Alexandria Randle for speeding.

Nothing was found on the women, and they claim gloves weren't changed between searches.

The female trooper in this case, Jennie Bui has been fired. The male trooper, Nathaniel Turner has been suspended during an internal investigation.

Reads to me like the system screwed up (the search itself) and now the system is responding accordingly. (one trooper fired, another suspended pending further investigation)

What's the problem?

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