Don't See What's Wrong with Coakley's Campaign

i've seen other poll numbers on heath care.

present them then, all the data I've seen shows very weak support for it

and I know you like to categorize everyone who disagrees with you rather than consider the facts they present, but I hate insurance companies, spent plenty of valuable time arguing with them over claims, but that doesn't mean I want to bankrupt the country to fix the problem

Jillian, there are people out there who aren't MSNBC or Fox News sheep. Try debating intelligently instead of rushing to classify viewpoints you don't agree with.
Coakley won her AG seat with 70+% of the vote, so to say she is a "shit candidate" is inane. Coakley is VERY popular in Massachusetts. This election is a referendum on OBAMA and his far left agenda.

That would be correct IF:

You didn't take into account everything that Jillian has pointed out.

The fact she was elected Attorney General THREE Years ago. Approval ratings change in less than a year, never mind three.

The fact she's insulted both Catholics and Red Sox fans.

The fact is Brown is running as anti-establishment despite being apart of the establishment. People are falling for that bullshit when in reality he is just a fresh face with old ideas.

And for the record, if you knew anything, you would know Obama's agenda is far from "far left." The rest of the world sees Obama as someone who leans to the left and also leans to the right alot. And if you had followed anything except Glenn Beck, you would know that Obama is falling in line with alot of Bush era policies.

And while you can bitch and moan about the "what ifs",etc. Guess what? He hasn't taken your guns, he hasn't restricted any of your rights.
oh..and obama has a 57% approval rating in Massachusetts and they're for health care reform by 52%

36-51 against health care per this morning's Boston Globe

country didn't want Hillarycare, and it doesn't want Obamacare, Dems overplayed their hand in 93, did it again in 09

yeah, Bush was incompetent, but shifting the discussion to Republicans doesn't change the fact that the Dems have repeated the mistake of trying to impose an unpopular agenda

and the insurance companies paid a lot of money to make sure they had people like you believing exactly what they want you to believe.

i've seen other poll numbers on heath care.

btw, there ISN'T any such thing as "obamacare". the term is goofy and telegraphs that you can't discuss the issue objectively.

Sorry Jillian, but it is OBAMACARE and will forever be OBAMACARE! Mr. Obama has made Healthcare "reform" (sic) the NUMBER 1 ISSUE of his presidency. It is his signature issue, the only issue!! According to him it is "the most important issue of our time". He has blatantly bribed Senators and congressman to get to this point and he is determined to RAM it down the throats of the American people regardless of the consequences. It is OBAMACARE - he owns it whether you like it or not.
Sorry Jillian, but it is OBAMACARE and will forever be OBAMACARE! Mr. Obama has made Healthcare "reform" (sic) the NUMBER 1 ISSUE of his presidency. It is his signature issue, the only issue!! According to him it is "the most important issue of our time". He has blatantly bribed Senators and congressman to get to this point and he is determined to RAM it down the throats of the American people regardless of the consequences. It is OBAMACARE - he owns it whether you like it or not.

Actually, it seems the stimulus was the number one issue since he got that done before health care. But hey, who cares for consistency in honesty huh? :eusa_eh:

And if you think he has "bribed" Senators as if that is supposedly any different, you need to come back to reality. Perhaps you should take the red pill, because you obviously were taking the blue pill throughout the entire time that the Republicans ran Congress.

And the fact you call it Obamacare is just proof of your ignorance. A majority of Americans do in fact want Reform and a Public Option.
This is funny. Somewhere else earlier today I predicted that if Brown wins, which will be ONLY because Coakley is a shit candidate, the right was going to do everything they could to deny that.


Coakley won her AG seat with 70+% of the vote, so to say she is a "shit candidate" is inane. Coakley is VERY popular in Massachusetts. This election is a referendum on OBAMA and his far left agenda.

Facts are stubborn things and often make Lib look like morons
This is funny. Somewhere else earlier today I predicted that if Brown wins, which will be ONLY because Coakley is a shit candidate, the right was going to do everything they could to deny that.


Coakley won her AG seat with 70+% of the vote, so to say she is a "shit candidate" is inane. Coakley is VERY popular in Massachusetts. This election is a referendum on OBAMA and his far left agenda.

I think it is more a referendum on Obama's health care reform rather than his entire administration to date.

Brown has vowed to vote against the bill.

Coakley has vowed to vote for it..

The American public opposes the bill and feels (rightly) that their elected officials are ignoring them...

Yes - there is building outrage at the endless spending and gargantuan deficits and high unemployment - but my opinion is that health care reform is what is driving the closeness of this particular senate race.
You can sum up Coakley's campaign in four words:

Curt Schilling, Yankees fan.


Exactly. If you listen to some wingnuts on here, you would think Coakley must be some difficult candidate who's such a great candidate. While at the same time they have a laundry list of her screwups this campaign. It's pure doublethink.
A Dem running in MA is like Sabathia trying to strike our 12 year old kids, this should be great.
The stink coming out of the reconciliation process means they may loose some more Democrats along the way.

Democrats who had issues with the bill but voted for it have already signaled that the reserve the right to vote against it later. And Ben Nelson already has shown a great deal of buyer's remorse because the deal he got made the folks of Nebraska mad at him.

They voted for this stinker to get it to the point it's at....and later they plan to vote against it...pulling a John Kerry so they can claim to their constituency that they didn't vote for that piece of crap bill.
oh..and obama has a 57% approval rating in Massachusetts and they're for health care reform by 52%

36-51 against health care per this morning's Boston Globe

country didn't want Hillarycare, and it doesn't want Obamacare, Dems overplayed their hand in 93, did it again in 09

yeah, Bush was incompetent, but shifting the discussion to Republicans doesn't change the fact that the Dems have repeated the mistake of trying to impose an unpopular agenda

and the insurance companies paid a lot of money to make sure they had people like you believing exactly what they want you to believe.

i've seen other poll numbers on heath care.

btw, there ISN'T any such thing as "obamacare". the term is goofy and telegraphs that you can't discuss the issue objectively.

:lol: So naturally the numbers you've seen are the true reflection of peoples' feelings and the numbers that disprove your claim are due to insurance company manipulation. :lol:
This is funny. Somewhere else earlier today I predicted that if Brown wins, which will be ONLY because Coakley is a shit candidate, the right was going to do everything they could to deny that.


Coakley won her AG seat with 70+% of the vote, so to say she is a "shit candidate" is inane. Coakley is VERY popular in Massachusetts. This election is a referendum on OBAMA and his far left agenda.

That's the spin you people will be trying to put on this.
This is funny. Somewhere else earlier today I predicted that if Brown wins, which will be ONLY because Coakley is a shit candidate, the right was going to do everything they could to deny that.


Coakley won her AG seat with 70+% of the vote, so to say she is a "shit candidate" is inane. Coakley is VERY popular in Massachusetts. This election is a referendum on OBAMA and his far left agenda.

That's the spin you people will be trying to put on this.

:lol: Sorry bub, facts are not spin.

She is a very popular. Yet now, an essentially unknown Conservative is on the cusp of beating her.
She is a very popular. Yet now, an essentially unknown Conservative is on the cusp of beating her.

As I suspected, you ignored my post.

Also, Brown's been in the House of Rep and Senate in Mass. He's not THAT unknown.
36-51 against health care per this morning's Boston Globe

country didn't want Hillarycare, and it doesn't want Obamacare, Dems overplayed their hand in 93, did it again in 09

yeah, Bush was incompetent, but shifting the discussion to Republicans doesn't change the fact that the Dems have repeated the mistake of trying to impose an unpopular agenda

and the insurance companies paid a lot of money to make sure they had people like you believing exactly what they want you to believe.

i've seen other poll numbers on heath care.

btw, there ISN'T any such thing as "obamacare". the term is goofy and telegraphs that you can't discuss the issue objectively.

:lol: So naturally the numbers you've seen are the true reflection of peoples' feelings and the numbers that disprove your claim are due to insurance company manipulation. :lol:

is that what i said? i don't think so. i said i saw other numbers on the subject that would disprove his statement. and i believe earlier

i hope your little non-zing made you feel better about yourself though. :thup:
and the insurance companies paid a lot of money to make sure they had people like you believing exactly what they want you to believe.

i've seen other poll numbers on heath care.

btw, there ISN'T any such thing as "obamacare". the term is goofy and telegraphs that you can't discuss the issue objectively.

:lol: So naturally the numbers you've seen are the true reflection of peoples' feelings and the numbers that disprove your claim are due to insurance company manipulation. :lol:

is that what i said? i don't think so. i said i saw other numbers on the subject that would disprove his statement. and i believe earlier

i hope your little non-zing made you feel better about yourself though. :thup:

Let's just say that health care is consistently the number 2 priority listed in ALL THE POLLS.
Problems and Priorities

Which says to me that although about half the people polled don't like THIS bill (as it has been presented to date), health care IS a top priority among everyone. If people generally liked their own health care, the numbers wouldn't be showing it as such a high priority. It also tells me that even if this particular version goes down in flames, it won't be relegated to the back burner this decade, as it was the last.
i said i saw other numbers on the subject that would disprove his statement

then present them

but I think you'd rather just scream "wingnut" every time someone disagrees with you

That's what the libs do, they never post with links and if they do, YOU NEED TO READ THE ENTIRE ARTICLE- because they will post a paragraph, but the entire article won't support their views. :cuckoo:

Jillian, Dogbert, Rightwinger and Chris are masters at deception. In fact, Dogbert has a link about Brown with a video using Palin as the attraction, and Palin is not even mentioned in the video.
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