Don't monkey up the election!

He's just getting his GOP base riled up to vote.

He knows if he runs as a racist, it gets them motivated.
LOL, it's all the Left ever has to use, even when it's not real.
Go hug your Trumpy doll

LMAO Don't worry. We will.
White House Council LEAVING,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,one more can't tolerate trump
Trump wouldn't kiss their asses so they cried and left. Who cares.
Think it was the other way around They wouldn't kiss Trumps rump Guess they have too much dignity
If the media didn't constantly stir up absurd racial divisions I'm pretty sure most outlets would go bankrupt.

I think he should have (out of respect and decency) avoided using THAT word.
Republicans need EVERY SINGLE VOTE they can get and just this one slip will no doubt lose a large bucket of votes.

Why take the chance? Everyone knows people in America are so Fn PC it's stupid. Winning is a game of chess. Poor move.


Not a good move. Especially if it tips the election in favor of a Gawd Damned far left Soros funded, gun grabbing Socialist imbecile.

WAY TOO MUCH AT STAKE for this kinda of stupidity.
at the 1:43 mark DeSantis offers his 'Freudian slip' identifying himself as a racist tool for POTUS Trump.

DeSantis may as well have said Make America White Again

It is the Leftists and MSM vermin who again are the racists, they automatically associating MONKEY with BLACKS.

The Republican candidate comment:

"DeSantis said Wednesday morning. “The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda.”...

So DeSantis should comment to the RACIST Leftists and MSM vermin "So you associate MONKEY with Blacks? How RACIST of you!"

The Republicans need to begin playing the SAME GAME that the Leftists do. Gloves off. Do it. NOW!

DeSantis made the statement when referring to Gillum.

Please try & pay attention.
(((((((monkey)))))) as the trumpanzees all nod to each other with knowing winks
at the 1:43 mark DeSantis offers his 'Freudian slip' identifying himself as a racist tool for POTUS Trump.

DeSantis may as well have said Make America White Again

It is the Leftists and MSM vermin who again are the racists, they automatically associating MONKEY with BLACKS.

The Republican candidate comment:

"DeSantis said Wednesday morning. “The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda.”...

So DeSantis should comment to the RACIST Leftists and MSM vermin "So you associate MONKEY with Blacks? How RACIST of you!"

The Republicans need to begin playing the SAME GAME that the Leftists do. Gloves off. Do it. NOW!

DeSantis made the statement when referring to Gillum.

Please try & pay attention.

You are NOT paying attention, perhaps if you removed your White Pointy Hood it might help.

I AM paying attention you Unhinged Leftist Racist and NO DeSantis did NOT make the comments directly about Gillum, DeSantis' comments are about how Florida should NOT fuck things up by flirting with SOCIALISM and this Gillum IS a Socialist, DeSantis' comments have ZERO to do with Gillum being a Black man, I repeat it's you Unhinged Leftist Racists who are THE Racists automatically associating MONKEY with BLACKS.

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