Don't shop at Dick's (Sports).. they are covering cost of travel for women who want to abort

This is hilarious.....LOL......a place called Dicks,....yes Dicks.... wants to cover the cost of women who want an abortion!!!

With a woman CEO, Lauren Hobart.
you don't have any natural autonomy right over the the body of another. The baby is a totally different person, entirely different dna, etc..

you dumb libs (redundancy) think a baby is like an appendix or a liver or kidney. Take an anatomy class
The stupid is strong in that one. Just can't accept the reality that the fetus is a unique separate human being.
If only you cared as much about innocent children being gunned down in their classroom.
If only we would pass another law saying MURDER IS would be UTOPIA.........

Do you have a tissue............that was just so fucking touching.
Completely agree. One of my kids, while in middle school, had a coach that didn't necessarily push his players in attending the church he went to but those that did were the ones that generally started...

Was just pointing out that many coaches take their religion seriously and are the ones who tell the parents where to purchase the gear.
Usually the church kids are the high-character kids that you trust to take care of business.
I'm always surprised that nobody on this form yet has been able to explain how gay marriage is a threat to my traditional one.
Gay marriage is more a threat to society, as all immorality is. In the case of gay sex and other illlicit sex acts, we can point to a very tangible negative consequence called the AIDS epidemic.
I'm always surprised that nobody on this form yet has been able to explain how gay marriage is a threat to my traditional one.
Why, are you for 60 people being married together too? 40 wives for a guy? Or are just woke over one topic?
Most of the companies pushing abortion are so insignificant you don't care anyway. I don't use the things they sell. I don't eat yogurt or ice cream or drink coffee or drink soda or ingest junk food of any kind. I don't watch movies or subscribe to junk TV. I don't buy fricking Taylor Swift albums.

As someone in the real estate business, I buy a ton of big box stuff. I moved nearly ALL my purchases from leftwing Lowe's to conservative Home Depot. HD usually has slightly better prices to boot, even with Lowe's discount.

I don't think it will happen much, but I can tell you any corporation that boycotts an abortion-ban state, I will drop like a hot potato and advertise heavily that I'm doing so.

Thanks for telling us what you think about child killing, you pos-es

Now we know to shop elsewhere.

Not only Dicks, but most all other corporations too.

Looks like you losers are going to have to not shop anywhere.
I have not been in one since they ended Gun Sales

They still sell guns.
I'm all about the free market so they can do what they want... They should remember tho, that the one coach that was "cancelled" because of wanting to pray before the game is far from the only guy that's like that...
I hate when businesses get into politics...

Who shopped at Dicks?

Millions of people, and their business is doing just fine.
I don't care what 2 other consenting adults do because it's NOT my business. So 2 gays get married. Does it affect me? Not in the least. If they aren't breaking any laws and work and all of the stuff you deem important then who in the heck cares? Don't say you believe in freedom and then attack a group of people. I've been married to the same woman for almost 50 years now. We raised a family and did all the things that YOU morality police say "A GOOD american" MUST do. I've attended the same Christian church as well. Gays are of zero threat to anyone.
As for abortion I'm glad it's gone. More people will now use contraception so there will be less pregnancies. A good thing.
As for abortion I'm glad it's gone. More people will now use contraception so there will be less pregnancies. A good thing.
Time will tell but I`m thinking that the mostly red states where abortion is banned, will produce millions more unwanted kids that the blue states will have to support.

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