Don't Mess With the Gays!

are these the most intolerant hateful people ever

then they wonder why more people aren't accepting of them

It's not good enough that most people just don't give a shit about their sexuality, everyone must accept public displays of faggots acting immature and disgusting. Anything less and you're a "homophobe".
The moral of the story is say hateful shit, and you get trolled because hate is troll bait.

Hahaha! I think I found the guy who was rejected:

20 hours ago
Laurence B.
0 friends 11 reviews
Went in there. Was not greeted by any server. Had to stand for about two minutes before offered a table. It's a very disgusting and poor restaurant.

When the menu was laid down, we were disgusted by the demeanor. The tables are chairs were very ugly, looking like peasant chairs from the Middle Ages. The decor is bland and there are cockroaches crawling on some walls.

On each table was a small American flag, which was very tacky considering their rules policy posted outside saying a man is a man and a woman is a woman.

Did not order their tacky food. Left. Used the bathroom which was dirty and low on toilet paper. Will not be back. If you eat here, don't miss to give a generous tip. I think the flat-chested waitress-daughter of the owner could really use a nice dose of Plastic Surgery. I think this restaurant is a hateful Real Sh!thoIe. Go Spend your hard dollars elsewhere where they don't serve stale BacteRia Food.

Apart from the daughter's chest, which isn't relevant, it does sound....less than appealing. And are DNA tests required to prove one is a man or woman? If not, how can BE know who is acting as he demands?
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Does anyone read YELP anymore? Yeah. I have been confused about homosexuals for years, all this time, I thought they where just another over branded, well paid, influential sexually broken people with an agenda. What is the alternative? You know, not every sect of sexual perversion has the money homosexuals have, but, they will one day. I don't buy this homosexuals as a distinct group that need protection Vis-à-vis like women or blacks.

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