Don't offend the robots! New Youtube algorithm cracks down on independent media


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
At the age of 21, David Pakman started a little Massachusetts community radio talk program. While the young broadcaster got his show syndicated on a few public radio stations, it was a YouTube channel he began in 2009, "The David Pakman Show," that opened up his progressive political commentary to a whole new digital audience. The show has since amassed 353,000 subscribers, and roughly half of its revenue now comes from the ads that play before his videos. He earns enough to produce the show full time and pay a lean staff.
Don't offend the robots! New Youtube algorithm cracks down on independent media --

Well like we keep telling you zombies sooner or later they'll be after you too, so as you hoot and hollar and celebrate infowars getting attacked this is the entire point you miss. Since you think you are with the in crowd as you attack his information because MSM told you he's full of it that is all you can focus on.

Rather than focus on the " ISSUES" , you miss how ALL YOUR GAWD DAM RIGHTS ARE GOING TO DOWN THE GAWD DAM TOILET"................ That is what communist want they're just a little too stupid to know the difference. ANTIFA ring a bell.

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