Don't React Adversely?


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2012
Buzzard Gulch, NC
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Maybe the Administration does know - but Kerry? I don't think so.

At least if he f*cks up badly enough as SecState, it reduces his odds of winning the White House....... Of course the Republicans could screw things up again by running Palin or some other RW nutbar.

OY! The whole idea of who's going to be running the Oval Office while my son's in the military is giving me such a headache........
Maybe the Administration does know - but Kerry? I don't think so.

At least if he f*cks up badly enough as SecState, it reduces his odds of winning the White House....... Of course the Republicans could screw things up again by running Palin or some other RW nutbar.

OY! The whole idea of who's going to be running the Oval Office while my son's in the military is giving me such a headache........
It would be hard for any secretary of state to be as disastrous as Hillary Clinton, but let's see if Kerry is up to the challenge. If it weren't for Hillary being Bill Clinton's wife, she would be inducted as a candidate into the hall of shame.
His statement made perfect sense to me - a kind of "leave this to us for now" statement.

Had the US not protested at all, it would look as if Israel was wagging the US again, but as it is the US at least appears vaguely objective.

The real blame for this debacle comes not with the US, but with Israel for basically torpedoing the talks before they began.

While both sides have a history of negotiationing in bad faith, in this case Israel seem intent on ensuring negotiations never take place at all.

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